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' - ': '. <br /> � ADDYfIONAL COVBNAYIB.In�dNqoo to 1he oarenen�end rgeemmu miAa In tM&adh Immuntol.Bortowu�cd Lmder � . _ <br /> - - <br />� ---' Ntthercormmt�nd�wutollom: � .. . - . _. <br />,-���T= _ - . <br /> - ?r A. [N1FRF!!i MTB AND MOM![LY PA CNANOP9 <br /> <-M1 �.i <br /> -_'��+,v 7M Note D�odda tot�n INtlel Inluut n:t ot�� N.Seaion a oh6e Nae proNda!or cdan�a 41 fte la:aae n�e md�I:e <br /> .:,�-"� montNYV6Y�4.mfoiloxm - <br />...�.,���... _ <br /> -��!�'�`�1>. �. lA7SkPSTRA78ANDAlOMHLYPAYMBMCNANOEB <br /> _ <br /> 5� <br /> t �' W Ctiul�Datq _.. <br /> - - - -- <br /> s L, ` 1Teintuatratelvri4paym�y�ha��on�hetintdayof ��hE ,I9�+ .endon�hatdayeray <br /> ;'�:�:;;;`::- 12 momhsthuahtt.Eechdaaonwhlchmrir.�eratntetou:dfienB�i�Wltd�"Char.�eDate." — <br /> ;;.'r:�_ -._.- <br /> -.•;'�.��' w) ILOfOEa <br /> c.i:ti'::;,^% <br /> ;�-i�4'_ &ylwJny�rlU�theM[ChuiBeDau,nyin�aatra[eWllbebaudoowlndn.The^Indn"4�hewaktyeveregeyleldonUdtedSUta <br /> ""��i,�...: neasurr�eauttua aal�ea�o e wwum memdy or i yar,e�mnde aw0abia M�he Pederal Ruerve Boud.The mou rwer.t Index Iituro <br />:_ p;:., eau <br /> --;�'ri-;�.:;f �rqleblee�ofthedale{Jdan�foreeacLChen6eDnebulledtAe"6lrtentindn.•' - <br /> :`s�1°"-i`. If Ihe fndae b no longr anilablq�he No�e HWda wW choose a ncw inda whirA u Wxd upoa comperable InformLlon.71:e Nole <br /> `']3°:[:��'r. . .....__. <br /> v ' <br /> Holder w!11 pve me notiw of�h9 cholce. <br /> . <br /> � y, `' (q plrnlatloeofGe�usa THflEE AM� OVE-HRLF <br /> ": Be[ CTmieDate.�heNO[eNO!dtt�ri!Ipleul�ttmY�InterestntetyedN:iB D��p�Ee - <br /> _ �..s� p�lnu f �� �)�o�he Nrtmt Inda md rowdi:.��o�he nwat 1/BU of IA.subJea ro�he IIMU ita[M la S�e[ioa�N)bdow. _-_�- - . - <br /> y lj.. 7LIflOYGOWlIIIOIWtHi16CmY�Irttudfl8[6Wtl1111CMilCTl11(eULle. - - -.... . <br /> {^��{�ir.-� 7Le Note Holdet wili lhen dUUMx 1he amouat ot Ihe monthlY p�yment tNt xroWd be wffleimt�o rapflY In full Ihe D�ncip�I 1 em '� -=: <br /> t �. "- up[vtedlooweonllulCMn{eD��einwbstemiallYMudpaymsaubYthemawd:JdemttmYUwlntcratta�aThetaultoftNfalNlalloo �"'-.ri �. <br /> '��" � wNbethenewemountofmymoo�Nypaymmt. r� .� -_ <br /> r <br /> r = <br /> � <br /> '.-. (D) IlmluoeloteratRal�C6aoya [, 4� <br /> 7Le intera� me 1 �m ��ulrcd:s {raY �� �ne un[ C5un{e Datc wN not he &Gter than Q-�1 N or laf Ilua [�7�-:'� <br /> k �-; 4-� 9�.Thertaffer.mYimr.attntedllneverbeinortascdordccrtuNOnurydngleChmgeDaubYmonlM1an n'� �t �t+', ~ °.. <br /> ft �f ' I� n¢� fromlM1ere�eoflotera[lEve6eenpaN�efor�heDrettdin{twelremontlu.TheMnlmuminuratm�aon�hblw.�xlflneraht � cc .` �x, -�.� <br /> t�`. Iw�hm �-� �innd�hemuLTUminuratroteWllneverbcyea[uiWn �� -� 7'. p'�.�r- t__"_' <br /> it -- - .i (g� p,ffeclinDneofCCfnYq - ..�al� �: <br /> (6 <br /> - -��-;;�z_�; Mynewlnuratmtewi!Ibeoomee(foniveonuchCM1angeDa�r.iwill a the�mwnrofmyneMmonthlypnymen[beyinNn onthefint Y -� <br /> F r: <br /> D Y 8 i! .'P. � _ <br /> .;�;j';' mon�hypepamtAUe�fler[heCM1anQeDUCUmil�heunountofmrmontlJrpapnatehtegneiila ` ��`�, , <br /> f R �. <br /> (Y1 NotlaoiCEaega t�'�Y�-4} Y' � <br />� TheNOte Ho!d�rwlll mail or dcliv<no me�notia before each Chan6e Date.7lle notke willadNx mcoF. �-��`,:>+`-':�-' <br /> � �i . . <br /> � ...