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<br /> ._i N�NQtI AT.E. r:IitJ i�Y '.C11ESF� PRESGN'�yt t'I�at llpnnld L. '1't�rry und Nt�tli��o It. TCrxY. ( ..
<br /> �' I H��sAz�nd eind Witc . horoina�4u�; ruiaY�a3 ta���tltc "'IYu.:tar". xr E:.__._._._�__,.___��. --
<br /> - .. eflcura a Nat� banri.ng ovan doCo horoi�ith Par eho prinaipal amounc of �x�hE:Y C�ro _ ( .
<br /> � thauaand nnd iia/100..--°d^-�^ �-°_---"_..""_"- Aallar� (� a?.,UO( . U ) paynblo I
<br /> Co tho oxdor of GRANA ISLANU INVI39TML"N�r cor�rnt�nt, hotroinn��nr roforrad Co ae eha i .
<br /> " "Bono£iciAry", providing for paymont of tho Gntira princi.pal balanc4. Cogc:thex ,.
<br /> � with �nt�raa� ne tha r�Co af Glevon �_paxcant ( � ��� Y) per onnu►n, �
<br /> in month].y inotr�lluientA af �e��hun-Tc ro�inaCy eix :�nd'"��7Tdt1--�-' I
<br /> Dollesra (8 •� ) caah unCil �Y + , 19 , at'�'�
<br /> wht�:ir-Ctm�-s��k-prk[rc�rax t�tnt'-�irt:�tue'r"l�ruv�t3t�13""t'�r"try"'Ch�t�"iQt)T�"H1ttT�T"�tltV�"tT�t11t"�Jlt�ti;-_. I _ __ --
<br /> do horaby grant and convey until AREND R. HAACK, ACCornay at LAw, th� "Truatee"�
<br /> Cha followin��deaa�ibad property; ;
<br /> �tK �t that tima n bulloon p�ymont of $81,610.91 will be duo�
<br /> TO HAVE ANA TU HOLU the eame, together with all appurCenaucea, in truse
<br /> � nevertheleas� and i.n case of defoult in the paymenx af said Note or any �art .
<br /> ' thereof or interest eheraon or in the performa�nca of any covanant hereinafter ,
<br /> _.____._.. aet forth. than the Truetec� shall hava tha pai�4r to soll the above-daecribed
<br /> praperty, and upan xsqueat a� t�e �sanoxi�ciary, the Trua�ca oha11 f31a far tecarsl �- _=-- = _
<br /> in the Regiater of Deede' OFfice of HAI,1. Caunty, Nebrnaka. a No�ic� of ,
<br /> Da�uult, aetk�.n,g forth that a breach of an oblisation, for which the safd proparty
<br /> - W88 CODVQ}I8O a:l 80CUT2ty� Iiad oi:cuiaa'al� a►�ii o"vwL±i.a :.^•:Lt1 t�1Q ^.st�are ^f �nrh
<br /> hreach and the TruaCoa's elaction to Ae�l the prap�rty r.o eatiafy Che obligati�i�;
<br /> And after ttia lt�pao of nat lese than ono (1) manth, the TrueCep ahall giva
<br /> written notice of tha time And p].aca of eale wh•lch may be between 9:00 a.m, and
<br /> S:OQ p.m. at the premises, or at the HALL Gaunxy Courthouse, and pasticularly
<br /> dascribin6 th� pxoparty to be aold; auid Noxica to ba published in a netaspapor of
<br /> u So�eerAl a�trculut ion in HAI.I� County, Nebraeku� once a �aeek f or f ive (5)
<br /> conaacuxiva weeka, ehe last publicat�.on Co be at least Cen (10) days but aot
<br /> ' mora than tYiirty (30) daye priox Co tho saie; and the Truatee aha11 then sell said
<br /> proparCy at the Cime and place deai�natad in tha Natice, in the manner provided
<br /> � by law iri effect at the time of filing said Natica, ond public auction to xhe
<br /> � highest biddor for cash and ahall deliver to auch purchases a deed to tha property
<br /> solcl, conaistent with the law in eff pct at that time. Additionally, Truatee ahall
<br /> mail Truetor a copy af. any Notica af Aefault and Notica of sale hereunder �
<br /> upo^ defAUlt addresaed ta ehem at �G�Q�� �� Y� �• � ISI�ND'I� • O�e of the
<br /> � proceeds of said eale, Che Tru�t�e �hall reCain and pay f irat all Eees, chargea �
<br /> � and ❑oaxa of salo and all monles advnncod in xha exerciee of the power of sale,
<br /> � in�c�uding tha paymenr of the Trustae's fees actually incurred, �ud pay aecond
<br />' � the obligationa aecured by thie Ueed aE Truax; und the balance, if. any, ehall be
<br />+ paid tu the paraon or persana le�a].ly onCitled �hereto. Any peraon, includin� the
<br />' Benoficiary, may purchAae said property at such aale.
<br /> The truatar covonateta that at tha Cime af delivery of these prasenta,
<br /> they ar� aeized of said prapaxty in fee simplp, und that said ?roperty is free
<br /> � of encu�b���ce�, exeapt encumhrances, es�=m=nts, righte-�f-way, restrictiona and
<br /> reaervati.ona of record, and Chey will properly maintain �he property, ke�p all
<br /> buA2dinga ineured for fire t�nd exCended cQVerage in an amount e�ual to r.he
<br /> . uupa�.d balance of the afareaAid Note, with lase payable �o the BenaficiAry, and
<br /> wi.�l pay all taxea and a�+aesamenta againat said praperty and awounts due on prior
<br /> encumbrAncea, and if they shall fail ta pay inauxance premiume or taxea on
<br /> umounte due on prior encumbrancea, the Deneficiury may pay the eame and all
<br /> amounte ao paid ahAll become additianul indebtednoes du� hereunder; and in case
<br /> of foreclosure, Truator will pay any reasonuble Attorney feea incurred by
<br />. Denefici.ary or Truatee in s�ch forecloaure proceedin�s.
<br />