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,Y ..!--- <br /> � � - — _ _ : <br /> � � � . - . '. �, -- <br /> ... <br /> -.�r� � .. � .. t0(iETHEfl WRN a�J ih9 4nplCVem6Na caH o►AUa1Ra �a0le0 bp NO DroP��Md aA tesemeqt! eppurt2n.naaq prG � <br /> _ ___. <br /> '— RzN ma'nqw a herea�a a Qer16t No prop¢rty.M repleeam�la ey�d aQdlOyna ehe/7 Neo Ee eovotad by thle Bamdy,NeNm�6M <br /> - � AE ol IAe forepoNB k raferted to N Wa 6ewnb Netn��t at tAa •Nopaiy.' ' - '� . _. . . <br /> �--.� 80PflOWR1 COY�NNnB thnt Bortowa N IswNH e�aeE of fh� ea9:e�weEy comeyee an0 nae Na egnt ro ptant ene �.�„ _--_ <br /> _3 eomey Ihe Propmy end Net the Vropury le unenartbare0. exa91 �a mambrencea ol roao�d. Barmva wumnu en0 -�� _._. <br /> � -F� - w0 defmd genq�y Ne We to ttia ProD�M1Y ap�Nat d cWma�nd den�nde.subJect to airy mwmWUioea ol raoad <br /> p� TNIB BEWAIiY 1481RUMEM eombinee unifoim oorenante lor nallonal use end non�unMorm oovenenls w",h -; . <br /> LMled ru{stlona by pakrP.ttbn to oonsllMe a unNorm teaxlry haWmtM ooreiNg real propnry. ._-.. <br /> �. UNffOFlM COVENANfB. Borraver end Lendw avenent end n�ee e�foCowa � �7�"hw��_._ <br /> u ,_ t.Paymsnt of P�inotpal snd Interesti Prepayment�nd Late Charpae. sonoxer aha7 promyej oay when ��_ ° <br /> ' dua the pdnUpN oi end Inlaeat on tho de0t e+IdenaE by Ne Nae end any prepaymmt en0 We eharpee Que u0tla ttie� <br /> 3�. Naa� Funda to►Taxes and Insurence.eublea so�ppecee�e iaw or m e mmen wewa ey tmaor. Bovower nnu pey �J -�-•� � wy���; _ <br /> � �`.`. to Lender on Ne 0ry monlhy paymdita ere tlue unEa Ne Nole, un9 the Note k palA B N4 a�um('Funds')lor. (e)ywy =- --_ - <br /> texoa end aeaeanmenu wNOh mey atWn pAo�ty orer thh BecuAy InaWment as a em on the Ropory:@)yevy leaeehola ;: �� �.-. <br /> y `< � paymenW a�ound renle on tho Property,tl ury: (�yeefly hezerd or piopeM�urenee premJumr, (d)yeefly IIOOO Neuranee ' .�,� ,,,�,,, _- - .. <br /> s .,-_ �� preMUms,X eny.(e)yeary mortgage Insurtnee prem,mq.H vy.entl(� eiry aume payable by Bortower to lender In�eeor0enee ->„ ti � <br /> ? wtth Lhe provlsbna of pe'eyeph 0.N Ileu ol Ih�paymmt of moKgag�inaurer.ce premlunu. These Rma are eaQetl 'Eaaar � �.^�*"'y sc�i: <br /> A�' �_r' Itemf.• Lender nuy, at vry 1lme, eoAeU enA�old WnAe b en�mount not to exceed Ne marinum emount e knder tor e :': -;�_�_ <br /> c h� . <br />�.._r:_�'.;�':. tederaQy releted rtwNpape ben may reQuBe la Bortowere eaaav aaount vader the teAeM Real Eafala BeWemenl Wocedurer g��:_,�r__�y=�qy=___ <br /> - tY Act ol 1876 ea emmded irom Wne to Wna 12 U.8.6.1 II601 et seq('RESPA'). unlese another law 1M1 �pp0ee to Ihe Funde vM��.,�., <br /> � -c ` ` seq a lesear emount 11 eo, Lenda mey,at ury tlma colled end M1MO FunAS N en emount not lo ezuaA iho lee�a emount •� '�',33Y.y--�°�--- <br />`%�?r5'�',`„'.