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<br /> c �,=�7e...+..�_
<br /> n � nppNcc�bic law nu►y s��clfy fur rcinsttucmc►►t1 t�cfure salc of�hr !'ruiacrty ptu'suu�ri tu ;�ny puw��r of�alu c�minlu�:tl in �his �' ' �.�Y-- _-
<br /> �`Y;���. -. Sccurity h�struntc�u;or(d)eniry��i'n judgu�ent cnfurcing ti�f9 Sccurity Insinimcnt. 'i'I�oso cot�ditioi�s anz titRt Ilnrr�i�vcr: (ul � �: _
<br /> �' --"„-`-�-'- pnyx l.encter��il hums �vhict� thrn t�•��uld b� duc undc� thFs Security in�tn�m�ni nn�l tl�c N��tr i�4 it' m� uccc�l4iatM,n had R - - °_
<br /> `�.,`'�:�"�r•-„ .
<br /> ���--� accurt�d;(G)cures i�ny deL•►ult uf t►�ty u�i��e eovenuntt oc ugreCnt�uls;(�)pays ull ex�xt►xxs Incure�:d in c�tfmr:inF�Iltis Sec��rity _ _
<br /> �,.-- �
<br /> Instn►ment, tncludin�, but not limited tu, r�eosu�iitble+utunt_ys'iccs; s�n�t(d) Inkcs surh+�c�iu�i i+� L�ri�tu�' nt�ty r�itisun+it�ly �;• _--_.: ,
<br /> *�• t-� �zuuire ta assu�e IhcU thc Ilan ol this Sceurlty Instrumcnt,[.cndcrS ri�;htti in thc ihupcny mid flum►►v�rl���bH�;ntiui�tu E};�y thc --- _�=
<br /> -- ��'? sums s�cueed by thls il`itli'Ii} Ii}51Rii11Cii� ;:h,slt cantinae uncha�tged. U�on relasl�tement by Bum.►���er. tttis �ccurety �="�- _ __-
<br /> *���'.� Insuinncnt imd thc cibligudnns sccurcd hcrc.by;�hiill nmi�in fully c�Pcciivc us if no u:ccicraUon had orcuir�sd. E�o�wvur.Ihlv
<br /> �'-� ' rigiri to tvinstutp shnll ttut npply in ti�o case af i►cccicration undc�paa+graph 17. - - ;_
<br /> � :^�-�� .` 19. Salc oP Notc;Change o4l,nnn Sc�•vtccr. 7'hc Nc�m or n p�trtiul intc��s1 ii� thc Notc Itnl;atha�wlih Ihis Se�urUy
<br /> Inslnm�cnq m.oy bc�ald ono c�r murc �imes withaut prior n�ticc I�� p��rrowcr. A snlc mny r�:sull in n chango in ihc cntity
<br /> = _ (known ns the "Lomi 5crvicer")th�u cullecis manthly pi���menls duc under the Nate i►nd thls Sccurity In:,trumcnt. There alsu
<br /> __ -- ` mny lx;nne or morc chitngcs of thc l.uaa 5crviccr unrclatcd w a sul�oP ihc Notc. If thcru is�a chan�;a«f tha l.oan Sc���icce,
<br /> -='�? Harro�ver wlll be given�vrltten nutico af tho chimge in ucrnrdnnee with par��gr.iph IA iih����«i►nd nppllc:ahlu lu►v. 'Th��notice
<br /> �� .:,c . �vill state thc namc+u�d address af'the nc�v�,oan Scrvlccr�md thc addtcss to�vhicli payment�:shi�uld he nu�du. '1 hu notico will _ _�___ _
<br /> -_,�,, '. •.;';� � nlso contain any athcr iafortnation requircd by appliciibic Imv,
<br /> �_�;. ;•�:.�,;,., 20. Hazardous S��bsinnces. Borrower shi►II nnt causc or pcmiit thc presencc,use,di�pusal,st���n�;o,nr rcicus4 of uny I
<br /> •��.`.;;;itrii'•:k.•`: Hazardous Subs�nnces on ar in Qic Praper�y. Bonowcr sh311 nnt du, nur ullaw ,tnyoti�clvw tn da, +inythin� nffactinU thc ;
<br /> ;�i:.'•=�y;;f:�`� Property thul is in violatian��f any L�awiranmentul I.aw. The pr;��tling lwu sentences sSiitll ncH npply t��Uto pivs�nce,use.ur ;
<br /> `"�"`�`�'��';��`��' • SIOf:��c on thc!'roperry oi smull quimtitics of Hnxardt�uc Subs;a��;�s that a��;�acrrally m:+�gni�:cd tn hc�uppi•opriutc to i�ormul ' �
<br />'�,,i�,_,,�..��;,•a ._
<br /> ��� { �, resid�ntial uses nnd to mi�intenunce af the Property. . •
<br /> � �'�;,�, �.: B.�c,rrowcr shcill promptly givv I.cndcr�vrittc�nuticc of aqv invc�ti�afli��u,claim,dcmnnd,lu����uil or othcr:�cti�m by anp � �.�.,_
<br /> ��Y�`�2'ti���it�,�7�. �c,ti•cnnmzntal ar rcgulutory akcnc�r or privutc parry inviilvin�:th�Pt��wnr a��.9 n��y 1�ate.�iYlaus SuGstunco or Enviret���ci�EUl - .
<br /> y�f�'�;.;7i�+;1�. L'•a��• c�i'�vhich 8onowcr has ,ertEr.al knawledgo� If �Ol1'le\1'�T lcarns, or is notilir�i h�� i�ny gi���cmmunti►1 or �t�F:;!alery . `j
<br /> .,,�..�;?Zt��� .` , flt�i'�orily,that any remava�l ar c�.+��rnmediatian oF tiny !l:tian9�ius Subtili�nce i�ff�etin�; tha Ptoperty is necessary, L3:*n��wer ___
<br /> � ' sAyll pmmptly lake i�ll r►ecessury remedial i�ctians in accurd�m«�vith�n��irunmentfd L.n�v. --.�
<br /> :,� � ' As used in this paragrnph 20, "Huzttrdot�s Sub.vtancev':uo those�ub.tnnces dufiincd ns taxic or h��rantous supsti�nces by ��
<br /> - ^ ksnvironmentnl 1.;��v imd thc following substun�rs: ga�olinr,keruscnu.��thcr lliunmablu ur tuxic pctruhum prcfducls,taxic � �_�`
<br /> ,� , , E�;stiridey wid hcrbicidc.r•,voli�tilo solvents,ms►tcrials crnt�ining asbcxta.r• �ir fom�i�ldchydc, and rndia��c�ive miueri�!k As
<br />