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<br /> �'- 'IYHi1;Tt11'.lt WI'fN�di Ihu inipi�uvcmrntr ituw��r IK•ual'trr rrcct�d u��dir �urpc�ly,und aill�a�cmrnt�,��rn���t�n•t�,«y, �:_- -_ ---
<br /> '-�. :. ! �;.:.�i�::e,�:�-�
<br /> } �,,�.+,�;n•.y and fixturcy nu�v nr Mcr�ufti� n p:�rl ul�hr pn��xny, All rrpinrrmrtU+auut nddf¢ion,+htill alsu t�,cu�•r�r.i h•t{�Iti ti�x��riN�
<br /> ;, ����' Il�sirt►ment. AU ai'Ihr iumtioiu��is RI'e�7rd to in Ihiv tir��1u'lly Intitnmtent ur d1C„1'�uperiy." �"�""���-�`
<br /> y -� �" ` llU1tR��VLiR('O�'I:NAN7:ti dm�N��rru�vcr i;I;���•IUII}'�ci��d af Ii�o erlulo hc�t�hy ca�pv�y��l und hie�Ihr ti�.;ht l�►�,rtu�l • " �:
<br /> -� =;c `° and convcy ilie 1'��u�►e�l��nu�l thnt�hc t'�op::hy!s unrnrumtsrr,d.�t���pt li,r rnrauibri�nres id'rrrutd, Ilc�rn��vrr�vw7anis nnd __ ^•_' � �
<br /> _ _: ,� �vNl de9'e�x1 b�c�+Kraily tlw lltla t�tt�c 1'►x�petty uFulnst ull cl�tmr nnd drmai�d.,,uhjcYt N�any�ttr�uubr:uki�i�t'recunl. � • __
<br /> ---�- '�'€�tc CRt'IIRTI'1 IiVS'i'ltU:►1�N'1' cc�mb'snes u�tifumi ru�•crr�nty li•r �uUtu�wl us4 und num�mifimu cu��cttuuls �vitA �.= y-
<br /> -�`'_._._ ,�_� Ilmited verl.uians by Ji�r{eilictin,►tu canstitut�n unit'umi sc�nrllY in.r•ti�umcnt cnvrring rcal p�Y>>�:��.Iy, � .
<br /> �r- � . �. , ,. ' -- --- ° --
<br /> (INIFi)uA7 l'OV[3NAN'I'S, Hon�mvi�r amd l.���dcr covcnmU a�td a�;rcc a�fuU�����s;
<br /> �'' 1. iMynunl Q�f Nrincipal aad Interrsl:Prz�pnsme��t�md I.ute t'hnr�;cy. H�,rnnv�r�hall prun�ptly pi���a�hcn duc�hc . .
<br /> .� ' " �"
<br /> ��i.•. , , peinclpal��I and inlcrcst on tlic�tch�cvidenci:+t by iha Ni�tc und any prepuymr�il nnd latc char�;cti duu undur�hr Ni�tc. � ,.
<br />_��� ^ ; e 1., Ftimds for`Ihxz:v und Insnrun��. SubJ�tit to iipplicnhlu luw ur lu u wri�tcn wt►i��cr hy l.cndcr,Ho�r��wcr shall puy tu ,.
<br /> - -- - � = l.ondec�n the dny m�mthly p.rymcnts nre duc undcr ilw Nuta untll thu N��tc is p,dd in fi�il,u rum l°�'unds")P��r:UU yr���ly .
<br /> ��i� � tiaes nnd asxessmeni��vldch m+►y iiu��in���i��ri�y ov�:r�his Srcurity In�triunant��s ►i Ucn un ihu {'rapeny:lh)yet��ly Iri�sehi�lcl
<br />,._�� " � ' � • ��:atl hazurd m• iru�crt In�unincc �remi�nnti: ldl ycurly Iloud
<br /> �: ,. '_ � raymcnts c,r ground m.nl� nn Ih� F'Yaporty, if o�ry; f.�:1 � Y ! 1 Y 1 - _----- -- .
