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<br /> ��'""'_'�•.:;"--�" np�llcn6lc Inw nu�y speclfy Wr rcinstntenu:utl l}ri'nrc g��lc of Ihc {�»�Narty pursann� ta auy p��wcr of hr�lc cumuincd in�liih �-= _ -
<br /> y ,�;a��•,,. :.' S c c u r U y I nstnintenl;ur lh1 entry ui i►�uditin�n�cni��ning this 5ccu�ity Insinnnent. '1'hu�c cundiU�utix are�hut Plutr���vrr: inl : • ` ��
<br /> 3��,,,�Y�r ., , p,ryn I.cndcr idl �+uins �YIdCIi lI1Ci1 WUUId (� duc uudcr thly Sccurhy Inyu�umr��t nn�l t hr. N�►tu +�� I F m► uccelrnUlon Uiul �� :. . _
<br /> �:�;�•. ._ . �iur`cr�;l�l cun�+i►uy�}afuuU��Pm�y oth4�c��vcu;mt.r•ur n��rrc�ucnts;ic1 pi►ys i�U rxpen.r�i Ilil'1117C(I Ill l'11�OfC111�IIIIV�il'l'lll'Ily �, .. t„ s��wr
<br /> �� 'i�`� �DK1(11111CI11, �Ql`�111��1) , �1L1� t1U� ��II1�lC(� �t�, (CifY111111ItIl' 11�SW'ItiCy4��Cl'ti; lU1lI((I)IIII(l`Y 9lil'N IICIIl111 Ilti l.cndrr mny �'ciEquui�hly �.V �."
<br /> -' �-n�- ;. . -•rti�r�;
<br /> - -�••- � rct�uir�to u.r•sun:thatUw Ilt���,f thls Sccurlty In�tn�mcnt,Lcodcr�ri};hts in Ihc P�a{xrry and►inm��ver�ahlibntlun w{u�y tP►� -
<br /> - `.� su���� �i6iin:d by this tic�upity tnytnim�ni �hnil cnntinuc uuchN�;cvi. U��n� �cinstatcn��nt by 8urru�v«�r, thiy ticcurity �-.
<br /> iny�runun�un��mc��hiib�ui�n�.«u���t h�r�ny snall remidn iuliy rPf1'CIIYt!U4 II Ilt►ACC4derntion hn►1�x�uuc:l, Ilowcvcr,thiy � - __:
<br />- _- ;�_�-;�:•--- right to n�insittte sh�jll�x►t�s�ply tn the ru�e of�!•cRl��rj��iun wt�er puru�ra�ph 1?. _ - __
<br /> �'�° IN. Sulo uP Na�te;Ch�mge uf�.os+n 5crvtc�r. 7'ho Nutc+��r r�pnn�ul intcrrsl in iho Not�lta�c►hcr�vlih t�ly 3ccvrity '
<br /> _ -, Insuumcnt)muy be svld i►n��nr nx�rc tlmev �vithuut pri�,r nulicc to f�nrt'�►wcr, A yi�lc muy resull in u chim�;c in�he endly '� � . ''•
<br />�t.��'__�'`,.;: Iknnwn ns ihu"L��i�n Scrviccr"1 thn�ct►Ilccts monthly puymcnls duo wi�lcr thc Nc�ro und Ihis Sccurisq I+�strumcnt. '1'lir�ti ulsu . .
<br /> '-� :�,� , ' mny Iw unc ur ntor���hungey oP thc l.onn Scrvlcer unrclaited to n s�d�nl'the Plotc. li'Ihcm Is u chrrt�Lce uf'ihr Lexu�Scrviccr. � ' 1: '�.�''
<br /> ' .�, ' ��rmwcr will hn�Ivcn writtcn muicu uf Uw chnn�c in uccordimco with pnnigrnph 14 ub��v��und u[r�;iicabir luw. The nudcc ; :
<br /> ���y' �,, wUl sti�tc�hc namu nnd+�d�.iros�ni'thc ncw I.oi�n Ccrviccr nnd thc a►ddrux�;to whlch p��yments xhuuld hc r�a�dr. Thc nuficc will _ , .
