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,��:. . c _ _ "_._. .v .� _ .. ., _ _—.... ..___""'_ <br /> :�� �i <br /> . , :�, .. ., � �:. ; —'" ;�ti�j) : <br /> �j �� <br /> ., r . <br /> { . . . �i7� �F. <br /> �' --TOG�{B/t 1Yf1iiilt�ifiah57pYUVf6tEri(i"i�OWOittE"itw'°�civi�w.,arr+s"n'�'r'^7 �^"•�:'�`•°•'�"^�•�", �"�'�•M•• .--� -`°°-`-"°-.. . <br /> atM flxha'}�now othercq(�N$ ui ottpe properly. AU rcplacemGnn az�G�dditlala�M(1 etso 6e covued 6y Nla geeu[Tty ;':. <br /> � Inctnun.enR.AitotObfarcdoln8��tet��redtainih(ABeswllyinslrvmemeatAO"ProPeiry�' ,� .. <br /> AOAR4N6hp.CctA�yVBNANfB the�Bortowu le tawNliy wlwd ot�he ateto hcreDy convoyed end hAt the rl$Gt ro.�ent' , _' <br /> wpt dsRnygener�0el y �d thet 9�o Propcny Is wenwmberW,exa�1 f9��umbrenoea of rxord. Bonuwet a�d - ,. <br /> d 1 11io N�la to the Proyerty egainst a11 cldm�end demend+,cu6Jat to any encumDranoa otRCON: <br /> 7fp8 86(.WRTA'Y lNS17iUMBNf combinee unifortn covenanb tor netbnel uw md non•unitortn ooven�nu wl�h <br /> tUnircd variellona Ey Jurtsdipton to con�ituto a uNlortn saudry Instrument covedng ree1 property, ' ' ____ <br /> UNIPORMCOVBNANCB, IIotrowetandl.cndueovenantandegccoe�followt: p y � ` ` ' . <br /> princf G�al of�end inietesPon the debt evidenced b�Ne No e4 end any prepayment and lalo di e�rg�w due underY�e No a�due No <br /> 3. P4ndt tor 1h�ca�nd Insuranea SubJect to appIiceble law or to a wrltten�vaivu6y Lender,6ortower�ha11 pay eo <br /> Lender on O�e day mon�hiy paymenk ue due under the Noto,unttl U�e Note In paid In full,e�um("INnds'�for.(a)yearly <br /> ta�ms end aueumenro which may ettain prio�iry over tAie 3ecudry insuument a+e lien oa�ha Propeny:@)yeeflY leasehold <br /> Paymenu or ground renu on the Proputy. lf any; (c) yearty haurd or properry insurenco promlums; (� yeu�Y nood <br /> nsurvnce prcmium�,it eny: (e)yearl mottgago in:urance premlum�, If any; end(�any eurtu payable by Borrower to --- " <br /> Lendu,in acoordanm Mth U�eprovl:�on�of paragreph B,in Iiw of thepeyment of mongage insurnnce premiuma. 7Leae <br /> (tertu em callW"8scrow Rema I.ender mey,a�eny[ima,collece end hold Amds In xn amount not to exceed the maximum <br /> amoun[a lender for a tedaaUy related mongage toan may require tor Hortowerb eserow aaount under�e kdual Rwt <br /> Hstero Settiemen[Proadurea Att of 1974 es emended ftom tlme ro time.12 U.9.C.¢Tb01 s�seq.("R&4PA'�,unla��nother <br /> tew�at appliea to tlxs I§�nds seu a lesser nmounc If eo,Lender may,et any�ima.colia�ond hold Wnda in en amaun[not ro �- `— <br /> exaed the 1¢aser amoun� Lender mny esamaro the emoun[ot Amdi due on Ne badi of curten[date and rcasonabla <br /> eaNmates of oxpendimra of tutum 8scrow Itenn or othenviu in eccorde�e�vtth¢pp!lcable Ia•x. �---------�- <br /> The Wnd� ehall 6e held in en Instiwtlon whose deposiu ere insured by a[Weral egenry,Inatn�mentallty,or endry <br /> (including Lender,if I.ender ia�uch en Wttmdon)or in eny Pederal Home Loen Bank. Lsnder shall apply the Amd+to pay <br /> tha 0acrow Items. Lendu may not charga Bortower[or holding and applying�he Wnds,ennually analyeing the escrow �•_="._=j::. <br /> aaount, or vedfytng �he&crow Item�,unleu I.ender paye Borrower Interect on Ne Punda end applicable law peimiu °-- <br /> /.ender to meke auch a chargo. However,Lender may require Bortower to pay a one-timo charge for en independent real p"�r-.