<br />:°a�=m.`="=;Y- u�au�uu.c ��wwiva�., it auy, ��l yc�u3y ���v�t+,,,i{�, n���J�a,��M i�,�.���i�n��.,� �.f. .�ny. .ui�1 (t� .1iiy' :;i1ii1: �,ay:tht: hp fin�r�z•scr 2a , .
<br />��:€��� ' Lcmicr, in nccordiinco wlth thc pmvlsim»of�1ar;r��rs�1�r lt, i.rr.[i�tu�tf tJ'rr:�.r;r�rlTa:cu oi m��rtgat�u in�ur�mcc prcmiums. 'IYic,u
<br /> :�� i�r,vrT;;�tu�ciilled"Fsccrow Itentr: l.end�r inuy.�t:r�:zy ti.citr„�a�fP,;c4;rttd DrJ<<!f'an�^•t ire un untiiuitl Ilul It�cxc�.ed Ihu nt���imurn .. . .
<br /> �'��., `^; �' nteuarinr, a Icnder for� foilcruUS� iY:[atr:�! irzvtt�aYr, lv.�Jr ro�:n, n,Yd��ic�� i'ca �,n,r�r�,r's cs�;naw uccounl undcr Ihu t;xG�r.,r.r rz�::�� �� ;� �. , .
<br /> ..-�-� ,, • Csr,rtr.Sutticment Procaiurcs lU:f.ra�!'�D7�2;v��ttru;vu3r.t!6c�,n:��4itt.,to li�ttti, t2��.5�.2'.�2:G,I,P�et st�q.(��RGSPA"l,uet��°:�,rFtatGltc•r .
<br /> , . ta<.r�r.[tat applics tt�thc il�nds scis;n t�s��cr;r.r.nnrn�n�. �E vs,d.�a�vi.r mav,ar,:u�}r,ee�t�,c4rr,r;�Y;r,;;�.�d hold F1�nels in ai�ue�r�Jnr.r.er,ua�r,cv
<br /> p'r. � r;n.4rd Iho Icsscr unroiutl, l.cndcr n2aq rtsr,¢naaaur cRc au:�*ui�t rf �"�a�us �9ur on�a t�ti R�.i�is ut'cur�nr; dc�bu a�cP cr:;nv,�re.iGf.c ;:
<br /> �u
<br /> ;.�.�; r;;r,�rrr;�tes ai'expenditures of futuro 6scro�v�G�:aazstr;��t��ntii�;ir�accorulaa:cz��at1�:��>��1i:i�"�1r luw. . , '`�'`, �'; �
<br /> ��-. .. '9'�►o Flinds shi+ll t►c hcld in im institc+til�x+�v�hcrsc 4�,Fc�ait� an: ii�•4nri9 h�• :a t<<�4c.r�iC;�ec�cy, inst�umcm,diay, arrr r��toay � � �'i���t� _
<br /> ,� .}�,�;,;�.�,Sii�q;N„,-�:
<br /> ;�: .��' � rim•y�r,�ing Lender,iP Lcndc�is tiuch+in institutionl or in aaa��frdcral Home I.��;ua T�ava�l. 4.�ader!;hau npply�hc fu,��9.n�p;5y i}�t,,,�,, ''s.,i;.;;t:;..''
<br /> �i�.� : ' tfir 4is;rmv Itcros. l.cndcr nmy not chnr�� i��,rro�ecr F��r iawlljing and a��j�h•in�: i�e,:4•lnr,i�, annuully .umlyzing th�a��rruw ���.
