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<br /> 91 h n�A n�nor „T.,,_.,» „
<br /> ' Jtti10 � 1• � Y A .--,�-
<br /> � ihl� pu�d a� True! le �+ndo t1�In�.��Y��...«.r-.-...-.----».�---� hori�nnlle� tef r�ed la u T�u�1o��
<br /> . . Honn�n 1a._�Jo RQ N� b� 41 Arond R. �luack � t
<br /> �t � �_ --�-�--�, � � ,�j,_,e.�_s_��..,,o..,,_.,
<br /> ,A-"'��'�j:-_C`��tli'�.rn�'"id"'CN'Ti�n��
<br /> 'vi�'+±n� eu ��oe nu�ronn n .q,_...,��r.•.»...".��.-vjiosi wA111nA nd �eee n t'�Qs.�.Q�. �
<br /> _.... -.. Attotne� �t b�w, hetela�tter relc�rcd to nn tt��et�e. F
<br /> 'r� ���(�--(y (�n�{ nnd titft UYB�LANR BAfI�ltAb qANK 0► fAN�p IOI.NIp� h�telnell�� �� •��a to o� � . _. .._.__
<br /> ���'j�'"''�H��v�a �+�`t�Add�c�r �� P. 0. flo� 168e� Oread teland� H�Ata�k� 6g�0l. i
<br /> --• --- ---_-� OQaa e nt�� ��an•1�►�. earwln nnd eaol8no to Yruete�� �� — - - ---
<br /> '---- -
<br /> ! ter eR!!�nA�1e ea+eldeoetlonr Yrnntu� :icav,:ea�tp Arrnte, �„�a�e en1 •u0 �t N lh� I�tw� •a1 i
<br /> � 1�uh1, �I�fi �anr ot �nAh for th� Oe�ctit nad eeeuttty ot der.ettcl�r�, Hit�� _ C��q• �
<br /> � • oon�telen� �R thl� �aA a! Trn�t� th� folloNlc+�-de or1b�� �o •�ty� l�c�t�� ln — i
<br /> . M�o�a.ta� t�•ute� 'lt�'�nC --`I1w Z?.��o�C ��`Y.at Six (G) . Dlar.k �
<br /> ' Thp �.c�aG �� �---- Nnll �
<br /> ` ' S8 Ori inal Town of Crcittd Islcind, !
<br /> � FifC -G�. h '
<br /> �_, ., ,
<br /> CaunC Net+raet�a. ,
<br /> ,_.,�� I
<br /> Ia1{eth�• ���hu�f�������,�oent�drtl�ateonta� In�nnr'�ny�p��1�InIn�1tMieto,�nod~th��t�nt��el�Nw�'�P►elll��rl�
<br /> 1���• �n� pP
<br /> ��nt• ����� 1a e��n�tl►t,i� ���lenue�,��ll�efuvblot��jl�alv�tn�'�q��e��^�• in h�11tt1����1A���t�.����,Aa�N/
<br /> � `„1 ,, ��ln���hhU�l� �a h i�l�rlt e�r f�rr�d eo •�ehe �'��op�rir,Ne A���q• lt �elM��re�� �l�� •b► �f tM faa- ..
