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§�'!i" �! ��r�.n.➢. r�'�+�R"+�'� '� � � , _ k . y � .- � � - <br /> s <br /> � y y ;I s/r, <br /> S a-'�is� . ..- . . -. .: ___ -' ' � ��7Y� V 7G¢��7 �r� �� ____—__. <br /> � ��� '� . .ADJtISTA�i.]E RA�`��D�Yt �: � �_;: `Y - - <br /> � . � :.x�..:... : <br /> J _ c. - .. . _ _ _ _.__ . ._ _. ,. • -� .—._ .. <br /> ----- " " 4dxsoa�a�=nm,Wedcj9ACeNowAyeTaS�t�es.twcn0 RAtBCo?3) l��°'�'�a"�tll►./, <br /> tl ' YtQ.9AD1U91ABLBM78RIDHRlamade�!e 781SI d►Yot " �1Y�. 1499 . .wd131caorporue4lntq�tlW1 ,:_ <br /> � 6oddr,�edwameadeadwpp:emwt�LoWiodgeg0.Deedofllunor9ecutlrypuA(QU"8eaiulryfr,suumwt�ott5es�edat¢glyenby - __-- <br />_,^_Fa� theunderalgnrA(tho'Bottower')waccuroBotrowet'eAq(ustWle�ta:eNoteqLe•Nae7tu <br /> p�fAL PF�E�tJiL!� 00[tPOR11S'iQi� <br /> a �;.� (me'LeuAeM)olt6oameAau�ndcoverlugmapropettydesctibedlnthe8awitylntttumwuadlocatedRp — <br /> Rt� 2620 L9 QY�i lL'tAi9 76Ir'1F9. !g: G8803 - . <br /> n-- (CropxryAdEnel . ..r�--- <br /> �--�.:ccsw�z . <br /> ; �;V'`:x TNE NOTE CONTAINB PROVI810N3 ALLOWINO FOfl CHANOES IN TH8 INTEREBT RATB ANR TN8 F_- -- <br /> MONTHLYPAYMENT. THHNO'PBUMiTBTHEAMOUNTTH@BORROWER'BINTEREBTRATECAN <br /> � ` �% CHANOEATANYONETIMEANDTHEMAXIMUMRAT@THEBORROWERMUSTPAY. - — <br /> � `'�',� ` ADDAYONALCOVBNANf9.InaddiUonrotheaoveaanroeadegreecwnbmadeln�e8ecurtryfastnmen;Bortovronud[.cadu °'� <br /> -' -�•,�;���f-� f�hercoveoanemdagcwmtollowa: ---- <br />=_�,'+�y"�� _ - _ <br /> � t A". . <br /> �, yi�.. A. Q�P[8[26.7f RAIBAND MOAR4II.Y PAYAIDNTCHANOB4 ��_- _.- - <br /> �r ,�,- 7LeootoprovldeaforaaiNNaliutereaerateof 5.000 4E.1LeNoteprovldwforcLmgeaint�einterest �-_.. <br /> ti` {�t M2;} mteaud�emonthlypaymente,ufollowa: �-� - <br /> ' ,.`.,- 4. IIPIBRBSTRAIBANDMONIfII.YPAYhffiNTCHANOffi �` '; �- _..---- <br /> G ' { <br /> si F i-�`,- (A) Lbe�g6D8tea - ' r <br /> , �i;,,�� 1Eeinteresttatelw111paymaycLmgeontheilrstdayof DH�BER ,1993 ,mdontLetdayovery6thmonth �� _- <br /> ...'��.y. ;, �6eccattu.6acbdamonvrhicLmyleto[eatreucouldchmgelaalleda'ChangeData.' _�Tr •a <br /> z v � c' (B) 'No Indu s�3 - <br /> `�'-c � -�-� Begloning�vtihthetits[cL�ngeDato,myintucstretewlllbebasedonanlndes.lLe•I¢dex9aiEewuklyauctlonave[age '�' 1` '- <br /> ,,.�:�..r. _i�y �t3l.:k,tr.._;.-. <br /> s;;:,,;�:,;,;:::. paveatmeeQo¢6montbtreasurybWs,uw�deavaUableby�6aPedenlReaeneHoazd."hamostreaatlndaeflgumaveilebloeaofNe _�F,=ti;,.,._ <br /> ,r ; �,� ��4ldayebetorouebCdanAeDUCl�ealledt3e"Gluro¢tindex.' �-�r <br /> t, 1r r; Ifthelndexlsnolongeravat1e61e,tLeNo:eHolderwillcAaas¢anawludexwElc6lsb�eduponcoolp�nblelnto�matlon.7beNota -" �.' _- . ' <br /> �+' .,� Holduwlllg[vemouodcaof�hechotco. c.,o,,.