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..; Y.:-='�.�� `� �='�j •-�.-_-"�'-s�ase,.ut.vica ... .- - � � — - -—= > . . ... . .._.._- <br /> .. n _ _ _ <br /> _v .r � � . .� ... . <br /> �.-._t ._.....� ...... _ _ <br /> :..:t� - _. � . _. <br /> . ':._ —_.. �:._.._.._-: <br /> LF{_. , • 17.Transfor M tha Proporly or a Baneflolal tntorest In Borrowar.n d or my pen oi th� Pcopmy a <br /> ' tvry Ntwost N R le ed0 a UenHeRed(a X e bMa1de!Ntwast N Bortavar U�Wd or Uonalecred and Bortawp U not�na(ulat <br /> ,:R-: pereon)relihout knAa'�0���tten eontant, Lendw mqAt tl�op`b4 requYe 4nmc�ato P��t In Nl ol�num�eecure0 by - <br /> r ihfe Beaudiy NeWment Howmer, iAb opBOn afiaf not ba exerd+ed by laida i ezudaa ta prohAitt-0 Ey isdsral kx at of ttia --- - -- -� <br /> �.� : data of tNe Beadry InsWmert __ <br /> p ���; 11 LEnda mcefdsaf thla optlon. LeMN sheA plve Bortowe notla ot �aeAeretlon. The nolleo ehol proNde u D�d ol F -- ----- <br /> �' �'- not bse ilwn 90 tleya trom the deu the nolica b da➢vaed or melted rMAin whloh Borrowu muet pny al sunu eewiW by . �_ <br /> „ -�- thb 8eaully NaVumme If Borto�va t:.'s W pay thae euma C�r to No o�5atlon of Nb pd1oA. Lender may hvoha eny . - . . <br /> ` remeAee perMllatl by lhla BeauAy Nafi:mmt wAhoN Nrlher nabe or de�rentl on Bortowa. t^ - <br /> � { �-� 18. Borrowar'e RIph1 to R�Inattt�.I�Bortower IMBIO IXMN 00116t10I1A Bortowl�6h11 hev0 NO Apht a nave • a c.'� ` <br />"`��-� "` enforament ol �Ne BeemRy HsWmem EUOOnAnuad tl eny 6no pbr to tAe ea�7e ot (q e Ory�(or wob oNer pWOO ae F3_•_ ,r> � __ <br /> �:, - �: eppiable Mw may �peoHy (a reNetetemenp befaa orJ� of Yw Proparry µrswM to arry Pow�r of sefa wn5lntd h thta � :' _ ' . .. : _ ... <br /> , Beawly Inawmenk a@)mtry ol�pA�nmt enladnq this BecuAb Ntwment.Thoae oondtlone ua Ihn Bortower.(q pnYa • <br /> - - ��� lenda e0 euma whloh Nen wo�7A De Aue unAer Nle BeauAy L��YUmmt end 1he Note ee M no aaUenllon ha0 oocurte4 (0) ��;;"�:.�;�,;;-:-: <br /> : ?'��`-•$, aree my defauR ol my otha eorenent a eyeemenle: (o) prye d e�en�ea Nanetl N en:ordny UJ�Bacmly Imhumen4 "�s:?�=,.?�t"�:`°�'-- - <br />..,�..y���'r-: . <br />---��}'•;�� InduAn . bN not MYtea to,rouoiu6le enom laa: end(d)ukn avoh�dbn ea LenAe m¢ rasona6 re '�'�-=� �='�'' ��'"�- <br /> g �y y y qutra to eseure � n � a <br /> n ` -f"i.�� .A * l�e�� <br /> -; ihat Na Iien ol thb 8ecutlly InaWment,lendef�AgINe N the ProDO,lyeaU Barowef�ob9y�tlon to pey �he awns awreA �Y. .l.j <br /> � by fhb Beadly IneWment eh�9 anWue unehenged. UOOn rdnatewnmt by Bonower, We 8ewilty Inetrummt md the .-t��+� y �:�.�'; <br /> � o69geWne aewreA huaby sM9 remeln fiAy e1feNNa ee tl no eaelmtlon h�!ooartad. However,Nb tlpht to relneYta ehai - _y ru.�q v���. <br /> �.� � not appN N tha caee ol aeeelerellOn unda paragreph 17. x-i:� f. 1--;�- <br /> � ' " 19. 8ale of Note; Chsnge of Loan Bervloer.The Nae or e a pen� NIlfBet N ihe NOt6 (uga:her with ; �„; �`� � =- <br /> ,. .. .,:� A.!,,,.