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________ ___ ___ _____ __ .___ _ ,_ <br /> ;,��jJ,�'u",�fi,�,a�:?: �` x <br /> i .. ' �{ <br />_ . '^ Y j��s��', :: f : �. <br />; .. <br />� TUC3$'I'HSR VNCfH all i60 . ' �� {�, �. <br /> impeovemmus now ar haedl��ceoied ca�4a piop� ri � *� <br /> j Piatura ncw� a ha+at�er a ptt of d�e proDerty. All wplK�ameatt rad ed�tfon� �6di abo 6e cdremed� �� `�" <br /> 1 Instrumc��t.All of the fo�iR r+atarnd to in dd.t S�a�r�y tatnmt�at ar Iha'T�4operty.' `� ;`��'�' _ �. <br />� klO�lROVVER CUV�lAN7'3 tmc Borroj��ar i�I+wAdtp M�i��edyd 14 at�a he++oby oourryed ad b�r t6e ri¢t b`p�ar� ' ?�; <br /> COAVCy t�0 Pl�diy�1�d10 PI�Y Y IiildlRY�l-'-'_('��Ef�O�f00Qd. B��Ar/ � Y��. <br />� defend ga�Ib�t thte b OM Pto¢arty`�airot�II ctiiuft#Ad'dei�sd�`I�MbJOCt ODr Lq►ieo�m6sa�oe�dNpobl�"�'� t< ..��'� ���'��. :; <br /> 4 �o-:..-._ �r:4G,�,.77�II3�8�J�1'tl��lAQ'�RAJMBri'�aoiebbees'w�-... �alr�ad ... . :.; <br />� variationa by jurisdictiar co oonuitute a uaiform eewrity iaittvexot oova(ej ral propaty. <br /> UNIFORM COVENANT3.Borrowet and L.endrt rvra,�ant�cd a=roe a�follows: <br />� 1. ra�e or rr�odpN .na tutenac; Prep.y�nt..a I.Ne e�ar�. Bo•� shau prornpvr p�r Mnen aoe me <br /> principa�oi e::�intera�-!en ihe debt evidecx�d by the Nate etd�ny prep+y�nent cd late cfiarga due nndcr t6e Note. <br />� 7.. F�nds far T�es and las��rance. Subject to appiicable law or to a rv:iarn waiva hy I.eader, Bormwcr ahall pay w <br />; L,enCer on the oay monthly paymnts arc due under the Note,utNil the Nae is paid in ful�,a sum{'Fw�da")for:(a)yeariy tates <br /> s aiid assessr.knt�which may attain priority over this Security inatrurtxra as a lien on the Froperty;(b)yarty feasdwld payawst� <br /> or ground rents on rhe Yroperty, iS'any;(c)yearly h:uarci or p�operty insurance prcmiums;(d)}•carty f!�od:nsurance premi�tms, <br />' if arry; �e) yearly :�ortgage insu;ince premiums, it am�: and (fi �m: sums payable by Barrou•er to Lenaer, in aca�rdhnce w°ith <br />' thc provisi,�,�of paragraph R, in lieu of the payment of rr.ort¢a�e insurance premiumc. "I'hese items are called"Escrow Items." � <br />� Le��d;: may, at any time, collcct and 'nuid Fucds ir� sn ::ncun; r.o� ro excee� thc rt�imum amouat a lender for a feder�ly <br />` relat�ci mortgage loan may require for &�rrower'. c,enu :�ccuunt under +t.e federal Real Estate Settkrnrnt Proeedures Aet of <br />� 1974 ,i,amendcd fmm time to timF, IZ ii.S.C. Secu<<rt : d�; rr c��� ("RESPA"?, unle�cs another law that a l�es to the Funds <br /> I � � <br /> i sets a Iesser smount ff> :. ..cnder may, a! an, �i;n�- r„I,_c, ;;nd hold Funds in an amount not to exc.�od the lesser amount. <br /> Lerder may estimite !hr amount of F�inu, cuc r;n ih� h�,;, u(�urrent data and reasonable estimates of expenditures of future <br /> Escror: Items or other�::�ise in accordance a�i�h applic:_i�ie i,,�-:. � <br />! "i ne Funds shali t�c held in an in:.titutior, µi�x depo�its are insured by a federal agency, instrumentality, or entity <br /> i iricluding Lender, it Lende:i,such an ins+iu�tion;or�: i�ederal Home Loen Bank. L.ender shall appiy the Funds to pay thc <br />' Escrow Lender n�ay �ot ciiarge Bc,rc,w�r 1�,r hoi�:�ng aud applying the Funds,annualiy analyzing the escrow account,or <br /> verifying thc E:cmw Items unicss L,°-nder ra;�s F?r>raiwcr int�:r,>t un[he Fcnds and appliczble law permi[s Lender to make such <br /> a ch�:rge. However. Lender rnay requfre Bormwer t�� pay a one-time charge for an inJeper;Jen[ real estate tax reporting service <br />, use�l hv [.ender in connectinn with this '.c,z�,. vnless appli�ahie law provides otherwise. Unless an agreement is made or <br /> <�pplirable law rcyuires interest to be paid, Lender shall not bc reyuired to pay &irrower any interest or earnings on[he Funds. <br /> borr�nver:md Lc:nder :n.;v agrec in writinK. ����wevc�r, that in�cre�t �hall be paid on the Funds. L.ender shall give to Bonower, <br /> withi;ut �h:rrg�•. a!i annual accoun���ig n`t?