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. . .. . . <br />, _ _. - -_-- ,. ., -,- �� -- ' -. . . �h .�. , :� .: . .. ,_ , .... e - ,� .' ��._ <br /> .�. . � ,. , . . . '.�._ <br /> . ,��,. ---.../.�. == <br /> 1. .:�.._...� --._. . _ ... _._ �.. — .,, =.�.vo}k�— _ <br /> �,.�,.��.t����� ` - -- <br /> . � . �_-�� -�� <br /> �-- ' - �� lwtt Itemedte»Sata. Upon doiaull by Trustor(n fho payniunt of ar pertormuncu�tiw�u+�ii,uird cnnd�t uns u! _ <br /> � - - 11. A.cwleratloa Upe�f}a t `` "'�' : <br /> - ' - ►ha Noto,or any ranowuls.modillcallans ar i��tori�lons Ihareof,or 11io E�uyn�eul of�ny alhor 6idrfltednaas vrrw ed Irorehy o� in tlia p+�tic��munce - '-� _�� <br />' . . ,. oi any of q�o Gonvonpnl9 or apreemants hereuncter,Denolfclary may declaro n�l sums eecurod herobY immodiutely dun nnd payoblu nnd Itin snmo ., , �, �.� _-_ <br /> �hall Ihoteupon becamo dua anci poYnblo wi�i�out piosenhnnnt,domnnd,protost or noNco of ouy kind, lhorunitcr, Dennllciury moy dr.liver ta - <br /> ''-.'� Trn9tn.3 n wrilton dectarotton uf �otuulf and dou�and(Qr sulo.Trusteo sl�nil havo 1h�power ol snto ol ihv f'roparly n�ul II Rencliciary iinr�des 1he � • � <br /> .• � __� <br /> — ------ Ptepa�ty is M 4�sold It shcill deµnsit will►T►usleo Ihis Dcnd o}Trus1 n��d tho Nota ar noles�u�d any uthar darume�ds�videnci�iy owpoudUuros , , <br /> ' -.. � ;w.��«��y�AY, �,xl�1�+U doliv�r te��ustoo a written eolicQ ot deiau�l nnt!olection to causo Ii�e Proix�rtY l0 6e scilci,und tu*��,shull � -_- _ ` <br />_.,._� ,.. .. _ _� Rrepare o simllur notico in tho lorm�oquircd t�y Ipw�vhich sh��ll ha duW 1��cd for record by Trusluo. � ` , . <br /> .. <br /> ,.'�," (o►Alloc 1ha lopsu of 5uch Ibno as moy 6e raquired by(uw iollawinq fho re�atd�fion of l.ofic�oi l��tault,nnd Nnt�r�nl UeInu11 cn�+l No1k�ul [ _ __ ; : , <br /> �- - ' Sulo havin�}6aen plvon as►equired by law,1ru�le�a wilhnul domand on lrustor,Shall so�l iho Properly fn m�o or nwi�pm c�is�u�d in sucli o�doi � <br /> :. ' ' os Tn�slor may dolermino on�ha dnlo and a1 tho timo and place desip�w�od in snid Notico of Salo,a�u�nii����,�����o r�����������s�n�aaE�, �lin P��r� <br /> chaco prlto payablo in cash in lawlul money ol�he United Stntos at tl�o lime ol sale, The person conductfn��ihe suln may, lor uny cause hr or sl�� <br /> ' do�ms vxpedionl,poafponc tl�o sule Irom timo�o tGnc unfil il shall bo camplofe�l and,in ovcry such cnsp,noHca at poslponcm�n�thull!m givrn <br /> by{�ubllc detlqrolion thareof by such person a1 tlie timo and placo las►appointod lor�hn salo�provfdod, N tho sale is{rostponed tor longrr tlian <br /> on�t(1)day boyond tho dny dQSlgnnted in tho Notice oi�ole, no►ico thereol shall be given in tho Same►nunner t�s tho oriyin�)Natico ol Sale. <br /> fmulie.d.lhelrecltals (n ho�0eed oi'anVpnaltarsral facls�shall he'tonclu svepN�olsofsthe tuthlulnasstl ereoi�Anyf per5 nrriiulu�li t� �v Il�ou� <br /> , P <br /> limftotion trusleo,may purchusc�ul IhQ salQ. , . , , � <br /> �b►, Wl��tn Trosteo sells pursunnl ta Ihe powers herein, irusteo shull opply tha proceeds of the sale to pnymr.rN oi�ho cos�s nnd ax��Fnses ol i <br /> ox�rcising tho powar of sala and ol tho salo, including,withoul limitnlimi,tho paympnt o) Irustpo's Fees incurred,which irusle�'s Fees shall no1 <br /> . In 1h0 Gg{�regnlo exf.r.ed the lollowing umounls hns�d upnn Ihr mnounl crr.uird hr,r�by m�d remninitt� unpoid� S pe�cenlum im Ilie bnlan�� � . <br /> Iheteoli and Ihen to 11i4 ileu�s sol lorll►In suhpa►uginpl�(c 1 hareol in Iha aider tlimPin slnted. . <br /> , � �� (c)AHer payinp the items specllied in su6paiagraph Ib),if Iho sa�e is by TI;�steo,or th�!proper court and othvr���ent o�orv�la5ure and sule �_., <br /> .