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t;' ..1 � s.. ier�,riia�i uu���v ......,.; , - . . _ - <br /> t �< 7 . l^"'�' .' . --r.-�- . . .. <br /> J . i �-- . . t T ��--4 S - <br /> �9 3�^�.v)L� " 1 � -. �- � - : -� .4 t - * �'yy��yy( N - �'�rT' <br /> — _} 1 '-r ' ` e -` � p ! ��fl���� ` 14fi � <br /> ...,.' . � . �J�,M 9�bF�lER�RIL�ER :'- i $�°F� , arvw _ i i �: i�� . — ..-�. <br /> � r �"• 1Nt$A88�0ltktE y'f0°AEA}73jitqE�i4i1�#dad9Q�xs�rt�thSb-` . E'Yat ',,,.�...`��--_,.�.,...�t$ ��' � .°� _- <br /> --a� ' Incofp6ret0Qlntoahd��eabodeemedtoemon0A�n�sypple�an4tp� fortga0m4t'PaodnfTNst,berolnatterlef redtd;dethe �,= <br /> .�.,� °BAour(ty jnatrumoqP',of�ha eems dnte pfvart Dy tho underelpq�7i hbroln�fte�referred.tb'es the F BOrrow3r'.,Sd eeoiitb s +xr.- <br /> •�.--Mw,� - :` �orrowa�'e�nEe�ted.nese;Aerepi6ttei�eferredtoeatryo°Note;tAHOMgfEDEBALBAViNaBANDLbAk�88QCIAiIOkCF <br /> '" ;„� -. QRANDIB{AND,hereinetterr9tertetltoeetho"Leridar",ollhe8ame4ateeJ�4eoy8AoptheDropQMdeboJlbedlptq08deUjlry , ' <br /> � inatrumehfend IooatedaL � � ' � � <br /> w 2� 4041 N SCEIIKrt6_a DR GRAND I8T AND N6 68808 . �� �. <br /> ,� (PrOpDrly AOdrese) 1 - - <br /> WITN888ETH: " >' � �- � <br /> �' c 3��' WHEREAB,Bonorver anC Lende��ave agreed t�at eny renta entl protlte a�tdbutnDle ro t�a O�operry ehould constituto — <br /> . .�_..t:;r . . <br /> ,��,:e=--,;,a;-.s aAdltlOnal eecuriry to t�e len0er 1m t�a payment of the Note; � � <br /> v fi � � ;.' <br /> � - NOW,THENEFOREJt186pr88CtAetthe8eomity1n81rumanta�allbaamenAe0�8rebyHnddeemedtolnoludethafolioWlnp _ ___ <br /> =`=z-=;--=-`=':t'� provlblone: _ - <br />:-i:'.:�)"?�° - - <br />'4.��:}...�a'.y�: <br />�*r,.;t.�-,: r.; 1. A¢gy�nmenfot,$gn.eenaLenao.RentelConeotlonRlonte.BOrrowerllereDyabaolutelyen0unoondltlonellyen810n9a11�' .� <br /> -=>�^��4�r`���-" rente, leauea antl proflte of tha proDerty to Bonofiolary. LenGer ehail �ave the tlqht, power end euthoriry during�t�D - ' � <br /> "'�'''`�'`� contlnuanca of tha Beoutlh Instrumant to collaot the rante,laeuea entl roflle of the roDeA and of anY pereonel ro ert � °' <br /> -'.;.y=�i.;ry:"; P P Y P D Y� _ <br />- . -�� 2•���.z:; looated thereon with or wl�hout teking poseaealon of the proparty afteoted heroDy.LenOer,ho�verer,Rereby eone6nta t0 =--� <br /> %""'��"-�-:;" BonoweYeoo:leotlonenAre7entlonofeuohrente,180vesandproFlt886they9CCrueandb9o0fnBpeYdbi9,lOIOOp609dROWBt -- <br /> =;�i����-�`-.;;' la not,et eueh tlme, in delwlt with respect to payment of eny InUeOtednesa eaouretl�ereby,or In the DeAOrmance of eny <br /> t+:n -'?-::!.� agreementhareuntlar. . �„ -�-� - <br /> T �4'-a`=' Y. A000lntment of Recelver.If an event of detflult in rpspact to tlie ServNt Inetrument ehell �ere o6ourtetl anG De �'=�"� <br /> _ _..i�..�:,:,, Y Y '--`-- <br /> oontinuing,Lentler,as e metter of ripht antl wllhout nollee to Borrower or enyune olalminp unde� Borrov�er,anO wlthout � <br /> !`� "�`���' r¢perU t0 the value Of the itcEt 6atete ot the Intbtes�of t�e BorrowBr tha�eln,e1�e11 have ihe dgN to app:y to eny OOUrt h8vl0g �ti�'��-� <br /> : i <br /> �jrt'�;�: �udBdlotlon tO Bppolnt a rBCBlver of t�e proparty. ._-.. <br /> _ --'- �"- 3. �p�t to Poseeaslon.ln oaea of tlafault In tha peyment o1 the aeld D��ncipal NOte or IntBreat,or ar.y pert thoraot,ae It �.