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' _. � 3 ' <br /> 1 . � <br /> t n. <br /> _ ... 90�`���DId. �BYH.:GtU�ND 13LA(rD.-NEBflpSKA 60801- � ' >o �' ' •- -t v_ <br /> ---_— �E88�'TH , IPSopirt�+AeQr�i�1 � � � .`r , ; --�- <br /> .t � - , � .i „ . _ , ' <br /> r � ._ > ' , - _ : :: <br /> - Wj1EflFJ18�BOROWB!�11d LlIIQlt h�Y!��IOGd t�et Afiy repta 8nd pfOfl10 ptltlOUt0D10 t0 ihApfOpOr�i ahoUldoqneq�i'� . � <br /> . -_eQdltlaptl4aputltytotheleedOrTot.tpepeymepboitA@NOtA; - ' r � : `'; •; • <br /> _ <br /> - - NOW,THEREFOftE,INaepreddthattho8�curltylnal�umontapalibvamcrqlod�4roby8qOdeameG�o�nWqdethq�pitg?[�4 � � <br /> ---- . -� DtoYlalOtle: . . _ , .. . - . . . . , _ �'_:'_ _-,;-..- <br /> � �. Aeelqnmeeto Ren�enAlenQerAenTelCotlentlonRie�te.BO�rowOrhBtObyebS01dt61yBndUn00rtditb11a11�a5'Bly�p II� <br /> ront0. laeueg antl proflte o} tha proporry to Benefloiary GepEer @hall. �av9.Ma JIOh4 power @na author�{y audnp ►�e <br /> ��° aontlnuance ot tho eeoutlty Inatrument to ootleot tna renta.Iseuee and pro8te qf tns propeM1y 8hd ot any OOr6on�!prop6rry � <br /> _,,,�„� IooalaQ thoreon wlt�or without teking posaeaaloo ol t�e DropBAy alteoted h9reEy. Leqder,110W8YBf��IllfOpy�OOtldlqt6 fC,. . <br /> "'�-"'�! Dortower'acollaotlonandretentlonofsucArem�,ISSUasanOproBtBaetheyaoon+9andD8aam�payab:e,qolongasBonnwer ,.._, ..___ <br /> � r+�:t Is not,at euo�tlme,In Gelault wlth reaDe�t to payment ot any InAebtedneae seouretl Aereby,or In t�e padormehc9 of eny �.; ",: <br />._..,���;:_s, apraement hereunder. � • � ' � . - <br /> � K :: <br />.:.:;.;,�;�'-r}c-° P. A000lntment of i1Bgalver•If any erent of tlefault In reapeot b tho Seoudty Inelrument ellall tlave oCOURBO 8nA 6B . <br /> `.•_{�s iy' oonnnulrg,Lander,as e matter ol tlgM entl wlt�out notice to Borrowar or enyona oielminp untler Bortower,entl Wqhoul <br /> �,�.:,,^.y a1i�.: - <br /> -„.;r,.�,.,j, repar0 to the value o}the uuet eetate or the Interest of thg Borrower thereln,ahall�ave the dpht to epply to Aoy oOUR havirp �- <br /> ... z...._. <br /> =;y.e,;:3�� Iurta0loqon ro eDG��nt e recelver of the poperry• _ . . :� � � <br /> �r°"` 9. Bioh�to voeseaslon.In oase of tlelault In t�e payment ol t0e seld D��nolpel Note w Intereet,ot en art Iheraof,ae It--� <br /> i-:'"s,�?4"i;:-?, YD - <br /> -'"^-»� �t>% e�allmature,orint�eoeaeoff9lWretokaeporDedormanyofth000venanteoregreementeeontalnedtnt�9889utitylneltu• - __.. . ._ <br /> ��'��-;�`+%}F�. ment,t�en t�e Lender, Ite BuOCeEEOre a flesipn0, ehall be 9n0 18 hBtOby 9uthOtlz6tl antl erOpowBtgO !0 teke Irt1�Igdlat0 = - <br />-`�:r•::: .._N<• <br />-` �.�7_.;:;�.� poaeesalonOft�eaelAD�emlaeetharelnAeeorlbedentlt000lleotlhorentet�are(rom,anOtoaDP�YtheDro0eoE8thltaOftOths ' . - <br /> - ��_,�f. payment of the Note. <br /> t'S��s�t.