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<br /> �'"''�.�,� .. 18. Mt�c�ttan�au�Providom. �'�� - _-
<br /> _ ,:'{ �• ' (a) 6'orrrsw�r Not iiet��ud.Extonalon of tho tlma 1or paymAnl ar modiQcAt!on ul omortl�allon oi tho�ume eoo��rod by N►lu �`� �
<br /> _ ' '. - Rtx�d ot Yrus!gr��tod by Landor ta any s�aac�anor In I��tarest of tiarrowur aholl not oporato to rclanao,In any mannor,thu Iinhlll►y �_f - -__.
<br /> ���, :;�� a l t�to or i�lna l R ar r a w o r a n d B o r�a w or'a Quacessors In Interost.lortdar shall not be�aquired ta coramanco proceedin�a ap�lt►�t � - �
<br /> � ,,�, . auah aur.aoasar or rotuao to oxtond timo tor poymoni ar o4horwlse ir��dliy nmo�iizc�tion at li►o eumo eeuurcd by thl�Qe�d ot Trr,tn l �� x �,s,
<br /> �` h4, ���' b fUA00t1 01 E1fi damAnde mado by tHe ori{�Inat Qorroxor�nri l�cr:�elt'd��8 9U�G@99Q�tl�1t Lili+in5i. __ _ _
<br /> "������aT����� y (b) 6ond�t i Pow�». Wlihout allootlnti tho Ii�bllity o1 any�thar p�rso» Ilfldle tor tho pAymont ot Any obil�utl�n horoln ° :y ��Y
<br /> ,NU�.;�����,�t��`,\;;1st'� mondonod,flnd wlthout aHaotinti tho tlen or chc�rgo ot thla I?osd ot 7:uat upen any p�arUon ot tho Proparry not thqn or tht�rqtntana _
<br /> ������,�� '�Y�'� �:�; iC10ti9P(1H980CU111y}0►lhOIUIIEt11101An�L1�1111lI1pFlldQbllQAtlp119,4�nttarn�oy,f�0111t11110tUt�rt10A(IdWhh0UlflOtIQ�(I�fpi0AllDnllv ; �r�-'�
<br /> „',� ,�1�<�� , �,,, rant othor Indul anc��,p�)r�lnnan � "''� '' ��
<br /> „•�,,f1��c�`,:.!,,;� pprson s�N i91e,11p uxt�nd tho mAh�c��t�rr�R�r any af tho terma o1 any;�uah obll�ntionp,plp p 0 � _
<br /> �-°'•• (t�tF�,;�t?, �,�ra-,on+�ep, or oauao to be release�or roconvc�yod ol any tlma nt l.ctndar's optlon any pnrcol,partlon or c�ll of tha Prr�poRy� �
<br /> .`•i•� (v)take dr rolease any othor ar AddlUunAl aoaurity far nny oblipt�tlan haroln mentlonod, a►(vq malce can�ponitlano�r ath�r �,�
<br /> - nrranpomants with dobtore In ralatlon thorota. �
<br />_,_�; (o) Fo►bea�anaa by 6�nde�Nat a Welvar.Any IorboE►ranGe by Londar In vxoralsing any�Iflht or romOdy h�r�und�tt,or ,,,
<br /> -- oth�rwise allordod by applloable law,shull not bo a�valvar ol o►preotudo tho oxarola�ol any suah riqht or i�mody.Tha
<br /> ��K � . proauromont ollnouranco or the paymont ot taxea or othor Ilo�s ot aharpos by Londor nholl not bo n�vAlvor o1 Lender'o rinht tp � . � •
<br /> == scaolorato the mahulry o1 tho Indobtodnose seoured by thlo Oeed o1 Trusl. �
<br /> „o � . . (d) 8uoonwn�ad Asdpe��Roundt JotM�nd 8w���1�IablUly;CAptloo�.Tho aovonnMO and aproomonte horoln con• : '. ,
<br /> , �:� • talnod ahall bind,nnd tho rlphte horoundar oholl Inuro to,the�espaotivo sucnossors and aoufpns af l.andor and 7rontor, All _
<br /> � covonpnts and aflrpemonte ol Trustor ahall be�olnt and eovoral.Tho cnpllono nnd haadinfla o1 tho parn{�rnphe ol thie pood af �• �-«�r,a�',�.�.
<br /> �_ .. .
