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<br />� the princl�ui um�iui�t ai't6ic note at tha ttu�e uf tlm dreli�cntl�m uY defuulf�u�al rcasanal►I�:nlAurnuyN'fec:+�ay��er�4�ltFed F�_{e_'
<br /> = -�� �y I�wi(h)to nil sun�snccure�l t�y ihls Sec�u•Uy lnstrumcot►u�d Icl uny excess tu Ihu��ersun ar pern�:av ee;��+lly�ntitlM! �
<br /> .-, ' tnit� � -_.,.��
<br /> -- - �«, Etecam�cyancc. Upnn pnymcnt at 711 sus»� kc�:�+�'c�l i�y lhtti Sc�cudt� 1n�t�untcat� �.L'41t�4{ �U►�� �{.#U4SL Itllltc� to ._ -- �
<br /> - `g r�.:onv�y tlic {��operty nnd shaii surr:n�trr�hie Security instn:s�tc°�tt �i�Kf ill) Iltl(CS CVIfIfpllil�'dehl 4�eurcd!3y thls Srct+rf�y .�:
<br /> - = Ittstt't�nlctlt tt►'llv�l?c. 'lli�stc.ti:s►►ull rr.convey tltc Ih'upctiY wl�hm�t �vn�7unty u�td wiliiuul��bnr,t•�a� Itu: �x;r::un ur pc[:.c:ns � _
<br /> �` Ic�;�iUy cntitted to il. Such persun�r pers�ms�h�dl piry uny rccurdiulun costs. �, "���
<br /> -_-- ?�� Z.3. :;ubstttutc'll�u�tcd�. Lrndce,nt itv a��dnn,muy frun��i�ur ta tinto�tiiowvc'll�usttt+md np{tt�inl u�uc�;i��ur Imst��r tc� ���i� .�--y��
<br /> —= i!ny 'llu�tce aE�pointed hrretuider hy i►n inst�umen� i�:cordf:d ii� the cminty In whirh this Srriu'ity In�lrim�rni i, r.�urdcd.
<br /> _ 1Valltatit convcy,mc,� a1'ihc F��►pcny. thc xucicssi�r itustc� shnll +ucc��d ta uU thc lillu, wwce nnd duRi�� .unfr�Yr�i ii iun " T`'�-�``
<br /> ' � ! f � „�:,
<br /> _= N;. 'Ihistcu hc�cin i�nd I�y upplic+iblo law. ' ,.��� �;:
<br /> 2A, Qtequest Pas Nottces. Bi�rro�vcr requostti thal eapics ot�thr nutic�s��i'drfi�ult s�nd K:�la Dc sent lu liut ruwcrl,�dtlrass ,,° � .-
<br /> = , which is thu F'rap:.ny AciQress. �t ������..`
<br /> "� � - 2 S, N t de rv ta t h i s S c c i�r i t y l n s t r u m c n t. I f o»c u r n t�r� ridcrs urc��ccutcd h y tli��tu��'cr mid recurd�-�I lu�;cthc•n wUh �__ ,� T.
<br /> — Il�i;Sccu►'iry Instruntcnt, thc cuvainnts a�nd��gmemcnt���f c�ch �:urh ri�i��r .hnil Iw� in�•i•�•pnr�tlrti Int��tu�d�I�all tuittttd untl __,,��� .,3`�.,-L._.
<br /> � ' sapplcmcnt thc covcnimts and ugreements of this Securiry Insirument nti ii't hc ridc�(�)wrrw�►p,ut uf thi�S�r��ri�y Insinimrn�. � �_ _
<br /> __ -- `;� (Check npplicablc t�ox(cs)1 ,#�� �'
<br /> �,� ��� 4 �•:
<br /> a��..s.tei-' `. , • ( � •
<br /> �` ,� �Adjustiiblc ltiuc Ridcr �C�mdom�nium Itidcr f_� 1•�31:nnily lbidcr � � _��_=..
<br /> _ � , , � �r� .
<br /> �' ' •_ �Ciruduntcd Pnymcnl Ridcr �Nlanned Unit�cvul��pntcn�Ridcr u t�i�v��rkly I.rynttnllti.dcr ��
<br /> �'� .'
