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_� �. ' A 1' f Lid _ l .lt �' '/,Il-vYi . -S � J �� �-lr'.. -.)wl.r. . ! ..�.. <br /> _._ � � <br /> _ '• ...:5 �f-A.r( .,�_ ! .�.w .�� �..:..-.t�,c.�.. .� __.� _:— -, . ._ ___. <br /> _ � r—__.r- _.. - __. <br /> �� r • C.L..=--..�:.�.r ._. _. <br /> ��" F> _ __ . . <br />_$ .:_ /� 93p sQ�s�a � �= .. ..W. _ <br /> �. , -T I�:�.O��p � -:/�, _f,-R�. <br /> f� r �� , UNIFORM COVENANT&8o�rowar antl Untler covenam entl agrae ee lo�lows= - ,, � r _ <br /> 1. P�yrt1f01 O�PdMIpfl�qA Int:TGtl. BO��OwOr Bh611 p�01nD�Y GaY �mnn Au61h9 p�IntipBl 01 0n0 InIBtB81 On Ih0 ;� � r� n i-i� ..- . <br /> � 3Z..t InEBpIOdhlSOBVI0E0Gtl6ylhlN01l.p�6D8y1a811t9n019tBC�erg06Bep�OVIAOtlInV�0N018.en01he0��nGpelOffindlntBtlStOn ._ ti �_: __ <br /> 0�y FuturO AtivL0008 6lCYt00 by NB 080tl 0�TN6L h r <br /> � - '�t 4. ivad�laTa�Undlmurtne0.8ub{acttooDD��ca6lelavion0ewdnanwaharDyLandar.BorroweranulipayroLanCpr �ji � r --.. ,�� <br /> r ,, onlhedaymoMhtyln6ttllm teoi enoipa ena+ntare �arepeyabieunaertner+ote.unmNeNOteioD��a���un�r�m eren ;,, { � .� -:�_ <br /> n vunas�l eouai to one•reeq�in or Pne veaer exae an�netesemente wmch mey anem p�imlry over mN Deed a r�i�na i�-.� ., ;; -: <br /> QrounOrcnWOnt�oProC�M•�te�riP�u9one•lweilinolyeerypremWminntenmontetaheiarcl�murance.OW�one•hv�1 0l !: <. , <br /> � 1 +.,/�� y6Ld�y ptMIWiO IOSbI IIIlflb IOt mORyECO In3u�8nC0.It 9qy ell ae roe�onabty eatima�ea initielty enG Irom nme ro Cme Oy +'. � _-- <br /> �.enaa�on Ne beele o�eueeamente enQbllle anC roeaonede eaBmato�thareoL S '�i' � *� , <br /> , F : _.� ThBFuntlashellbeh0lAlnanlnelltutlonihedepoelteoreccounb0lwhlcherelnaurotlorpuerentBatl.WoF00lr910r11a1e +�� � � r� . <br /> - 89BnGy MCNAInq LOfICer If I.On08f IB Gueh 0n InitilutlOn}LenAef 8h611 epply It1B Nntla CO p8y 8810 bx8l.8E!l0610lnN, _; �f ��"- ai,-. <br /> - � -` inaurencapromlvmsena0rountlrentaLentlarmafrnotcharp9brlO�oWlng endeppMngNeFUnd0.enayiinpNltl9CCOUnt _-.. -_� � <br /> - - x .� orvenyinganAcomplllnpealGeeaeumenUentldli un:auLanCerpereBO�rowerinlerestontheFunEtantleppll .oea�law . - <br /> parmllaLOnGartomaketuchac�arpa.BOrtowara:M�nCermey6g�e01nwtltlngetMetlmBOtexeCWOn01Nll�0BdOf m6t ,���,r,____.,,,,�, :.�,,c,'.- <br /> f Uet Intarest on the FunGa sheil 6e Do�d�o Borrowar.8nA unlea9 evt�egreement le meAe o�epWlC81691ew repuirla 6ue� <<?,; �c ,- •'�� <br /> ' �- ' In:et6DttoDO SIdL6nC0�8heIlnOtber64uir0tlto�ayBortoweranyinmroatoreerningeonlhefunCe.lendercealiglveic °- � ,F--_ y, <br /> - - L' BonowecwnR0ulChfi�g0.0nennuel¢CCOUntingolhBFunAl6hpwi craAM1eendCe6lutothaFunG�endtha urposelor 'f`'.;y F§ ;�-5 <br /> -.����„�`: wh!cheaehtlebittotheFunEawasmadaTheFundfereqetlgeAaee�mtlonalaecuritytonheaumseeeuredbyPhiaDeotlot �s.,�r.,�,t+,..s_-;,:-_;; <br /> � � TNfthaemountoftheNnCShelAbyLender.togeNerwBhNetuluremonthlyinslellmenfsofFunAepayeblepnortoNeAue -;4i,{r���f it �` <br /> ,-�+ Aatee oi tezes,ael9sanenis,ineurenee prOMumt and qround r6nte.Mell B:eeetl the emount reauireE to pay Ba10 texaL , ;_ 3 ,. <br /> - ;r..