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nL�_ > .GL . RF 1 lC. .-! A5. 9 <br /> 11 °�C � � " f _i ' h -- � 5a ?,'< z � . . t rc � li-" a> y�"'N rf5£S�. 1-, r°�p _--__ <br /> :� ,.` tt` 'F' l �t 'rf'. '` ,n �i - 'Yf 11� 4 �1 i,f�b 3 <br /> � [5� <br /> � � " b � � f♦ 7 � �� J ��b�d . ,t(�1 V <br /> � �` .sf .� '" y � " . -� ' ' ../ ? �r � T { • <br /> a1 r rt L . s i�_. . } - � � r - � � � d' -- y-.-� �F 'i <br /> r-• 1i Wb4il�ilYlail IA70�711p��un f(11YtNri.Sl�I�if JfR-'�i'� c n��e«/mH .�"'`"'s �� .. . . <br /> +uA�turq wahere+�tu� Q�,Iry°g�6p�rp1ittpl�a�eAfgfn4���agq,�ouYT.te�bYt�ilt$D�r�'ty , " �< ; <br /> ,-' � fiti{tU11ktIG �9��8�01G O�1I��IdTCREQ 0�6 88C(Xidty�Qi ff1Q41�1�}? �SOj�!{}i}�' . -:? � - -- � r �x. �r l� . <br /> 891iRq � R p�et 8or�pwR ia tawtu]ty eetsiQ of tAq uGte hirtby coiiroytd d�s)J�b tight faQrt�}t �,a , <br /> 46dwm?os��heiqop�, ya�i�ai.dwPruDenYlsd��baroA;ox�tDitoYincumy�n�sot��ortowuwa�aaiqnd. :. <br /> wi71A¢fenOgeoerelly�haU�tatoQoPrqpertyagafnssillcteim�alidde�tande,iubJpet�oa7lYencumMancosofFaor4 L , � . <br /> • Ttif9 $QC11AriYtN�'IRUMBNT c"o1nD6�es unifort�covpwits tor n►)IohU Yse'�'AOn uni[oan.00vp�ontp pJ�h, � r <br /> Uidltedvar�a�ort�by�iulsdl2Uuiisoeonni�ateapntio�meFcudryl��wmentcuveringrcetqropenY 1 ,�..: <br /> ' : . - :' t1NQ+0RMCQyg�hM'S. BorrowetNi0l:enCeraovenant�mdpgresuloltaw� ,: . � ` <br /> 1."P��msntotPr�Cdpd�n4lokreaqPet�prymep111W1.fte.(A�iWtex 8onnweriNitpfomWiypay,whendu0tho- ;Y <br /> prpicipa�,otendl6tb�epton�ryedtbtevidenoedDy�heNOtoendp�y yRpaymentandla�olhargeeduaqpd@rth¢Not6 � <br /> $ NhpAator'ttuctapddGuuraaa.BubJxtaapyticablelawortosmfttenwaCvuDyl.ender,HO{towu+hAlip�y�yto �° <br /> P <br /> Lender bn Q�e day monWy paymsnts aio dae undcr 1he No[e,unNl tha Noto U patd in f�11,e aum("AUids'9'for.,(a)ye�rly, ' <br /> teka and asseumenu whieh may enatnprlori�y overmis Scadiy Insiwme�It ea a Ilea nn the P:opttry;(6)yw�rly lwsehot4 : <br /> paymen�a or growd renu on O�o Ptoperty. t(eny: (o) Yearly bazard or property inSUrance Pro!111uma0 t�y�atly_tt6od;_ ':__ _'. -- <br /> Insurence promiurtu,it any, (e)Yearly martgdga Insur¢nce premtum�,if any;enA(q eny'dums paybbte by BottaWtr ro . <br /> (.ender,in a000rdanca with�he�rovtnions of paregrnph 8.M ileu of the pay�nt ot m6ttgnge(nsurence premlums. Yhesa . . _ <br /> item�ore celled'Bscrow Item�. I.ender may,u nny tlme,collect end laId Wnds in en ar�tount not to exored�ho ma�timum . . <br /> emount a lendu for s fedcrelly related mortgege lwn mqy nqulro for�orcowuY escrow�000unt undu Ihe lederel Re91 " <br /> [iatate 3enlement Rocedurca Act ot 1974 e�emeaded from 8me ro�(ma I2 U.B.C.p 2601 trrtQ.