��_� <br /> `""�;`=""'.' ehull meturo,ot In t�e caea ot(allure to keep or petPorm e�ry of the covanents ot flgreemente contalned In t�e BeCUrity Inetrm - �;__ <br /> -�--f=y�- ment,lhen the Lantlar, Ite aucceaaora or eeelgna,ehall Do entl ia �ereCy eathorizad end empowered to teke Immedlate �= <br />_,-�:�'is�1y;�� poe8eeelonoNheealtlDremtsestherelntlaectlb8tlandtoeolleottnerentelherelrom,anAtoepD�Yt�eprooeedethereotlothe � _ <br />��;r:s,t'r,.:;•-�p� payment of the Nota. �___� <br /> �-"'•"}���' 4. Aouliceflon of Renta Iasuee and Protite.All ranta eolleote0 by LanAer athe recalver B�ell be 9pD��eA firetto payment <br />".�='-�-�'��="''=€ G.t�acostac/msne m,�artcith&"3 rt rhytr,ilootloaotrdni6.InGlUtl�n GutnOtllm{tetltO,r6CaIV5f6tcaS.D�amlUmoOn <br /> -- - 6" w Ge Y6 9. �.._.. <br />-„?�:;�.�;[>�:�' r8o81ver'e bontle antl reesonabla attorney'e teee,anA than to ihe euma seaurotl by the 8ecurity Inatrumant Lantla�and the _ <br />-,y`=°;(y}�»�4.-;;;` recelver ehell ba Ileble to eccount onty for ihoae rente aclualty racelred. -- <br /> '�'�.^�i;;�-�:'�'� 8. COnatmotlonofPrmielonaEachoft�eprovia:onacontaineOinihlsAseiAnmentofRentePoUerandtheSecuBtylnatru• <br /> '��.µ.���:j�-;:'•; ment 6he11,unleae othonviee apec!flcelly rgq�ireA,be conetrueO in accortlance with Nebreeka lew, enU In th6 event 8ny =�;._ <br /> _ ��; DrovielOn herein or thereln contalned e�eil be determinetl by e coud of compelent JurlsEiction to be unenforce8ble,the eBmB L���- '-- <br /> �..``t%` 8�8��be COnetru6A 88�houph euth unentOrC68b1B O�ovlsion were nOt e pert hereOf or�hBfBOf. <br />'i�j'.�- . 8. Eflecrof RIAer. ExceD�ae spedticaily moC:lietl by or Inconsistent with Ihie AaeipnmeM ot Renta Ritlaror byeny OthBr ";`.+�'� . <br /> ,;�"�� apD���eble rlder,EII Of the lorme anA provielone cOntelne0 in the 88cvrity InaWment ehell cOntinuB In tull tOrCB entl et180t. -:_-- - <br /> . ,e:. -�t,n - <br /> :j+_ IN WITNE88 WHEREOF,Bo�rower hee executeC thla Aaelgn ent ot Renta Hitler o/nj the Aete fir6t noletl ebove. ;_ { <br /> 1.` ' //� V�j,/j/� F` � J ` <br /> c ��. niA t J`/ /1/i/ob. ¢ � <br /> - ' FR IS G. KUTI@^rrower j� ,' � _=-. <br /> S> � 1_ . <br /> ELLEN M. RUTA Bmrowe �`•�,:':-_'-.=�. <br />,��. � i[� .r;` �.l::i�i <br /> {T?�.-� BTATE OF NEBRASKA) ,: � . <br />.'=4._" �88. �4� <br />'^?F�: • COUNTY OF HALL ) 4'-i:'"=` =:-- <br /> � Onlhle 26TH tlayo! �NY �g 93,pebreme.IheunOeBipne4aNOte�y Publletlulycomml6aloneAanO :`}"�:a�`�' � <br /> " quellCetlforea:ticounry,Dersonanycame FRANCIS G. KUTA AND BLLEN M. KViA (HUSBAND AND WIFE) - .'r;..,,:�_' <br /> ' _.lo ba thB�Ce�tical perbOn(s)w11o8e nam0(9)�8/ere aubaetlD00 <br /> �O t�e t0�0g01ng Inlifumen�.en0 ha/6helihey eckr.owl0tlge Ihe BxeCUtlOn Ih6reol t0 De 11151t1er/ihelr vO�untery eCt entl GBBd. 1`�" ' <br /> Witnese my�an0 an0 No�eria�Seai at CRAND ISLAND_YEBRASI:A �i� <br /> ---- -------- ��. _S <br /> ____ m saio eoumy. the aete aeoresa�a. ; <br /> �6Elf/ACOfMYStihNYrxh �' > � ;c,�,/,�— - <br /> CtUUB L NA51U! -- - --'��''' <br /> � It��e:n DetlL16:3 e+o�a�y ouo'.� <br /> � My Commiasion exptres:—_ De�. Lg / Y S G __ <br /> xrawcnxt� <br /> � <br /> � <br /> i <br /> � 1 <br /> � <br /> . 3 <br /> � <br /> ° � � _ <br />