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<br /> n��;,. T(1�iGTttC�R �YI`I'H nll ltt� imprnvcntcnls ao���un c�ni►Itcr ctirctc�l un dic F�mpeny,iuid ali�n,cmrniti,uppullettuniCV, �_ = -- "
<br /> ��p�.' .,. �_. �ind fixtu�rs now un c�rci�flur a pnrt ��f thu��mpcny. All replucemrnts aniS nddlliuuti Yh;►II ulso hc ruvcrcd hy �hts Sccurl�y �_ s _ --
<br /> �'�-=���F , In.r•truuicn�. AU��f�hc tix��:uln�;is refcrec�d tu iu thls 5ccurity Inyirument ns thr"1'r����crty." � «� �
<br /> �� .ti� _ - IIUREtU�y!'s!�COVLNAN'TS th�u L�orruwer iy Inwlldly sciscd ai'titc estatc lurcl,y canveyrd nnd luis Ilie righ[ lu�+,n►nt � z� _..
<br /> _ � ,u�d comcy Ihc I'ra}icrty wid thut Uic Property ly uncncui.�bcrcd,cxccpt fur rncu��ihrunccr uP r��:��r�i. porrotver�vitmmlx iutd �,.; ,{
<br /> �,:, � will de:fcnd genea�Hy tho t1Ue in the i'tu�k:My:�gninst:►It rtnims and�trnn�rn{ti,suhJcrt�a i�sry encun�br�uucs PP tccard. �••_ �-�---� -
<br /> `� TifiS ;�'�L'tt!'!'Y lNSTNi1MRNT can�bl�ics unlfurm cavcncuits ii�r i►�►Uunnl u�c amd nun•untfc+r+n co�cnums wUh �_ x � �
<br /> ;, �-:� Ilmitcd vnrintinns hy,ju�isdictiun tu c:an5titate��aiiifctis�si�ccurtty i►�,truatent coverin�;m��l prnper�y. r--_ ;.
<br /> Y�•� tirsr*�
<br /> UNIFORM CAVIiNAN1'S. Aarm�vcr nnd l.cndcr ci�vrnunt�u�d ngr�c ay fnUnws: -,r
<br /> ± 1. Fnymcnt nf�'rinclpAl nnd Intcirstt Prcp��yment und l.�ite Churgc.r•. Hurn►wcr�I►+►II prumpNy p�iy whrn duc�the --
<br />�ti":,;' . "'`� , ��rin�ipi�l of nnd intcretit an thc dabl evldcnccd hy thc Nutu i►nd any prcpaymcnl nnd Intc chivgcs duc undcr�hu Nc�ta • , , .
<br /> �£� �.;:3_� ., . 2. F`unds fur 7Yixes un�i Inyurnnca, Subjcct ta uppIici�Mc lu�v m•to u wriltcn wadvcr hy Lc�idcr,liarr��wcr xhzill pi�y tu . .
<br /> _� Lender an Ihc dny monthiy payments nrc due un�tcr the Note,until thu N��te ix piild in 1'ull,;i sum l"Funds'7 f'c�r:(.�)yoarly " �.'"',
<br /> 'a�s-- �� � • ti�xes and i�ssc::smenls which muy ntt�dn }��iurlry ovc�this Sccurity Inslniment i►�n licn im�hc Propchy; lb)yciirly I�uxehuld
<br />�� • ,'' �. Qi�ymcnts or geaund rents on thc Frop�tly. If uny; lcl ycurly ha�iud ur property in�urun�:c pr�miu�r�s; (d) yei�rly ilnnd ,� .
<br /> _ � '..-�—� Ilwuutuw Nic�uiuu�a, ii�i�i�� (:.� y���iy' tl1011�;tp^ �nCt1P011Cr ��rt•minntc. I`:IpYt iltlli (� Ally SUlllti pnyublc by Harrawcr ti� ,_.._ ._. .. .. _
<br /> ' �`�� l.cndcr,in iicc:ordimcc ��ith the pravivinny at'pur�►gr,iph R, ia licu of thc }�;rymcm��t'monGal�c insueance prcm�um.. i hctiu . , - .
<br /> _ ' +tems irce cidled"��crow Items.' Le��der miry,nt imy timc.collect und hold Funds in an umount nat tn excecd tt�e wiiximum , ;� � ;. ���}�'.�• '.