� A. Apo11o9tI0nOfR9nte.ISeu8eafltlROilte.Al1�801e001180t0GCyLen40ro��t�B�BCeNe�One11bB9DD��80fV6ttOp8yf11611t � - <br /> ..... ..._ <br /> ,. ��,,.,,_�� ufthevoaleo(menagemantoflhaD�opadyandooi:eotiunofreMe,ioafuding,butnolitmiiedio,reaeivar'9fe99,premfumaon - � <br />'-:��,:-;�,�;;;5� reoelver'e bonde end reasonable attomeye feae,end than to the aums securetl by the 8eoutlty Inetrument Lende�en0 Me __ <br /> -,�3;�_ ra0elver ehell be Ilabla to acCOUnt onty fa ihoae reMe aotu911y reCelved. r;,!__ <br /> '1"; <br /> L ��. 8. Conatruotion ol Provlelone.Eaoh ofihe provlelone conlalnetl In thle Abslpnment olRenta Ritlerentl ihe86curltylnBiN - <br /> „. --�.�;; mont ehell,unleee othenvlse spedfioalry requlred,be oormtrueA in acaor0anae with Neb�aske law.antl In the event any r -'�_-- <br /> �!. Drovlslon hareln or thareln contalnatl shan be Uaterminetl by e court o}competent JurlsAictlon to be unenforoeaDle,the eame �: -�--- <br />_:.��i',�yj,�tiZ�_: ehall Ee Conatruetl ae though guch unenlorceable prorlslon were not e part hereof Or thereo6 -�.�;°qr;:-:-� <br /> � - _,� 8. Effeot o}RIOer.ExcaO�ae epeolfloaily motllllgA Gy or inconalatent wlth thla Aealgnm8nt of Rente PoUOr or by any OthBt :�C,` �; - _ <br /> nf�4 �-:- <br /> :,;°;t:�-,:,;�,�� epplloaDle ritler,all of t�e tarme and prorinlone coMalned in the 8acutlty InaUument e1a11 eontinue In fu:l foroe and effecl -�-,,. <br /> �;,i :;` = <br /> `�(i <br /> ��.:�. <br /> j� - - IN WITNE88 WHEREOF,Borrower hae ezecuteA thie Aeelgnment of Renla RIOer pn t�e dele�Iret no . .�"!,� <br /> .d_..[(,>R;.- i_+1q:�;?`_ <br /> � -�Y :, �� ,-. <br /> �.i�( ,g�� 3 <br /> „/....��.✓_. BRI N TT NOniU�wer ..:_ "�.r��"� <br /> :_.�:y^Y%, � :�:':-:`.=:`-'�°`: <br /> .iY l:i.:%"::. <br /> .�r LIS11 J.'NORTONOOrrow r .__.°-.'�„ <br /> 4 ,: rr •z 4 <br /> :tF �;�` 8TATE OF NEBflABKA) F �;r,� ��"'.' <br /> (b9: �'w ,G ri.:,:+�': <br /> 5 COUNTY OF HALL ) <br /> .�7.:r��,�•'- Onthle 28TH Oayof MQY 79 g3 before me the vnAera�gnetl a Notary PuCiic Oviy commiesloneC ana �:•S%�.•y`;`.��_- <br /> qualifiedlorealdcounty,pereonellyceme �RIkN SCO77 KOR�GN AND L1511 �. NERTON, HUSBNND 11h'� WIFE <br /> '� ;,� .t0 be the�tlentic6l person(6!whose neme(e)19/ere subaCtlOetl ��� ; j `- <br /> -" � '�:� [o the toregoing inetrument en0 hN6hetl�9y eCknowledge 1he e�ewtlo�ihereof to be hie/h8tllh8it voluntery eN BnA deed. - <br /> Wilneea my hen0 enC Koterial Seal at GRAMJ ISLHND, NEERRSKR <br /> _ _ _ _____ _ msaitic0upfy.IheOateabreaa�A. -�' _ <br />:.- f, �- _ .- �.`- <br /> - . ,� i_� , . . i.- �— - . <br /> r+aa�r.ruoec - f . . <br /> ' ,. ! <br /> _ - My Cpmmlesion ezpires: � � — � - - <br /> � <br /> _--_'___- Hs�onmrn -,. __ - _ <br /> '+�' �` ' �w��h�l� C <br /> `";�>.:.:. sbt�"�'N�"�a�4��� ' <br /> _,:.;,.':j. ei��t��6V <br /> ":,. <br />__=.,�:- <br /> '_4:'4�.- � <br /> �y1�1:;:.:F��: <br /> ,L: <br /> A �. <br /> � �__."_ _.,___ <br />