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,v.., ,. �. . �,.;;_,��' LJti` .n,.�:it'�� �. . , .;�. . .. . • - .. _ °° -- <br /> _ ,, ,., . , . .. � <br /> . , .. . .��� t\4 - ` . � �'.� " . . - - ' - - - =1_ - - .. <br /> _ .. , � <br /> ---.- _ - ,,.. . � - <br />.. . . _...... . .-= '--'-. . . ._-. ._ _.:....--_ . .._._ _ _ . ....:�. . . . . �--._-_:.- ; _ ..._.. . . .. .. . .- . .. . . .._ ._`_. ..._.... ,-'— - <br /> � . �' _�:' �� .. �-- - <br /> ._ —�. - <br /> ` �... �, . - . • �. <br /> .. ._ . _..__- -- --�� �-- -- ,•, -- __ .. _ _- - <br /> 'r� _ - • - -- <br /> � ��..-_, =rt.. , _ --- <br /> . , n ,' ' . ._ ti�= <br /> f'�:�Lc�F�=3 �� _ ...------� .._..___..�.....Lr�aMi�,u--=_--- <br /> M11Y}Yii�7��'4'.... - .- •r-� ._��._.-.._. . �,�._.. .�..._ . . �..-- ___- ___ <br /> ... . . YY�i... --...... ... <br />���..__-' ,�.�y - �� � - ___ .. <br /> lI -ra K�. ST Qaz.'+���i/��� �' � •—• _ ._--_. <br /> !b <br /> �s,�'�'.:� : _� '� ° <br /> ��«.� '� ., .i'fHili'I'HHlt WI'171 nll Ihc inq�r��ve�ucnts nuw ur I�crruflcr crccted��n Iltc pr���t.riy,nnil nll��n��ut�:ul.r•,uppurt�nim4cr, . { .� � <br /> -�-`�� -�°` �ntd ilxtures r�aw ur I�crc;�ftc�'+��;�rl ul'Ilic pn�perly, All rcpincetiirnts uttd�uldUli��ir yhnil nl+n Iso cuvrred by thlh ticrurliy �,' , ��*�.� _� _ <br /> ":.'�' � ,., `�'. >_, ,r�,_� <br /> ,� ,� inste��o�ent. Ail uf'ihi�ti�ret;uitig is��oi'i��c�d{t�I�t litl�St:�uriry Intitrum���l t�v 11►e"1'raperty.' ,• ^, � -_ <br /> ��-• t�(7PRp�V�t3 Ct�Y�.71VAN'CS tha�t Lirtn����rr iw Inwful{y nei�e<i ul tix�calulr U6re1►y ru��vcYcd und hny thr.riEttU lo�riutt F . �� „ <br /> _ ' � . -� tmd coi�vcy ihc�I�'c+}x!ety t�ntl that iha 1'n�p�tty ly uim�t4umhcr�d,exccpt for cnvunthrnnrcy ui n�:urd, tiutmw�r�vaRanis 7nd - � ; -"-° <br /> � � . '� �viff doiciid gc��c�uity tifa dtta to thc t'mpcity agaiiwt�+!!e!«4m�s�mt�t���unnd�+.,uGlcct ta unv rn�umhrnn�•r�uf�ccord. � �_ , _ <br /> F-" •"-' . T}1tS SECI}ii1TY INSTRI.1MEiN'I' cumbincy tuiiFunn cuvcuun�r lur iuniunul usc im�i nun•u��liorm covr�uins� w;th - :{ .�: <br /> � ilmitcd vurindons by jurlydi��Uan to c�nsdtutc��unifurm security insteuntcnt cuvr►�in�rc,d pn,pcEty. ,. ^� <br /> -�" � � UNIFORM COVENANTS. {3a�TOwce nncl t�undcr cuvennn��tnd o�rc+�ci�li�ll�►�v�, ��.' . -; <br /> . 1, 1'iiynir.nt oF Princl�a!�md intc�esti Prepnym�nt,md I.,ute Chui��es. Ciurea�vrr.rb�dl promptly pi�y whcn duc the � , - <br /> �-`' ' ... princqml aF nntl intcrast�m th4 daUt evidcnred hy thc Noto und nny prcpnyment�md li�tc chu��cs duu un�icr Ih�Nute. , <br />``�- � � t. I��n�la for'Ibxes und Insurance. SuhJcct to uppUcubla lu�v ar tc�n wrUten+vuiver by I.endcr,Nureu�ver sl►all{�ny m � • <br /> `,�}. " Lendcr on thc day monthly piryments i�ra du�undcr ihw N�uc, umil thu NuW iw puid in tidl, n sum 1"Fuiuls"1 Por:lu) ycurly f . <br /> -�--.�_____ _ iaxcs and ussc5sments�vhich i7+rv nttuin�riori�y avcr thiy Sccurity Inxtrumont as u Ilun on thu 1'roperty;(bl ycarly Ici►schold � i •��� <br /> -,- _ ___ _ , ._ .. <br />�;a:" �;►ymcnis or gmund r�:nts �n tho F'roperty, it :iny; Ic/ yciuly hucui�l �n ��e.