� Lenaer may eatlmete the ernounl ol FunOe Au�on th�baale ol eunml dala end rwaone6le estlmflWe ol m�nQ.mee of Mvn ' �-��°'!�_��� <br /> N Y <br /> :;r. Eeaow nema or othmilsa L�eccordenoa wlln�ODIIaeM�kw. ' ' - — <br /> `�- ' � The FunAa�hd ba�dA In en haLNWOn wM1Oae 0epoeNa ae Inwretl Dy�Podeml a en NeWmen tly y �' <br /> r 1:`:.t�._ 9 �Y� �BIY.or en MduAN -.-t:s <br /> > >,r:;�t�:; lender.N LenAer le wch an Nslltutlon)or In ury fedad Homa Loan Bank Lenda sh�0 epDN lAa FunAe to pey U� E�aow �"-�,= <br /> c s. - Itan�.lanEa m�y not eharpe Bortowc+1a holdNg end�ppyln0 the FunO�,�nnu�ly enelytln8 the esaow auount, a valyNy ;�:� .� � <br /> � � --�� the Fiarow Ilema, uNeea Lender peys Bortower Intaeat on Ne Ponde md sppBeebia Nw porm�e Lender lo mako such e :`z. `"- "" <br /> �,.,, .z...�- eharpa Howerar, lenAe/m�y requYe Bortowa to pry� onstYne dur8�ior an NOepenAOnt roal eeleta tex reDOrINq ee+vlce �`: ' <br /> ;�,��+�;:::.;;� used b LanAa In oonnedlon wM thl� ban.unlene epp0uble law prohAea olhmNsa Wlee�en eyreement W meEe or L`':?'��_:- <br /> app9cebla iew roqu4ee Ntereat to be peltl.La:der shJ not be roqutrW toµy Bonower�ny Nterest w eamNgs on Na Fund�. ;��,.r�{ _.. <br /> y�i�t�: Bortower enA lender maY sgree In vrtlWp. liowever.Nnt Intaeat die� ha pelA on fha FunU�. Lenda ahatl phe to Barowa. 1:-1r <br /> < « ,�?� wllhwt eharpa.en annuel eccountlng ol Ne FunAS. ahaving aadfl�mA debRa to iha Funde Bnd Ihe Durpoae tor wNOh eaM -:. 1 tt �;- <br /> ��;1� '°� debk to the FunCS xaa mada The Funda ere pledged�a edQAOneI�ewAry tor eA aums sewred by tho 8ecvtly Inewment (•_�.�sp�;.=,"�� <br /> � -�-� -- M the FunAe held by Lender m�oeed NB�+ounia petmllled to M held by applceble lew. LenAx thBA aoeount lo Bonovrtr „�%�.� .� �n._ <br />.,.._��!i2 rS tor Ue exeeas funM N aeoorOence w9h tho reP�kemanla of�OW���•���he emaunl of the Funtlt heW by Leider�[em� y.t��vr„��-____ <br /> � p Ume is not sullidenl to pay the Eeaow Itans wnm auv.Lenan mey w nouy 6onava n wrilny, o�d 4�uv�h ces:Oarowd � i „ _. <br /> � she0 pey ro Lender Ihe emount necesauy to maka uD��e dMdenry. Barower sM1 meke up the Ee6dmry N no more thm � <br /> r - -� hreNa monlhy paymams,el LenAKS aole meaetion. -�'I r`� �__ <br /> + t : Upon peyment-N fu0 0l e0 wma eeeureG by Wf Seamy Irownmt. lmAe� eheA promply reWnO lo Bortowu e�ry ' � f _ , <br /> i . <br /> r y_� Fund+hdd by lendn. i(. undu pe�ay�uph 27. La��oha::�s'ie a:d Lhe Pr�M;.!°rt�. �!a!he e�_bP�.�w q 3ie � ; - <br /> rt -_.