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<br /> !i y.—.«` :.�.�..�� �ac s����7V� �u�...s.v.-a.. -__--
<br /> , =:� � ��..: . R��L �S�'AT� NICa�T���� � = �e_�; �`. --
<br /> '.�J' r � ,= ;, CqN�T12UCTY0N S�CUFtITY ACli�:f.l'qENT � . �_;�,.
<br /> . � � Q��rn,�n �. LIRAAU�Fi ANC� ARLA�EAN��i�:�RB�A�R;"Tu��n. c�n w�e�_ - ---.a.�._a.� . ,�°�_
<br /> �� lF—S� _.. .. �.. _ ___—___— .. .`.� y�-w �." ____ ��y
<br />� _� i o!tAe Couaty oi NAL�. _�A�ginto a4..N�RRAaKA _���.�inoft�r cailod tho U�ciy oi fha ttt�t pari,in E- - -:
<br /> - I
<br /> � .�.- :.�
<br /> -.: - -�---
<br /> . -
<br /> ' � ONE HUNDRED 5I}(TY FOUR 1'hIQUSAND AND NO/IOQ�------ __.....____ ���, •
<br /> � A � . sonildez�tion oL.. _ _ _ .._ .. �_Y�Okl.A,li9,
<br /> _.�._ , .
<br /> °�-�'� ' iA luad pztd, do hnccb��tranS,bnea�ln,ee11 and coav$y unto tho Uomo Fadctxl8avin���s[Aw Aiuc�cietlon o! Qrencl xel►nd, - � " ' '
<br /> .:.��'�ti:.'�•.. � � .
<br /> ;-.�::, �� . licand Ul�nc1�Nol:�t►�1cn,�►ud!te�uccc�►or�e ead R�s18n��Wo�ollowlr�g roal r.at�tt�n,eitustcd!a. H�41�._ ..�.-._-.
<br /> `=�"'r , ,
<br /> '•�'' Counly, 6ts4e ol...NEARASKA_ -, towlt:
<br /> � ____._ _ Lnt Ele�en (11) Goach Place Subdiv�sion in tha City caf Grand Islanci� being a raplat af a
<br /> '�..ti� . tract af lan�! lacated in tha Southweat Quartsr �SWl/u} pf' Section T'wa��i.y-al�ht {'J�. �=--��---- - �� " ��:
<br /> �.�;�: � Township E1R��t�n (11) North, R�ng� NinQ (9) Weat of thQ 8th P.m. o Ht��l Caunty� Nebra�ka, � , .. •
<br /> ��'� � conte�nxnH a frac:tianal portipn nF Rzvorsid� Estat�s IJnit I and l.ats QNe (1) end Two (2)
<br /> ,`''`s�. � � � of Roc�ency by thn Green 5ubd��i�iun, Wall Cnunty. Nebraska. � � ,
<br /> `' ' -AND- �
<br /> �:, . I
<br /> •, , �� l.at E�ight (8), in 61ack Foi�r (G)� in "Kay-Qee Subdivision" being located an �nrt uf Che ! , ,� �
<br /> ' � � 5outhwest l]Giarter ofF the 5authwes� Quarter (SW�;SIti�) of SoGtian Twentv-Uno (2]�, in Town- . � , ��
<br /> , �. � ° � ship Eleven (11) North� Ranq� Nino (9) l:'�st of th� Sixth Pm. �'=�'v���'
<br /> ,•�`.:,�y�.''. � ' r ,���, • r `
<br /> ; ;�,,,.., � ToReWor with a11 tho apputttn�nces therouato 6elongin�,�nd all covonanta ln al1���titla deede runniug with eaid seal eatete, �
<br />• . . �nsi AU ttio ronea, losues and profite sriein8 thoroirom aitor deinult in poM�nance o! any covenant or condltion hereia con• .
<br /> „ ttiaea; and�vxrrante the tt410 thereto pnrtect Aad clear oxcopt far t3�.is iuo�tg��. � �°
<br /> Dturlag tho Wno tble tttortgago le in Yorco tho mort8a8ors egrco: _.
<br /> ' • FIreR To pay all taxes x[►d epactal aosessmante lnvied Against cu�id premisea, includiaB fill taaes and sesassm�nta lavlcd �
<br /> � tLpon fhle mortgngo� or tho dob! secured by thtn mortgAge. � •
<br /> 6econd. To keop nll bulldinge tttexuou inaured aRa1AS! loss bg tirs, UShMIA$ AAd tOTRAt10 lA 801ri0 Ci'�!�p14Y.to bo uy� � . •
<br /> S T �F. VB�.UB___
<br /> . provod by tho eald Homo Fedoral 8nvi��a�1b Loun Asaocfatlon o! Cssmd IAland tn tho sum oi �D_..�� for �
<br /> �� the honoUt of tho eaid Associntion,unS ita aucces9ors or asslgns; and to dopoait eaid pollcies witb auld Aesoclatlon,and ehal�naS }
<br /> . •,,•
<br /> ,- - --- ..,.