<br /> �•`;,; ;j��.i.un�, or vcrifyin� the Escra�v Item.r•, unlc��l,endcr �i���s ZIOifO\ttt tlllC�1'i�l a�e th� F'tmdc uad lippUcnble li��v pem�i�s „��.,..,
<br />' "`x' Lrnd►:r to mnke such u chnrge, Ha�vove�,d.�:aides mny rei�uitr HPTfO\1'i•r i��}�:�y a�mc-time churge for tin independent renl . ;`'•;Y ;_
<br /> ° �,sta�c tnx rcparting scrvice uscd by l,endcr io��:nnnccti�m�vith Ihis loim,madrsc t�pplic�ble liiw p�ovides atherwisa Unlcs.r•an • . __
<br /> . ;L,�a�entcnt is mndc or upplicublc law req�ii��s i+�tcn�t to tu+p:dd.I,cnder shi►ll not bo m��uircd to pay Ilnnmvcr uny intcrest ar _ ,
<br /> � curninss on thc('wids, Hi�nowcr nnd Lc�adcr may :�grce in writing,howevcr.thut Intcr�:st chnll bc p�dd cm thc Fl�nd�. �.endcr �
<br /> ..�.�.± shall givc tu Hnm»vcr,withaut char,�+e.:iia anntml ticcaunting of'thc FUnds, shawing crcdi�s und dcbUs to�hc Fuml�:utd tlu
<br /> . . purposc for whinc�ach dcbit u�thr 6�+nds�t:i�madc. 'nw hluids ure pledged a�tidditi�,nal sccurUy for ull sums��.cuitid by � ,�?'';�{ , _
<br /> thiti Security Instrument. , t5 �..,'�
<br /> � � ; If thc itmJs held by l.endcr c�creil ttar i►maunts permiued tc� bc held by appl�cahlc luw, Lende� shttll ii�:ntmt to
<br /> � ���;,� •� 8on�mvcr for 1hc exccss Funds in acri+r+�;mcc «•ith thc rcqidremcnts oi applicablc liuv. If thc i�maunt ai thc Fi+mt. hcld by ,,,,,f�i;;�. . '. ' ,..:
<br /> s;;��t��� __ �tnder nt+iny dme is not sufficirnt ta p:�y �hr Eticrow hems whcn due,l.endcr may�.t+nutify�otruwer in wri�ia��,,tnd, in +,.�-.• � .�
<br /> �:,,"?;i�t:ti;" , --- sn��h cnso Barrawer Sfit�ii pny �o Lendcr ihv i�mut�ni ie��:.��iy tr+ nsakc up the de!'iz:eac,. 8ono�►•cr shull m:�4� y�, 1he
<br /> ,�:� �
<br /> � • dGliciency in nn moro thi►n twelve manth9y{aa}�ments,:�t l.cndcr\sole diticreti��n. • ,. �;,'
<br /> ' �. ; Upon pnyment in fuU of�dl �ums s�e�+rc��hy this SLCUrity Insiai��c.rr.,l.ender shxU pramptly refund ta Borr���«3�any ., • ••_,
<br /> -
<br /> �uuds hel�bv Len�er. If, uudcr pi�rubrupti'1,L�:ndcr�hall:�cc�uire�r�e�5 thc I'ropc�ry,l.en�ier,pri��r to the ucqu�s��icm or , "�'.