<br /> � ` �8ttlloon Ridcr �Riuc Improvcmcnl ltid��r �5ca:c�nd Hnnto tti�it r
<br /> ;� �Y,� ' I ' , -_
<br /> _-_:=-i�i�',� . ., . ` �. . �•'-�-.
<br />_-�„ . _ �Othr.r(s)fsp�����Yl achnawledg�nsnt, UA Guarantsad l..c:.�n Rid�.r. Assumpti.e� Ricler �y-�=
<br /> ��
<br /> _ . - -- [lY SlGNI1VG HELOW.Hca•ower accepis und a►��'�cti Iu thc tenm and rm'cnanis r�mlained In�hi► Scrudty instsument � " ..��
<br /> _�= ar�ci ici any ridcr(s)executed by L3orrower und recrn�ded with it. __ ,
<br />_— _ '... : . � . • ,. = . -_
<br /> y. . . . ,�`: Witnesscs: .�- �. �—
<br /> .�:�_ �., �,- ; , i ., . _..,.r e
<br /> .�� ti . �����..r.-.��-_,��..,�,����5�:,�� � F--
<br /> -�� . i�� �� _._...--� - ___,.,,,,___ .�S�AYtON'l'f ' _
<br /> ,ti� � ••� �_t_.', f Donavone m. mi.cr�el �---
<br /> � ,'. 5aci,�i Security i�iumber . 508�3Fi�G74q � -_ __'_ � _ r=
<br /> _ �
<br /> - � - -- �---- (Scal) �
<br /> -_ __•_...._ ---- •I3or�o��cr ':':A.
<br /> � .',- -� Sc�ciai�arurlty Numhcr _ -- f l , y�h 7�
<br /> .�•g'
<br /> +�-` STAT�OF NEBRASKA. Hall ('uunly s�; �
<br /> sa34 ` x
<br /> � On�his 21 st ��y i�f J�np 1991 .bcti�ru mu,thc undrrsi�;s�cd,a Noiary Puhlic '
<br /> '7" `' duly • missianed and quulificd fur suid caunty,personally ramc ��
<br /> :��1�. � ._ -:-
<br /> �.: r D au m. michel. a single person ,w+ne hn���vn w bc�he ` ,• , -°
<br /> == i 'c s(s) whuse namel+)are �ubscribed to �he farcg��inb in�trGmvnt and i�cknowlcdged Ihe execution thtceaf ta , . �'.
<br /> ;.,�'` ' hc voluntary•�.ct and dced. �
<br /> ��: � ' , tnd noturial scal at Grand Island�ebr in saiici c•uunty,thc ' �
<br />-�?i' _ (IillC il`OTOS '1l � L*�E�'� �r.,�.
<br /> -_�_: , _. MyCommitis� �� �Q �2j�99.Z.�_-u (i `"'�- � .. .
<br /> �i . ' . $ '�o�ary k'uhlic .
<br /> �•t��� • ' r21��' R�QUEST(�OR RECONV�Y.1N('E's . . � '
<br /> �,�_ . TO TRUSTfiE: • � :
<br /> �"" The undersigned is Ihc holder ot�he nate or natcs.cc��i•ed h,y this Deed uf"IYu:�t_ 5nid note ur Fa�,.e�,to�eiher with td) , • . '•�' �
<br /> ±�� -`-� `t` ot57r r indebtedness secured by t�ls Deed of'Itu�t,huve heen�id in full. Yau aru herchy�lirccle�l to�ancel said ttct��r nates � ' �
<br /> ;`• �k�;•;'+'.�.�• ' , nnd ihi.r•Uced of"IYust,which a�delivered hcrcby,and to reronvcy,without w,�rranty,all the cstutc now hcld by}�ou undcr
<br /> � ' ihls pecd of'ihist ta the porson ar persans legally entillcd thcretu. �
<br /> :.. ... - ..F.
<br /> �`�� Date: - -- `
<br /> . Fhrnl J02N 9190 iputic h n)n pa�grs� � .
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