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':_ -...=.�,_e.bta'�. � - ..::. . . .:.' _ .. s _ <br /> _ `_ _. ,._ ..__ .. ...-.__... .-., -�- ' — .. <br /> �_ ���y't�'m . . ^'°"ar..'.."'-w — '�._ .. ___ - -y ���_ __ <br /> a <br /> r �.L� � ` <br /> _'e�:a . _ . __"-__- <br /> �.>a . ...y . .. ... � _ ..:. �. <br /> . . . 93� ��,�. __ _. <br /> 1 , . . . ._. . � .. , ; , . � , �n � _ <br /> ---:= ihpOropartiteratakdpuClfnnped;l.eAderihYlfhdVabaqt1f0n,h►Q�iolepdddb•oNtifQ�lCretlon,fbb9 �eJl u �'! __ <br /> — dGa`rGM�icdA �nuNromitlea�b�ndixCi�ai�mauradby(�InE0nilpupnwtA�uCM1Praeqtli,u@os�ny��� , <br /> fy��Ly��ndl�l�uch prdiid�l.�nCO►m6ydolamtni;orio�pDN�o�ue6Pr6catQ6�ft�i�uoAdrEuotl n�ed •rnloq Qn 9�� , __� _ <br /> -" Cro�rqupon�uelidcndltlomnLanCnmaydM��m�nRMY�pylb�tlonolFraai:0et9m0abteQnasfe� Inptr�cr.ndorpottpon�. <br /> r ��� the¢u Qe;eota�rypaymen�3UndonpeNoto,o�ouropnyrtqte}AiNereundoimh6taudQe�.AhyuMDG���NnQf�p�lio�{M!0�5 <br /> �'�.. . _ . . • ; <br /> e.��tpt�(��etoep l�ir.Up6n11iboo0udenoeolenEW6nto1ClGultflequhdfRO�ll�ny�otl0tdk�nqrUpdAroce�tq <br /> commencedwt�iehm3t�dntyaflce�atonder'elntcro611niryePropaM �bndermayln-lroownElecroBOn,bu(w�uloNOBtf�96ata90 �._ _ - -_ -.- . <br /> �— o,enO�wIN0uTn011cdtoordMf�nduponTFUitwindxltl�outnlM�InplYfiROrVOM�rryObiI�98ti;d0�ay�ctW1�1Ep�TNlbiM10 <br /> .,r epreeabultalte�aaoendmayNwdo�nyoNeiaotltGbminaoe�wrytoprotfott�swoudryhsraol.tM�Or4ho41mmblf <br /> ^ ,,,�c� uponAemcndlheretoibyLentlOr,DeY cotanAera!foan�eendexpen�e�Inounadendaumesxpmndedpy G.haarmconneouari� <br /> Meexerolaeby tenderofNeforepolnpriyn�,topetnerwBhinsero���ereonntNedeleui�reteproYdedlnNeNo�e wh16hM�p0e <br /> ,�� Mre�unGe�e Indeb�etlnesa seCured hereCy. LenAer ane0 not Inaur erry Ilabliiry beoeuae of enyMlnp It may dd or omlt to Qo <br /> `f"�`--_ &HwrQou�Yabd��aTruebr ehan kaeA Ne ProDary in compl�an�e wl�nll eyDOCe010 lexro,o�Alnenoea enA reyulatlona _ _ <br /> -"`i�r�� rlieUny to Indualriel Mplene or envlronfeentel Dro7e60on(C011eativ¢ry rotene0 W horeln s7"Fa1NtOnmentel�tor t�ail ` <br /> -�`�=-� " - keBDNePropenyireeiromelleubelanceeEeamedto0e�aierAOwortoxloundaanyEnNronmoo1911eWa(eo:leCitv0lyroPottedto <br />���-"������������-= hareinee"HerardoueMatetlela'�.Ttu5Wrh9reCywerranb6ndrep�eeoni9tOLentlEtNetNerB9ro�OHet0�d0UlMEt0Ae100110t - <br /> -�,.�,:-'- -- -- --- <br /> ,,,:5.,.;�'?,� underthaihoparry.Tru�orheraDyag1ree�tolnOamnlyenOholdharmleaelandar,IroO:reotore,offlceraemployoeaan0apen10.en0 ---- <br /> -�� t�napreea�ruae dleposal otr Van6�p�o tl of fin�yHez8rdw6 Mat�eIB on unE6�from or ebout th0 P o��B�'r1y8'THE FOHEGO'NO -°°--- � �- <br /> _��,-';!f-;;: WARRANTIEBANOAEPREBENTATIONS,ANDTRU8TOR'80B110A710N8PUR8UANTTOTHEFOflE001N61NDEMNITKBHAU. _ <br /> SURVNE RECONVEYANCE OF THIB DEEO OP TRUBT. -- <br /> r�� +�`-' 70.A�UynmmlolRenitiTruslorhareDyeulgnatoWnAerNarenu.lasue�endprofllsottheProparty;DroWdedthatTruetor °-°-� ------°------ <br /> I ehall.untllNeoccuvenceofenEventofDeleultheraun0er,havaUierlghttocollectentlretelneua�rantB,laeueeanADro!IteeaNey ���"- --- - <br /> °�>Fj1 ` becoma dua and peyable.Upon Ihe oaurrence of an Evem o1 UetaWl Lender may,elNar In Dereon or by agant,wIN o�wlNOUt - <br /> y1 �3�c - _ btlnpiny eny flotion or proceeding,or by a roceNer eppolnteA by e court enA wlNOUt reperA to the edequacy of Ile eecurity,onlar <br /> " t;J uponflnOtakepoesasalonollhaPtoperty,orenypartthereof.iniUOwnnemeo�inlhenameollheTru6t0B.entltloenyeCtewhkhit �'�„ '- <br /> �-�n'���'`-"� deemaneCel88ryordealrabl9topreaervat�ovalue,markelflbllllyorren18bi11tyo1NaProperly,OrHnypertihBreolO�InIBt68tNBteln, W��r„vi _-� <br /> r <br /> •1,Mj;i;`-" Inoreaae Iha Incoma Iharelrom or proteat tha eecuriry horeol end,wilh o�wllhoN tekinp pocs68slon of the Property,su9 for or fEZd �^ - <br /> , -z i,��: olhere�ea collect tl�e renta laauoa and prollce thereot.InduOing Noee pest dve anC unOeW,and epDb Ma eeme,leee uate en0 <br /> f; ? ezponeeaoloparatlonendwllec��onlncludln8etlomeyeYeee,uponenylnEebtetlneaeaeouretlhereby.a111neuchordareeLanOe� ��4 .._ <br /> � - '4 ney detBrninO.The Bnterinp upon entl teking poesB8610n of the Property.Ne co11B0IlOn o/8ueh ren:e,IBeuBD enU prolit88nG NB .--- <br /> -�s �= eppllCetlOn Ne�eo18!fltOt0te10,ehell nOt cure or weNB eny Aefeult or nOfleO 01 de18u11 h0tBU0A6r Or InvellAE:B BOy fi0t A011010 �=� . <br /> , y- r-� rasponeetosuchtla:aultorpursuenttoevohnotleeotGeleultend.nohWlhatanAlnpNacontlnuancalnpoeaeasbn011hePrpp6nyor ' .t -______. <br /> - ,;.,;y Na colleotlon,�ecelDt anA appllcaUOn of rente,iseuea or proMe,end Trusle9 antl LenOer shall b9 6ntltlatl to BxerGis evOry dyM ��m�- <br /> .q � _�i� Provided(Orin6nybiinoLonnin6Gu�T�"vi�b4ifijri`oatiySn-wG�m�Geol�n7E�°..'�lOfDC!su!:IrtC!!MIrtp�Ifh7�[Il7nit!�l71V1�lWhf � = ° �' --._' __.- . <br /> ;-'S�� -y�.� t60F6(G76'vIDOpGY18�0}5018.FyllhBf,l,en0or'erlgh4anOromeC:esurt�e.thlsD�eB�ePh9halibenymqlBtNewllh,entllnnoWBye <br /> ;��f Ilm:�aYOnon.LenderstlpntgenOfOmediosunGOrenyeeaignmentotleeeeeandranUracorOeAegalnsttf�aPropoM•LenAer,Trutlee -_, s} - <br /> '!, antl NB reCelver q161 bB Ilable lo aCCOUnt only lOr thoe9 ron16 eNualty raCeivB0. - -iav8-- <br /> 11. EvmL ol DN�uN.The tollowlnp s�ell conetltute en Event ot Delault uMer Nla Deetl ol Truet ���� P�f� _. <br /> ..,t',, ,;4' (ry Fellure lo pey Bny Inetellment ol pdnelpal w Intereel ol any other aum eecut9tl hBrB6y when duo; �,- - � ���� <br /> : (b)AbreeC�olorAefaullunderenyprovisionconlelnetliniheNOte,thUDo8tlolTmatenyofNeloenlnslrumeMe,oreny � . 