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_S., ._.�v......_ . _. .. ;._ : " .�. . i- ?8�._ ..n 't <br /> : . . <br /> _ _'_ . _ _ . __` ' . . <br /> ,��� Lr . f .� : - • YI +f ` �� " <br /> � _ � . . _ . �-' ' �� .73J�� �ll��[V�- '<"� � ` 'l7 � t� _ _ <br /> V f• <br /> _ =- TOOBCKBRIY£ffliil}IReimpr6ve�re�qltowo[he�afk��erMteittvEtAs.Pn'�e+�9r.n�MaUease��dtsoR � x — --- - -.---_ <br /> and Rxcurca now Cr nc�wne«a�.af ma�ro�e�y �111 repieamen:p 9M addltiqns�Aa�ya:o 6o sPve(e(1�Y t a 9Cr�tky ! <br /> InsUumenr, Allol�het6fC8o1nglatttEi[edroln�AG6ccnri�yTnswmen)athe ,P�operry" . . .. <br /> BtiR1t01YBtt COVBNANfB�ha�So�rowu ii lo�vtulty aeitod 8f t�e esm�e hEreby convnye4 eqd ha+the�ight to�n t <br /> -__ ,.- eiMM�vdy�thePm�y endthritthePro 4imedcumUercd.exeepEtmensumbtaCoeaotraotd..Bmru�vt[wazrentland , <br /> wtlldefendgentratty?IfbticletolhaPropedy�galnste11c1almaaaddemand�.s�b)ec[toenycnctimbr¢ncebafR2�itd. ` <br /> 1HI9 3$CURfl'Y lN91'AUMBNP cob�bina uMtorm covcnsnta tor naAonal iuo e�id non•un�fom�covCnea�s u7lh':-- <br /> Ilm(�rA yarlationa by Ju�ladlWon ro constlmta a nnifoKn iecmity fnswmer.t covering real property. ' ` <br /> . .-;;.., „ <br /> WI[+ORMCOYBNANf9. HorrowerendLenderoovenantandag�w fllfolloW6: <br /> -- 1, Pnynieut of Prtndpnl and Intereati prepayment end Cliorgca Bortowcr�ha11 pro�ptIy pay w1�4n du60e <br /> __= pdacipalofandlnterescon�hedebtevlder.adbytheNO�eendanypropaymentmdletachergadueundetlhoNae. <br /> 2. Fhnde for 7Lxee end Ipsurenow Sub;ce«o appIicable law or�o a wrfuen�velver by l.endet,Botrowershall pay to <br /> l�A� Lendcr on the day momNy paymec�a ere due unda tha Note,undl lhe Noto is patd In full,e sum("['unda'7 for.(a)yeady ' _ <br /> �__ <br /> -.—x•a texu and easessmenu which may ateain pdor!ry over tlil�3eeudty Inswmant as a Aen on tha Property:@)ytarty teasehold . - - <br /> �_�� paymenu or grou� rente on �he Propary. It eny. [c)yeady harard or propony Insurenca prcm[ums: (d)yearly Aoo4 - - <br />=-~=— Inaurence premfams.!f eny;(e)yearly mortgage insuMCe premiuma,if any; nnd(� any wrtu payabie 6y 9ottowu,[o - - � � -�- ��� - <br />--�_�-_— - Lendu.4�acoordena wYth�:o�roviaioro of paragreph 8,in Ueu of the Paymem of mongega inmrance premium�. 7Leee • _ <br /> '�- frem�are celied"6urow Iten�. Ler.der may,at eny Hme,collect end ho.d Ai�ds In en emount not to exceed tha meximum . <br /> r-;�^�i <br /> -._sSY.;.,. amomt a Iender for a tederelly rcleted mortgege lonn may requtre for Boaowerh escrow aocour.t undu tha tedaal Real <br /> °- a�•.,F; gstate Sc�Aement frocedurca Act of 1974 m amended fmm dme ro time,l2 U.S.C.¢2601 et seq.PROSPA").unles�anolhw <br />`��''f�`"���� law thet epplip[o the Wnd�cete e lesser emoun� U so.Lender mny,et my tima wllect end hold Phnd+In en amowt not to <br />:,�.,, <br /> '--��k:�� eaceed the laser amount. Lender may estlmeta the unoun[of[�nd�due on the basla ot curtent data end aasona e <br /> t ,�� ��'�- estimatea of expeiMitures of futurc Escro�v Item�waheiwim In ecoordanca wi�h appIleable law. _ __ .