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'""'" <br />. ."�Y-o' . .. ...._ ��'-.-_:__--.. <br /> - � - = �►�aus�r�����, ���e �i��� ��t� 1�����:��� �= - <br /> �+�`��" ' � (!Year'1'rcn�ury lndcx•HAtot'op+) � -- --- <br /> , ��-� �.�' <br /> { � .__ ,�9,J1._... �' �- g" <br /> 'S'�.�'�-: 1't11S AUJU37'AUI.Ei HA'fN R1UF3R i�meda thl� .. 1.��1�....-dny ot .r �un� . _. _. _.__.. ._. <br /> �°��= and is fnc��rpotatctl into and eh�ll hc�lttntcd tu amcud m�d Supplcntcnt Ihc�tartgogc, IYt:A of Trus1, or 5ceuri�y pce�i(1h� "�:curii7 �+.-.s�_ .� -_..r- <br /> .".`�"� . Instn�mcnt"�af 1ha set�te ctato Bi�cn by tho undet�lgncd lt1►o"Roiro�vc�")to iccuro Narrmvcr'e AdJtntubla Rnto NMC(lho"Nntq")t�K��'f� �...�. �i � <br /> ,?„�r � FO�E(lA3BAVIN�4�_I.OAN A&SOCi1�TIQN O�CJtiAt�1 t�:l.ANqa�fE�RASKA(the"Lender")af�he sam•,dato�tx1 c�a�cti�i3 thc • ,:• -`�" <br /> --a-� grnper�y descrltmd in Itic Sctudty Insirumcnt pnd Ixotcd n!: � = <br /> _ .._� r ',i:T1�T --- <br /> _� .... .. •.:_ C _ <br /> :,�, 216 Uos� R�Ad. Grand I�1c�ndo N� 69AC11 � � <br /> - —.__- .... + ,� _�t <br /> i,. ��,. F...._-.. (Propcny Addtcss) . ���� " <br /> • TAI�note coniwlas prorl�lom altoWi�a fo�cA�c�ca In wy Intcrcst ato and my moal�t,r __ , , ° <br />-;�;' �:- - , <br /> - _ _ p�ymcnu�T6b noto at�n Ilmlt�t4o tmounl my Intcre�l rAte c�n cdwnao at my one Ume ond , _ <br /> - �•�`Y piso lAe mlaSmuu+�nd iha ma�clmam rntc 1 musl piy. <br /> , <br /> -- � AUUI'I�IONAL COVGNAN7'S.In addlNon to thc cavennnta nnd nnrcemcnts madc in thc Sccuti�y insirumr,nt,Harrowcr nnd l,cttii�t � _ <br /> � '.� furthct cavcnnnt und nBrcc tu fallaws: , �� <br /> � � � ' A. INTER�ST RA'CF:AND MONTH4Y PAY�BK'P[:HANGFS " <br /> " The Note providc�for an IniUol intcrest r�te of___'•� ��%o.Sccdon 4 oP tlie Note provldcs for chnngca In the interest ratc�nd the � ��, _" <br /> =�_� " manihly paymenia,ns Polluws; , . <br /> .�.:..- <br /> . ,. ��1:=-=-_�. <br /> ;� - <br /> 4. lNF6REST RAT6 ANL1 MO/YTHL)'PAYAl�NT CNANGl:S � �:rv '= <br /> IA1 ChAngc Unt�a � `�"'�- <br /> -` Tho intcrcat ratc 1 wlll pay mny chnngc on thc first dny oi .J��Y ,19 �z -.nnd on thot dny evcry � -_ <br /> '�� ___1_�____ montAs thcreai'ter.Eneh dite rn�►hich my intecest rnto eauld change is calted a•'Chnnge Uatr..•' : � -_ <br /> . (Bl The Index .. � � ��_ <br /> Ueginning�vith ihe ilrst Chnngc pate,iuy in�ri��t rnte��IU he bascd on nu Indca.l'he"index"is thc wcckly nve�t�a Y1cld�n Unir.�J States �• . . � <br /> � Trc�tsury sccu�iUcs ndjusted to a cunstant matutttp ot 1 ycAr,as madc avnllahlc by ihc Faicral Rcu�vc Ruard. Tho rnaat rGCCnt Indcn Ilgurc . ___. <br /> � � nvcdlablc as aP tho datc 45 days befaro cach Changc Datc is callcd thc"Current Uidex." �- <br /> �;�;;..;,-� If the Index is no longer nvailabic,the Note Holder wiU chaase u naw index which is blscd upon wmp�rablc infptmotioa.The Note • _ _- <br /> _','l',,s';` Holder will give me nodce oPtl�is chaice. , ; � ��, <br /> ' ,`;� . (C) Calculatlon ol Chpnges _ �� <br /> '' ' � Befor e:�A Changa Date.the Note Halder w111 cnlculate my new Intcreat rate by addin� ��-o and 4ne half petcentage �'!