<br /> • Truet are 1or convenlonCO only and aro nol to be used to Intorprot or dc�llno thp provfslons h�ro01.
<br /> - (o) R�quullor Notlaa.Tha p�rtlos horeby roquoet that a copy ot any natico ot dotoult horoundar ond n copy M any nnticfl � ?..�
<br /> i�;�� ' 01 sala herounder bo mAiled to aaah parry to Ihls Deed ot 1'ruat nl tho�dd�oas sel torth nbovo In tho mpnnc�r pro�arlbed by , - �- -
<br /> `�,_„ Applicablo law.�KCept lar Any athpr notice requlred undar nppllGfldla Inw to ba fltve�In anothar mann�►�,ony notlaa pmvld�jd . ;•�;_ _
<br /> ° � Ipr In lhis Dead o)Truo16ha11 be given by mAlllnp auoh natlpa by cortlllad mall addressed to the othar pn�tlafl,at thn udliroflt�Dat = _
<br /> • � ' lorth at�ove. Any nodco provlded lor In thls Doed ot Truat ahAll be efiaaUve upom m�llln� In tha mAnnar d�flig�ptpd haroln.lf , -�_
<br /> Truetor ie more than one person,notice seM ta tha addrose oel farth abave e nn i l bo no t tao to all suoh porr�ana. ,�•
<br /> � (p Ia�ptotlon.Lendo�may make or cause to be mada raaaonublo pntrlae upon end inspoatlon�ot tho Proparty,provldad �
<br /> . ' , thAt l.ondor nhail give Trustor notico prlar to any suoh Inepeotlan epeollying roasonnble oausa therelar rell�tc�d ta l.andnr's �' __
<br /> Intorest In the Proporty. �
<br /> (q) fl�convayance.Upan payment o1 all sume soourAd by thla Deed o1 Truat,l.ender shall request Tniatc�t�tp reaanvoy tha 1
<br /> " Property and ehall su�rendor this Daed o1 Trust and all notes avidanaing indebtedness sooured by this Daod ol Truat to Truataa. =�,°
<br /> " Trustoo ahall raconvFy the Proparty withoui►vArranty and wfthaut oharge ta thp peraon or personQ Ic�pplly antltled thereta.
<br /> '� TruBtor shall pay�II costs ot rEtCOrdtttipn,h any. ,. � ' �,'�
<br /> ,. <<ti'.i: , , , ;,T,
<br /> °�`• (h) PeTSOnaI Property;8ect�ri3y AqroemOnL As Additianal securily lor tha payment u1 iha Nnte, TruBtar haroby flr�nto � ,i`, ' t �
<br /> � :.. ,
<br /> Lvndar under the NabraskA Unitorm Commeraial Code a secu�iry Intarest In ell Ilxtures,equipmam,and othu►paraannl propeRy �: ty §Y,;
<br /> — zr\�'r���' us�r�i��con:�8otlas►wlth tlta ttts!a°!sie e:lrn�r��ementq��cated thereon.and nol otharwise daalared ar daemad ta he a part of �•. �„�t1�r �,•
<br /> �\:„ ,
<br /> � tha�eal eatate seoured hereby.Thia fistrumenf sha11 bo conatrued as a Security Agreemont under Aflid Cac►a,anA tna i.endar -- -�• , � ,��,�•�
<br /> ,,.�;�,.
<br /> " '�� ; ehAll hElve all the rigMs and romodies ta1 a secu►ed p1�under said Coda In addition to the righto And ramadle�areatpd undt�r � '•_,,.�,,„`.� c�:
<br /> ��-�'�:
<br /> 1�:,�••-;:� and nccorded the Lender purauant tothls Deed o1 Trust;provided ihat Lender'a rlghts and remedles under thla pArApraph ahull �,,+�.•,,;•, �.,
<br /> � �.._ . , .,,. __ ___,_...,..,u...0 �t ....� i o..�oro r,nh�c and rAmedlea under at1V 01h0r 88CU�11y AQ�09rt1fltlt flIQ11t1d by � �� ' '`;�
<br /> _ .. ' .��.�...9..0..
<br /> � ;- oa aumuiativa wnn�anl�u��w v�wr a ................ _..o. ._ . --, _ � .