<br /> ' ' �Q�1 q11tl �U111'OSR tlt &CCU�ING� o� �te� d�t� h�t�Mllh In
<br /> � `��`�'�' �iBP ��
<br /> ,, , •..,�•. (�) eno rny�coe ot IodobteJnce� avldceCCd sy t�u�to �� to�{�tl�e�
<br /> !ho P�h�clpel nan ot �i»e T a�tPat�cl Six`letf�n_n eo t n p�tne P�1 en nte���t on �ny
<br /> � Wlth InRe�ent �t t��a ��ee or roten pravlEa •
<br />,,i.� • . futuN ed�once �at ta a�cocd lho t�cpt pelnalpnl nua Inl�lellr �aeu�ed 1�.�•br �� a•�e�R�.e
<br /> Ar ora�l�aarr eota� �t�elnd tUey nce eecu�eA lie�eby, �nd �a� �nA o11 ��nevel�. �odltleotlon•
<br /> �ed •�l�n�lont of euch note�, 6oth p�lnal�nl nnd Int�r��t on tha not�a bot� r•r•bl� 4„
<br /> • �ceordrNao vlth !ho ter�� •et toeth th�e�M• w�lch �r thl���I�r�e�� U Mt��r wa� • p�tt
<br /> • h�nvt� �
<br /> !�) thp p�f�O�a��C� of OACII �{f�01rM� end covmnnt of T�u�tti� I�erol�cc+nlalMdl �nd
<br /> Rc) tha p�y�ont o[ n�y ��n o� eunn of �oney vt�tefi wsy D�h��e��t�r p��� oe �dv�oc�d . ,
<br /> by ��n�!lcAerT unde� the R�m� a[ thl� peed of Tru�e� to��th�e vlth tnt����t lMr�on �! th� '
<br />- � r�to �ro�i�e� Ie th� note. ,
<br /> io prot�ae �t�� •ecucltY o/ tl�l• Oaed of T�unt, T�u�tor h���br eov�nant• •�d es�aa• �� Ioltowl
<br /> !� �:ynepR o[ Indebl�dnea�. To peY vlien du�� tl�� p�loolp�l o(� �nd Ihe lnt�n�t on, th• lndNte!- . . `
<br />_ -- - _ _- = nus �ddenced y tlu not�� ch��de�� t�e• �ad■If aih.� .:�•: :a ,:s'!�e� �+� eR. lo■e le�t�ue�nt�. :.,, - _ __ _:
<br />- � 7. f ltle. trontor 1� tla ouna� ot Rl�e prop�tty �nd A�• !ho cl�ht �nd •uthorlt� tr Qeaeut• thlf ! ; .; ,
<br />..
<br /> � pe�/ o[ Tru�! ta eenpec! to the ptoPeety. '
<br /> .._... _� ...... . •��■1 a�sene�enN end •Ii othes eh��se� ��' _
<br />_ ..-. _ ]. t_�!� end Ae�en�mcut�, io p��� ..i�:�dci�� ...! ._..._. -S- --
<br /> �e,���e ehe vror•��y� �o1-oro tl�e enn�e beeo.�o dellnryu�nt� and, !n ehe ev�n� ae�eflet��y �h�ll w ��V�����
<br />- ta �dd !o tha pe�ene� ������«� ���dcr tt�n note •lCU�fA FNI�b�� �ueh n�uot Ap Mq e• wfftal�nt to �a�
<br /> �A1• teM flol�el to p�y �ucl� t��a�, n��e�en�entn o� othe� eh��R�� �� thay seeo�a du�.
<br /> , A. In�t��co� To Mo�P tl�o I�p�ovamentn o00 0� he�onller AoeeleA on the tenl t�tnt• d�ee�lAed
<br /> he�ela tniu�eA e�nlnnt dn�nnpe by fl�a nn�l euel� oll�e� I���e�d• �� �tneflel��r �ny ��qulee� In nAOUnt• •�A
<br /> eo�pnale� •ecepinble ta Oa�oflaln�Y� eod vltli lo�� Pny�sla to eeo.t��i•�r• In cnne of 10�� und�� �ueh
<br /> - pellet��� �aneflal��r ls �utl�o�l�od to �dJuet, eoilect eod eowp►o*�Ao� rac��d� to tM i�eit�t�tlon�ol tM
<br /> tin��an��t �nd. �t it� �olo oPelon. 4n •utl�a�laod ta •l.t�a,^ti�riault,d b� tM not� ihNl tontleiN ut�Cll
<br /> , prop�rlr or upon th� IodebteJnen� ■eeu�ed I��t��J. Aut p y�
<br /> �� ��w� •eeut�d he��br •�e peld in tutl.