� . <br /> ` -�,:� (C� CalculetlonotQungea �{�p� � �'` � -- <br /> , �-,1� EeforcacbClunSsDate,t6c`:cuHok'er�l!lcalalatem;oe:vle!era:nsbyadd?�g �epotnt^f 3.750 �) ' -: : ' " - -- <br /> ----- iu Ihc Cunu�t 3uJcn.7Le tiutc No6kr vili t6er rwnd tta.rsuit..f L::a e3di::..y:o�:...' af:e�.�ataoepolet ° ...-� _ ... <br /> (0.123�).SubJcua�6e11m1uaueedlnSec�lona(D)heiow,�hamundedanouatwlSlNmynewinterestnteuatllt�enox[ChangcDatc -;:,.�*r� If`_.. = <br /> .�4 `'� -_l, �^ ri �,°"''.l'JF,,.. <br /> � 1LoNaeHoldcrwillthendetemiinat6e�mountotthemonthlypaymer.ttL�twoiddbesutftcieoerorepay�LeunpatdpdnciqlOatl -'� + < �"^�'�- <br /> � --,:� ir t� _i-.�C`sy�e c. <br /> � �.-�--_'�� emexpeaedtooweat�heChmgeDatelnfullon�ematuriryda�natmynewin:uestrateinauhsiecilallyeqwlpnymente.7Lntesultof �:,< h- ,v;,.yj;L�. <br /> r� . s i:: Wacalculntonwlllbet6enawemountofmymonthlypayment. ii;``r SC�iir`i`:"„�: <br /> u . n :�: (D) Ilml�sonln[ereatRnteClunga aj�. <br /> :C ;--:�,��r;tLeS� <br /> `' �''r�� � 4f. R�f : <br /> y � �4; lbefntercs[molenaqu.¢dtopayattLeCrstChmgcDnewillnotbcgrea�er�Lan 5.750 �Lorlea+than d.250 %.7Lere- _;� p ; �.t� -. <br /> z alter,myl�tcnatretewillneverbefncreasedardecreascdonenyainglcCAangeDatcbymon�hu 3/d perccnugcpolr.u�D.750%) t�- i�f "r7 �� <br /> from�hcmtaoffntercatlAavebecn a In for�he recedin slxmonUu.M intercatratewlllncverbe tcatertLen 9.500%. -,.".c;t,:�:'.rtu <br /> •�- P Y 8 P 8 Y 8 �'� �_, a,T <br /> �--'� (L� EYkctiveDa�eofChengea �;,. � o . •y;���: <br /> �-, ,;tt '-��: Myne�vintcrutmew1116ecomecttceHveoncac6ChengeDatalwillpay�heemomeofmynewmomhlypxymentbeginningon�he 't'-...+ �,4 '-' �c�#'•- <br /> � '-" firstmou�hlypaymcntdaicafter�6eChangcDamwNlthcemountofmymonNlypaymrn[chmgca�aein. '' �"•">'���`'i;�•',";-`�- <br /> ' �: (I�Nottccof Cdangw .�' ` '� � ` - <br /> .` ,.<� ._ -.. <br /> �--�• - 'IheNoteHolderwillddiverormailtome�noticeofenychanguinmyintucstrcteendthesmountofmymomhlypaymentbetorc --�� -.-.-5; ;� i�"• <br /> iLe effectfre date of any c6ange.The no�ice�vlli Include Infomia�ian rcqufred by law ro 6e given mc md also Ne tiUemd tdephaee . ='� r- �` 3i}r����- <br /> . �� nwnberof e persoo who wlll answereay quesdon I may have teguding thc noflce. " _�', �` �l -� <br /> .. ,' B. 7RANSFER OF 1HE PROPER7Y OR A BFNEFICIAL IYIERFST IN BORROWER ��'.' -•a'���=��{- -.' <br /> � � �-' Un(fortn Covenent 17 of�Le Securfty