—. <br /> esuro tex rcponing servta used by Lender in annecNon with thia loan,unless upPIIca61e Iaw providea otherniae. Unles�en �,•�!�-.�_ <br /> egreement Is made or appIiceble lew requircs intercat to be paid,Lender ahail not 6e required to pay Borrower any inrere�t or ��,z., <br /> teming�on�he Ii�nds. Bortowcr and I.e�Mer mey agra in wdting,however,that inicrcst�hall he paid on�ha Pund+. I.ender a^ - _ <br /> shall give�o Uortower,without chuge,en annuai accounting ot�he FLnda,show{ng crcdiu and debiu to�he Plmd�end the ���.__ �� _ <br /> pmpose for wLlch each deb(t to�he Wnds we+mede. The Punds are pledged es additlonal cecurity for ell sums seeurcd by -,.sr- _ <br /> (�1:,..,;�— <br /> 1�1�b$tCUlllf�flfffUI11E11L to'-�_' ' <br /> II Ne Wnds held by I.ender exceed the emounu pemdtted to be hetd by appliceble law, Lender ahall �ccount to ��,_,:,___ = <br /> fiortower ior�he exoecs Tvnda in eccordance wifi fie requiremenes of applicable inw. ti�he amouni ot iho FunJe hcid Gy ����,... - -�-� - � <br /> Lendu e[any ume is noe:uinciem ro pay�he Fscrow i�a��b wha�d�c.I.e�ider einy w norb`y�orroxu tn sritiny,ai.'.,:n �...,.�k.y,;,.__��_.�; <br /> such case Hortower shall pay lo Lender the omount necessary lo n�ake up�he defldency. Bo'rower shell make up the ,�+F�,;;__�=-' <br /> detidency in no mom than twetve monlhly paymenla,et LenderL sote diacrcuon. ;�!�-�-:«:s;,��:q�4�-.. <br /> Upon payment in full of ell aums securcd by this Security Insuument,Lender ah�ll promptly refund ro Sarower any ;�,,;;�'�i,,,t<�,=�_� <br /> Pundn held b Lender. I(,under re m h 2I,Lender ahall a uirc or xll�he Wo n ,Lender,prior ro[he¢c uisitfon or :. � 'y',�„��i.�l�:': <br /> Y Pa 8 P �9 Pe Y 9 -•rj<<.•+.,,,.i. <br /> eale of�he Property,shall appty�ny FLnda held by Lender et che�ime of aequfaition or ule m a eredit xgeinst�he sums �"�,•t�����,�:�t�:�_-_ <br /> i.���.�jt�.i:"SStil���- <br /> aecurcd by thif Sauriry Imwmenc „�`�,V,:�,?..;.`:;F,e,_. <br /> 3. Appltcation ot Peymenls. Unless appiiceble lew provida otherwise, all paymenu rcceived by I.ender under ;1:::� ;�.3�,j•:�;. <br /> paregraplu I end 2:hell M eppiied:firs6 to any prepayment chargea due under�he Nole;second,to emounis payable under �1i�?k�:`;�±F1"°.��"�. <br /> paragraph 2;ihird,�o interat dur,founh,to principal due:end laz�,to eny lete charges due under�he Note. - ��t ,r r %-a:_.. <br /> 4. CAarge�;Uenf. Borrower shell pay all �axa, auessmenu, chuges, finea and imposi�lons atiribuuble to �he ;�� �'�{fjyy5��'•!