<br /> � !. Ile •!r Ilnlntcnnnec and Une. Sa �.o�reh r•r��•, raaor� n� t�hulld �nr e��i�a��a. o. I�pro�e-
<br /> - � �ealr nav or e�en(tcr on tl�a ��orc�er� to kc�p tl�� p�op�rll la I{ood condtllo� nnd rtpnlr. vllhnut va�t1
<br /> � end Ite� fto�wechnnlc• or otl�e� llens not ewP�enel� eu6o�dla�t�d lo ehe lle� h���oll Lo �ot ��Me. •v11ev
<br /> o� pet��t �ay nulenace to owlnt nnr to dl�lnlnh or f�npnl� the v�lu� ol t1�e p�opert�b� �ny a! or o�sa�lor
<br /> _ , te �at� �od eo co�ply.�llh �11 �cqul�c�nant� of lew vlth �e�p�et to en• ��orQr�y. •
<br /> i , o nn n�t lhe��ol, �I�nll �e ��►�� er �Tln�nt do�wln�
<br /> � 6. Can„de, n�a+ t!o^. ln tl�a avrnt thc �•�r�<<y, r r P
<br /> � Ilen�licl��� 1• entltlad to eolleee nnd reeelve �11 corp�metlm� �A��ea ��y be ��Id tor en1 p�op��l� I�k�n
<br /> ot lor ds���e� la propetty oot tnkcn, nnd �eneflelnry �h�ll nPplf euch eo�pe�eetlon, •t lt� o�tlon,
<br /> ' � •lth�r to w nduatlo� o[ tl�e 1nJabtednee� neeu�ed he��br o� to ��p�lr �nd ���tor� th� otop�►tf �o ����0•
<br /> :�
<br /> -� I• peQ(arn�anco �lr 11�nc�Itln�Y. Oeneflele�Y any, 6u0 �lull heva no ob111{ntloe to� do m� eet vhAch
<br /> �i, T�u�lo� hn• nR�e�d hue t�11od to do, ��d �enetlelerf ��1 •��o do ��y �e! It de��� n�c����ry to prot�c�
<br /> 'I eh� ll�n heceof. T�u�tae eG�eo^ ta «r�r� u�nn do�nnd� �ny �u�• eo e�pendad Ey sen�llcl�rr lo� �he
<br /> `� �bo�s putpaee�. �nd nny �u�n •o erD�ndad �I ��neflei�rr eh�ll b� �dd�d !o eh• 1nd�et�Ee+�eo ��eu��d Aes�-
<br /> t� pr �nd D�coe� ��curad by the lfan I�oreof. Senatlol��r �h�11 �ot laeu� �n� pai�on�l lloblltt� b�c�w• el .
<br /> �'.; •n�thfo� �t ��1 do os owtt to do hecoundar.
<br /> � e. Ae�l�hn��ent� oQ Rcnte. IlonctlelnrY n6n11 h�ve tho tinht, povcr naA ��ii�p���r d���a�o����°�.r-
<br /> tlnuene� a�ttd■ U�ed of Tru'nt to colleet t1�n �en1e, Iswuen �nd pto/It� PI ths pfop��ty
<br /> �' •onel peerectD lnenled ll�ereon yttl� ar NI�I1p�lI �����e r���•�+��^ ot tlu pcoperlr •fleCl�d h�t�b�� end
<br /> iYtlRi6: t�aso9; nArtolutely ��J uneonAltlnnnlly neslRns ell �eaeA senl�� le�ue• end p�otlte to Ilto�flel���.
<br /> �`. Ileneflal��Y, hovnve►. IwrcbY connentn to Truntvr'e cnll�ctlrn+ end t�t�ntion oi aueA vonta. laoute nrtd
<br /> .� ptoflt• �� the� ■ee�ua enA 6�car�a pnynhle, no I�n� n• T�u+tor 1� not. nt such Il�e, In del�vlt ul�h ��-
<br /> � epfc! to pn�snt of eny In�1oA�odnone nee��rwd I�e�ehy, o� In the parlo��nnc• of nny ���ee��nl h�nand��.
<br /> � If an� event of de(nolt d�ncn�mntte�raf�cltilq��nA�vlehout notic� to Ttu�totearh�n�ansvelnlwln�t ndte bt
<br /> � contlnulnR. Ile�ief Icl��y,
<br /> .� Tru�to�. nnd withaut ropnrd to tl�n vnlur n( tl�e t�unt entetn or tlro Innlnt�� �oeel�reoletl�e�p�part�.
<br /> •h�ll h�va tl�o rinht to nppiy to nny court I,evinR jarledictlnn to �pp
<br /> 9. Insnectlonn. OcncLicl�ry, or Lln ogenl�, re{+re�enlntivte ot �o�Mnrn, ��e �utliorltfd to enlet
<br /> . for the�purponeloftperlominRreny o/ythe'�et� lt�l�r�eho►l��d to�pottorw undu„th��tat�� ol �nr�lo�n
<br /> inKru�ent� executed 6y Tcuetoc.
<br /> � 10. Tng�[ac o[,Prd ert . I[ �11 0� �ny part ot th� prop�rt� oe �ny lne�rut o� T�u�tor tfwr�ln
<br /> -1- '.
<br /> 4 •
<br /> � .
<br /> .,,. •. . '
<br /> ; . • . � �
<br /> . ,� , ,
<br />