__. <br /> �� 1f�a Wnds shell be held in en inat(mdon wiwsa deposiu ara inm:ed by e ftAeml egency,Inswmenteliry,or enttty <br />_,,�..{?�.,t�,%� (including I.ender,i!Lender is sueh en instltutloN or in a�y E�derel Home Loar�flank. Lendec sheU epply Ne Punde to pay <br /> ;��,�::?•.,-,_� the Escrow I�ems. Lender may not charge Bortower Por holding and epplyfng tha Rmde,annually maiyzl�g the escrow <br />--'��:'��'�"� aaount,or vedfying �e Eserow Itema,unteas Lendu pays Bortower interesc on �he Punda end applicable lew permite <br /> r=-,, <br />'-_tt;"t.,:�� I.ender ro nake wch a charga Ho�vever.I.ender may ree,uire Bortowu to pay e one-tlme cherge fa en independmt tea <br /> -'=����'��%% es�ete tex reponing servla used by I.ender in wnnation wnh this loan,unlese eppllcable In�v provides otherwiu. Unlesa en <br />�-`�f~���'P��` a ment is mede or a heabia lnw uiree Intercst[0 6e a�d Lender ahell not be required to pay Borrower eay inleres[or <br /> :.y�.i:,:,l`.. Srce PP� rc9 P • � — <br /> r�.,i-.,-� 5� eam(ngi on the Punda. Borto�ver end Ler.Cer mey�gree ia writing,6owtver,that(nterest�hall be paid on the Mnde. Lender <br />-'�;>'rT,:;''j" shall give to Borrower,wi�hout charge,ea annual aaowting of�Ae Pund�, showing crediu end debfu to the Amds and the ��---- <br />�'"�+`'��'-��r;� purpeue tor which each debit ro the Ponde waa made. "Ihe Punds ue pledged ea addit:onal cocudry[or etl wmi sxured by i-- <br />���'��''�`' thfiSecudtylnsUUmenc. - <br /> ?:r.;: <br />-.:;ti^{v,-'-.�; If�he Punda held by Lender exceed the emounu perminW to be he:d by appllcable law, Lender ahall aaount ro __. <br /> 4�C__�;� Bortower[or Ne excess runda in eccardance wiih ihe nyuimiicr�i�ui wpiiwbta lax. If�Fs ar..r,�ni ot th�I�tnde heL Dy --- ---------. <br /> - I.ender at any Nme is not sutfieient ro p17�the Fsanw I�eme when due.Lendrr may an notify Rnvnwer in writtng,and.fn � _ <br /> ; ��'-t� auch ceu Bortower shall pay ro Lender the emount neauery to make up�he deficiency. Bortower nhell make up Ihe �__ _ . -- <br />� �"•1��!;_;)�.�* deficimcy in no more�han twelve monthly paymems,at LenderS mle dlscreNon. � ���i- <br /> ,s\ -�: Upon paymen[in fu!1 of all sums ueuttd by�his Sceurity In:uument.Lender ahall pmmptly refund to Bortower eny -_��.:rn�=_ <br /> ? PUr.ds held by l.ender. If,u�der paregreph 21.Lender shall acqulre or all the Propeny,Lender,pdor to the ecqcititlon or _; � -_��y <br /> �. °� _�7� sele of the Ptopeny,shell appiy eny FLnds held by Lender at the lime of acquisftion or sale ee e credit ageinst Ihe �ums ;,�s s��y-- <br /> i` ��� secured by this Security Imwmem. .` �``" <br /> }.._i:j�L. 3. ADPllcatlon ot PaymenU. Unless eppliceble law provides o�hernise, all paymems receivW by Lender under s�"'u` 7 �+y�-. <br /> y' - �t� paragtapha I und 2 ahall 6e applied:first,to any prepayment charges due under�he Noer,aecond,to amounts payable under �)•;w ""�-_.•�'.. <br /> � . •�, pamgreph 2;third,to intercst due:(ounh.�o principal due:end lut.