�r;f`� <br /> Propeny whieh msy attain pdority over ihis Security Inswmcnt,and leasehold paymcnu or ground renla,if any. Bortower , -,�;<a�ys_�y,'"�.:,_�;;�_. <br /> P Y B P P 8 P P� paY `"��`:''"�'' �--itay <br /> shdl a these obli a8ons in tAc menncr rovided in are fa h 2,or if not �d in that manncr,Bortower shell lhem on ; -`„�t�;r 1,�a;„_;':� <br /> qme direcily�o the penon owed"paymem. Bortower shall prompdy fumiah�o Lender all naices of amoun�a ro be paid unda .,�.;;:.-w,�Ir �ig}�?��-- <br /> ihia paragraph. If Bortower makes Ihcsc paymenia dircaly,Dorrower sheli promptly Pomish to Lendcr receip�s evidencing x+Sy'f���..f'� .' <br /> Ihe a menu. -��;- '`�v> » `.- <br /> P Bortower ahell promptly diuherge eny Iien which has priority over thia Securiry Instmmem unless Bortower.(a)agrces 'j:,e`3�;�,Yt�i v,.-�?`:� <br /> in writing Io the payment of the obligatlon atturcd by the licn in e manner eccepteble to Lender,(b)conteats in gaod fafih�he ir�;;.,u�?"'"`'�;7+'�'`".'�! <br /> lien b ,ardeknds a ainst enforcement of the Iicn in,le nl rottedin s which in�he LenderY o inion o rete to rcvent�he �;�.�.� `'�i�:�:�`;�s�=:$'� <br /> Y 8 8 P 8 P P� P �:,;'-<':.., . <br /> enPorament of ihe lien;or(c)secures from ihe holder ot ihe lien an reement se[isfacro to Lender suborc'inatin �he lien -��FT�'�'�:^-�i`,';';,i?��- <br /> a8 4' 8 .>:,:::°;;': :� .9,{Sv:�. <br /> ro�his Sxuriry tnstmmem. If Lender deiem�ines�hat any pan ot�he Propeny is subject�o a lien�vhich mny anain priority �;�,�_:y�5'.!����-�,�:�_✓- <br /> over thia Securiry lnsttument,Lender may givc Bortower e no�icc idcmirying�he licn. Bortower shall setisfy the lien or teke ?;%!;i';�;�:c_i�"��;,�r!,.;_�,:_ <br /> one or morc of�he actions se[fonh n6ove wi�hin 10 deys of[he giving of notice. - -�`' �� �t;. •-. <br /> '7 :Jl <br /> S. Hazard or Property Insurentt. Borrower shall kttp thc impmvements now existing on c�rcaRcr ermed on�he «_..,,_., �..-.q�y"r- <br /> Pro rt mmred a ainst loss b fire,hazards inciuded within the tertn"extended coven e'and an other hazerds,inciudin �f --'�'��'�''- <br /> Pe Y� R Y 8 Y 8 .-,..�.;:`;:-,;,.�`�,ai�.. <br /> tloods or flooding,for which Lender requires insurance. 'ITis insurance sAall be maintained in �he amounis and (or the - ':'�-'.�:�.�• <br /> ,l'�`�;[�. .i ?. �r,,: <br /> .;.�,,t:�,:,:;;�_:. - <br /> Fbrm70]L 91f0 �MFr?fnpvt�al `'u''-•d-^f_.'-'�.�./'.:�r. <br /> Y:'. .�' <br /> ,'t"� ._i:.. _ <br /> "[�el_�T;i . }��y4 �_� -..C.s':. . - .:.�..i� ._. ..rr�.� � . i� '�(.:TI��'�aC: . . • <br /> . . . . . . . ... . . ..... .. '. ^' J <br /> � . - � � � ' � '- _ .. . -. ' ' _ . <br /> y_ . i . � . . _ _ _ _ . . <br /> .. 'f_,. _ ' _ . '_i.'_ . _ _ . . . <br /> , ,. . . ., . . . . .. <br /> , � nr•- . ..- .,- .. �, . - - - ' . - . . - . � - - <br /> :. :_-y ,...-.....-. - -'�—� . -.__-"- '_._ __ _ _____�_— _ _ --z:-.-'" _ .__- ' _" - <br /> r � h _ - .. . . , ' . . <br /> � 7 -� r - .. . - .� - . _ - ' � . <br /> .. �. . �: - - . . . <br /> , <br /> , <br /> vt�r - � :�1� '< ` L- - . . . . <br /> t <br /> � �+ : tti .r ..Lf _ - �� . . � - . r_, . . 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