7���e''. <br />_-:-�{:ii°:,-� oN9r I1Bn W encumb�enCO upon the Propery. � � ' <br /> `'t:.t,,Yt� F :�, .. <br /> , _ (o)Awrnotoxeoulionorettechmontorenyslml�erDroce�aehellbeemeretlagainntTruatorwhlohehellDecomeellenon ��.�� �^ �.-r„i�..+�;_ <br /> - ' O�e Properry or eny poNOn there0l or intereet theroin: u rY��„ y����,�� <br /> � _'� (�Thare e�ell be 111eA by or egainst Tmntm or 8orrower en ecfion under eny Oreaent or tu�me ieEeral,ebte or oNer :,, � �ti r*- -:��^, <br /> -t= peN10.�flw or regulation�elellnp to benkmplcy.InsoFreney or other reliel fo�0eblore;a t�ere 6he11 b9 aOPO���eG eny Wate9. ,. , j � -_ <br /> ��--. - _ �ecelverorliqulOerorofTrun�ororBOrrowerorolelloreirypertoltheP�opart/.ortherente,lsaueaorp�oBpthereo6orTruefor '-" � �?}y,�, �� <br /> �;' or Borrovrer eheli meke any genera�eesignment tor 0e benofit ol c�etllto�a �' �j �'`�� Cr; ' <br /> s-- ._ -1 -�: (e)The egle,lrQne�e�.�ease,ees�g�menR cOnveyenee o�huthe�encumOrenee of all m a�y psrt ol or eny In1a�Bat In Ne ;� i`} > � `.������ <br /> propBfry eiN ryolvntetlly o�involunterlly.wlthout me ex0�eea.w(itten eonaBnt of LenOar,Drovided thet Truptor nhall ba .�x f,ti �c;� '• <br /> -' � pOrmilWdtoo�aulealoeseoHhoPrope,fythettlo89notconla�nenopllonloOurChaseenAihelermOlwhlchd0eenotexCeetl s� r „y�, -= <br /> � - i_ onBYeer, ,<' � 4 �G2u�\t:. <br /> --, (9 AbanAOnment ot Ihe ProPeM:or ';. � t �=j d' r�, <br /> (g)IlhualorienotaninOlvitlual,theiaauance.eeie.uena:er.ass�g�ment�onveyeneeorencumbreneeolmorethanetolnl i; �• .y'�� ;r <br /> ,� o� pe2ent ol pl a corporation)�u isaueA end outeu�tling etxk or(il a pannereMp)a lotel of Dereent of `:� � � ��-�``„`,c' <br /> � �'� paMerehip inlereate duNnB the Dedotl Ihie Deed ol Trust remaine e Ilen on IDe ProDery. s.; , . r, - <br /> '"t "^ 3.Yra.; �' <br /> _-�y, 12. ROmodloi;AeeelorallonUponDetault.lntheeventolenyEventolDefaultLenOermay,wimouroollcoexceptasreqWreOby � s � � <br /> � :.' Iflw.Eeelare ell IntleDtedneas aecureA hereby lo�be Oue en0 peyebl0 and Ihe�ame a�a!1 Ihereupon bewme duo anA peyeb:e .�r ! � -�}?'-;t.� <br /> --p-: wilhou[eny pro98nunent OemenO.proleat or noGCe ol any kintl.Tl�ereafler LenCOr meY ��4:j y��_'_ <br /> �'- (e) Dementl tMet TNBtee exetG99 Iha POWEH OF SALE gremBtl herein.enA Tmalee ehell Iheree:te�cause Trualor8 _ <br /> -„- iotereat in the Property b be aold 8�0 the O��eed9lo Ce tl!