��,i:i: <br /> ' Ihb Seadq Inswmenq meY be ndd one or mae tlmea wllhaut qfor noUCe to BoROwer.A We may reauR In a chenge In the -.t;, _. <br /> r i�, ' y =- <br />_ - < =f en1Xy(Imqm eb the'loen BeMOer') thrt co0eqe monlhy peymmte Mo unGr tha No:e en0 th:e 8ewdly IneYwrenL fiere s �,i y�__-_ <br /> �F <>S;' =' b <br /> eleo mey ba ona or more clungee of the Loan&Mcer unrdalad ro e eNe ot Ne Nola tl there b a ehenge of the ben „ .w,-_�n�.„.. <br />-:f��!,::..:.;i v,-�:. : p -_ <br /> i:-:-.- SeMar. Bortowel vA be given wrNen noliee ol lhe e�ange N�aordmee wM pNe9raPh 14 abMe en0 apPliuble lew. ThB �.�,:. 3 -- <br /> � no0ca w10 eUla tha nune end eddesa of lhe naw Loen BeMcer anC Ne flddreas �o whkh paymmb ahould W meda The -�rr,� y �.�- <br /> � �.�, notlee w9 Nso eont�.h anY otha InbrmaEOn requtred 6Y epPlia6b larr. e',.iF - <br /> �r�-; 20. HBZe�doue SubetanC98. Bortower eheA nol eauH or pamit Ihe D�esence. usa dlspoW. tlorega, or relaee of 7� -�?i� ' -o._.. <br /> `����:�=-" any HaterOOUe 8ubataneea on or N the Roperty. Bonower eNC not do, na e�on anyone¢lae to 00. urythinp aflecEng the % �i'�;r'=�t^„�:,�;;;_�� <br /> i .yt. -�.."sf ; _ <br /> - .� . ProP�Y that b N Nolatbn of eny EmYaunentel Lew. The peeedlnq two smtene�ahaY not appy to the Dresenee. uae. _ �., , � � -_- <br /> `��j.�; or ataege on Ne Noperry ol ane9 qui+dL'es of Hezerdoua &iWtanaa thet ae penere7y reeoqntre0 ro be WpropNle [o .q:s��" ����'t'->���- <br /> +� normel reaidentlel uaa�antl ro meinlenenoe of the ProDerty. t �.�, �� — <br /> - �" Bonown nhen prompuy qNe tmaer wAtten notice ol erej fnvestlga4'on, tleim, dmw:d. IawtuN or othw�aion by eny ';:�_1,;:;:__ <br /> " gmemnenW or reguYtory eg¢nry a p�."�a�e pe�ty mroM.�g tha Nope�y ena vry Mazaraous Scoaunw or Envnaunentai l�w of -�.: �q�� . <br /> 1 wNCh Bortowar hae eduel Imor+IeA9e. 11 Bortower lenma.or b notifud by vry gwemmmW or reyuletay aulhaNy. 1N1 any � i��+ , -u - <br /> - 'J remwal or oNer reputlleCOn ol airy HezerEOw 8ubsfenee el4ctinq AoP�Y ia neoeaaery. Bonower s�e0 pranpty laka ell � --�, {� - <br /> ._/1. j.k SICI¢'_ <br /> . �_._ � neeesaeryremedleladbneN�aorAenwwilhEm4onmenWtaw. f i._,...w,,.,__,._.•.- <br /> :�� N used In lhis pempmph Z0, 'HOZUtloua SuWlenca' nmfioao mbslanae AeMetl e�todo or heiutlous abelancee Dy �-' _°--- <br />_�_ EnNronmenW Lew end ihe followNq eubsNncea paao0ne. kaosena othtt 1lammable ar todo peVOleum p�otluqe. toxb �'"�`'�"� _- - <br /> ..,•�,>;.�,.� ..�.�- <br /> poatldAea and herEldEes,voaBe aoNenW.mate�lale wnteN!ng nbes�oe or lameldehyde. enA retlioac�ve r.ieterleU. Ae wad In - . p f.'�':�!E�-__. <br /> , pereyeph 20. 'Env4wmenNl law'meana IeOeral lewa end lawi ol tha�uMa6Won where Na Property le lorattd Ihel relete to y i�F; ��-.� <br /> heahh,aalely ar mvYOnmmtel protedion. �. s,�-,' <br /> NON�UNIFORM CAVENANTB. Bortarer and Lender Nnher ooveru�t enA�yree�e followe: - ?<�'� -� i'=-- <br /> 21. Aooeteratlon; Hamedlee. Lender shell glve wtlae to Borrowor pdor to ecceleratlon `�: . iri��r'=` <br /> . followin Borrowar's breaoh of an covenent or egreement In thle Securi Inatrument (but not �. �' �'•+�- <br /> Drior to eccete�atlon under pareg�ph 77 unlese epplicabla law provides to henvlse). The nottae �I �§«^ <br /> �� � t -- .�,f- <br /> ahall speclfy: (e)the defeu:t; (b)tha actlon requlred to aure the defaulF, (c) a dete, not lesa than r"' is <br /> . .._r..