� � ..x��. <br /> � et N.,:P:epatf.ah�apF i�Y FuMs hNd by Lend>N IFe �H.w d wcnPSNlnn et cste s? a rre�3 eyss[�h? �pn•ex+�rM - - <br /> t' t�T Dy thb 8ew�ily InsWment ,Y:� s� -,�,t ; <br /> { 3.App1109tI0O O}P9ymBnte.Unlese eppGCeble lew proNEea oNmMae, ell paymentn rtteMed by Lentler unEa ��, .. t t ��l --. - <br /> r {`;�; pangrephe 1 en0 2 ahel be aDP��: my prep�ymen: charqn dua unOer Na Nole: tecoM,to wounk pay�ble unda ;E s ;�i a� <br /> ! - perepwph 2;Ih40,to ntareet due:lourth,lo p�Ndpal Ne: anA Not.b eny lefe charqea due under Ue Note. i �� ` <br /> � � "-_ 4. Chetg08; LI9ne. Borrower ehe0 pay eil uzes. �ssasaments. cherges, F.nv and ImpoaXbna e�ulbwde to the �=, t --=j1 �x <br /> , �j,,;- Propwy whiU� mey e:Nln D�odly wer Ihb 8ewdty InsWmmt. end leaseholtl paymenb or yrounA renle. It eny. Bortower -.- � � +(1 i <br /> � t? ahe0 pey theee obEpetlone In Ihe menner prorlded in puagroph 2, ar R nol peld L� lhet menner. 8arower ehell pey them on ?f•" ' t` "�?E�'': <br /> �i:-- 14ne dreelly lo I�e D�on owed paymenc Barower�IUO prqr�ty fumieh m Landw a1 noticea ol emounU to be peitl undv i_. . '}t�' <br /> '-':Zr.:,�". this PereyrePh.If Bortoxtt mekea Neae paymmte dreGN. �nowa ehal PromDLy Nm:eh to LenAer receipla aHtlmcN9 ,�..>: .,, j•:�.; !it ! <br /> �'�� n. "i._;. theDeYmenls. '_ , ' . {401 <br /> Bortower sha:promptly Cschn9e e�ry Ilen which hes pk'iry orar ihla 8eadry Instrument unlus Bonower: (e) egrees f�,�;. �f� •=f},* <br /> In wAtlnfl to Ihe peyment ol the oblyeUOn eacured by Ne Ilen N e mu�nr eccepuble ro Lmder: (D)conleele in goad faNh the �.-:�- ,:•- `:'t�`lS. <br /> j � -%: �en by.or Aef�de egtinst anforcemmt ol lha 7m In, kyal paceedNpn xhich N Ihe Lender e oDNbn oP�ta to prev¢nl � �--(�,�„ <br /> iha enlorcemmt ot Ihe Iim: or(e)tewroa hom 1he M1older of Ih� Ilen en egreemenl ee0atectory to Lentltt euborENaWg Ihe � - �. a-,_ <br /> OM to Nia SeaAly In6Wmant 11 LmCer dotMMnea Oul eny ptrt ol tha Propurty b 6ubJect to e fren whiah mey e:lifn pdotXy r; �-: <br /> i o mer U'a 8eadly Inawmenl. LenEer mey q�w Bortoxer e noliee klentTyNg the Ilen.Bortower sheA�etlaty ihe im a teke . .,,�_y,` <br /> one or more o11he eWOne set foM above wMh 10 Erys of IDe giWg ol nolice. . .,� :_ :.�- <br /> 6. Nazard O� P�OPB�Iy IIISUf8I1CB. Bononer ehv:keep the Ynprwemmte now edsting or hereeRer Meqed on the 4 .. . j�,�-.'i.:� <br /> _ _ Property L�surM aqelnal loss by 6e.hazerOS HtludeO wRhln 0e tmn 'eatmtletl corMege' �ntl my olher heier04 IntluAlr.p �� '" _.J(I„�`:-._,., <br /> Iloods ot wNCh Lend¢r requ4es Bsurence This Msurenee nha7 be melnamed N iha ertaunte and lor 1he perioda i - r � <br />_ thal Lender requhes. The Insurance cen:n 0��4��9 Ne insmanu aha:6a ehoaen by Bovaver sub�ect to Lmder e epproval ( - -. �:��� .. _ <br /> whlch aha0 not be unreaaoneby wllhhei0. n Bonower tans to mWlain ooveraye tleambetl ebme. Lentler may. et Lmdeis � � <br /> j� - optlon.abtW torenya lo Drolett Lmtleis t1yMS In tM1¢ProPMY In accor0ance rrXh peregmph 7. E' �3,:_ <br /> - A6 Neumnce po0dea end rmenab e�a0 be euepleb:a to LenOer md shell sUuCa e s�entlud mongeye Uauae. Lentler � . . . _ <br />� - . 6hal heva Ua dphl to hold the poGdos antl renewals. 