<br /> �z,.. nlsa conl�iin i►ny uthoP Infoi7untitm required hy nppUcabic liav. �
<br /> -`��t. ,:. xU. „t�vnrviuuy Subyi�i��ce�� ilorrrn:^�r sh:t!!�,•1�•"nc��nr Pennit tEts presct►ca uxc,dispusal,>sv.r:.��,�c,ur rcic�i�u af iiny ,_,: .
<br />��'�?;. .. Nc►r.ard��uy Suhs�c►ncus on or in tho ('rc,nurty. I��rn»vcr shall nut dv, iiar ullwv unyane ciso w scv.anyih�ug :�(fc�tlo� ���: • • • : '.•1., .
<br /> �;;.••. . � {�ro�:rty thm is ia vinli�tlon oP iiny f'nvis��m»emut I.�►�v. 'fhu preceding two�,cntencr,shull nut aqa�1y cv the prescnce,usc,or
<br /> _-,%;,.,;, . , sturu�c on the 1'rc�perty nP smnll quiu�dllev of'Hur:udous Sub.r•u�n�:es thut acc�;encritf ly rocuZ,niicd tu bc��ppt�pr�ute t��narnu►1 • ,
<br /> "�,S ': . �` - rewidcntlul uscs�md ta nudntununcu of ihe I'��operty. ,`',,:,,:"!
<br /> ,..;, 8orcawc�shnll pruntptly givu Lundcr wrilten m�ticc��f'uny invc�tl�u�lnn,cluim,cicinund,li�w�suit or uthrr ucU�m by uny
<br /> '.� . ., gcwernmentnl or regul�uory n�;ency��r privntc purty inv��ivieg the Praperty:u►d :�ny Nur.urd��us yu�stance ur 6nvinmmcntal
<br /> . .n:-
<br /> t:'�� „ . L.nv aF which H��rm�vcr ha� nctuni knuwlcdga 11' Hurrc�wcr Icnrns, ur is notificd hy any govrrnmcntnl uT I'C�`Ulillol�' ; r`;f`
<br /> :,_�ti: '' ' uuthority.thiu i�ny removul or othcr remedlutian oP uny H�uurdour Suhst,uuc uffccUn�;thc Praprrty is neccss+iry,t3orm�vrs .!.�' ` `_�
<br /> • . '. sh�dl pramptly take ull necessuiy�omediul neti�mx in uccordunce with Gnvironmrnuil L��w. i_
<br /> , � As used in this pan�g�i�ph 2U,„Hi►ziud��us Sub,tunccs"urc thau sub��urnes defined iis tuxic�,r hi►ziud��us ruhsumces by .. :;;�.�
<br /> � �' ' �nvi�nnmental Lmv und thc tallawhig�uhsttmccr: guxolinc, kcroscnc. othcr flummublr ar�oxic pctrulcum pruducts,Wxic , ��::
<br /> ;�.
<br /> .. ' pesticide. m�d herhicicles, valitlile xolventti. muteriuls cantnlning ustxtsto.r• ur I'urmuldChydC, anJ radioi�ctivu nuucriuls. A, ___
<br /> used in this pan+gruph 2(1,„�nvironmrntnl Luw"mcans f'ailcr:d luws und linv.oi'�hc,jurisclictiun whcrc thc F'roperty iy Iociu�d f�
<br /> ' thm rclu[c cu hcalth,sufety ur 4uvi���unt+:ntal pr�ucctinn. � ,
<br /> ` NON-UNIFURM COV�NANTS, f�nrcowcr nnd l.cndcr funher a�venunt und agrcc ar G�Ilowx: .. , �
<br /> Zl. AccelernUuna Remedie5. l.ender whull �;ive notice tu Horrmver prior t��ucceleruUnn Pi�lla�vin� fiarrower's .�,;;;,`,•
<br /> ._L_• ... .. �,.�,.,,�
<br /> breuch uf any cav�nunt or u�;reement in thts Securily �nstrum�nt lbul nut prl�r tu ucceieri�tion under pUra�gri�ph 17 ;;s.�;�,'
<br /> unle.�upp9ict�ble Inw provides otherwitiel. '1'he nottce tihull speclfy: li�l the dePuult;(bl the iutlon�equtred ta cure the
<br /> dePaulh (cl ii dnte,nat le�s than ip duyv i'r��m Ihe dnte the nuttce(s given tu Horro�ver�by which Ihe dePuult must be
<br /> �:
<br /> �'�•�� cured•und(d)thut i'i�llu�e ta cure the dePuult on ur 6efore the date speciiled In the notice miiy resul!in acceleri�Nun uf ; : ,
<br /> :�:•:�.., + �i�:
<br /> � ;�;%,;. ,� the tiums secured by thiy S�tiurily Instrument imd s�de i�P ihe Property. 'fhe nutice shull fbrther inPorm llor�awer i�P . .
