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I': : �, <br /> -.,. `.- '''""�..t'�"`"'.,r : - , '^�'- _crrooedrAaara�er,. - ... � { ., , . .,i.. <br /> ;� W►tN���N - � . - ,, t ' __ <br /> ,WH�R�Ar 9orio�ye►and 4ende�hpv9�preep,lbdfeny ropte and profite atldbhti418,td ths prbperty nhou�a¢onality�tp� <br /> ' � 1idGit�o���e00Urity to the Lendar}ot tne paym9nt 4t the Note; ,. �_ � ,- <br /> NOW;YHfiR�fOAEJtieapree0thatthOB6�uflylnatNm6n�nnelibaemanQedhpro0ya�ddUamedtoin0lu,Qpthefbltowlnp ! � <br /> � �irovislane: ; = � '+: <br /> , -. L �onmeht6frtenj�pnd�,�rowalh erabyebsotutelyangqnq6ngluon�ItysdO�pnsel( _-;`��'� <br /> re4te;1 0uga a d roHle ot.the BenafPolary. 4enGer ehaq Nsva 1�9 d qt, po�Y'er apd auth0tlty,d6rin¢tne <br /> o0ntl.du+nae.di il+e 8eourity��faCrument to ooneot tne reme,leeuoa enA prottle of the�ropeAy en0 of any pelaondl RropOtty •_} <br /> :(aopt6d 1�ereon witb or wilhput takinp Daseesalon o}tNe propatly ofteotsd hereEy. LanE86 however,pere6y�Onasntg fo �.� �::— <br /> � BorrowelecolleotlonenQretentlonofduohrente.laeue6anOproflleepthayaoomeandbecomepayabte,�olonpaeBdrtower, i:`� <br /> — 10 not,kt euori Uine,in default wfth reapeot to payment of eny IetleDtatlneae oeoureA hereDy,or In the pedoimanC9'of pOS�:-;:�, _ <br /> = apreemanl hereundor. . � : ' .'"' <br />-- p, e000lntmenf ef acelve�.I}eny event of Cefault In respeot to the 8eourlry Inatrumin!ehail haYe Qcaurr6d`an0'be�� �,`�.� <br />`.-�f:� continulnp, lender,ae a matter of rlpht end wlthout notice to Bortower or enyone olalminp undar Bortower,an0 wll�out-� <br /> � � �09A�d tO the valus of t�e tru6t e6tet0 ot t�9 IntBrlet o1 the Bo«Owlr thorlln,eh91I h8ve 1h0 ripht t0 eDP�Y to Yny OOUM1 hFVirlp. <br /> _��;y �uASAlollon to eppolnt a raaelvar of the D�operty. <br />,__�,7 �, g�pM ta Ponneeslon.In oeee o}dofeWt In t�e payment ot the ealtl prinolpal Not9 or Intereet,or any pert tber0of,oe It - <br /> '3 s�all mature,or In the aaee of tellure to keep or PeAOrm eny of the oovenante oragreamente contelned In t�e Seaurity InBtrw <br />;-�"�'�1 ment, tAen t�e Lender, Ite eucoeseoro or asalgnA ahell be and ta hereby euthorl:ed end empowered to fake ImmaClat9 � <br />-�`:"�' poaeeaelonofthoealdDremlBeatherelndeeodbednndtocolleotthereMetheretrom,endtoeDP�Y�heproo9aAethereoftotfl9-- �� <br />�-f`��'�� pnyment oT the Note. <br /> i--<+� <br />--=`;1:� I. Aoolloetlon of Rehte.lsauea ena Proflte.Ali rente colleoteA by Lentlar o�the reaelve�ahell be applled Bret to p9ymeM ' <br />-�i:-�;?"J of the ooate ol mpnapBment ot tna proparty end ooileation of renie,inaluding,but nof limited io,reaeivera faee,premfuma on `----�-_-_ � <br /> f8C0SV8i e 6L�Qb 60d fB6S008b18 8llQfrtBy'8(889,!nd lhgn to th9 BamP BBavnA hy thx Seoudy Inetrument Lender and the � <br /> �-' �ECBIVlf Bt1811 b0118M6IO e0C0Y�t ONy fOf ihP4BlB�tB fi0tU811y IBCBIvBd. <br /> ��1� 6. ConatruotlonofPtorlBJo_a4.Eea�ottheDrovlelonacontalnedlnthleAaeignmentotRenteRlAerenCt�eBeoudlylnatru• <br /> ��"� ment shali, unl8ee otho�e epeolfloally requlre0, be conotrued In accortlence with NaDraeke law,and In t�e event any <br /> ��` prWl8lon hereln or t�ereln Contetnetl ehall ba determinod by a oourt of aompetant Jurledlotlon lo De unenforeBablB,tha eema � H'' _ <br /> .;,;� shell be conetrued as though euoh unantorceable provlalon were not e pert�ereof or th9reof. �� ;I-� <br /> U � <br /> 8. Effeot of Nider.Ezcept ae epactlloally motlifietl byor Inoonelatent with thia Aealgnment of Rente RIOer or by enyolhet �,y <br /> �_� epplloable rider,all of the terma and provislone containeA In tha 8acurlty Inauument ehall contlnue In tull force an0 efleot. <br /> fi 1�'� . <br /> IN WITN688 WHEfiEOF,Borrower hae ezecuted thla me of a Ritler date first noteU ebova. � � �- - <br /> �. <br /> -��-:. �1 i .. <br /> �� ' Ric �«owe� }� <br /> �{. //'J� � r � <br /> �it' `�1'��'i � �/" f 4 Y"t�. <br /> i <br /> � SK <br />::;.;� K�`S K YR 1�gorrowar 4�. �r.-' <br /> _.d,:._..5: <br /> i <br /> - -''_`� 8TA7EOFNEBNASKA) �r "f'... <br /> -_ ;�,i (ae: tt�,;:��.,._,: <br /> � j' COUNN OF HALL ) t ` -- <br /> -�:�r On lMe ZaTM dey of_ mAY ,18 93 ,pe�pre me.lhe underaigned,a Notery Publie Culy commlealoneQ enC s„T,t�., ��- <br />��"�:`��,'y, qu811NBdfOreeldCOUnlY.peraonallyCemO RIfH0.RD L. RYNN AND KRISTI K. RYIIN. HUSBANO RND WIFE -- <br /> .`�%t� ,to be the ItlenUcel per8pn(n)w�ose nnme(e)18/are&1bECtIbBA -.riLi'`=:_.�� <br /> �,-�y; to the toregoin9 Inetrument,and he/ahelihey acknowledge the ezecutlon t�ereof to be hielherltheir voluntery act end de9tl. ::•:}',;;: <br /> - r::,',>:. <br /> Witneae my henA enA NoteHal 8eal et GRRND ISLAND, N RIISKp ' ' ����_ <br /> s' In9eWeouMr.)ieCate�lore�a,01d: /' ' • . <br /> �_ , • j_ . • > > <br /> .S', l../ ( "�-� .� ;ir._`/�`_ . <br /> '.•.[: <br /> ' ,,} Ndery Pubtic <br />�'`.y;;� MY Commis6lon expires: %�'��� y�- ` � . <br /> "^t:� x..wonna f �" - <br /> -- �_---— -- <br /> _ - ����'���-� � � <br /> ,�',� � �� � . <br /> . <br /> ��'A�L121Q9� ± -. <br /> ;� , <br /> i <br /> :.�.'�,.� `{. . <br /> �:.i3 y 1 <br /> ' F i <br /> i a� _ � * , . <br /> r <br />