Imuummt b amended to rcad as fol lows: � `, ' �t �. <br /> 7Yansfa of the properry or a beneflcial imercst in 6ortower.if all or any pan of the pmpeny or any intcrcst in fUs sold or venskrtcd �_ ; . . <br /> ; ' �� (or if a 6eneflcial in�ercst In Bortower is aold or vansfemd and Bortowcr Is r.ot a nawral persoN wiihout Le�ei s prior wriacn conxnt, - � <br /> _ L.eoder m�y,at i�op�lon,requirc Im.�nedlate payment in tull oi eli sumi xcured by this Security Inswnenc Lendern!w shall no�uercise t•-- - ' - <br /> �hb opdon IL(a)Borto�ver causes m be submir.ed�o Lender Infom�ation rcquired by Lcndcr[o evalu�e the in:ended uareferce a.if a new i - � - � <br />- -° laan.verc6eingm�derotAevemferee;and@)Lenderrcawnahlydetefminu�ha�Lenderssecuriryrllna�beimpairedbyiheloan � " - - <br /> i <br />- . am:mptlor.end iLnt U:e rLsk of a 6rcach of any corcnent or egrcement in ihis Secuity L^swment s accepuble to Lu:dee 1 - � <br /> _ To Ihe eztent pctmitted by applicablc law,�nder may chatge a ftt as a condit!on�o Ler.dci s conxr.t�o We loan � � <br /> sssvmpllon.Lendermayaitorequircthevans@rcetosignanaaumplionagrccmemlhatisnccepiablc�oLtnderar.dthatobligaleslhc , . <br />' - veasfereew keep aIl�he promises and agrecmcnu made in�e Note aad in�his Sccwiry Intiwmrne.Borrowcrwill continue to bc . _. <br /> „ obilgetedmdcriheNottend�hisSecurityInsUw:cntcnlusLcndctrcicasesBortowcrinwriting. . <br /> � ,� IfLenderexercius�hcoplionmrequirei:nmediatepaymrntinfull, -- <br /> '.-.�_,�: . shall provide a puiod of not Iess Ihm 30 days(ron the date 1he notice ic ddivercd or mailed wilhio which Bortower must pay all sums <br /> secved by Ihis Secutity InsVemenL If Rorrowrr fails to pay Iheu sumc prior to the expitalion of Lhis period,Lendermay imoke any <br /> _ :--� itmtdiespertnined'oyti.isaceuriiyinsirurt�eniwiinumiunncrnuiiceorucmandannortower. <br /> BY SIONIKG BF1.OW,Borroweraeeeptsu:d agrca lo i1:c tertncand mver.�nls conlained in Ihs Adjusuble Rale Rider. <br /> ,,-.���;..n T Q (/l� �$�''�� �) /���,e� <br /> _�_.j.2__�_, ' �/USLS..�- C.., `9�� (Seel) � Yl I.P.C[lC� (Seap <br /> _ �i -ea.a..v _w�e.... <br /> _ . ;.i ". <br /> - _ ' (Seop (Seaq - <br /> ->.-��:i:�.�•��� -ee.e... we.,.. <br />:4 5;�` �-(- /Slgn Ortgina/Only/ <br /> -,'l9.;:-�i <br /> _'y-J...'- ' <br /> '_.p )_. <br /> "•"=�'�` ' MULTISTATE ltD.IUSTABLE RATE flIDEfl-ARM 6-2-Single Femily- <br /> ."=w';�-.;, Fennio Mae/Freddie Mac Unitorm Inetrument Form 317 7/3/86 EG3033(HEV 03/93) � <br /> . .:�t.- <br />� ._�...__. _ . _ _ _ :�-_ _ <br />