("RBSPA�,unlas ano�het <br /> law tAat eppliw to�he FLnda seu a leaser amount. if w.I.ender may,et my eime,wilect and Aold Fvnd�In an emount ttot to . . +' <br /> exceed Na Iesser amount. I.ender may es8maro Uw emount ot I�nd� due on the baaU ot cu�rent deta and toasonable <br />---- attmatw otexper�!ama ottuture Escrow Itnw or ahenvix N eccordanca wl�epp1lceble law. � - <br /> -- 7fie ii�nd�finil lx held In en institudon whose deposlia aro insuted by a tederat egtncy, Inspumentel(ry,or�nNry <br /> Mduding l.ender,if I.ender L�uch en instlmtloN or In any Nederel Home Loan Bank. I.eMer�hatl apply�he Ei�nd+to pay <br />.:.�� �he&crow I�em�. Lendu may noe cherge Bortower for holdtng and�pplying Na Fvnda,ennualty enatyzing Iho escrow <br /> = exoum,or verifying�he&crow Itertu,unless I.ender paya Bo�rower Interes�on Ihe [LnW aad�ppllcable law permlta <br /> '�.`i I.ender to meke cuch a cM1erge. Howaver,Londer mry�u�ro Hortower to pay a ono-time eh9rga tw an independent ttel <br /> _ eateta tex reporting arvlce uaeA by Lender in connceilon w�A�hfa loan,nnlesa eppI(cable Isw providp othenvlu. UNecf ea <br />�.::1� egreement is mede or eppAcable law roquirca tmueauo be paid,Lendtt�hall not be rcqulrcd Io pay Hortowu my intercst or <br /> eaminga on tho Fvnda. Bortower end Lender m�y aga in w�itfng,Aowever,�hat tmc[eat ehail ba paid on Ihe FUnda. Lcndu <br />'.,;-�� shall give ro Bortower,without charga,am m�ual eaountlng ot�ha PI�Ma,nhowing cadiu md debiu ro the[vnds end the <br /> purpose tor which each deb(t�o the Mnda wa�mada 7Le AUnds are plWged u addidonel sxutity Por all sumf cecured by <br />--- � thia Secudry Insuument. � <br />°--��+', It Na Nlmde held by Lendu exceed the emowta permltted ro be held by epplieable law. I.enda shall eaount to <br />�-r� Bu�wer for ihe excaaa Funds in ecconienz wiih ihe�eymrtmcnia oi appiice6161uw. I!G�e n�Tiuuni'ui Ihc[`iunis Yrcid Ly °"'__- -'°'-�- <br /> �_;;-� Lende�at eny linw u nul aufficiem topay the Gscmw I�ema when duo,Lenkr may w no�ify Hortvwer in writing,and,in `-- �---- -� <br />-�.I$� cuch cese Bortower fiell pay ro Lender the amount nocessery to make up the deflciency. Bortower fiell meke up�he <br /> 4 deflciency In no morc than twelve monthly paymenta,et Lenderh�ok discrctlon. <br /> Upon payment in full of ell suma�ecured by thu Secudty Insicumen6 I.endu�hell promp�ly roPond to Bortower eny <br />�.}iF� Ponds hcid by Lender. If,under peragnph 21,Lender ehell ecqutrc or sell Ne Property,Lender,pdor ro�he eequliidon or <br /> sele of�he Property,ahell epply any Amds hcid by Lender at tAe Hme of ecquisiflon or sele a�a crcdit egelnst the sume -- <br />---!;:� :ecurcd by thb Saudty Insm�mrn�. �'^`- _ . . . <br />-:�;'� 3. Appllca0on of Paymend. Unlw eppliabie lew provides othe�wise,ell payments received by Lender under e_-�- ° <br /> '� paragrephs 1 end 2 sAall be epplied:Rn4 to eny Prcpayment cherges due under the Note;sarond,to amouma payable under �" - - <br /> -s, paregreph 2;�hird,to inrerest due;founh,�o principal due:and Iut.�o any late charges due under the Note. ' !:y=e�-. <br /> - 4. Cherges= We�u. Borrower shali pay all uxea, esseasmenta charaes, �nu and imposft(om a�tdbuteble to the �rx�f <br /> :,r Propeny whieh mey�tmin priority over thi:Secudty Initmmcnt,end Icuchold payments or ground rcnu,if eny. Bortower ;� f --„._. <br />_ shall pay�hcu obllgetions in the manner provided in puagreph 2,or if not p�id In�het menner,Borro�ver shall pey them on - -.