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<br /> THI RUST UELU�t Etdo titl� "�� a�►4S . . a�N�_,ID q� .. ,by and aman� ,Nnnnlcl p._1�nuh '�:
<br /> �` ' ' nn�fi �tivu].yn U. �iuib, I utlifi�iii�nnc t�fe� `' � ,`
<br /> ' • wlro:,omnlllnpaddrus9ts �t1L,.l� ��r,x'�L.�►Gw.S�s.�t��3�.��.a►►Aa. Nt�; GddLl1 _._ ..... _ .�.�••---_._.. .._____..___. __..._.._....�.
<br /> ,.
<br /> , - ��- • •; (hwQln"Truato�");anditllA�'W4QOAIYi�,tivhaao m�me�fl nddraas ia r.0.oou ao�,W�od F7lvnr,Nohrn�kn DOt�E13,lNOroln"Tru!tMo,,'�nd"Clnnolicl�ry"). , ,
<br /> -� - � � - FOR VAlUABt�CQNSMfRAlith'�, tmlu��ra tho ln�iabtedi►es9 IndsmUlM hereln ond tho trm�heroin created, tho recelpl ot which is horoby !•-
<br /> -- - .. ___..�..
<br /> -_.-:--� atF!nowled{tEtl, T�ultar Irrevece6ly granle. �ranaler�,ca��ve�A, a2d o�uigns to Truetee. IN TRiJS�, WI�l1 PUWER OF SAIE, lor the Aenet�t and �---.W .--- - - .'_
<br /> securNy o}�eneficlary,under and wb�ec�to the ter�n���f�f condiden�oi thii�eud a��rus�,the ronl propoety dostr{bed u�lultow�� �
<br /> , ' SG[�� A'1"1'AClif:l) "I:XHIIII'1' A" . �
<br /> • . � .
<br /> � � � f
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<br /> � i i��_.
<br /> . , . j ,
<br /> �'I.. � '
<br /> ' �;:�1�?'�.. �
<br /> ''�"� TOG5INER WITH,all rents,prafits, royaltios, incomo ond othe�beneiits darived 1rom the real proper�y;all Ieoses or subleases tovering 1he i ��
<br /> .��:;:, , .
<br /> • �oal proporty or any portion iherooi, now or horealter exisling or entared into, and all right, title and interesf o( Trustor thereunder al in• i i
<br /> terests.estate or oth$r cloims, bolh in lu�v and in equi�y, which Trustar now has or moy hereatler acqu�►e in th,real property; all easemen�s. ! �
<br />_ — -'- __
<br /> � . rigMs•of•way, tonements, hereditameMS ond appurtnnances tii2r�of and ihereiv: aif �ii asd gos ri�hl��•�:if'st5. wQ�Qr rights ond waler i_.______
<br /> i���;'��?•� StOCk;�1i�ight,tHlo and i�ferest of�tuslor,now owned or hereall�zr acquired. in ond to ony land lying within the righl•ol•woy of any street ar � •
<br /> ��h" "" ....., highwpy adjoining fha reul pro�erty, any and all �uildings, fixtu-es, improvements, and appurtenantes now or hereofter erec�ed 1herFOn or
<br /> ..��a
<br /> — —., . ....��� _ a., a,.u...�„� • . • _.
<br />� � � balonging thereto.(hPt01n►etorrod 10 as"Improvemeni"or �irn`>i�rvTowa ,.�a..,.a;.".....- -.._.d5^�nrla lor the takino bv eminent oma�n
<br /> t .,
<br /> or by uny proceeding or purthaso in lieu thoreof,of the�vholc�or anr parl of the rea�proporty. ;
<br /> All of tho forogoing ostate,propvrty and iot�rest her�by convoyrd ta lrustee horein colloctively reforred to as the"Prope��Y�'• �
<br /> (a)Tho poyment of lndebtodnoss eviclonced by lrustor's no�e of evon date herewith in the principa�S po�lars lS.`�±2,OOp p Thauerind
<br /> . and no/100a.��_��--=----------•---��_--__.---------------------- .
<br />, togother with interost at 1he ralo or rates provided thur�in,Ir�ernin, tagelher with any and all renewals,modiiito�ions,and exlensions theret+f.
<br /> referrad to os the"IVme")both principal and interost on tho Nato beincJ payahle in accordance with the term�set iorth therein, reference �o
<br /> , whlch is heraby mode.the linal paym�nt oi principa�and interost, i1 no1 sooner paid rnd if no renewals, modilications or extensions are mo�:.
<br /> duo and poyahle on_ aul�r 1, 2006 _. . . . ---- . .