<br /> --- _ � ,�
<br /> `"` the ri�ht ta reinstnte nner c�cceierniic�r�►'.d ti:�r}�;ls!;�bsls:�a su�!�'�t4�tlen!o sLSSert the non•exititence oP i�defi�uU ur
<br /> ,, ;. ,
<br /> ;' ;: uny uther�in!'enr�o of Borrower to i�crcleraqun und yi�le. 1P ihe dcFu�dt is not cure�on or hefare ihc dute ypecli7c�i in ��y,`', ' - ��
<br /> ' ' li�e nalice,l.�nder ut its apti�►n inuy requlra immedlate puymend in 6'GII of i►Il.r•ums secured b��chis Security Insirument
<br /> ,,,: ..•,;;,� •
<br /> ��� ' .�u1�ou� Purl�er demi�nd i�nd muy im��k�the puwor oP w�le uQad an}� �►lher �cmedtev ptr�itted by tippltrublc lirv. : •�
<br /> =- --- .__ �_ __�...,�.,.. .•:.i� ta l.ic nar��eranh zl. _.�_.___ _
<br /> x` �+�� . . � l.ender shnl9 he entfticKf tu �ollect aU expens�s i�cur�c�i ia pur+�.���; .�« ►iOPF��a.� ;.:=.:.--- --. s... .-_ .- . , .
<br /> �'�`�t;l�'•'..� ��'.�';. ' �`
<br /> incluclinF,htit not Ilmited tu.rei�smmhle a/to��eys'Yees und custs of dtle eviafenrr. ur���`�h� �.,:
<br />' ' li'the p�wo�of snle(v Invoked.'Iru+tee shull recurd u nutlee oi dePuu01�n each a�unt�� in�rhlch nny p .. ,
<br /> �` � Praperty ie locnted imd shull mull c��plev oPsuch nuNce in the maaner prescribed by applira9�3�l���v to liorru�r•cr i�nd lu :,;'�
<br /> ihe��ther persan�prescrl6ed by iipplicuhlu law. Aiter Ihe Hme rc�ulrrd by ttppUci�hle Imti�, 7t�stee shnll�I��e publtc
<br /> ����• � noti��e uP si�lo t�►the persuns und in tho manne�prE�rribed hy i�ppiic��ble lu�v. "IYustee.wia�oul demand un Nurro����r, .
<br /> �'t>.`.���. '������ shnll seU the Property at public uuctiun tu the hi�he.r•t hldder at the dme tmd�tluce und tmdt�r ihe term�dcsl�;nutrd in
<br /> .��`�"'�� the notico cis sulo in une��r mure pi�rcel�und in nny order 71�ustee determiney. 'IYustee o�uy posip�me�le��f ull��r any +i�.�•,
<br /> •�.,
<br />= ���������- : ``'� � purcel of th@ Property by public imn�►uncement ul the time und pluce ol'�m�•previuusly scheduled s�le. l,onder��r its {�'.•�
<br /> . •.;r:',.i `,
<br />_ , �. , detii�nee may purchnsc Ihc Pruperty ut uuv tii�le.
<br /> � �`�i'�`�'� Upan �ecelpt ��t p�+Yment uP the prlce btd.'il'ustee shidl deliver to ihe purrhuser 7�a�.r•ter's deed cunveyin� Ila�c
<br />- ����� Praperty. 7'ho recituls in thc 71�ustee's decd shi�ll he primu Piule evidencc��P ihe iruth os the sit�tements mnde thereicn.
<br />- 'IFuytee tihull upply the pruceedy�►1 ihe sule In ihe PoUowin�;order: IiU to nll c��sis imd expenscy oi'exercising Ihe power
<br />. . ; � ,
<br /> '�'�;;r�.;' I
<br /> ' �'��;i�:�` �
<br /> .. „ I
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