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i -fC h r�n t ��� - --.- er <br /> iil -� .] .! J"'i'�`�'�' . -�� 4c 'i ".a'`_` �� .t�c _ <br /> +.-z-45:: f-•+1'" n� s a ' S " ;L r j.l.��� � �t�.r � l S Y.�y�y-t �y, 'f -�° . <br /> _ ` '� H! '� � • �/ . ��-�V2�e�RPI�r <br /> _ ` ;'� ' , ' , .;, ;<�► aHM[� dP E i: ��F� � _� ; ,: ,z �. , t�rj;� <br /> � �1�3°vK1t����iTtY�rREHTSpI�EHlifi'La�!Sttsz:�l:s}tR�a�.:_18T _.�ypf- �LL"IE;�"��e.� �,r��_:_ <br /> � . . lnGprpDnted�ntbandl►i�llcbd�emtqtot7��nafnad�pptlln¢n1tM P 9+G6dTAeMct�rU�Lfle��t�t�rt�f,�Ner�o�o*nh�' <br /> �8wt�nty tqetruma�t°,of in*.4�M�:dits Qtvpn yy tn�unGenipnod ea�in�ti7�)�n�!a�a tno��BbrlBr�f',idypurr,'. <br /> :BdTlpvfeYelritleGte�neee,�ero�Qutt6rtqte�f4d4pAb_ii�p"NOta",tkhdf��P�D�(iA4$AVIN�9ANGlAANA65�G�ApONaP.=. - <br /> - - o :tiE�R�tt(13CAMqt+:rMaifetrgfetr�dFue�lhe"LeRdli'j;Plth!leSinldatOGrtOM�ror1A0��R.'^:•',,ex.r�R�h.a.ruruu, - <br /> — Inetrymant nna loaebOdic • ....: . : ` : . '- ' ': ' ` ' <br /> - .-., . . ., - . :. -._: . r'� o <br /> -" " ' •• 6tZ.M..KENNEpY p4-: GRqND ISIAND. NEBRASKq :89903 _ _ ' <br /> � :; " <br /> -=- .. _ • • �ra�umaaardac! - <br /> WttNE�Bk'+tH. . ' � • - <br /> WHEREAB,Borrower enA Lentler ryav9 9preeA that any ronte an0 protlta attrlDUtabla tQ tha Oioperty eAOUItl c9ngt'Itpt6:�":,,. <br /> -°"'� - - BACIUOng1 a00YdtY Io thB LenEOr t011he pByRIBIIt of ihe NotB; - � � �•'"�: •• '--- <br /> � NOW,TH@REi0R8,lUl88�B8tlth8tth0880Ud�ylO8tNI118�t8h811b88t11800BdfIBfODy80GdB8l118dtOItICiI14BthOf0110N�OQ„_ �• <br /> �:;:i::;:�,_= provlslona ' . - � -- . <br /> '��_�`�' man fRentseMLende�RentnlCOtlentlonBlehte,80ffOWBr118f0Dy8D8ofut81ya110U0C00dRIo11811 88LIQ118G1�. <br /> ":;:�t_;'-. , �� A4lW0._i4 Y <br /> �,�.,, , renta, leau68 BnA protite o} the property to Beneflolary. LenAer shatl �ave the dght, powor end aut�alty aqiing 40e . ' <br /> „:, _ conlinuenc9 of t�e Secutlty tnatrument to colloat the renle,lesues anA proflte of the Droparty and of aoy pereonal pfopeAy-- ._ <br />� ?.,�,.�_.` � Iocet6A ttl0reon wif�o�without taking poasessWn ot the proparty affeoteU heraby.Lendar,however, �ereDy eonaente tq- . <br /> ,;.;., BorrowePeO011eotlonanOreteNlonoteuohreMe,188ueaendproflteaetheyaooNeantl68COmapayaDle.solonq6e8ortower �. <br /> -:�-° Is nol,at euoh tlma,In Oafauit wil�reaqtat to psyment ol eny Indebte�neea eeouretl�ereby,or m t�a peAamBnoe o}any � ----------- <br /> �^..�sp.` apreament�ereunde�. <br />.<.��-`'``� -�� 2. A000lntment of Reoelvsr. If eny event of Gefault in respaot to tno Seourlty metrument e�all have oecu►rB0 6nA he <br /> :,,;�...:;"rr - <br /> '= �'�±"^ continuinp,Lgndar, ea e metter of ripht enA wit�out no�lce to Borrower or anyone olaim:np under Borrower, pnd wlth0ut =- <br /> ..A?iiW <br /> ,-:.�,.;j reptr0 to t�e v�lue of t�e truet eatate or the Intereat of the Borrower t�ereln,e�ell�eve the rlgM to aDP�Y�o�M/ooutl�avinp __ <br /> =�i+t.7r- �uA0tlI0lI0n t0/pp0lnt e rao8lver ot Ihe p/oDBrty. _.- <br /> ,!