[.•,t°i.-,: <br /> SO deye 6om the date lhe notice le given to Borrowor, by whloh tha datault muet be curod;end ;_,j,; �,:,;;_: <br /> `` (d)thet taliwe to oure the dateult on or betore tho dete apecifled In the notice mey result in � -'2; <br /> �'��" ecceleratlon oi tho eume aocured by thle Seourlty Inslrument end eale of the Property.The notioe � � , :,�t-.= <br /> - '�� ehall furthor iniorm Borrower of the dght to reinatate aftar acceleretlon end lhe right to bring a <br /> , �_ � court ecHon to assert tha non-exlatenca of e detault or any other defenso oi Barower to <br /> � � � accalewtlon end aele. If the default Is not curod on or before the date epecltied In the notica, I �>- °6`��?;i�:,e��- <br /> Lender at Ite o tlon me re ulra Immedlate a ment in tull of ell suma sacured b thle SecuA � '" � �- -- •' <br /> . P Y 9 P Y Y tY �.��=s:._.,<;. <br />� �{� - Inshument without further demand and mey Invoka the power of sela end any other remodlee j .- � �__."'�����- <br /> � - pormittod by appliceblo lew. Lender ehell 6e antkled to collect all expensea Incurred In pureuing ` - � ' - -- <br /> . . - tha remediBe providad In thle pewgwph 21, InWuding, but not Ilmitad to, reasoneble a8ornoys' t � �'` '�� �. <br /> , _ <br /> feea end costs of tNle evldence. ' - � <br /> � If the power of eala Is Invoked. Truatee eh�ll record a notice of default In each county in <br /> whlch eny part ot the Property ie located and shell mell coplee of euch notice In the menner - <br /> prascribed hy applicablo �ew to Borrower and to the othar pereona p�oacribed by applicabla lew. <br /> AHar tha time raquiretl by app:iceble law, Trueteo ahall givo publlc notico of salo to tho poreons <br /> and In tho menner preacribed by applicable law.Trustee, without demend on Borrower, ahall sell <br /> _ the Property at public auctlon to the higheat b:dder et tho tlme and place end under the terme - <br /> ` dasignated In the notico of sele in one or moro pacels end In any orde�T�uatae daterminea. <br /> � Trueteo mey poMpone eate of all or any percel of the Proporty 6y public announcBment at the <br /> � time and placa of eny pravlously scheAuled eale. Lender or fts dasignee may purchase the <br /> - . Proparty et any eale. <br /> ' _- Upon rocelpt of paymont of tha p■ice bid. Trus!eo ehall de!iver to the purcheaer Trustee's - <br /> . ; doed conveying the P�operty. Tha recltels In the Truslea's deed shell ba prima facle ovldonca of �- <br />_ i the truth of the atatemont� mada therein. Trustoe ahall apply the proceeds of the aele in the <br /> - i tollowing order. (e) to a11 coste and expenaee of exorclsing the powor of eale, and the eale. <br /> _ � Including the payment of the Trustee's fees ecwelly Incurred, not to ozceed three = <br /> % ot the prineipal amount of the noto at <br /> the time of tha declaration of detault, and reaaonab:e eROrnOy'e teea ea permitted by law: (b) <br /> to e!I suma aeeured by thle Security Inatrument: and (c) any excess to the person or <br /> . 1 peraone Iegaliy entitlod to It. _.. <br /> ` {�{] FiJt6UlG1�09]) �ap��n� 5 ��� `�'�� <br /> ��J '1 _ <br /> - .. ; evuoLM I <br /> l <br /> ! <br />