-_- <br /> dme directly toihe prson owcd paymene Bortower�hall promptly fumish to Lendcr all no�itts of emoun�s to be pa(d under ��f; `-- <br /> �� �his h. If Oovower makes theu ments direetl ,Bortower shnll rom tl Pomish ro Lender«cei Is evidencin Gi., r�t -, <br /> y. �hepaym�enti. �Y Y P P Y P 8 i��F 44 , , <br /> Bofrower sholl promply discharge any lien�vhich has prioriry over�his Security Insttument unieas Oortower.(a)agrces ���Uy�a N <br /> � In wriung ro ihe ptymen[of�he obligation securcd by�he lien in a manner acceptable io Lender,@)contals In good fnith Ihe �k`7t rn� �{ _�. <br /> lien 6y,or defends ogainst en(arecment of the lien praccedings which in the LenderY opinion operete to prevent�he l� e ? ' . <br /> _f'� enfomement of the lien:m(c)ucures(rom ihe holdu of thc lien an agrcement xntis(actory�o Lender subordinating the lien ;1�,��{,c� :._ <br /> ro this Saurity Inswmene I(Lender determiMS that any patt of the Property is subject to a lien whieh mey ettein priority � ..�y� _� <br /> _ over ihis Security Insirumen6 Lender may give Bortawer a notice identifying�he lien. Bofrower shell satisty the lien or teke Fi.`�� ., :,,.-..- <br /> � one or morc o(the actions set fonh abore wi�hin 10 days of�M1e giving of notice. ��� c` � <br /> S. Heurd or Properly Insurance. Bortowcr shall kttp�he improvemems now exis�ing or hercafter erccted on�he '•a �t':� <br /> Propeny insurcd ageinst ioss by fire.haurds includN wilhin the tertn"extended coverage"and any aher heurds,including ��• � .+ 1_'' <br /> Ooods or ilooding. (or �vhich Lender rcquircs insufance. This insurance shall be meintained in the amoun�s and for the �;._i',�-.? <br /> � .�. � . <br /> _i:� Furm307s 9�90 �N«T.(M1psrv i` t . <br /> l y" <br /> �j t'�-� . r� .. <br /> _�7 <br /> 1:.� " _ <br /> . F.�:_ - .�_ • ' -' . - —' . - , e-"_'__eT.. --�.-nra� . .. . <br /> � <br /> _in � _ j _ _ � � . _ _ _ '_ _ .. .- ' " . .:._ . <br /> ,.. , ` <br /> 1;_ . .-r ' " . _ ,r -. .. �-, . <br /> __ _ _ _�. � -____ ' _...'_ _ ' .. . . � . .- . � , <br /> "" _' . _.. ... :—' _ '— _ _ _-- _ <br /> �� ,:_-. _ . _ __ __ _ ," — _.-, ___ _ ___.' __: ._.: <br /> ,c <br /> i . �� ` f fa � � � ' . . " _ .. _ . . � _- . <br /> ..c, .. . - . . - - � . . <br /> -s � ' � � ' _ . . _ . . . _ <br /> " , t7 ',r . • . . � . . .. �. . �. <br /> - � Z.� � _ .. . . . .. _ <br /> . .' �. . ..._' , " <br /> ��_. . . .-.. . _. _ .. ' . _ .- . <br /> _ . C . ' . . I .. - <br /> il- J � V 1- � � " f � . . .. <br /> • - 1 V - . <br /> . • <br /> ♦ <br /> ��TjS � � � .� ( � .� � ; . . . � . - <br /> y ' S , <br /> ' + ` ' 4 . ` - ' ' . <br /> f .4 <br /> ..f . � .:f � �.`_ . � r . }._rll.�l , .t3� , . . . : _�t- . .. ... . .. _ . . - ,.....� ._ ',i�. ._ . .�,:�- .,... . <br />