►�.ety in:;uruiY4c {�rt�miunt�: (�i) yo:rr�y I1nM � , _. . ._-- -:-.:. <br /> =•=- msuruncc pramiums, IF uny: lo) ycnriy mongugu insunmcc pr�miutnx, ii'�my; iuid ltl any sum+puyal�lu by H��rm�vc� in � . <br /> ,�'� Lender,in uccurcinncc with thu p�o��ision�of pn���l;riiph H, in liuu ��I�thu pnymcnt of monguge insur:in�:o premium�. 'I'hese • „ <br /> ;�`��,,- • . itcmc an callod"Escraw Items." l.endcr may,nt+my timc,cnllec�t und huld I�unds in nn amount nni a�cxcccd thu mnxlmum . ,. . <br /> t='�; • amoum �� leneier for i� fcdcrully reluted m��rtgii�;c loiu� mny rcquirc f'or Borrowcr�c+crow urcount undar Ihr. tedar��l Kcal �^_�. <br /> �' •� }isti�to S�tticment Nrocedures Act of 197A us umcndcd frum tlmc t���Imo, 12 U.S.C. q?.601 c�r sec�.C'RESPA"),unlua,anothe� � t <br /> ��' I,iw thut upplies to tho Il�nds sets u Icsscr nm��unt. It�s��,l.encicr mi► uny Unw,ccdlect nnd hold FUnds in n��umc�unt nrn u� <br /> �'G `- .. excecd thc Icsscr amrnint. l.cndcr mny usdmatc thu amaunt ��f Flmds duo an thc bi�sir ��i� rurrcnt dntu und rea���ouh�o „ � '`�'�' <br /> s"`�" • estimntrs of expenditurc+of 1'uture�scrmv Items or othenvise in a►cenrdnnce wi�h upplicnble li�w. '�y <br /> � ; Thc Flindy yliull bu hold In nn in+titution �vhasc depositti urc insu�cd hy n fcdcrnl agcncy, instrumentulity, ar enUty . . .;•. ,�"=- <br /> �':E •�� (Including Lcndcr,ii'l.cndur is xuch un Institution)or in iuiy Fcdcrid Hamc I.uan l3zink. Lundcr shnll upply Ihc Funds to puy . , -___ <br />' �:*=-' �'�� thc Bscrow Ucm�. t.cndc�•mny nrn churgc Rorro�vcr fur holdln�i�nd upplying tho Flinds, unnuidly�; thc escmw ���- <br /> � • � nccount, or verifying �hc Fscru�v Ilems, �mless l.ender puys Horc��wer interest un the Fl�nd� und upplicuble Ia�w permit� , �--- <br /> � l.cndcr t�•m:�ke �uch u chiu•�:u. Hoa�evcr,Lencicr muy rci���iro Bnru��ver ta piry a une-timc chiugc for am indcpendent rei�l _ �:?�? <br /> ` � cstatc ai�repordng�ervice used hy Lender in crnncctian with�his 1�>i►n,unlcss nppU��nblo luw provides u�herwi,u. Unl�+�an . . �,'�_�`' <br /> '� • " i�grcament Is mndo�r upplicublc Im�•requirr�intemst tn ho paid,Lender tihnll nc�t bc requircd tc�pi�y Horruwcr uny intem�t ur <br /> -- ' en�aings un�ho Funds. Qurcuwcr nnd Lender may rigrao in writing,howevcr,thcu intere�t shull l�e paid un tha Flmd�. l.ender , ;i=" <br /> �- • ' whi�ll givc ta 8orrowcr,�viUtout chnr�e,an;mna:d accaunting at�tho Funds,tihu�ving crcdi�s und dcbily ti�thu Funds imd thc �_ , <br /> . purpnse fbr which cach dchit lo the Flinds wt►s aiitde. The Fl�nds are pledged i�s udditi�mid sccuriry tor all�ums�ecurrd h�� : �;. <br /> this 5ecurity lnrtrumcnt. � �-. <br /> � li the Funds held by l.endrr excccii ihe umounls p�rn�itted to he held by applicablc law, Lendar shitll iiccrnmt ti� , . _,__ <br /> -;. __ -� _ 6orru��•cr ior ihc ex�a:;�unds in a�:.orc3;sssce uitlt�he rcx}uicement�t,l��gp1���„Ic iuw. If�he�uno�mt uP thu Funds hclu by " <br /> Lc�idcr at tmy timo ix n��t sufficicnt to pay Ihc Esceow Itams�vhcn duc,I.cndrr muy su nmil'y R�nm��•rr in writins, und,in � ° - : _ <br />� ruch cnsc HortaH'er shnll pay ta l.ender tho amount necesxury tc+ muk4 up the deliciency. Rorrc�a•cr �M�ll make up the ; <br /> _ ,__ del5cicney in no mnra thim��velve monthly pi�yments,al l.vndar��ule diticroiicm. <br /> � n «...., �lo ��An: tn n nwn�:IOV � •- <br /> �w,:--.