<br />:�;�� " •minunt i► lcndcr far u fcti�rnlly rclatcd mortgi�gc lonn may n:quiro for Ilarro�vcr ti c�scrrnv acc�un t undcr thr fcdernl Itcnl �{'«,+s'' - ,.. .. •".
<br /> ��. . �:,�. ,
<br /> =:, �; Stiu�tc 5etticmrnc 1'roc�dur�s Act ot'1974 ns nmcndcd iYom limc to tlmc. 12 U.S.C.�..Blll cr s��q.("RIiSI'A"l,unlcss unathcr ,,. ,,�.. .
<br /> === luw thnt nppllcs to the Funds sets u lesscr nmoun6 if so,Lcndor mny.ot,my timc,r�,llcct und hald Funds in►m unu�unt nut tu .
<br /> ,� ,"� � excced tho Iecxer i►m�unt. Lender muy esdmutc the nm��unt of H1mds duo on the hatiis ��ti current dutu iind reas�mablz . • ;�;
<br />:�� � estimntey oi expendi�ures��f future�sen�w Itemti or utherwise In iiccordunce with iipplicaible li►w. . ; � ;�; ,
<br /> � ` ' The Fundr sball be held in c►n in�titution whose depa.r•Us ure insur��cl hy .� federul agency, instrumenti�lUy. or entit�• � E
<br /> �,,�'. _ ° (includfng l.rndc�,iF L.endcr is such nn institution)or in�tny Fcdcr�il Home Loan Eiunk. l.endcr shall i�pply thc Fl�nds to pi�y , �"`�'
<br />`:��'�;.;� � the Escra�v Items, l»endcr muy not chargc H���'owcr far hol�lln�: und i►pplying the Funds, unnua►Ily un��lyaing tiio escro�v '-+-=
<br /> ,�
<br />��`-`��-� • . � uccount, or vedfying thc �scrow Itcm,.ut�less Lendcr puys Qono�vcr intcrc.r•t on �hc Fundx iind appliciihl� li�w permits ,�`,:,� .s•
<br /> ?����" Lcnder to mnko such a chur�c. Hoarvrr,Lender may rcquiru Bnrrc����cr ta pny i�onc-dmc rhargr for un Indepcndent roid '��••����'°�:-
<br /> ,�,:::, ;:,�.1''��;,. ;..
<br /> ':��.` ' estntc ta�x reporting service usecl by Lendcr in cnnncctean�vith this la;m,unless appliciible luw pr�wides mlicrwitia Unless nn � ' •..aar,
<br /> '�?��a�• aFreement is mnde nr uppUcublc li�w requireti intc�ezt tc�hc puid,Lender tihall noti tx r�c�uired to puy Ilorrm�er smy intcrast��r �,,t , �
<br />�;ti!!•;�; r:►rningti an thc flmds. Horrawc�and I.endcr m.►y ugrcu in wriUn�;,howevcr,that intcrost shi+ll be ps�id�m Ihc Funds. l.cnder �ti, -
<br /> =�;���� shall givc ta Borraw�+r,withnut churgc, :u�imnui0 uccaunting of thc tlmds,�h���ving credi�s und dcl�itx t�thc Fundh iind thc ,�' ��•�'
<br />������'�- � purpose for�vhich each debft ta thc hlmds wns tnude. The Fl�nds arc pledgcd i�s addiUnnal sccurity far i�ll sums secured by , . ' �.�.
<br />`��i'�.� this Securiry Instrument,
<br />°',.���,, IC the Funds hrtd by Lendef ezceed the i�mounts pemiiued t�� be hcld b�• upplicithle luw. Lender shaU ,icci�unt t�� r �
<br /> �'�"•���� Borrower for thc excesx Funds in iiccorduncc with the rcyuircmentti of upplicable 1Aw. If the iimi�un�of the Funds held by �,
<br /> ' �' _--- --�'. Lcnd�r�i!;���y tl�ne t� noi sufticicm to�irv thc�scrow Icemr when duc. Lrndcr m:�y�_sn notify 8arrowcr in wriUug,+uid, i� �� ;; "-
<br /> su�f� cntie Hc�rrnwer shidl puy to Lender Ihe umount neccxs.iry to make uP the deticicncy. Horrower �hnii mu�Ca u� iha i�.;� --- - - .