�e F�an�s, shuwing rre<iiu and Jebi!� u� the Funds and the purpose for which each <br /> dchit to the Funds����t�made. The : w.ds.ire pl•_c'^ed;�s a��itiunai,ecurit�� fur all sums u�urecl by this Security Ins[rument. <br /> I�the FunJs ',eld h�� l.en�lcr e���erd ti�e�inu%un�,permitte�l tu h�� h_i�i h�� applicable law, t,ender shall accoun[[o Borrower � <br /> ,.,, :`,. ......., !_;..;:r. ........,;::ir... ...�i, ��.� .. ...,,_,,.. ... ^�i..:�!� !:... i, ,�._ ..........0 ,.�,i,� F�;;,i.:heia tiy L�•.., <br /> ;.. ..,,,,. �... � <br /> ;ime i.nui sulficient to pac the Ii,,cr��w It�m�.�hen Ji�e. L�ndrr .n_i� •��ii�,;if� Bnrn,wer in writing. and, in such case Borrower <br /> •i,-�ll G,ac ti, Lcndrr the .im�,urr r.e.�°���r�� �u �:,:,���c .:p iL�• �lcil�_;:n�� !i,��n,"�r ,h:ill n;,ike up the deficiency in no more than <br /> twelce nwnthl}� papmen��. a� Lcn�lcr��u,lc.lisrr�ti�,n_ <br /> Up<,n p.iyinent in tiill u( all .uni. �crurc�i h..� thi� Sc�u�u� �n.;ru�! L��nd�r ,,hall prumptl}� refund to Borrower any <br /> Fun�ls hel�l hy Len�ler. f�. undrr para,_rupii _'I. �.i�i;,i:.�r�h,ill .i,yuirr<,r.�li �h� f'n,pert��. Lcnder. pri.x to the acqui;i[ion or sale <br /> ni thc i'ru�,rrl��. �h:!li :����,I� an�� I�ur� �;�1:' � � �I��.� , . , _ , , ����, ��r .alc a. a rre�lit againsi the surrs tiecured b}� - <br /> thi�S�curit� In�trw^rm <br /> 3. �pplic.itiun of 1'a�men� , l ni � �J � i .�r.� .c .�II �,:�.�mcnt,recei��e�hy Lender un�er paragraphti � <br /> I an�1 '_ .h.ill hi ;q,�lie�l� lir.t 1, � t , �_i� � i �hc A,,i�: .�•<<,n�l. u�;�mi,unt� pav�ble under par�graph _': <br /> Ihinl. ti� intcre,t�luc Yi�urth in��nn�iE� � � _ � r_�r.Ju< urnler the V��Ie �' <br /> �. ('har�eti: 1Sen�. R��ri ���c- ,h �� � ��.;i � I�.�r�_e,. liur. .�n�l iinp�nitiun� attnbuiable tu the Propen�� � <br /> ��h�:h ni�ic ;ti:iin �,ri��iii� �,�rr �!ii. > � � �_..�h �I�I ��:nnicnt, ur emun�l rentti. if �n��. B�irroti�er ,�hall p�� <br /> h�.. .�!,'i_.�n�,ii� in tti� nr�ni ii �,i„�i�,. , , � � I ��.i�I in �h:�t in;inncr. R,�rrn��rr,hall pa� thctn�m timt directl�� � <br /> ;�, �h_ F,,r,�,u ���,�:I p:i.��i�nt fi��:n,�� i , .. �� L�n�l-.r.ill rn�u�e�n(an:<�unt. t�,hc��ui�l unJrr lhi. n;uagraph. <br /> II 13i,r;�-.,� ci �n:�4.. lic�,� ��.r.�ucni.�lur. '�_ I;, , �� �„ ,�n��ni� �uini.h i„ LrnJrr rrrc�F�t,r�i�lenring thr�a�mcnt.. <br /> f3��rr�n�ci •hi�i � ���i-�-�tl� Ji.clrirp� .�i��. � _. ��rii� ����,r ihi..5i�urit� In,irumcnt unlr.. � <br /> El��rru��rr ���;i�rcr. in <br /> � ��ihi'��:nnicnt ��I Ih� �I,li;.i: ,. �._. � . . �.�,rr.ic�rpCihlc I�� Lcn�lrr. ii�l��,nlc.i. in _n�K1 t;�ilh Ihr lirn <br /> � � i�r. a_�nn.i rui rr�nirni ��( i�i� I , � i _• ,.�hirh in thr Lrndcr�. �q�ini n �y�,c�alr tu �ir��cnt �hc � <br /> ��;;.inuil �I I'u� liui. �,r � �� ,�_ur i ^i �i � � � i� i_irrin�nl .ali.l,i�lnn tn I cuJ�r .uh��r�lin.iun!� ihr �irn tn <br /> Ih�� Cr�uril� In.lrunicii; il Lcn�lc� ����I���i.ii,_ . I �, �;irU i. .uh�iil I�� ;i liin ��hi��n m.n ,ilLnn �,n��nl� i,�rr � <br /> 'ii, ��:�i;il� In�u�u ncri I ii�l�i i�i.i� � t;�, � til��n_� tlii licn Rnrn����r.h:ill ..iu.i� U�r licn �n I.iV,i��nr nr <br /> Illllfl'��l i�li:Ii�I��ll.��1 I���li�l �Il�i �l �� I I �. � . . '. fl.�i �� <br /> Fmm 3028 9'90 � <br /> �; <br /> z <br /> $" <br />