��,,;:; aeseeamanfe,ineureneo premiuma end rountl ronle ee Ney ta�l Aue,auch exceea enell Harower'e oDNOn ellher �, .f,�X_ , ai:' �- <br /> � promptly wpel0 ro Borrawer or ereCicetl QO 80fIOWBf 00 f110nt�ly In81011rtIBn�!01 Fund&It Ih0 fi111WOt OI Ih0 FV�AO�1lIU by .�, y `� ,;t_ -; <br /> Lender�ellnotEeaulfieienitopflytexeaeeseasmenlainsawncepremlumeandgrountlrBn1o831h8ytel1du0.BOROwe�6h811 Y -(�� _,- <br /> pey b Lentlar fln7r emant neeeaaarY to meke up Ne Aellpancy wi�hin 30 daya(mm tlia Eete noliee in meiled by LenEer ro t t.� <br /> BOnower roquoatlng peyment Mereot �` � -� �: �` <br /> uponpaym0n11nfullOtellsumeeecureObythia0e0do1TrustLenOerehe110romptlyreNnAtoBorroweranyiuntleh0lADy ± +ta��; ; <br /> 7 -' Isntler.IfunG6rparegrlDh7BhereotlheProperlvle6oldorlheProperly�sot�erw7aeecqwretlbyLender.LenAershellCpply. -, y� F`s _r.�.-� <br /> .. nolatBrlhenimmeAlBteNpriortolheeeleotOePrope�tyallsac4ulaiUOnbyLentler.enAFunAaneldbyLenderetth011meo� . . <br /> � - � t epplicatlon as a uetlN egainst Ne aums aeared by thle Dead ot 7ruat : '� ,�� � <br /> { _ ' 3. Applicatba ol P�ym�nt�.Unlesa appliceblelew prOri0e9 othere�60.ell paymenla retelved by LenOer unOBr the Nole -y : �?�' r,.Y�= <br /> _'t endpe�ep�aphs7end21�ereo�aha�Ibeapp�ledbyLenAerfiratlnpeymentofemounUpayablotoLenEerbyOOROwetunAer ;� st : <br /> pa�egrep62hB�BOf.ihentoiMereetpey8blaontheNOle.thentotheprmcipelolNeNOle.enOthento�nlBrestand0���dpe�on c-:>�, t �,t_ � <br /> .� eny FWura Advancea c - <br /> -q:- I. CMrpsr,lLnf.Borrowewa�e��Payeiltexea.aaseumanleendoNercne�gea,RneaenAlmpoamonaettdDu�abletot�e . - r; } S�-� ; _ _ <br /> , � Properry wNeh mpeey atlaln e�tionN over thU DeeA oi Truat enA leaeenoltl peymenie or gpemyunG renLq,if anyJnthe manner , ` ,., �E - <br /> Dpy8e9thereol�BOrtowBiMeilBpromiptlyfurniahetoenAerellnoticeaolemoun4GueundarlhlaDaegraphuan0iniheevent v.r � 't�, t.��-. <br /> --:� Borrower Mall meke�eyment Alreelly.Bonower ahAll prompUy fumish to Lender reco�pte erEeneiny sueh pe�mente. ; , '.; <br /> w.......a.�wm�.,...�. dlCrhGTPAIIVIIWICl�IIUM9OOOANOWfIIII�D@fMOITlUSCPIM�AeO.IM1B�BOROW0��F18II10IUB - - - <br /> -�`� reqa�redlotliaC�ierq9enyeuchllenaolongea8onowe�shallegreelnwtltlngtolliepeymentoft�eoUllgatlonaeareODyaucn p r . �p - � �„ -� <br /> IIBnlnomenneraecepmDletoLenCer.orMeninyooUtoltnwmeatsue�lien6yorOOlenCentorcementofaueni!onis.!^_pe� �- '�� l {� r -�� -; <br /> . ._,,. `_, �I proceetl�ngs whleh operele to Prevent t�e enforcemont ot Ne Ilen or IoAetlure ot the Property or eny pert thereoi. ���• .