<br /> (b)1ho porfarman:c of coch at�reemFnt and tovenant o1 Ttuttor he►ein tontainad:and
<br /> (C)lhe paymenl of ony sum or sums ol money with imerusl theraon which mr�be herealtcr paid or adv�nced under the term�01 th�s C?ze��:�
<br /> ' Trust. . � .
<br /> (dp�6�p PpYment of ony lutura advpntes nocess�ry 90 pratect the secur��Y or�ny iuture advance made at the option oi the parties:and
<br /> (o)The periormance of an oblic�ation of any other Person no�>»��in 9h�i Tri�st poed fo a beneficiary. ;
<br /> I 1. Pa�ment ot P�ir�c+Aol and Intereet.Trusior shalt promptly pay wl�en dve 3�R principal 01 and interest on ehe indebtedness evidvnced bY
<br /> . I Note, and all other chart�es and lees as provittetf aa�he No9t�, ond the printipa9 pi and interest on any Future Advantes setured by this Deed ol
<br /> • Trust.
<br /> � � Z. Wanant�ol Ttile.Trustor is 1oa�ivlly seized and possessed a1 good and indelensible ti�le and estote to the Property hereby conveyed ond
<br /> t has the righf to 4r�nt and tonvey ihe Property: 91x Property is lree and cleo- �� all liens and encumbrantes except liens now of record: and ;
<br /> ,: +J
<br /> � Trustor will warran9 and de�end tho title to 1he PropeHy against nll claims ond¢1�rna�ds.
<br /> 3. Molat�nance aedCompUance wifh law�.Trus�or shull keep the PropetlM+��a.a:�cond�timi and repair mtd shnll not rommit wnsle c� ��-^�•t
<br />_- impaiiment�r d¢terinrotion of the Property and sl+ull comply with�lio prov�vens cF »�t Iroae if lhis�eed ol Irusr��on a leosehold.No i��,':�i•
<br /> ment now or heraofter eracted upon tho Proporiy slwll ba aNured. removed or demofished w�thou+ the prw: wr�ttea;a::s^! r� 9eneiit�c�Y_
<br /> � T�u91or sholl comply with all laws,ordinantes.regulation5.covenants, conditions ond restrictions affecting the Property anet r*'��ce��mit, suiier.
<br /> j or permit any act to be done in or upon tho Proparty in violotion o1 nny Inw. c•d°�ance,r[+gutalion, tovt�nnnt, condition er recfritlinn Tri�:��w
<br /> shull tompleto or restoro promptly and in good workmanlil<e munner any impro.c^�ent on the Property which may be damaged or destroYr�c°d
<br /> � poy,when due,oll claims for labor performod and moterial9lurnished therelore and tor any aherations lhereoi.
<br /> 4. (nsutnnca.Trusfor,ot its expensa,will maintuin with insurors approved by Benelitiary, insurant�wilh respeti to the Improvements and
<br /> ' � personal properfy,Gansfituling tho Proporly.against loss by lire. lightning. Iornado.rn�d other perilc nnd harards covPred by stnndard extPndrd
<br /> ; ' eova�age ondorsoment, in an amounl oqunl to t�t lopst ono hundrecl {�ercvnt oi the tull roplacement vnlue thereoi nnd insurance a�n�nst such
<br /> t I othor hu�ardt ond In�ucl�nmounto n�I�cu�tomnrily cnrtiad by ownorc and nper�dor�ol�imulnr n�nvortieo�r ao Ponolicinrv m�y►nquire�or ��t
<br /> ;� protettlon.Trustor will comply with such othar requiremen�s as Benef ici�ry moy lram time�o time request 1or the prote.ction by insurance ot the
<br /> t � interests o}1he rospective parlios. Al) insurance poli�ies mairdnined purwant to this Deed ot lrust shall nnme T�uator ancl Henetitimy ns m
<br /> � ' sureds, as their respecfivo inloresls moy nppoar,nnd provide tl�al theio shall be no cancallalion or modilication without no les5 thon 15 days
<br /> � prlor writton nolHitallon to Benolitiory. In tho evon� ony pollcy hereundFr is not reneweA nn or hetoro 19 days prior�o i�s expirnfion da+r.
<br /> � 81n�fiCiOry m�Y proCUro cuch inRUrpnto in arto►danco wilh tho provi�inn�of pprop�nph 7 horool. Tru�lor chall dehvor�o flrnelitiniy thn miqmul
<br /> " p011e1��o)InlurpnoY and nn�wul�IN�r�ul ar me�no coploe o1 futh poll�lo�u��d ronnw�N�Ilminul. luiluio lu lu�w�h w�h unuruiu�liy I�u��ur ���
<br /> � renawal�a�r�quirad horoundor�hall,OI Ih0 0(I�IOn 018�1tq1itipry,conSlitUto a clptllUlt.
<br /> ,� , �
<br />