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<br /> - . n, • Fr�eC to �1�• E��� li�A o� �1�bumn BCre�� Ne� caond�mn�d by Cily Orc1llnennw No. � �_- -
<br /> _'_�;;=- ��91, d�E�d F�bruM�y 2� 1998'� �hrnaw xu��aAnp Fnu�he�rlRrJ�y elond �he E��terly • , '
<br /> � line ��! Cl�rburro 6Cr�wC a d�Mtana� of On� Hundr�d Forly t 1Aq! ��st i lh�now � �-
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<br /> � �.n B1ook Two �2�, in 8o�th Park AddSL�as� ta �h• C��y ot Qranc� xN��nd� Gounty ' ��
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<br /> '�' R�ilro�d Co. � �ub��o� !o aoasd roa�rvi�e, hoM�v�r, unlo Ch�lospa, Huri�nplon snd � -
<br /> � Oui.nay R�ilro�d Comp*�n�, �,t� ten�n��r�� 1�ownr���� psrm�lw��, gr�nl�ee� , ' �•,�,�.
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<br /> in South Perk Addit�.on lying Ton fiQ1 FaAt nerm�lly dielanE an eith�r eide � �
<br /> � of �h� a�nt�r lin• o�F �xietl.nq G8 � Q Ra31�en�d Ca. trt�okw �tumk�ered 26 •nd 5, • � '.-'°
<br /> �rtsd •pp����nsn! c�reina�• fwoili�i�s lha�r�ta, •ub��a� to v4��i3�ba� �woM��nto a�d � . � ��•
<br /> � � . �s��s�menle sn8 �����riotic�ns at ser��sd. ��
<br /> � I � t',.
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<br /> Part �f Loto T�� (10)� Blsven !11)� and 9W�elv�a (11) oP ehe Cointy.&ubdivl�ivn ot t�w KaaC wtl�° oF th� Soueln�at � �
<br /> Quarter (W}SW�) of 5eceioo Ten (IOD, raamahip 8leven (11), Noreh, [isnga Nine (9)Woae of thm 6r.h P.H�� more , „
<br /> pa�ticularly deacribed aa follawn� to-wit� eegiml� a poinc 47�6 Eeet c�sc ot tlw nostMaoAe cotn�r ot i.oe l0 � �
<br /> . of eha Oanty Subdivialon of eho WEst ta1P o� ehe 5ouel�reet t�t�sreae oE Secelon Ten� Y��m,9hfp Blnven Noteh� Ranga �
<br /> -� nlna Wase of ehe 6eh P.M., runniag thence in e aouehaaoeerly ditaction on a lina paYalio with the aeee lioea of � �
<br /> . Lot� 10,11� and i� oF eaid Oata�ty Si�bdivi�ion Ior � dtatanc�o[ 191.6 leet to the N�xrh li�� at�th 8t�oee� ehe�ea �
<br /> ,�. � �;'>�; tumt�g a riight er�gle �nd s�n9e� 6n a eouChwoieerly dit�ec�loa For a dletance oF 4�.6 faeG to the WEse Uao oE ;
<br /> ' ' .. ,•:;`,,;;tii.;;;.- . Lot 12� oF said O�aity Suadl�SaBpra, thonee eurnlr�g � right angle acul �nn��,,r !n a aorehi�ea�esAy dlrcceton or► ehe
<br />'�-�i, `� • �+�nate�•ly lb�s o[Lota 1�,]1 �nd 12 oe 's�id Couney Subdivl�ion Far a d4�cance ol 213�9� fac:s co QM No�thwase �'�'���..�
<br />. '`:` � ' cornnr o[ Loe l0 of s�id G�amty Subc4lvialon� c�a�a�ire hher►co Fase on Ch�Noreh linfl o! enld tJo�:;� Subdlvt�ion for �
<br />. .� . , + dtet�r�ee oP 47.6 fcat, eo eha placv oP beglnnirg� Su6divieion to tho Ciey of Crand Ialt�nd� Nebsaska� ua sucveyed� ; �°�!:.��,�;.
<br /> pletted a�d recorded. Pare oF Lots 30,11 and 12 of thn Co►caty Subdivistoa of tho Wesr Iful�' uf the Southweat �
<br />` •• � Quarter (W1�51�1�) of Seceion 10� 'lbamahip 11 North� Rnngo 9 t���sE lyl�tg Narth of 5eh Strn�t. mvro particulacly
<br /> - �hscribed aa follawso OprtreocitB et a poine c^�.�3 Feot woac of tho Nvszheost cornor of Ia�C lp of ehe County •
<br />.';; S�divioion of ehe WE�t helt of ehe Souehwoet Qnarear (W�51dk)oP 8ectian !0� Tcxrn,ship il Nurch, C.ango 9 Woae of ;
<br /> • ehe 6th P.M., thence !o a eouthoasterly direceion to tho NorCh ltno oF Seh Sereae fvs n d�flt�►nce of 139.9 Eoet� �-
<br /> .,'.,;�,,;� . the�ce turnir�g a right a�glo and �U� in a ��atarly direction on tho Nareh linc e� Sth stroee Eor a dletAnco
<br /> ,. . ,.�;� . , af 95.0 feet� ehanca Cuming a ri�.�� �s�gle and ru�nning !n a nortMwescecty dAreetl�i� on u t�ne parallal wleh tha .
<br /> ''.�°�; , , wust 1i�e oE Lota 10�11 Qm;�l a2 for a dtetence of 191�6 feae to eh� norZh 13aa of sald Loe 10. tharrce eu: on che '
<br /> �toreh line of eaid l�oe 80 Coa� a clietanco of 1C9.5 Faot to tho placo oE hoglrni�Subdiviniar► ee cl�a Ciey oE
<br /> . Crand Ialmd, Nebraska� aa auiveye�3, �laetad ond reco�dod. • ,
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