-�S• <br /> 6. NatarAlnturinN.BO�roweraha�lkeep 1helmprorementenowoxistingorhereette�e�ededonNeProperryinauretl - _t� 'Z,�. <br /> eg9lnaNOSB txB.h0i2�GeIneWABCwIN:nlhetern"exlBnAeACOVB�age",BnO6uChot�erhBierESeeLendermeyrepWrB � -� � � _ � <br /> anOineuchemOUnlsa�MtOreuchpe tlodsaaLenOOrmay reqWre;proNtletl.NelLendershellnotrepu:�ethetLheamountof ��r.,��.fC� <br /> euchcOVeregeexc9e0N&tamounlofcweregere4u1retllopaylhe6�meseCUredbythlsD88tlofTrutt �-�`,��� �-y-:,,c._.1f� - <br /> Thlslnaur9ncecertlerprovlO:ngtl�einburance6hellDOt�osenbY BorrowetsubjecitoepprowibY LenOer:qOViCetl.thet - , iY� -� <br /> - auChaDGrovalahellnolbeunreaaonablywMneld.Allpremiumaoninsurancepollclesanellbepa iOintnemannerprondeA .t,..._„�!!-:. <br /> - � unAerparegreph2hereolor.ilnotpeitlinsuchmenner.byBOrrowermekingpeymenl.whendue.dirflcllytoNeinaurence �, .-'` >� �,, <br /> eerriB�. �...'_- -s� ;��� ;:_ <br /> All inaurenc6 poliGesantl renewele Ihereof ahell be m lorm eccepNble ro lantler enC e�all include e alenderd morlgage � -�e i�S} �. <br /> deuaeinlevo�ofentlinlormaecep�ableloLentlecLenAOrehellheveNengIItI0ho14�heP01iCI09enOrenBwB:lIhBf80lend - � :���{�; <br /> BorrowerahallpromptlyNmiahtoLenderallrenewa�nollceeentlellreceipleolpeitlpremmma.lntheeventoflosl.BOrrower � � , - <br /> ahellgivepmm tnollee�olhefnaurancecemerar.C�enAe�-LenCermeymake0�oofo�lossdnotme0epromptlybyBOnowec � . , . -� ��. <br /> .. 1 Un:eslLenSerenCBOrtowerolhe�v��eaqreemwriting,maure�te�roCeetll6�a11Ueepplietlloresloretionorrepelroflhe � ,�,� <br /> I Properry0emegetl,pranAeGauc�resto�eUO�orrepeiriaeeonom�ce.lylea6�b�eenUt�eeocunp o�NiaDeedolTruat�snol , <br /> Nereby�mpa! euM reerorevon or repair ia not economiceny lees�ble or d�ha sucur.ry ol�his Oeetl o1 Truat woultl 6e � • h� ' •�x. <br /> . � im airetl.thein6uranceproceeAeshellbeavpheElolheeumaeecu�eOby tmaOeeAOlTruslwn��Oto <br /> 1 Borrowec It I�e PropBM�e ebantlonetl Ey BOrrower.or d Borrower fai:e to respontl io LerOer wnhm 30 Aaya trom��e Oale � _ �`�-;�-��,,.,. <br /> 1 notica�a mefled by LenCer to Borrower Ihel Ihe mturanc0 CamOr oXers 10 se111B a c:e�m IOr�murer.Ge DenefiLa.LOnOBr�e � <br /> I eulhOtlzedbt0118CterbOpplylhemeufenCBproCeetl80iL8n0oilop�Oneil�Ortora6lore�iOnorreDertOf!heP�Oper>/orlo � ji"?±.'�'- <br /> � I�B Sum!aBCUteO by tli��DubC OI Ttuet. <br /> 1 � ��.��•� - <br /> U��easLenAe�entlBorrowerotnerwiseagree��wnting.enyeueneDP���eeo�ofp�oceeCaloDnnc�peianal�noteatondo� - z,_, <br /> poatpone t�e tlue Aato of Ihe mor.�hly instellmenb reterreE to m paragraphs 1 antl 2�meol or chanpe t�e er.wunt Ot sut� ; t'�:•'- <br /> • mstellmeni9.11unOerparagrepht8nereoflheProOerry�8acqmr80byL8ntleLallrf�hlbtleantlml8reatolBorrOwe�menAlo _ <br /> anyinsureneepohcieaen4inentl�otl�eproceedeNereolresunmglromdemage�othePropertypnortoIDesaleo�eGqula���on , - <br /> .. 