�mbuted.all in N8 menner Orw1AO0 in IDe Nebreeke huat Dee08 .. <br /> '. Act - ' -- - � <br /> �����':� (D) Exerciee any en0 B���IBhte provi08E ior In any 01 tne Loen Inalmm.enls or by lew upon occurrente o18ny Evenl ol <br /> . De!eult enA " ' �" -"- <br /> (c)Comme�eeenectlontofOreClosolMeDeetlo�Trustwamon8ege.eDOO�mareceher.orepetiticellyenlorcear.yolthe (.;� _ <br /> -- eovenente hereot - <br /> No remeAy he�o��coNerred upon o�reserveE to True�ee or LenCer ie���enEeO to be e:clue:re o�e�y other remetly� Ne �'-,�� _ � <br /> Lo6�Inatmmente or by lew proWOeU or permllleC.bul eeen thall be cumu�ettve.ana��De�n oAA1NOn to every olher remetly given � - � <br /> ��-���- - �B�eunCar.inlhBLOanlnstmmentaornoworhe�eaMero�s6ngailawo�ineQU�ryo�by6laWte.an0�aybBOiercl6eOCOncurrenL'y. ' ' <br /> I' <br />� - � IntlepBnOeMly or euccosbiro�y. ' - <br /> 73.hustoo.ThB Tryatee mey reeign gl nny lime w:�hout ceuse,ar.a Lentler may a!any time enC w::hout ceuse eDPO�m a � <br /> - 6ucco6sororeubttiluleTmslee.Trua:eeena:InolOe11a0�e�oenype�ly.mUUOingwithoutilmiteuonLentler,8onower.Tmatoro�a�y =. <br />-- - "v-l;:�. : puI4�E3810i ih0 P�OpBrty�0�eny 1048 Ot CelaBg!un185f OuB IO recklBSS Or wdl:u�miSCO�tluCl enA lhell nOt DB tBpW feO 1018kB Bny . _ <br /> -`+.-T-� � aGtlon In CoMeCYOn wilh 111e BnlorCemPnt 01�MB DeeO o�Trusl unleea f�demn11:9tl,in writing,lor e�l cosi3.cOm�IBnaeUOn or _. <br />' .e...,ntrn ma..�.n n.w�amn mmamim In aeellien Tmataa mflv�BCOme e DurG�eser el eny 881e o�iCe PropBrty QuO:tiel ot <br />. - un0e�ihe pOwer ol salo grante0�erein):poetDO�e the Sele of ell or eny po�fion oi tne Pmperty.aa proviEeA by law:or ae�l t�e - _ <br /> �.-!;��__-' Properry ae a wnole,or in aepare�e Oarce�e or iots et 7rus�ea's O�scretio�. . <br /> -.,;�;,;; 14. ioo�an0 Exponsof.�n�he event Tm6!ee sella the Propfxy by e�erc�se o�power o�sa�e.hustee shaA be entltleC ro epp�y <br /> - any�e�e p�oceetle flrst to peyment oi e�l coste enC ex0er.sa7 01 exo�ei6i�g powe�ol ea! eil Tmetee e�eea entl LenOer'e <br /> ���� anATmsteeeenorney'sleea,acWaltyinwrretltoeYtempermitteEbyepplicableiaw.�n�neevent8orroweror7matore.eraseae�y _ <br />�-� tlght provIEBA by lew lo cure en EveM ol Defeu:l.LenLUr a�all be entilletl to re[orer from Tms:or a:i coata end exper.sea actua��y ` <br />- -_ NGUROA 8!9 �BSUII OI TN6101 e C819U:C IOGIUd��Q "/�I�OVI li(IIi1BG011 811 TNlf80!800 8tl0�08�]�889.�O t11B BxiBOI(IBff111tlBU by <br /> ' ,:.� -; avvi�o;e iew. <br /> "••�''- � 16. Fuluro Adrentos.Upon reque9t o�Bo�rower,LenOer may. el tte oD�io0.mekn e00l1lonal enC IuW�e advencea enE re- <br /> '-��.�':`;-`-�• 80vantBltO80ffowBC$uCheOvLnCOOB�Ar88AvenCel.rd�hlnterestthBrBOn.e�EI1bBlecureCby\hleDeedoiTn;aLAtnOtimObnell <br /> `-;=f:.�;�,_'•.� NBptlnCipel9mounlofl�elnCBEl00nB5988cutEtlbyMb088dO1irualnojjQ�'�QbpQA�eBOventeAloprOleCiIDeDeCUtllyollhi9 -� <br /> - �i,_,?.�,�1t:�. _ 0 <br /> DoeO ot huet exeeed Ihe od9inel ptlncipal emount eteleA herein.or S wMCherer�a g�eater. <br /> •'i4;"ii ' . .� <br /> , . . � �� � <br /> .� �`�. _. <br /> - - - - <br /> . .,-.:� - .. - - --- -- <br />