-�� (q thenewlnt�mua�eonm7lonnuoftheChanECDate: -+';i5�;�3 i'." <br /> pp theunounwfmymomM1ypaymentfWlovinEthe@engeDate: <br /> �.�` �-::J.+;.4_�P:' <br /> `=-�i�S`..:'.�, (!IU �ny�ddltio�wlnalttn�M1lcl�lhtNoteHolderlutqa!rMwdiulou:0nd - :`['�t��i'�(.-. <br /> _� -_' pr) tht�ddrasofUaauoci��lonyoumuldmm�c�reprdina+nY9�«��onsabowihe�djustmen[r.otia. _ : -+ = <br /> r .. L <br /> •e <br /> e - 0. CflABGFB:U&48 '�7�. j. . . <br />- UoiformCovmmt4oftheSecud�ylns�rvmm�isa.mendtd�oreadufollmn: - � '�-:� '�""' <br /> 1.Ch�ryu:tlem.Bonower shdi paY ell�un.assnsmenu.and a�her chare�.fim.and imP�ii:ons auribm�ble w Ih<PropenY whi<h maY --1:'i:.._. <br /> �neinapdodtyovenCisSCCCritrinsvumer.�,endleaseholOpaymrn�sofg:oundrems,Ifmy,in�M1emennerp:ovidedund<rDarayaph2hereof _�;} i;�} � <br /> .�' oy 1!not p�id in mch manner,670orrwa makin{paymen:,vhen due.tlirMly:o�hc p�1ce ehataL Oorrower shall promD��Y fumish LtMer {! _ <br /> dl noNca o!amounn due u�der�his puymph.�nd in�he wY�:Bo�rorcr shall cake pa7mem di:ecey.Borrower shall pwmD��Y fumiil�w � ` � � <br /> Lendlr recelpb Mdrntlr.y sueh paymems. Bormr<r shall D�omD��Y dixherge ar.y lien�vhich hu priority ove: �his Securiry Imwment: <br /> hOr<rtt.Borrorvu shail nol be rtquirN lo dlxMrge a.^.Y such'r.rn.n long a�Borro+er. (e1 shall ey:ce fn wri�ir.E�o�he paymem of�he <br /> -' ob!g¢tion secured brsu.h Iien in�he macxr ecc<p�able�01 cnder.151 aheli in good faith mmanuah lien by.or defeM a�amst<nfommrn�of �'} - . '� <br /> _ ��;� txhlienia.leg�IDroceeEinSSwk:hintheo0���0��«<�dno�a�mrtop:arrnr.Femfo�amrn�ofthelienorfo:feifureaf�heProperryorany - . <br />� ' pan[herMf:or fcl sCall ucure Irom Ihe 6old<r o(au.h Len an agrarmm� in a(e:m vualecmq�to Lender suFO!Cma:ir.g aech lim�o�his - <br /> Str�riry imvumm�. <br /> - - I(4�der de�ttmir.n�hxt all er ar.r pan of�Ce Pmpery�is+ubjn��o e leen+h�ch may m:am a pnoury o��er�F.0 Sm:np�Im�mmem. � - <br />_ Lender sNll gir<Botrover e nolia idemi:yv:g rvah Iien.6orroxcr aha:l.ati�fY•�h Lm ot �akt oat or r.+o:e o!�he aaiom�el fon�abo�e <br />' w:�himm�drysofthe{ivinsof�heno�icc. - <br /> - C. NOTICE <br /> Ur.iform Coremr.t II of the Smriry I ns�mmem isamendN m�ead o foJOW s: � <br /> .:.-_i-.`. <br /> 11. Notitt.ExceO<<or any no[itt required under appliwble law�o be givm in ano�ner m�eneq(q�ny noutt�o Borrwer proe:ded for in�his � <br /> $tturilylnsuumemsldibepv�obydelimingi�arbyms!in{i�byfintchssmeil�oBO:rowerauF.ePwpere�Addmssorauucha:heradd:aa � <br /> u Borranr may duiyute 67�o�i¢to Ltr.der u D�oridad hereia,nr.d(b)eny nnice�o Lendar shall be F�'�n by fim class mail�o Lender i <br />. •',���:�,-�` adCruf tu�ed harin or to such o�her addim as Ler.der may desiyu:e by no�ice to Borro+n ae pror,ded h<rem.Any no�ice proHded for m�his <br /> �':,i��^` Smrtiqioslrumentil:dlbedeemcdtoF.axbeen <br /> , yr�n to Borrox�r or Lender whm6�ven in the manner dnijnmed httan. <br /> .•�,i;; <br /> ���_,..,l: <br />,-�'� :.-_,..�.' <br /> _ ,if'r' <br />. y :�ti�i' �-,.� . _. <br />