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<br /> �� Ihu PropePry la su laken or dnmt�ged,l.onder eholl h�ve tha optlon,�n N��ooio oncl abooluto dlocr�tlon,to appty n11 euoh Praceetle, ���
<br /> --- --- ottordnduatinp thereirom�II aoate nnd n�paneea Inaurrod by It In nonna�ctlon wllh suoh('rocoad�,upon any Indebtedaeas aHOUred ,�:._
<br /> :_ _, _��� hN�OVy and In�uah arcinr ao Londor niQy deta�mina,ar to Appty etl euoh�roaooda.attar euoh daductlone,to tho raatorntlon of tl►o � .--.,y,
<br /> _- -- U n duo dain ot uny pAym`Ant eundor tl aPNatetlort curo nnyndois ul tlsr�underQO�hc�oundor.bAnynun�ppfl 1e�tumis e eN be p:�4d to � •� _
<br /> - Trustor. f - _ -----
<br /> t^gst proce�tng g,. ,
<br /> -- - ,� �. I�ttD�TlittlB6 B�L.@flia'ai.11�Qi11ha�OCCi:ftt3tt.3 0�dR kVt!ti�i L+���±(N����1ilJ�aiuiiu"ni�ui�7 anv act Is tak�a o: v ` , .� _ ,_,_
<br /> commancod whloh matnrlaliy ottocts Londer'a Intorost ln tho Proporty,I.undar may In Its own dlacretlon,but without obllgatlor�to do .,,�;
<br /> - �� ao,and wfthout naHc�o tn or demAnd upon Truotor and without roteaelnp T��ista�Irpm sny obll�,iotlon,clo any act whleh Trust�r has �'��1� _
<br /> �,�`�i;� aflroed but tnlle to do and may alno do any othor oot It dooma naco�oary ta qrotocf tho��ourity hnraof.Truotor ehall,Immadlntoly , -} � t� {��
<br /> � upon domartd tharotor by Londor,pay to I.endor nll coeto and axpnnao3 Incurrt�d and suma oxpvndo�by Londnr In aonnootion wlth �- y
<br /> _!�, _
<br /> �� dded toltho indobtudneso�s�eu�ed�horoby�Land�rah il not Inr.ur�Enny�Ilnb Iity hocnutsotolnny hlnflnthmny�do or�fon t to do ��,
<br /> ., � ; _ .`��� ��_ .
<br /> ,��� � �• horoundu�.
<br /> - - 0. H�s�rdotif M�t��lAl�.Trustor shAll k�op tho Proporry In comptlancA wlth all nppllcAbto Inwn,o►dlnancou and rmgulatlons � :_
<br /> iniuU��d to in�luStrlat hyplanc or anvironmeetal proteetlen(coll�etivaly rat�,rrcxi tn her.�ln na"Envlranmento�4awo").T�ustor ehull -'-: �-:
<br /> koop tho Proporty Iroo 1rom nll auhstnncos daomad ro Go hazardous or toxic under nny Environmvntol l.awe(c�lleotivoly roferrod to ,-�; .,_,�.�� � _
<br /> _v,,w ! horoln Ae"Nnzordouo Motorictta").7ruator horeby warrants nnd r9proeonts to l.endor thnt thsra aro no HAat�rdouy Mnterluls on or . ,��
<br /> �:=���a�,� undar tho Proporty.Trustor horoby ag�sos to Mdomnliy and hold Normlass t.ondor,Its dlmctors,afilcere,employeoa end agants,and �fIC��'�r�;•
<br /> -_=�� nny eucceaeora to l.ondor'e intoraAl,trom ttnd opalnst nny and all cipims,�1�mAgas,lossos and Ilabflitlos arlsinfl In oonneotion with �.`�,�,
<br /> P Y THE POFIEQqINQ �•'."'�-- -
<br /> �v,��� lho presenco,uso, dlspos�l o►trans ort oi en HotArdous Matorials on, und��. trom ar abaut the Proporty. _ , ___
<br /> _•^;_
<br /> -�-=--'-_--.�--'-�� SURVIVE FIECONVGYANG�AF Tli1$O�EO OF TRUST.
<br /> --,��. �
<br /> -= 1U, AatpomtN ot Rents.T�uatar hareby easlgns to Lender ths rAnts,Issu09 and pr.�113s oi tho Prop�rty:p�ovided that Trustor
<br /> "}' 1 shall,untll the accurrt�ncv ut�n�vent at Ootault hereunder,havo tha right to collact and reta�n euch rents,Issuas nnd profits As ihay �:•
<br />