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<br /> '�u lton��e t�eutated Inla betwccn .�S...r�.'�C..�:�L.�1�nn Beow�i ond_Richc�rd [.. t3xawn,
<br /> �aa r•� ar�d Ih�r���n�l� r.�ril,_in ��R �si,n k�1phr. and acz o�ousQ ot �he_ot•���h"�ins�sagor")and � _-
<br /> --- -- CivQ k�oint:s Btm��Ialand► N�b�a�1tiA __ --- (h9r�ln"MO�iQB�.e"►. �-- ------- ._
<br /> ,. � �__ — � -
<br /> .--_ ...___. ....� �-------�------_ .... .. ._ -
<br /> ! ➢dorip�or t�in�iet�E�i ft�t,�s;��:a:a In t�:p.`�ncl�!snr�e!��0.WU.UI).__._.s evidanced bv MortBaQOt't�wte I . _-
<br /> g�,�p � � (l:cnla"No�r")provldin=fot p�ymen4�at principel end Inteteet,witA thm bnimce of the � �
<br /> . . tndebt�dneu�,If not waner pn1A,duc�nd p�Y�ble an 6"�9"�2 , 1
<br /> 7b�wnth�p�ym�alof tb*Note,with Uumt�provtd�d th�r��n,thr paymmt ot�ll oth�r�uma,wU�Intereit, !
<br /> �
<br /> �Erancod Dy Mori��v to pmtRCl N�Wcudty ot lhl�Mari����m�tfl�P�rtarm�nc�ot IAe coven�nb�nd�p��ment�af ,
<br /> � N* Morip�oc conWnt4 htt�ln, Mori��aor do�� Aanby mortp�P w►A convay te Mori�oira t1�o to1loNlnp dncHlhed �
<br /> � _ _ prapoKy loceud In�A..� .,,..�. goalgt�y ,t�bruM�; >
<br /> � �.'ra e41. �i•"�.��� •1 .: ��
<br /> �
<br /> GoC ThirCacn (1�I �11�11q�; a} < <i� ' ��tN���tl�) Subdivio�,or� Ca tha Ci��� Grand Toland� � .
<br /> .. Na.i1 County� NabxtiAk�i-"""''-�.. •"�.�.,. . � ��� . � � � I
<br /> b � � � �� � ~` � � .
<br /> � � n . � ` a 1 � �
<br /> . �' s ' � '
<br /> 0 � ,� �., � .
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<br /> . 1� � � :_. w , '
<br /> . � � y ct' i
<br /> (� ��,+ � I
<br /> � N �
<br /> p 10 rn � .
<br /> '` v � ", � , .
<br /> � 'p °• , �
<br /> r ' :
<br /> a.i� - s� ; j�.'
<br /> qTo�ether with�11 b��lldinas.lmprc+vrmenu,Qxturra,etrteba,alley�,p�ss�gcw�pc, c�asrmenr,:,rigDU,p�vlleQes�nd \ , , : ,
<br />--- - :.:..:--,� � .
<br /> � �pp�nemnces iocated ihereon vi{n.ny�:��a�.�Sntn�tltiar.tQ,:n�l�erenls,Lues .nd m��+�,reFetsicr�s�nd remainders ` _ .�r•.•
<br /> themof;{nctuding, but not Ilmfted to,he�ting and coolin4 equipment �nd euch pemannl pxaperi�� Bftet is ettached to the •;�;
<br /> Imptovements so as to conatltute� Qxturr;all�f which, focludln4 rcptu�menta aod�dditfone therete,is hereb>•declared �
<br /> __ ;��.n,ri et�he rea! e�cate�ecured by the Dten o!thts MovlQAge tnd a11 of the totopainp bulnp referrd io he�eln os the :
<br /> r_ f
<br /> H�O��.�� .
<br /> Mortgigor turthef convenants�n�l agrees,wieh Mortao��e,as fNlsw�:
<br /> �, P�yment. 7b p�y the Indebtetlnesa and the fntereet thorean as pnavided In thls MoetQaEc ancl thv Note. �
<br /> 2. Title. MortQ��or is t�ee oaner of the Property�ha�tho rl�ht�nd aut!�crit�•to cdortaaBe the F�opert�•,�nd
<br /> Nunnes that the lien cm�ted hereby is�f7rst and priot Ifon on the Praperiy,enc�ert ms r,.eo�� otAerwis:be eet torth hcreln.