�-Y'�� � 9. Biam to voeneseion.ln o�ee ol Eetault In�he payment ol t�e eal0 prinolpal Note or intereat,or eny O�h thuwf,ae It <br /> "'.o::-'fYe <br /> � �� �� e�allmaWn,o�IntheauofPo:lurotokeeDOrperformmyoftneooven�Meorayieemanteaontolne0lntn�8eour1ylnOtnx <br /> tr � • rtU111�men me�enaer,Ite euoceaema or aaeiqne, 6t1811 O9 600 Ia hBlOby BUt110tli0U e�d OI�pOwBfB6 t0 Uk0 immOdfi[8 --- <br /> �„ � ,•� p06il601000ftho6�lOD�emItE0R1at810tl8E0�IC6tl9nUt00011E0t��B�E�tlt110tE1fOt�,antltoepply��eDrooeeGeMereoftot�e ___ <br /> +� � p�yment ol t�e Nots. <br /> ' "� /. Aoolleatlen nf Asnt�.leeuax ann pmpta p���gn��rnllnetaA nq LBnEer or t�e�acelvnr ehall6e eopl IeA IIt6t ta o�ymint - <br /> s�"�* �-! nf IA9 ooe�e e1 mansgernent ef tne properly anC colieotlon Of reate,InoluAlnp,but nm Ilmlted to.r¢celver'o teea,premlumn on -._. <br /> �-t� recelvere bonAe antl reeaonabie attomey'e feee,entl than to ihe eume saoureA Dy t�e Beourily Inetrument LenderanA th0 R �.�� <br /> �+` 't fBCE1v6I t�ill b9 IIgbIB t0 6CCOUnt only for ihoie rOMa actualty recBlv6d. '--'"'-- <br /> , sr:;fi 6. ConetmotlonofProvls7one.EachoftheprovlslonecontalnaUlnthiaAe8lqnmen[OlRenteRlEarendtha8eoutlrylnstru• � -F�'- <br /> ment ehali,Uf11B88 Ot�8�w189 BDeCIf10811y�equiteA, be cOn9ttu80 In flCeO�tlenCB wlth NBb�86k9 18w,0n0 In ih6 9vent eny J-"•'` <br /> { r "• prOVlelOn�ereln or tharein contelnetl shall be determined by e eourt of compeTent�vrletlictlon to Ce unentoreeable,tha e9m9 ...?°+i:�- <br /> ':<.�H_-;; ...➢...,.:.- <br /> :;,yr",:,•._ Bt1811 b8 eon8troetl ee th0ugh 6uC�unentOreeable p�odalon were not Dert�ereof or ihereof. -,��;�?__,-_- <br /> �l -�.', 8. Effect ol HIAer.EzceDt ee epecilically modifled by or Inconsl nt wit tNe AealBnmant of Hente Hideror by eny other ,,'�_`.- <br /> • �4'���� apD��aable rIAe6 all ol the terma enA provielona contalned In t e Bc rity imment e�all continue In full torce enU effeot �,t�y.r ` � <br /> ?t�rc-.�,<: --_ <br /> : � -_- , %_ ,: <br /> �_J_,,,f, IN WITNE88 WHEREOF,Borwwer hee executed thie Aee ment t nta RIOer on the tlate fir6t noted ebove. f - <br /> f i_ <br /> 5� � �� KE T�d�J. ARS�E�`a-f-'�� 4 -- <br /> 1i g � : <br /> .,. _" L�L�` _ - <br /> a i., :, <br /> - - - IINITR (7. LIIRSEN eoirower ��„`_`_' , <br /> -?° STATE OF NEBRASKA) <br /> 49 • <br /> f �Bb: YT <br /> COUNTY OF HALL ) <br /> � <br /> �£ '�� • On thle �ST tlay of �U�E tg 93,bebre me,the unAerslqneC.a Notery Pubne OulY eommiselonotl antl � � <br /> f' quellfletl for selA county,peraonel�y came ICEUIN J. LPRSEN R4D RNITA f�. LARSEN. HUSBRND il!9 WIFE _ <br /> , .to be ihe�Genike�person(s)whose name(e)iyare aubactlDed <br /> to th9 foregoinB Inetrument,antl helsheRhuy ecknowletlge the execution tnareo�to Ce hiWherltheir voluntery ect anG deeO. <br /> >. <br /> . '��� ; 'r, Wltneee my henA ar.0 Notarlel Seal al_ GflFNJ ISLRND, hEBRR� _ {-. . -... <br /> i�sa eouqtY f a e -yG�`� � :.�_ - <br /> � _ ` �t/• «� r " <br /> i <br /> Nolpry PcU11C ' ' <br />_ = My Commiseion expirea: ��� �.� - <br /> �>i: xrwxnae � . . <br /> ; `;1 �lIL WGJtY,St�M¢�y <br /> ._� w�uuN�Ma[unx <br /> M'Q77.i EipMt�2 1936 <br /> ..-t_"-:7 <br /> �ivTP'..,'-�: <br />. ':�• <br /> ,yr_ <br /> L " � —. __ —__ .—_ — — �'. . .. <br />