� <br /> ,_._,_.__,__. , <br /> _� � � <br /> . ° poims i—�=` �1 t�.shs Currr+t sadcz ars!ruundln�su the ness�t !!Bth nf!�e,su63cn to chc limits staf.�In S�clion 4(U)bolo�v. <br /> ,,,•� � <br /> This rvnndcd nmount will bc my new Intcrest rntc until thc next Changc pate. �t� ` : <br /> ,� , <br /> 'ffle Notc Hotdcr wlll ihcn dcterminc ihe nmaunt of�hc monlhly p�ymcnt that�vauld bc sufficient ea rc,*�y:�fidl the princ+psl l am I ,•,\,`,; � <br /> .g_ _ '_ �.����n�n nura on�hnt Chanac Datc in substunUaUY cqus►1 puymcnts by the maturity dnte at my ncw incerrst racc.Thc result�f U�is calculation � _ • � <br /> _ _ - - wiU bo tt�e unw an�auat af mY monthly paymcnt. ; -- -- � <br /> � � <br /> (p) I.Imlts on Interest Rate Change9 � ' • <br /> Thc Imcres� ratc I am rcqulrcd to pay nt ihc firat Chungc l7ntc wlll not bc grcutcr thnn 9•S �'o or ir.s+ thao � j � <br /> S-5 -,lo.Thcrcahcr,my intcresi ratc will ncvcr bc incrcascd o�dccrcascd on any singlc Chc►ngc I)aic hy murc Ihan., �W.....-� I � <br /> � �.z.°�� from thc mtc oP intcrcrt I hAVC bcen payin�far Ihe prcccdin�:iwelve ma�th9.Thc minimum Intcrest rntc�n ihis lo�n wlll ncvcr be ; <br /> � less thon_5�.5 4'o and thc muximum interest rnte will nevcr bc flrcatcr�hnn_ �2�5 °o• i <br /> ',� � (�) IsffccdvoDoleolCt�anges • <br /> . My ncw i�terest ratc wlll become effccNve on each GhungC Datc.I will pay tha amount of my new montbly paymettl bcFinning an thc(Irst � <br /> monthly poymcm datc ofter thc Ch4nL,e Date until ehc nmm�nl oi my monthly pnyment chungcs nga�o• , <br /> (Fl Notica oi Ch�naes � • <br /> - ----- ---- The Note Holder wiU maii or deliver�u i»e n noticc beforc cach Chanxe Uatc.Th;noUce a•i!1 ndvise me of: ; <br /> „ (i) the new interest rate on my lonn as of�hc Change D�te; ; . <br /> (ii) the�mount af my mon�hty payment tolla�ving�he Changc I�au; ; <br /> pU) any ndditiuna)matters whlch tha Nate Holder is rcQulred tn disclnsc;and ! <br /> pv) the addres�af ihe assoeiation yuu cauld cantact ceg�►cding ony puesdons abou�eFe avllustment no�ic�. � <br /> p. CHARCE�;41ENS � <br /> Unitorm Covenant 4 of�hc 5ccurity Instrumcnt fsmrncndcd to rcad a.v follo�vs: i <br /> 4. Ch�rges;Lens.Horrowcr shnll pay all taxes,ass;s.gments,and olhcr chargcs,fincs,and impositions aiulhu1ah10 to the Property which may :. <br /> nttain u priority over this Saurity Instrumcnl,and tensehold paymcnis af eraund rents,if any,in thc munncr pravidcd undcr parag�nph 2 hercof � <br /> � ar.if not paid In such Borrower making paymen►,�vhen due,direcUy to Ihe payec Ihereaf.Florrae•cr�hal)pramptly fumish 4ender � <br /> ull noticcs oi umounts duc undcr thls parag�aph,�,�nd in Ihc cvcnt Borrowcr shall mnkc paymeni dircctly.8orrawcr shall pramptly furnish ta : <br /> � . Leudec ceceipts evidencing sueh paymenls. Borrowc� �hall prompUy discharge any lien which has prioriiy rn�er �hi9 Securlty Insirumem: <br /> -__ <br />