<br /> � � deficiency in no mor��him twclve monthly puyments,.a Lenderk�ofe discret���n. ��"`� ' '�� •
<br /> 1'� • ;>�:,t.,, , ;�
<br /> Upon puymcnt in full oF all xums sccured hy thiz Sccuriry In�trument. Lcndcr�hall promptly rcfund to Qarrowcr uny �: � �
<br /> n�-"- - ruit�5�'ioia3 i} l.�r:1�:. �F.:31:3::T js:3Z9g:8r�! �!.�^!!rl��r.�:�ll:�r��uim or�cU thc ProperlY.Lcndcr,priar ta thc acquisition ur �__ •-_—� ��' �
<br /> ,;a . ; . - sale of thc Prnpeny, sht�ll npply uny Fuud, lield by I.endcr at thc timc at':icquisillon ur snle nti a creciit again�t the sums � ..� . ��:
<br /> �,_.' 7.
<br />;,�,,.};r : , serured by ihis 5ecurily Inslrument.
<br />. . . � ' �. Appl1et�Uon oi' PAymenty, Unlcsr upplicable I�►w pravidcs u1herwise, ull paymentr rcceived by [.ender under ,
<br /> ` paru�ri�phs 1 iutd 2 shull bc appUcd:first,t��nny prcpayment rharges duc undcr thc Notc:sccond,to ntnc�ums pay.ible undcr
<br /> � . purag�uph?;third,to interest duc;Pounh,to princip�l due; und la�t,to any lutc churgcs due undcr thc Notc. .
<br />';`;i, 4. Cl�nrgey; l.lens. 9onawcr shnll puy nll tuxes, usscssmcntti, charge�, finrs and impc,siUom auributablc to the .
<br /> ;;.,�.:: Prapeny which may auain priarity ��vcr thiti Security Instrumcnt,und leaschold paymen�s��r gruun�l rcnts,if uny. Hanc�wer
<br />,;;�;„,� ' shi►11 piiy thexe obUguti�ms in the manner provided in parugrnph�,or ii'not paid in thut manncr,Aorrower rhnll puy thcm on , ,
<br /> �•,�•�'� Ume directly ta thc persan owcd puymcnt, Hurcower tihaU pmmptly furni�h to l.endcr all notices af:�m��unts to Ix paid under
<br /> � ' ��'� thle parag�uph. If B�n•awer mukes Ihese puymcnts directly,Borrower shnll pramptly t'umish to l.endcr recolpts cvidcncing
<br /> ',�� thc puyment�.
<br /> �� HoRawar shall��romp�ly dischnrg�any Uen which hzis prioriry o�•ur this Securitv Ins�rumvnt unlcss Horro�ver. (u)i�gteer
<br /> ' in wriUng tu the payni�nt of the obligutian secured hy the lien in u munncr nceepin►�te ta l.ender;(h)cuntests in�oc�d faith the
<br /> ' li�n by,ar defends ngainst cnfarcement uf thc lien in, IcgAI pmccedings which i��the l.cndcr�i�pinion aperatc to prevent the ��
<br /> ` ,, ° enfareoment nf the lien;ar(c)secures from the hc�lder of the;lien an agrecment satisfactory to Lender subardinuting the lien
<br /> � � to tMs Security Instn�ment, lf Lender determines thut uny part at'thc Pro�erty i,subJect to u lien which mny auain priority
<br /> � aver thi�Srcusiry Insaument,Lender miry bive Hartawer a nnticc identifying ihe flen. Aorrower shuU�atitiiy the licn ur Inhe
<br /> • � onc or mom of thc uctions sct forth ul�vc within 10 days of thc gi�•ing of noticc.
<br /> ,. , S. Hazurd ar Property Insui•pnce. Borrowcr shull kccp thc impravements now cxis�ing��n c�re:�ftcr erected on thc „
<br /> Praperly insurcd�guinst loss by fire,hazards includcd within Ihe term"extendcd covcragc"nnd uny uther huzards, includins
<br />_ � floads ar floodin�,f�r��•hich Lender rcquires insurnnce. Thi� insuruncc shiill be nti�intained in the nmaunts iind ibr�he
<br /> Fircm 3D2A 9/90 Ipue�'=��n Pa,esl I ,
<br /> I �.
<br /> •.�,
<br /> �4
<br /> ' • • I
<br /> (
<br /> . ' � w
<br />: .� , �
<br /> ' �. . .. _. . . - - 1
<br />