�o any late charges due under Ne Norc. -`r j'` �ir'r- <br /> 0. Chergen; Lima. Dortower ah�ll pay ell tacu, assessments,charga, finea end impositioiu attributablc to�he ,?p ,,; '_�;,�`':;:_ <br /> s , �'v: Propeny which may ettein priority over this Security[nswmem,ond Ieauhoid paymems or ground rcnu,if any. Borrowet y.;a i; n ,� �;;,. <br /> ,t t � -.r shell pay�hrse obligetions in thc manner provided in paiagraph 2,or if not paid in thet manner,Bortower shell pay�hem o� - - _: � �irR �� <br /> - t o -- � dme dircctly w�he person owed payment. Uortower sh�ll promp�ly fumish to Lender dl notias of amounts ro he p�Ed under 7�� -_t,t.. <br /> -.i.-" •:- P S P PaY Y P PY P 8 �'�r.. <br /> j;.;�.�_. ____ this are re h. It Borto�ver mukes these menu directl .Bormwer sM1all rom tl fumish w Lender recei ts eridencin .,,_'+b ;j•�'•:! <br /> i °. the paymcnts. : Y ` �''� - - <br /> ��� Bortower shall pmmptly diuF.arge any lien which has priority over:his Security Ins�mment unless Bortower.(a)agrces „� `�a�4i ; , <br /> - in�vriting ro the payment o(�he obliga�ion seeured by tF.e lien in e manner ncceptable to Lender.(b)conrcsts in good tei�h the �,. .. ..�3,y:::;;. <br /> - lien by,or defends egainst enforcemcm of�hc lien in. Ic6el praceedings�hich in the Lcr.dcr�opinion opern:e�o pavem�he �:u` � � ;;i- <br /> � . _ enforcemrnt of the lien:or(c)secums trom thc holder of�he Iien an agrcemer.c satis(anory to Ler.der subnrdinacir.g�he licn :_.` °_ f,-:. <br /> , to�his Stturity Insvument. I(Ler.der de�crtnines�hat any pan of�he Pmpeny is subjec�to a licn which may avain priori[y _�-„� tr;�jy`f;: •�- <br /> , r - $: over Ihis Security Inswmem.Lender may give Bortower a notice identifying thr lien. Bortower s!�ali sa�isfy the lien or�eke `' ,yr*�_`� <br /> -� � one or more ot�he ectians u�fonh xbove within IOdayso(thc giring ofnotitt. `.,� ;,: � ;�l-'":_ <br />--� s��r� :• S. Harard or Property Insurance. BoROner shall keep�he improvemcros now ezi+ting or hercaRer erected on the _. _ „'f=lr.. <br /> � Property insurcd agaimt loss by firt.hau�ds inciuded wilhin�he�erm'exlenJed coveragc':u�d any other hazards.incluCing �� � - <br /> -�-• (loods or floading. tor which Lender mquires mwrantt. This insurance shall hc mainuir.ed in the amour.ts and for Ihe -,k�' _-_., � '��•� <br /> '_�.-i.',� ::i:� '1>:. <br /> ::d�1: :tY� - , , <br /> - furm701a 9.90 �ry¢rinJhpR�+1 . <br />. ` k'. � ., <br /> r. <br /> -���� - <br /> '` —r=_--. �—-----. .- - ,_- . :-- :- --�-n---- :- � <br /> , _ . . :. <br /> _ - - ::{y:_ . -- . _ _ . __ <br /> _ _ 1.., ' . .. . . � . . '� - _ .... <br /> .c. _.. <br /> - ' __ .—_ _ _ . .. _ .. _ . __.'.._ . _. _ . . . _ .__. . — _ . <br /> S_ `i __ ' _ . . . _ . . <br />. ';�� .-�:' - _ . ' ' . . - _ � <br />� ,(`. „1y.:= . .. .. ._. " ' . . . <br /> --`'s . - - _ ._. <br /> , y _ <br /> J <br /> - .Y i' } . _ . , . . . . . - <br /> ,�, 't -i . . ' . . - . . <br /> e _� � <br /> '- ' � . � - - . . <br /> � i . <br /> i i .1 - tr .. - . . � - . � t_ <br /> � f <br /> . ✓_:!, . .. �.. . :_� . . . ,_ . , �., _, . , , , _ <br />