<br /> �1,t. t. .•• F -- -�,
<br /> ' ' 8orrower or 7rustor. � �� �,
<br /> - (I) Llens and @��c�mbeansae.Trustor horeby wArranto and ropraaenta that there is no de1��Ut und�r the praviatunp of any
<br /> � � martgage,deed ol trusl.IeF�BO or purchase conlracl doacrlbing all or any pArt ot the Property,or othflr contr�pt,int�trumunt or �; �•�:�•� + .
<br /> agraomont Conatltuting A hen or onCUmbr�nce againat all or nny part a1 lha Property(calleotively,"Uena"),exlating aa ut tha �.� ,;._
<br /> • � ' date ot thla Dead ot Trust,and that any and a!1 axlating l.lens remnln unmadlliod except as dlacloaed to Lendar In Tru�tar'& i�,
<br /> �,��+'.�?+ ` wrltton dleClo9ura o1 IlenB and oncumbrances provlded lor hareln. Trustor shpll tlmely pe�iorm all ol Truator's ahllpAtlana, , ',•ti r ,',
<br /> ' ���:`:�'•�� covenante,repres0ntatlana ond w�rraMies under any and all exlslting and luturo Liens,shflll promptly forwurd ta Landar aaple� � ;:;'; �,��`.,`
<br /> , .:�•.,;:, ,:.
<br /> ,`,;";•,'•��;r O I A l l(1 Q 11 C@9 0�d91aU11 fl�fl!I�COnf18CU0I1 Wllh&Ily a�d all 0XI8llflg 0/IU1Uf0 LI8f19,and shall nat wlthaut l.ender's prlar writtt�n _,``�'';�';�;,(,,..
<br /> � ".�,'����•'���.�•�r consent In any manner modly the provlslons of or allow any luturp a dvances un d e r a n y a x i a t m� a r f u t u r e I.i p n n. � ,, ...
<br /> . ' ��`'�r.:._.;� . , ,``.
<br /> ,�,;,;;,: Q) Applloatlon o1 PaymaMe.Unless otharwlse requ►red hy law,sums pAld to Lender hereunder,inGludlnp wNhaut Ilmltt�tlan
<br /> • ., �,;,,�;_�;:�• paymenta o1 princlpal and InterasL Inaurance proceeds,condemnatian proceeda and renta and prallta.ahsll he appllad by
<br /> ��' ; ;;•tt�,�'�� Lander to the amounts due and awing 1rom Truator and Barrower in such order as Lender in its aole disoretlan dWamn dpfllrAbla.
<br /> . �'��'„�'•: (k) 9eve�ablllly. 11 any provlaion ot this Deed al Truot aontUats wlth applicabla law or ia d�clarad Inv�lld ar atherwls�e
<br /> ����•� � , unentorceable,ouch contllct or Involldity ahAll npt aflect tho othpr provfAana ot this Daed of Truat ar tho Nate whiah oan be
<br />;;�f�s: ' �, glven efteot wlthout tha contllctlnp provlslon,and to thls end the provlslana af this paed o1 Trust and tha Nata are dealprad to bo ,
<br /> . .,'if �y
<br /> severable. •
<br /> y I Terma.The toims"Trustor"and"Borro�vor"shall includo both singula�and plural.and whan the Truatpr and Harro�ver �
<br /> � ._a�,�:,.., O , ' •
<br /> >�4�����Y� are the same person�s),thosa tarrns t�9 u9�d in thls Deed o1 Trust ehall be intarchAnflo�blp.
<br /> 1;� ' ' ., ,
<br /> ,'���' � (m) Qoveminp Law.Thl9 Do�d o4 Trua1 at�nll be governed by the laws ot the St�te ol Nabraska.
<br /> :r�'.,i;; � , .
<br /> �;s�,;�,4.� TfU9SOt hA9 BXeCU19d 1h19 D09d 0�7i�191 AS 011�1C ti1t8 W�IttOf1 8bOV0� ;
<br /> ��:::,,,�,, �� �
<br /> .�.,5';�„• �
<br /> � ;''i`;:. .� Tr 1or HUtit?Allt� �
<br /> ��.,;.;�, . �. i�r� ua
<br /> �:�`.� ���. � t���� ;
<br /> (Bonnie�uila{�rrus�or wife
<br /> - � --- �--- .
<br /> .. ,� t. . . ,
<br /> .., r.: �• � •�
<br /> . , . .,;. , • .
<br /> . . _ . ,.... .
<br /> �
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