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f,} j t��. . . . � . - � � _.. . . .. . <br /> '�C-:1� .t -Q� - . - .- .i ' _ : • .. " _ �' " ' . . ' S' <br /> .,, <br /> � .. y�i_.q ... .. .. ... : .. . .- ' _ __ • .1 s .. . .. . , � . . - �� :. _..�' ____ <br /> 1�0¢i�'�IumbeY 6221,q8" - r �° _ -- <br /> ydrt�aae/Deed of �ruei ModiPloaEton Apreement ��° ���� <br /> masie Apr�] 2f, l993, bY and between <br /> �� 9ruce A SwihprC aDd Adele K 8wiherf (horein 'Borroa�ar" ) �-._-_ -- <br />==—= and NorwesC Bank Nabraeke, N.A. (hereln 'Lender" ). == _—_ <br /> T_5-- --- <br /> �s.;�,� [.:-;-�,..-..-' <br /> --"° "- Reoitale+ <br /> � �^J t�r.i_---'—"T�R'-+i`-=• <br /> A. Borrower ie Ehe Mortee9or/Truator/Obligator and Londor .,,,,�;,.� - <br /> Y �,,,��-_ !e the Mortga9ee/Truetee of a mortgage/deed of truat s - � <br /> dated December 07, 198b, whieh nort8age/deed of truet ,�r ;,r <br /> ��� orieinally secured payment of a loan in the a�>';,�.�.r} ,� <br /> ,�.' r ` amount of 8 30,000 plus intereat at the rate of 10.0OOOOk 5 "'4. t. r' <br /> 'j��F-i . �JHI ix: �. <br /> per annum, maturina on 3anuary, 2010, as evideneed by a ,�„z ,, k <br /> ,�� -r-y' Nota of the same date executed by Borrower . -^F `a��`` - <br /> 3�::. 'S}�i;`�7'�r�sK- . <br /> �" � �r ��*i kG�.._�. <br /> ',,�;!'�� '*a:i�•`t} ..svz".-: <br /> t 4 Y�. - i ?.(t�T •,�'Y'.. <br /> <";k 8. The mortgage/deed of truet ie recorded in the office ���''� <br /> .R..,•,._ <br /> ,,_:. of the Recorder of Hall County, NE. Book Document No. 84-006A08, �x�.`,t���o-:�-:_: <br /> x' '• pa9e XXXX, and ia of real estate aituated in � � . <br /> :N:S��'i Hell, County, described ae follows: ';t.:€`n3�u�•�� <br /> � � ` Lot �1ght (8), Block 7WO (2), Replat oP Rivereide Acrea, an lddition to the ty;,;�''� <br /> t - � � <br /> -°'"rr-F City of Grand Ieland, Hell Coiutty, Nebraeka. �:n�' fz= <br /> + - N l'T <br /> 'c-ti! tvy`i�. �" _ <br /> .� t Y - <br /> � #' C. Borrower and Lender desiro that the Mortga9e/Deed of Truet r {''?� �` <br /> , i�.f{q: l,tSr't,�f... — <br /> In ,, , and Note be modified es herein provided but that all terms not CL� c;r�: - <br /> >}� eo modified remain unchanged and in full force and effact. � i' 1`5.' M1�J�y <br /> � ;, -' Now. therefore, in consideration of the mutual covanants herein P� �1��4 <br /> � f �- coniained, ii ia asreed: ` ?' 1,�- <br /> �-'�)«.,, �', :,.t�,.3ft,-.�'.�..� <br /> '� �, :` 1. Amount Due: Borrower acknowladees there is as of this date F��',:�j�;� �� <br /> � � due and owing on tha aforesaid Mortgage/Deed of Trust and Note <br /> �r���;-. <br /> , � the principal balance of S 26,843.21 plus accruad ir.terast. �t;-�� , ` <br /> t - . y ,- . r t . <br /> SV� - ' )f���' Unse`�.. <br /> �� * <br /> 2. Payment Schedule: The paymant schedula provtded in said p -� „ <br /> .Set,�,`.. Note ie hereby modified so thet paymonta of principal and ;< �tf *�r'` <br /> '�°-<`"� intareat ahall be mada as followe: ` ' ' `°°�:";'�� <br /> , � ' <br /> ? � .r.,,i1�:- <br />.,F�,'+1,��`'F 0242.82 On MflY 1� 1993 . end 8 llke emOUnt � � i:,� ' r} �r:_ <br /> > ;�.,;_� on the same day of each month thereafter until "%` ':'r"a` �<: <br /> C '. January 1, 2030 when the entira sum of unpaid � � �` ?,,�i � - <br /> �n,, ,� principal and Lnterest shall be paid in full. �i - � r , j <br /> I.r ,�_ ,.._,f:�,� �... <br /> + x -- 3. Rate: The interest rate provided in the Note is hereby = -;s <br /> .r�� modified to be B.00x. The late char9e therein provided : z �' : <br /> � r-� �' is modified to be 4.00k of any monthly installnent not ` �r . <br /> received within IS days after the installment is due. ,� �- �J ,� , <br /> � '_i � <br /> � 4. Othar Modifications� None <br /> � - <br /> � ,� �' <br /> 5; ` <br /> ..rji..1_:..: .' <br /> -.x ., , :� . . <br />�.-�r`:�':•rc. 5. Warrantr� Borrower covenants and warrants that the said �_- . - <br /> '` � -�' Mortgaee/Dead of Trust is a first lien upon the real estate , - : <br /> .,}-}i,'v <br /> described ebove. �_ <br /> -_ "- - � <br /> , -- 6. No Other Modification: Except es provided above, tha said � <br /> Hortpage/Deed of 7rust and hote and all provisions thereof . <br /> shall remain unaffected and unchanged by this agreenent and all <br /> -- =�1 terms, conditions and provisions of seid Note and . <br /> :-.. <br /> - �..:.;�-. <br />, -----__ �o�t9aaa:0'- -� - -. :a� -a�:c:.,d ... .. �;e. vyy �r a f;o.t . <br /> �;: <br /> and confirmed in all'respects, end Borrower promises to <br />�-�`��?'4�''+ pay tho aforesaid sum with interest and in the manner . <br /> - - steted above. <br /> ',F7J:.`-� <br /> ---:j: :, <br /> ^-t <br />,...�;'.''',+ i <br /> }a:_'".�c r:oeo9 <br /> ,.,., :-; <br /> 'Y : ' <br /> � ii <br />