1/ Lmdri requlres. Bortowtt eha0 prompty qho to Lentler ell receipta o1 k . <br />_ , " pefd D�emtums enA rmwrel nolices. In:he aent ol loaa. Bortomer shell ghe promD� �otiee lo t�e Nsurence mMtt ead . <br /> - LenEx.lenAer mey meke proof ol bse X no1 r.uAe prompty Ey Bortawer. <br /> � ' Unleas Lentla enA Bo�rOwx ol�e�wise eyee in wriling.Ir.surance proceeds shall Ce aOP��� b realoreYOn a repait of <br /> . �he Propeny Aemeged. tl �he reataa0on or repeir @ eeonomicaly leasble anC LenOers seaMy Is nol IesaeneQ 11 lhe . <br /> - realon0on or repe4 M no: eCOnotNmly leasile or Lendeis neturly wou:tl Ee lessrnetl. Ihe F.sumnCe pmceeLS 6h�11 Ee <br /> ,_ • epp5ed lo N��ume secu:etl by Ihis Securiry L�ztrumenl, wheiher a not ihen tlue, wdh any ezcese peitl to Bortower. 11 <br /> - -� - Bortower e6andom Ihe PwO�Y. or doea no� answer wilnin 30 0oys a notice Irom Lmdu t�a� Ihe �nsurence aMer Ns � <br /> " ollereA ro se:L'e e clalm. then Lmdtt may coLect IRe ir.surena prouetls- Lendtt mey use the procceES to repeir or <br /> reslo:e IDe Property or �o Oey sums securM by�hb Seairy In:vumer.�.whe�her o:r.ot tnen Eoe. The 30.dar petlotl w� <br /> �_. - bEgN when Ihe no9ce IS qiven. <br /> - ' Unlese Le�tler er.d Bartawn olhenASe egreo n wrilir.g. eny BpOL���on ol pmceeds to pentlpal shell nol exlm0 or _ <br /> ' - pos'yone Ihe tlue tlale ol Ihe monthy prpnenls re1enM to in pamyraphs 1 mtl 2 or chmqe Ine emaur.l ol 1he '� <br /> -' - peymer.te. tl untltt Deraymph 21 ihe Propeny 6 ecG�ied by LenCet Bononers nqh: 10 eny Inamance poHCea an0 proceeES :. <br /> ' rebu:Jnp hom dama�e l0 1he PropM.y Pr=:lo Ihe ecQUlsfllon Shal pass�o LmOer lo Ihe ealenl ol Ihe Sums by Ihls SeGUC'.y - <br /> - '__ = mswment mu�ediemq p^or io�ne acqursnfoa - <br /> - 8. Oecupancy, Proaervatlon, Maintenanco end Proloction of the Property; Borrowor's Loan <br /> Appllcellon; Leaseholda. Bonower n1uA otGDY� �bb:ISR anE use me Pfopmy es Bmroners p�ndpei reafdence -- <br /> - -' wrthin sY.y Aeya eXn Ne exewllon of tha Securiry �nsWmecl antl shall w�G�ue to occupy the Roperry es Bo�orrera pdndpel <br /> realtlmca tor et leest ona year e�tt Ihe date c1 ocaW��Y�unlesa LenEn ol�e�wise eg�ees N wriing. which consen[aluli not <br /> '�- be unreaaonaby wM�eld,or unlesa exlenualing arcur.ulances aist nhich are Dqontl Bonareri conL•oi. Bortower shell not "- <br /> . tlestroy. tlamaqe or ImpeB ihe Prapcity, ellow Ihe Properly lo deLL.:orole.or cammil wasta on the PfopeM- Bortowtt shall Ee � <br /> _ N detauK X�r.y IortMure acUOn w proceed.nq. whe�her dr!or eriminal. is bcgun 1ha1 N Lmdera qootl IaM1h�uCgment cock <br /> .��i j � remtl in/odellure ol the Property or otheiwise matetl�M impatr the 4n cea�e.• Dy thls Securiy I:slmmml or tentler, sxuriry <br /> '=::;� :ntxesc � -. <br /> :�.�=';i�� c,�,au�o ooea v.,r z ��s SW g ]�_ <br /> . '�v:': -'. — ----------��.----- -__ ._ .� - <br /> . 9]WOLM <br />