� if the salo is pu�suant to judiclal loraclosuro, th�proceads o}sala shall be npp'ed in thn arder stnted�elav to tho puy ,,,, <br /> � <br /> (1) Cosl ot any evidonco o)tille procured i��con��ection with such sule ond al any ravonue required to ba puid; t. . <br /> t2) Attorneys 1eas, ' <br /> (3) All sums then secured hm eby; `, -- <br /> .. (A► lunior trusl dr.�ds,ntortqoqi�s,nr olhn� lirnl�nldrtt:and � ' <br /> , (51 The remainder,if any,to Ihv person or persons legully rntillod�he�eto. � + <br /> ' . (d) H tha Beneliciary oi this Deed of irusl is a bunk as tleiined by Nabrnsko t�w.any stnlement containt�d in ony olher section nl this drrd � ; <br /> nolwithstanding,the Beneliciur y shall nat be entitled to receivQ or take and de6tn�sliall nat bo oblignled lo pnY o� g�v�:nnY conlescion al judcl• � ,.j <br /> --- _ ____ , ;— _ �'. <br /> meol. power of oHarney to toniess judgmeni,powee o�i�;fars2�ta op�seu'IQr a bnrrnwer in a judicinl proceeding or agieement tv poy the costs <br /> l <br /> oi tollettion of tho attorneys' fees, unless suth acls ol callection would not o1h�r�vise 6e prohibited hyp�hy�•�n luw.Provided.t°�his Ueed ol • ' • �2' <br /> • this soction doos not apply fo the T�ustoo}ee ref erred lo in paragruph 6(b). Pr�vided lurthor,tha111�is aro ru h sl�i���no�oE�Y n � � <br /> --, <br /> - � T�u9t. i1 tho eenel�clary is no►a bnnk. . •----... <br /> 12. Addltionol Soeurhy Iait�umaM�,irustor, at its expense, wiN exec��►e and deliver to ihr�eneticinry, pi oinptly u1,on dei►io��d �ucn serw� r------=� " -- ;s <br /> ty instrumenls as muy be required by Beneficinry,in form nnd substante solislnctory to Beneli[iory, tovcring ony of the Fro�eity convey�d bY ' . <br /> 9his peed o1 Trust,wltith seturity inslrumonls shnll be acldilional securily ior lrus►or's I�ilhlul po�lormm�r.o ol cdl e1 �h�tenns.covrncuitc nnd <br /> tonditions allhis Ueed a} Trust.lhe proini5soiy nnl�5 secw�d hei�hy, nnd uny olher secuiity inshumr.nts�xeculed in conue�tit�n wi�h this t�an <br /> saction.Such instrumonts sholl bo recarded ar tilednt lruslor's expense. <br /> 13. Appointmenf ol Suuos�ar ?ru�tee. penelieiury mny, (rom time to time, by a written inslrument executed and acl��wwledged hy <br /> � Benelitiary,mailed to iruslor nnd recorded in lhecouniy or eoun�ies in which the Property is loca�ed end Gy oth�nvic�+con��dM ina w�th thr p�ovi <br /> sions ol the applicublo Inws ol tho S�aie ol Ne6raskn, suhslilule a succ�ssor m success�rs to th�lrustee numrd he�����o� ocnnq�ie�run�iri <br /> lA. In�poetlon�. Ben�liciary,or its agnnts, repre5euttUiveS or woikmon, nre au►horited to enier ot any reuso+►uble time upon or in any pnri <br /> of the Property ior Ihe purposo of insnecting U�e same ond tor the puipose ol perlorming any ot the ads it is aushroaed to perlorio under�he <br /> terms ol tlio pced al Rust. <br />= 15. Opllon to forotlose.U��mi 1he oi.cwimiceol any di�lnull h���rundri. lirneliciuty Sl�ull hnv�� the upUuu lo Iu�etlu5r Ih�s Ui�vdu liusl in <br />� the manner provided by luw lor