5�811 pe5!t0 LBOtlBf l0 NB 0%IBnl011hB SUm1 88CUretl Dy�InS D¢etl Ot TN9t�mmBtl�elUly pnor l0 9uC11l8:8 0l2CQU�SNOa <br /> B. PraservatlonenEMelntenane�otProperty;Laaso�olda;Contlominlumr.PlannadUnNDevelopmenf�.8orrowersne�� <br /> - ke00�heProperlyin9ooA�epe�ranOShaiinotcummrtwa3�eorperm�hmDartmento�Ce!enora6o�o11hePropeMenCnhell <br /> [OmD�Yw��h it�e prov�6�ons 01 any iease dlhq DeeGOI Trushs on a ieasertolA-Il lt�n OeeEOI Tmsl is on n umlm e contlomimum <br /> or 8 D•8nn8tl uni108vUloDment BO�tower 511a11 p2�orm 91:01 BOrrOwel'S oDbgabona untler it18 OBUarebon 0l Cove�Bn15 <br /> creeHng or gove�rnng I�e contlom�mum or plannetl uml tlevelo0menl the by-�ews ana regulaL•o�s of t�e co(IOOmm:um or <br /> plennetl unit CBVe�ODment an0 eoMhtuer.l Uoeuments-11 a ConOOm:.^.mm or D�ann80 umI Ceve�opmem nCer is oxtNetl Dy <br /> Borrower anA recO�Ced�09ethe�wil�th�e Deetl al covenants an0 ag�eeme�!5 olluch n08r 3�a11 be inCOrOOteletl <br /> intC LnA shall amentl en0 supp�emem the cove�a+:s er.0 aqreemenU of th�s Deetl ol TwSt es d the��Aer were e parl�ereol <br /> 7. P�oteellonolLanAer'�SxW��Y-���«owenedsfoDenormmecovenanuanEegreemen�scomometlmin�sDeeaol <br /> Trusl or d any acuon c�proceeCmg rs eommenceC wnn matenauy aN.ecis Ler.aer's m�erest in ihe Prooe�ry-mGUamg out no� <br /> hmrtetl lo.emmentOOma�4��sowency.co0eenbrcememor arrange�r.ems or D�oceM��gs�mo�r:nq a Da�kmD�or tlece0e�t. <br /> � 1!1enLen48r81Le�4erboplio�.uponnoUCeloBorwweem,�ymakesuthaoDeamnc9s0:5DUr5esucn5umsentltekesuch <br /> acto�ana neeessary�oD�a�ec�lentler i�me�esUncwom�q.5u1 n01 umaetl tO.O:sbursemenlol ree5ona0le allomey S leee 0ntl <br /> entfyupontnePwpeny�OmakereDa:rs-��Lender�epwre�mongagemsurar.cea5aconAtl:onolmakmgme�oa�sacurotlby <br /> ITB U@BO 0�T�US:BO���'0�9n0i1 Ddy IDB D�Bm:umS�BGCitC010�emla�n SuC����3u�enCC�n e�IpCl u0t�SUG�1im8 85 ICE <br /> �2Qu�remeM10t5uthm5u�enGete�m:nHte4macte:Cencew:�h8orrow��r'sar.OLentlCiswullenay reemenwraop��ce�oeiew _ <br /> BOrrowe�shall pBy ine emount ol ail mongage msmAnce oP�mi�ms��Ihe manne� D�oneeC uatler pera'�ravh Y nerCql -- <br /> Any emOUnl9 0�6CJtEetl Dy leaAer pur4uPn110 fhR Pa�agreph Z w:T�Meresl InEt804 Sh0:1 D2CO:�:e eELi�ionai -- <br /> mtlBDtetln88901 BOrtOw¢r Secu�BO Dy Ih6 0¢BO 0�t�os�U�.e558orcpwer ar.a Lentle�egrea to olher tE�ms M Oarmenl,5uth -. <br /> - d1110UIlIf8OB1108p8Y80tOVPVnfNin.viiv.-n�v.-mc:Jvvi:vRc:fmidoi�b-.yval"'�:L:�:'o0i.:.n.o`..o°:.�"•B::^»G:�t..^^...:.^.° <br /> aare of Ulabureemenl etlne rate nnyable�rom��me�o t:me o�omsianomg punooa�u�0er me No�e u�iess vaymenl o�m�eres� <br /> el SuCh r81B wou�tl DB Co�trery lo Bppi¢eD:e �ew.m wmcn evom svch amounts snr.a Dear m�e�es�a� Ihe n�ghes��e�e <br /> ' Derm�sa�0leu�tle�aDD���eb�e�owNOlhmgccntameamtmsuaragrapn7shallreuwreLe�Ue�tom���anyeapenieorlekeenv <br /> aa�on newunaer <br /> B. IropxUOa LenOe�may makeor cause fo Oematle�easonibie e�tr�esvpon ar,o msoecuons once PruveM-v�ontleU <br /> 1�81 LBn08r 8R811grvC BOttowe��o4ce U�'���o auYSUt h mspPU:on sVeGdymg ipasonaDiecause Ihe�rlu�e�ria�eO to l¢�tler z - - <br /> m�erest in ine Propeny ���� <br /> . j <br /> i I <br /> � <br />