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<br />`��-a"� �►y lawt Ib)tu+2l1 tiutny�;ccu�•Qd�y Ihiv 4ecurity Invt�untenl:mul lel uny excesv tu U�e�KC:�on c�r pecso�tv li���l�y enNticd � �' �:..� __-
<br /> _ �� l�It. � Q�3�,. _-
<br /> — ZZ, liccotrvcynn��r. 11�wn paymeat ot'�iil ,um� tircurcd hy Ihiti ti«urily I��rlftii�1��11. I.t'lill6l'\I1UII Il'l�Ut�l�IIU\Il't: 10 �
<br /> — ,_,� rcct��vny �Ic� F'rn�tty i+�u!shull +u�x�auterlhls Sccuntg Icum+mr_tll tqit�illl ItOh:�CVIiJRt1l:Ili� lIL'Ml �l'klifl'tI (tY (IIIY ti�:curity �.". � � ���'
<br /> -_ ;':s Is�sttt��iie�tt to liustce, `Iluctee�IZUI! rLcoavey tltu l�•uE�rrtv �Yltltuul wiu��anly i+n�l �vithuul�•har�tr (ll �Ill' ��4'ISI�U UP �1C(til�iir .,,;;_ -
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<br /> -L , p- �:... �...y. y
<br /> T • _� 23. SubsNtute'I1�uytee. l.endrr,ut it,upuun,muy iratn tiin�:tu timr irm�v�'i1�taE���rnci ap�K►iitis a�uscr•;.�,s tru,tca 1t: �.-:= -- _-
<br /> ��±- �` imy 7histcc�p�x�i�itc�f hcreundcr by un in+trumcnl r�c��rdrd in Iho cuunty in �vhich thiti 5ccun�}• Inti��•umcm lti rcrurd¢d. : :
<br /> .___�.�� , Withnut convcynucc��f thc f'�u�x:rly. ihc �uccc�sor irustcc sluill �urc�tid ta �dl Ihr titic� pu�vcr :►nd diuic,c��nti�rrrd uEwn c, �. _
<br /> ,�� 'Ilti.r•tcc hc�cin und by npplicnble law. r .;
<br /> _- "��;�, . ' 14, Rcqucst Por Nuticea Ruri�owur rcyucs�.�I��n c��pic�u1'thc nuUrc+al'driuulc+u�d,nlc h��rnt tu 1lurru�vcr'�u�ldre�x , •
<br /> --.,_:�;:� whlch iy tho i'roperty Addre�y.
<br /> _ ` 2S, lildrrs to thi�Srcurliy Insiru�iicnt. If onc ur ntw•��ri�icry nrc rxrcutcd hy Run•��w��r und rec��rdcd to�c�hcr with
<br />-==- ; �. thls Sccurily Instrumcnt, thc rnvcniints and i�grcrment�ol�cuch ,uch rid�r �hall hc i�icorEwriucd intu nnJ yhi►II lunrnd und
<br /> _=�;��;-.-- :up�ks��cnt ih:;ce:��nantr ar.d�:�,�:•^n,••�p���t'�hiv Cr�•nri�y In.u•iu�►ent:�x il'�h�ridcrlsl�e4�4 u parl uf thiti Scrurity Imtrumc�d.
<br />- _';,;;Sr.,,+:, [Chcck npplici�blc t�nxlctill ,. .
<br /> .;.:�,:;�f,.
<br />--�°- --°;` „ • �A��utitttblc lZutc Rid:.r �t'andrnninium Hidcr (�1-�l{:intily tti�ter � .. . ,
<br /> �-, M .,
<br /> - . �Grnduated P,�yment Rider C�Plunned Unit lAwrtopmcm Ridor �Niweekly I'+►yment Rider =�
<br /> .� . .. ,
<br /> . � �.'.`; �Rnilo�i2 Ri�tcr �Itatc Improvemcnt Rlde►� �Scc�md Hamc Ridcr �
<br /> .�'
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<br /> _ , �.,. � �x Q�hcrl�►lspccify) A�I<nawl�dgment ,,, .,,-�`
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<br /> . AY SIGNING HBLtNY,tiw�wvcr i�cccpts�md ngrceti tn Ihc tcnm w�d ruvcoant,contained in ihiv ti�xurily Insinmwnt
<br /> �: I ';:.•. � � .
<br /> ,.,,��u.::. ,: • und in uny ridcr(sl etecut.d by Hu�i'u�eer and rerorded�vith it. I
<br /> ,t, ..,:._�: , � Witnesses: _ .
<br /> _ `'r.r:;:t'�."' ' /�/lj,,�� �'� -
<br /> :,_`�; �•,ti�;�,;i' Gf c,GG'=�' _(Sc.ib „ ,
<br /> _�z:'':';.at �._.. .r,: _
<br /> � . Willi�m U Fiyan •�1RO"" _
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<br /> � Social Sccuriry Numbcr SQ7.�5&�Q.Z��
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<br /> Connie L yan
<br /> •:• � c.�.;;,� c.�•�Mriw Ni�nhr JC1Q••BB^ — -_ - - ' '.
<br /> �i7��-. _tC:: � ••, ---- - -- L- '-.
<br /> ' � . STAT�OP N6f�RASKA, Hal l Cuunry ss: f .
<br /> ,. • On this 17th day��J' Juna hcli►rc mc,�hc undc�signed,a Notan�F'ublic '
<br /> . duty commitisiancd nnd yu�dificd far s��id county,per+��nally camc Wi.11iam U Ryan and ,
<br /> . Connie L Ryan, husband and wife ,to mc hnown to bc thc
<br /> � �� •• identicnl personst,)who,c numc(s) aru sub�;criUcd to thc ti�rcgi�ing insuumun� aii�l acknowlcdged thc exccuiion �hcreaP t�� � , .
<br /> . �� . 6c their voluntary ac1 imd Qrcd.
<br /> '��'.,.���`; . Witaosy my hnnd nnd nuwrial scul iu Grand Tsland, Nebraska in said c��unry,thc
<br /> : r.>.:,...
<br /> .;�..i�-,1;,;, datc ufaresuid, �Q � „+-�� //J� ,(J„ , �`���,
<br /> '�p�:;��� , My Commission cxpir : GEM�pAI NOTIIAY•Stale ot NtC�atha , �.�rs-,
<br /> ,r . ' QEQOPAH l•KIMHI: �"����—
<br /> Na�ary f'uhlic
<br /> �A1v CAmm h' ,nv 23,19�1 ,
<br /> . ..' :�.• .. R RECQNVI:Y:\NCt:
<br /> , TO TEtUS7'LE:
<br /> - The unc3cr�i�ned is the holde�of'thc nute ur n��tc�,ccured by this Ured nf'IYust. Said nrne ur autes,togetl��r��ich ull I
<br /> � other indcbtcdnecs secured by this Dccd of 7i�us1,huvc heen paid in full. li�u arc hcrcby dirertcd to canccl said nucc or notcs
<br /> And thi�;Dced of'[l�ust,which arc delivcrcd hcrcby,tu�d to reconvey, ��ithvut warcunty,aU thc ctitutc naw hcld by you undcr �'
<br />- � . this Dced of"Itust to thc persun or persons Ic�;ully omiUcd thcreto.
<br /> ��• Date: .� i .
<br /> � ; • Fo►Ol�28 9/90 I�ru,4c A�f 6 pnyrsl � �
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