- - :., . tipun puymunt in tuU ot i�U sums sccuroci by�nis "accuriiy Li,tiu�i�a��i, �..�8�wi�iS:�a j•.••u.j-••� � �_!?_ . _ ` <br /> �_._ :_ _. _ _ <br /> FUnds hvld by Lender. li', undcr parugruph 21. Lendcr shall ucquire ur tieU thc Property, l.ender,priur tu the acqulFition e�r -� r <br /> snle of tho Propeny, shnll apply imy i��mds hrld hy l.undcr:u ihc time i�f;icqui�i�iun or ti,+k as u crcdit agtdnst thc �ams ., , <br /> " secured hy Ihis Sccurity Instrumcnt. � ; <br /> • 3. Appllcittlan ��f 1'uymeMq. Unles.r upplicablo law pruvides uthcra•i�r, all paymunts reccivcd by Lendcr undcr . . <br /> � � pi�rugri►phs I nnd 2 shull he upplied: first,to imy propi�ymenl c hurgeti duu unde�r the Nuro; secoiid,to i+mnunts pnyablo undur <br /> • ,. pAragtAph 2: thlyd,to intcrest duc;faunh,to princip,d dua;.►nd liir•t,to�my I.iw chargcs due undcr thc Nutc. <br /> 4. Cl�nrgey� I.lens. Bnrru��'cr shull pi►y uU tuxcs, urscx�munts, chut�;c�. tinos :md impusitions aqribulablc to thu . <br /> , property which may iutain priarity c,ver thiti Security Instrumem,imel Icnseh��ld payawnts or gmund rentti, if nny. Borruwcr <br /> � ' hht�ll pay thcse obligatiuns ln thc m�umcr provicicd in pnrii�;niph'',��r if not paid in th,i�miuinur, aorroa•er shiill pay thom an <br /> .. lime directly lo thc persun��wcd paymcnt. Bon•ra�rr shi�ll prompQy furnish ta Lender all naNceti of umounts to ho pu�d under , <br /> � ,. this pnragrnph. If Porro�ver mukes thesv pirymvnts dirocUy,i�nrrower�hall{a�r�mptl}• fumish tc�l.ender recoip�s evidenring <br /> - �ht�pa�•mants. • ,.,.� , <br /> Bonowcr sh:tll prantptly dischnrgc�my licn which hu,priuri�y����� U�i,S�:u�ity l�ti.;trum.rt unless Aorrowcr:(�)ngrc��• <br /> . � in��ritinF to�he payment af ihe ubligi�tian sccurcd hy�he licn in u numncr acrcptable to Lender;(b1 cuntetit�in gond faith tho . <br /> lien by,or defends aGains►enForeem�nt��f'the lien in.legul proceedingy which!n the Lender\opinion oprnite a�pr�vent the <br /> � • enf'orcement of the lien;ar le)secures front th�holder ui'the licn��n ngmement tiatisf.►cu�ry ta I_ender suhordina�ing tho lie� � , <br /> . ' to thix Srcurity Instrumenl. If Lundor dctcrn�incs thut+my purl of'thc ProPrm�i� �uhjcrt t�+i licn�vhich m�y att�►ln priority � <br /> • � uver this Securiry In�tn�ment,Lendcr muy give Fiorrowrr.�nuticc identifym��hc lien. 8vrrower shull satisfy tho Uen or take I , <br /> ono ar morc of thc actions set fonh a�bovc within Ill diiys of Uic giving nf m�tirc. <br /> ' S. Halurd ar Property lnsurunce. Barrowcr xhall kcep�he impro�•rm�nts now cxi+�ing on c�rcaf'tcr crectrd nn�ho • � � <br /> Properiy insured against l��cs by tiro,harurds includcd within thc tcrni"�x<<n�iea�o�cr��r�" and uny o�hcr ht�zards,includin� � • • <br /> • Ooats ar flaaling, for whirh Lendcr rcquiras in�urui�rc. 'I'his intiur�►ncc �h;�ll hc mi�imnincd in the amenutls i►nd for tho � <br /> � <br /> l�orm J028 V�vO U'a.tir�.;(n Pu�;er) I '. <br /> , j <br /> - -- - -- . ` .. <br /> 1 <br /> . [ <br />- 1 <br /> t <br /> . <br />