<br /> " sale of the Pi�perly,sha!! npply nn� flmd�held by Lender tu the Ilme�» Acquisiu�n or saie uti u crcdii a,ga�i�i.i i`QC rii���: �,---_�.__ --_-
<br /> '-:. � : . '
<br /> � securcd hy this Security lnstrumcnt. � �
<br /> 3. ApplicAtian of Paymeote, Unlexx npplicable li�w pmvides c�thenvitia a�C� na�ments received hy l.endcr under
<br /> p�rngmphs 1 and 2 shnll bc applicd;firs�,to an��prepnymcnt chargos c1u�undrr thc Krtc;sccand,�r.,,r.�vunt�puyublc undcr �
<br /> puragruph 2;thfrd,ta intcrcx�duc;faunh,tt*��r:tincip�d duc;and lust,to,�ai}•latc chmgcs duc undcr th.\-�i::. 4
<br /> 4. Churges: LienA. Bnrrowcr sh:�eB F:i�� uU tnxes, assestimems, ,•hargcs, fincs und imposi�inns ut�rihut.�blc to the �
<br /> � Nroperty which muy utti�in privriay ovcr ihis Security Instrument,uod le�s<htidd pa>'ny;�es or Fround renir, if amy. Barrowcr �
<br /> ``'`-}.� , � sfiall ps�y these obligi�tions ln t��c manner provided in paragtaph�,or if nut paid in tha�c�manncr,Borrawcr shall pay Ihem nn �
<br /> , �:t„'V;::':. � . ,
<br /> ,,� ��•�iE;ti�,�:{? . Q��:�ee direcUy to tho penan owcd puyment. Hi�nmver shall pmmptly furnish ta Lendor oill nolices of amoums to he paid under �
<br /> �;. .��,�;,•� ,.,�• � �:��i���ragrapt�. If Banower mnkes the�e payments dincU��,Ranawer�fiall pmmptly fumish to Lendcr reccipts��ic9cncing i
<br />' , � ,,�.?,,�, ,. t`a:gayments. �. y,,,;,,�•,:�
<br /> , .':� 4�,��l','•.' �arrower sh�ll pr��mptly dischivgc any licn which ha,prl�rity over�;ai:Securi�y Instn�ment unlesti Bonawer:(n�agrecs ( . "•:='f�:''�;�
<br /> � , ,:_�i:�.ti.,.
<br />' ;,r,>!:;,!'';� a�?�yt-i�ing to the payment ot the abligati�m�ecured hy�he]icn in n manncr ucccptable to I.ender;lb�contestr in grn�cl fAiih the ,
<br /> ����it''"i''`, f.;�,:��+ or defendc i��ainst cnfarccment��f thc Ncn in.Ic�;i1 prucecdings which in the l.cadcr�opinian c�perute to prevent the � ' :•.�;;. , , , •
<br /> • t{�'�:!:,t;t . Y' b .� �
<br /> "•,,�•;,:.. en`�rcemcnt��f the lien;or(c)secures from thc holder�f the licn i►n i�grcemcnt sutisl'iictory to l.endcr subardinuting ihc licn F . ;�".,:�:,;'
<br /> • �Ft.�,t•, . to this Security Instrumem. If I.endcr determine�ihnt any part of the Praperty i�yuhjcct to a lien which miry:uluin pric�riiy � � ',''�;',;4:
<br /> °'l�rt;..�
<br /> ��, ,. ,��',.` � o�•cr this Sccurity Inctrumcnt,Lcndcr mny�irc Horrmvcr a naticc idcntifying Ihc licn. porr�wcr shzill sali.r•Py ihc Ucn or takc ; :`,r�:•;.���
<br /> '•.;�;��, . • ene ar mare af'thc actions set fanh uhave within 1(1 days ut thc�;iving ui noticc. � '
<br /> " :i(�.�.�' S. Hncc�rd ar Pruperati�lnsurance. aotrowcr�hall kcep�he impmvcmants n,�ti cxisdng c�n c�maf'ter erectcd��n thc , •' ' �
<br /> ' �'•;`;{;' t;, l�.�s�erty insured against losx'��•fire,hururds included��it'�in the tenn °extcnded cr���;�.":+nd.+n��otl�er hazards,including • ��.
<br /> � ':�•�' t�r= � .
<br /> .� :.;1�j'., , , ,�, . 1
<br /> . tloods ar flaoding, for whe•.�h �cndcr require�inyurance. This insurance �hall h� nza�a�aincd in the amc�unt� und far the
<br /> ��.�, � . �
<br /> �
<br /> ,. �f��`:,�': i;',:.i� tusm?';_S 940 �,^ace:njnl�u��e�
<br /> �;at`�,' i�: I .
<br /> ;;:: '�'�;S .
<br />— r.:y'�;S?i:f:. . ,
<br /> � :ti .
<br />_ -_ --;-_ .•I'�'' -•��� . , , .
<br /> ' � ' 'z'�, . .
<br />. - _ 'ui!'.,'��.', . . . . . . . .
<br />-- , . ���' ,' � � - .
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