Ihe loi eclasure ol morlgciges an►cal pi ope�ty. <br />- 16. Fo�e6earancv h� Boneiiclary Not a Walvar,Any fur�bemnnte by Benelicinry in ex�rcising onY right or remedy hereunder. or Mherwise <br />_. oflordOd by ap��Ute�hlo law,shall nul be n wniver ol or p�ecludr. the ex��ci��ol nny such ii��hl m rrm�dy. 1 iE rwisr Ih�wuiv�� hy Hrn�liriuiy ot <br /> any doluull ol Truslor undttrlhis l)eed of Irust shull nol be deemrd to ben tiruiv��� t�l nny ulh��i rn similiu deluul�s subs�qurnlly uii uiii�ul <br />.Y � . <br /> 17. Tro�tor No1 Reloneed. Extension oE the time lor poyment ar ma:?+fuation or amorliJntian o} 1he sunx setured hy this peed ol lrus� <br /> . , ' , granted by Beneliciary 10 any successur in interesl of lr�s�or shull not opernte to relepSe, in anY manner• ��ie Iiobilily o1 the originnl f rustor nnd <br /> � ' 7�uStar's successor in interest.6eneiiciary Shnll not be Eequired toconunence p�oceed�nps ngainct such succFSSOr or relus� to�x►Fn�1 limo lor <br /> � <br /> , ' poyment or othorwise modily amnrtizotion of fhesums secu�ed by �his Uced ot lrust by reuson ol uny demand�uude hy the ui�y���ul lrusio�a��J <br /> • � Trustor's successor in interost. <br /> - '`,`'' 19. Bonaliclary'e Poworf. Withoul ciftectin4�hP lint�ilily nl the Irustrn or m,y other pasun I�ub�e lo� Ihe pnYmF�nl ol n��v��bE��crr�i�„ he����� <br /> _ � <br /> -= -..:-- - <br /> . meniionbd�ond w�thout aE4c^lit�y the IF!Mp or ci�u�g� vl tir� Ur�'d ol Iruct u�,on�n�i I„rtwn nl tl�•.1'r�•�,ri�y nnl Ih�n ui Ihn•�trlr+��rlrvi�,. ,� <br /> �� seeuriiy for the iull amoui��vt ull unpuid nhli��uliais. Be•:�efi�in�y mny, hont�iu�r tu hnn�und wilh��iil nuti�r lii��•i�•��,�•�"'Y i:'''•,::'�'.�' tmlr!e• !�� <br /> �- , extend the maiuri1y or aHer any oi tl�e terms ol anY such obligoi�ons. (iiil yinnt uth�r indulurnces, (�v) relense�� �econveY or rtlUCr in Im <br /> � I teloa5ed or reCanveyed nt any timo nt Hen�licin�y'e uptio:�s nny pa��el.po�limi or oll ai thr f'���prrty Iv)In��rn i��h+nsr nm, �,�hrr a nddilinnnl <br /> � 4fWflly (Or ony OI)H��tlllprt linl oin mmilinlmd,o� Iri) inn�n rrnnpuailiune m olliri onunpnnir��lc wilh�f�blrn c m i rl�ilinn Ilu�i r1i� <br /> � 19. future Ad�ancaa. Upon� ol liustui. husler al Iruslre's oplion pnoi to irionveyim�f� ot ihc 1'�iy���iiv �n li��s���� �nny n�nh�� <br /> � ' future odvnnces to a d��1�ssUe•n��ircd heici+y.s���m�dml'�hnlSUllnn�I inr sholl tlu�`S��`ui'{t�nun'I�piilru�utui�A�u1`.n�'rsYrml1�1�IUIIYn(�rt�1'IRSIl1IY <br /> noles slaUng Ihul 5 <br /> ' vantod 10 prO1BC1 1h0 4ecurity,exc�e�1 nn nqprrgidr piinri�mi nm��unl ul S <br /> i �II11 <br /> �I 9tl� NNItNVb�MH1�M�11W1M�� Upnn wtlllnn�aqunN nl pu�inl{rhu y Hnlbql Il��il nll vuma onnu�+rl hninhy hovi� hnrm���iitl I upnit cur i��ni vt <br /> 01 thl9 pCed ol Truit and Ihe No�e �o lruslr�v la ctu�telloli0n tind r0lenlion cmd upon puymonl hy iruslu� ol l�ust�F�a Ir��a liuslre� sl��dl <br /> i � IICOtrisy 10 Tf11910►, or 1ha par9nn ar pnr9o�i�� (n��nlly eiNi�lt+d th�irto,wilhnul worrttnly. nny puilinn nl 1hr P�i,�u���y Ihi+n iirld hrir�mdr+i Ihr <br /> 1 riGitoll in such roeonvoycmtn nl nny mnlio�s a� Inr,IS Shnll hn COn[lusivo ptool ol tlio lrulhlulnp55 Ihn�eol. lh�q�u���e��i���iiW�c�u��v�y�m�c mny <br /> ' I be deatrihod as"th0 p0►SOn Or po►lO�IS IOdully Onlit�pcl tlierE!to". <br /> � <br /> M � � <br /> � � 1 <br /> �� � { <br /> [ I — <br />