<br /> � eomtt�it or suftar twy waeto on snid pz�mi9�, nnd �hnll put nnd keep aald sent esiute iruiic�ta� aaa' i�p��a�'.�!ss �:3. .— _-- `
<br /> :•,•,_. ordur. `
<br /> Ttaird, To Dt+y or cauea to be pald to t6a Home I'advrnl Suv�nRa !4 I�oan.�Ls�ariatlon Ax Qrs+nd Ieland.ite eucceasor� or j -:
<br /> ,
<br /> --= ���� ����n�cn CTVTV �niiq �urn�an�,n n�in nin/�nn-- ------------- – -- n�Lr.��, � �.._----•- —
<br /> _ ; ------ �= ass�na.tlua a� nx ��-s-`s- - . - _
<br /> � ppynble ne to1la��a: f
<br /> �
<br /> 4
<br /> . �
<br /> , �
<br /> • i
<br /> $164,000.00 QUE JUN� 25, 1992. �
<br /> - i ,
<br /> . ,
<br />� '��_ . :
<br /> �i., . � ,
<br /> �. .
<br /> ; ��. , w�td lntoxest thereon payuble,according to tho tonor and efieot o! tho ono cortaln ilrst rnnr3sng,e� no� �►i eaid mortgagors, �'
<br /> boaring avon date wlth thoso Presonts. After maturlty euid hond draws lntoreat ut tho rate o�-�py��er cens Por AAnum. � ,;����'
<br /> ' � If SA�a SLROS Aqd AQSC3,91I18AtA tiTB IIQt p�Q Wb811: dAP� OP iL�l0 DI11I(�1DA8 UA 88�a [)TOA1�889 Q!0 AOC J119UT0t�08 Ab0V0 pPO� �� j
<br /> ` � vidoQ,or iY aoy o4 suid interest la uat paid whon due.tkon Ewld whalo,d.,Qb,,t eholl become duo lmmediatoly,nt the optlon oi the � ! .'
<br /> BflIlI AB80C�At10A�and ehell thereAftor drnw intorest aL tfi�o r�te o��►�"�6�cont par annum. �
<br /> Tha raortB�Bor S lieroby asaign._. to a�id mort�ASoe all ronts And lacomo arlaing a! oay and all timos irom suid �
<br /> � praparty and horeby authariza eufd mortBageo or i!e Agent, at ita option, upon dofault, to ta}ce charga o! snid proporty und 'y ! • ��
<br /> � '�� • collect nl� ronts ana iacome thereUom and npply tAs samo to the pAyraent of interest, prinofpnl, lnsurunco promiums,tiuces,
<br /> ' Q88EAIII110At8, repaire or lmpravomonte noceseary to keep enid proporty in tenontAblo conditlon, or to oWar chargos or pay ,
<br /> � m o n t a p i o v i d a d f o r h o r e i n o r l n t h o n o t v h o r o b y e e c u r e d. T h i s r o n t n s s i�n m e n t a h a u c o n t i n u o l n f o r c o u n t i l t h e un p aid b n l• 1
<br /> anco af said noto ie fullY paid. Tho tnkiag af possesslon horeuader ehnU ln no�rnanner prevenL or rot�►rd suid mort�nGeo fa � .
<br /> . Wo collcation of said �uma by forecloaure or athenvisv, � •
<br /> � ' Whether enid debt becomea duo by �.ipsa oY dme, or by re�son uf the ft�ilure of tho PnrtY o! tha first PArt to comp�y
<br /> wlth AAy CoAd1t10n horeln, Wo �nid Iiornv Fodor�►1 Ss►vinga dc i,otu� E�esoclAtion oi 4rand Islnnd, tho auccossora Ar,d ntuigns,
<br /> ' � eh�ll havo !ho rlsht to begin tho forocloaurw nf thie raort�ago nt anca on th� whalo dvbt heroby socured, nad to incau�o �
<br />'_•.-.:-::.:_ -. -:,. ,.
<br /> Y+ thoroin all taxes, Asscasmoa�s, fasurance gremiuzns :wd cost�, pAid by ii or Wom; or said Assoclation, its eucoossots or
<br /> �� nsslgtts, tuuy foreclose only ae to Lho sum pASt duc, �vithout injury to ihis mort�ago, vr ti�v dlapincerae�t or impalrmeM �
<br />– of the lien thoreoY. Z
<br /> And tho es►id firet purty nnd tho mtikar� of said nole, espeola� ngrao nnd decltu�e that tho aepnrute estate oY each nnd �
<br /> evary ono of thom, including both tlia4 now ownod aud that hemz�fter ucquirad, ie pledged and bound foc tho paymen4 oY
<br /> the debt horeby secured. �
<br /> Aftor the commencement of nny auit ln foreclos�ue the pluintltf thcrein shnll do ontltled to tho immedlaW paasession of ,
<br />- t:t e��P�°�Qa and tho �Fpointmont oY n recelvor ther�.for, notwithstnnding thoy may bo tho homestend of the occupant �ud 1
<br /> � uotwithstAndin� the parties liablo for tho dobt mpy be solvent, and tho fuet party heroby coneonte to the nppolntment oY a �7
<br /> Rocelver nnon tho praductlon of this lndonturo, without othor evidanco.
<br /> Tho YoroBoina conditlona nnd nIIreamonts, nll nnd eingulur, bein�fully performed, thle convoytutco ehall bo void, o2t�er•
<br /> wieo to bo nnd romain ln full forca and offect.
<br /> Sisned tniA 25_th doy o4r— _, �oe �. D.� 18
<br />;� In presenca of �� �
<br /> i �t n � Urbau r�, ��
<br /> � i �Ar adeane m. rhauer
<br />-+ ! � I
<br /> : - : � Q�ICCiIM�33D]Q:IMMIOD :L'L�IQ�.ii�id3Dl��a`I�ii'JDIIT:tiAi�'�1�id�4��t•�:. �
<br /> .
<br /> �
<br />