<br /> • N � 71�e Properiy b�ubJect to��wherein �iv� F�iai.s Bank �__--
<br /> l�the Moria��ze,�rcorded � ic�xxxx ot eho MoPtQa,�r iZecar�of HaZ,1_ _Cnunty,�
<br /> � NaDra�lui,wfi1cA MortQ�Qe li�llen prlor to tAo Iten en�ted horaby.
<br /> L�IOtherg+darllenaorencumbs�ncca: Mortgag� to Equitable Bui�din,c� & I,oan.
<br /> � da�ed 8-20—b6, record�c3 in maergag� cecorda of Hall _Countv
<br /> ^ NE as documen� #86-10�3980
<br /> ,' ' • 8. '!'a�cec, A�eessm�ats. To pay v:�en due all taxe�,�pe�i�l are�amonta�nd tll other ehas�es�QAlnst thv Fropan�•
<br /> ' �nd,upon w�rltten demmd by Mortt�;ee.to ud�!!o thu p�yniontn�tquirod under the Note�ecured hereby,�uch amount as
<br /> . �. m�y be�utAclent tu an�ble the Mort��(�ee/o pay fuoh tat►es,Ru�s�mor►M or oLher chuQes ts they AecomP due.
<br /> �. insurance. To keep Ne Improvementa now ur hoteett�r located on the�rml estat4 descrlbed horeln insurPd
<br /> a�alnit dam�e by a�'and wch other A�zuds�MoiE�l�(M�y�c1►11ro�to am°�nu����h companivs�cceytsble to eAe
<br /> Yortp�ee.and wSth lou p�Y�ble to t[�e I►lori.�a�ce. I» cwv oi Eaco untlea auct� pollcie�tht Mo�Q�ee b�uthorized to
<br /> �djwt,callect and compromi�e,In It+discmtlon.�11 cl�iau tRoytu»der�L Ots wle optlon, �uthorivrdtoefth�r�ppl�tho
<br /> psoc�eds to the rastontlon ot the PraPrrty o� upon the indobtutlnes�wcu,ed ha;rb�.lsut paymente heirund�r�hall eon•
<br /> tlnue ur►t!!tho wrng�ecured hereby are patd In full.
<br /> : b. O Fx�ow For T�e�and lnar�nce. Not�vleA4tu�dfnO�aythinQ cantained in pan�aphe 9�nd 4 hernof to the
<br /> I eontauy�Mort4aQor�h�l p�y to th�Mori��gee�t the dme of p�yl�p the manthly insWlrnonu ot principal�nd Interest,
<br /> ' on�•tNdith of the yeuly Wces,aueuments,harard insunnce premluma,�nd�raund rents(if anyl which m���attain a
<br /> I ptlodty over tNt� MortpQe,ul ti reuon�bly eatlm�ted hom tlme to tlme by tht Mort�aace,'Jh��mounls eo pald sh�ll De
<br /> Mld by the Mort��Qee wlthout interett and�pplied to!�e p�yment of the It�ms In reapact to whlch�uch amounCS v:prc
<br /> i d�pasltod. 'Ihe�ums p+ld to Mort��Ree hereunder ue pledred u�ddtdan�iccu�lty tor ehe Indebtedneu secuetd by this
<br /> I Hort�aQe.Mort�or�htll psy to Mort�a�p the�mount of any deficloncy between the ectuai twea,assessmonts, ti►aur�nc�
<br /> i pretNucr�a u►d Qraund tcnV u�d the depoiits henundet within 30�ya olter dommd ie msde upon Moingagor tequeatinp
<br />; p�yment eheraaf.
<br /> 6, itepaix,M�intenu�ce�nd Uce. To promptly repelr,restoro or ee�uild any buildings ar improvements now•or
<br /> h�te�iter on the Property:to keep tl�e Roperty In�ood conditlon and ropdr,witAoue w�ste,tnd irne ttom mech�nic'a or
<br /> othar Itens not expressly auDordinated to tAe Uen hereot;not to tn�ko.�ufter ot perre►it any nuiwnce eo exla�.noY to dimin•
<br /> W+ ar impair the vvue ot the Roperty by sny tct or oml�sion to�ct;�nd to camply with vl requlrQmenta of low• with
<br /> ce�pect to the Property.
<br /> ;
<br />