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.. � .- : . � - . - . :' � �}� -- ��_._ , , y _ .� . . <br /> i � . . . .� _ _ __ _ .. . . <br /> . 1 . - -' - _ p,`� t 4� _ . <br /> f �• . ' . V ��/ "� . <br /> . . - � � � �u j . � ���� � � �-(�jna� <br /> ._._�,... ...-y`�ne�-�� -wU{c�fi AmRPi�i4iflp�'-,,- $at�i� "4YitWiTGIitIC�Qa}Yfiiltf� y4�.CCi�-p y�j;,•e•� _._t�_ . .. . <br /> yi,q�ount�� Ire4 toDay�ll oYtstending IeEe�eAneu uMer dM�ote�fid Ihle Bccun4lnstN�t duU bc Wl' 4 fot116'entitZ r �,t,,: <br /> IoSaU�en�i�d�n�ermeySolkafeaendofi�8ee�u�hodxe4DythoSureiary. � . ; ' !:: <br /> 9��U{�et�ul�tenock�mymiyenilnfutl 1d1e ms�eatiitdE�y hl,8oc rirytnsdume�ntlP Q�ewo9lDWmtntOefA�ilro, ; <br /> (I)Horrower de af ulta Dy fUling roWy I(1 t111I NY IllonNiy peyme6t sepulred 6y thte 8kurky Inswment pdot <br /> w oe na�ro duo daza otNo noxt mont�ly paymin�,or ` — <br /> ' (ii)8prtowet defaulu by tailing,tor e pedoQ ot Ihltry day�,to perfomi eny other obligatinn�conWlnsd(n ihla , <br /> $audty tnitnunmr, <br /> (D)Btla�Pithout Crcdit Approv�l. LenEer�hall.N permlued bY epPlicablo taw and wIN the Crior a�yrov�of Q,e <br /> �xrctuy roquiro Immcdleto payment In NII ot ell�ho wma sewrcd by�his 8eeurtry Insaument iR <br /> (i)A�I or part of tho Prope�ty�or e bene8clal intercst In e uust owning ap or part ot�do Propeny,fe wid or <br /> otAerw�o irenik�rtd(other�han by doviw ordeacem)6y Ae Bortower end <br /> — (If)7Lo Propeny la na ocouyled by�he purehaser or grantw m hb or�u pdndpel rosidtnce,or 1ho purchaser <br /> -' orgran tee does eo oocupy the Property but his or her crcdit �w not bzen epyrove4 In eocordonee — <br /> — with the requircmente of the Settelary. <br />`°—_ (c)No Waiver. If eircumstencea occur�hat vrould pemdt Lender�o rcquiro immedh�o payment In Nll,but I.endu � <br /> °° da�not ulre�uchpsymenu,I.ender doa not waivo Ite dgh�a�vtth respeq ro su6sequent evenu. <br />"_'`,$� (d)ReguI�oru oiRUD BecretaT� In meny olrcumstanon roguletiom iewcd by the Secrctary wpl Itm(t Lendert <br /> ;---- dghta in tlw case of payment defaulu,eorcq uiro Immediate payment In fu11 end torccloso it notpnId. 'Ihb <br />�,`�� Secur�ry Insnument doee not eu�hodu�ocete�atlon or foreclosuro it no[pemdned 6y roguUdona ot�he Surctnry. - <br /> �— (e)Mortgage Not Inaured. Hortowcr agren that�hould tAis Secudry lnsmmen[end�he note eaured thueby not <br /> 3,{�� bo eligible Por insurenw under the Ne�Ionel Houaing Aat withln 8 mOnt he from�ho <br /> :�� date Aercot Lender may,et t�a op�lon and nawhlutending anything in Peregnph 9,rcquiro Immedlete payment In <br /> ��%+;a;:� fup of all wm�saured by this 3ecurity Tnsuument. A wriuen emtement ot my euthoriud�gent ot�he 3ee2tnry _ <br /> - '` � dated wbaequen[to 8 mont ha from the date hercof,declining to insuro t�l�Secudry <br /> .�`� Inanument end the nota secured thercby,�hell be deemed conclusSve proot of auch IneligibiRry. Notw(thsronding <br /> -{,`}� �he forcgoing,thU op�ion may not be excrciced by Lender wAen the unanilablllry of Inmrence is eolely duo to <br /> f�s Lenderb fallum to rcmit a mongege insumnce prcmium to�he Secrctery. <br /> f x" 10. Rdnstntemmt. Oolrowcr has a rtght to be rcinstucd if Lender hai requircd immediero pn em in Ntl6eceuae �._ _ .. _ <br /> "�?�9�; ot Bo�rowerh failuro �o pry an emount due under�he•Noro or�hu Sceurity Insuumant. 7fda d t eppliea ereq after <br /> >� Poreclosure proceedings ue InsOtuted. 1b reimtete Iha Sauriry Inswmem, Bortower chell le er in a lump wm all <br /> +•Y ��� emounte required to'bdng 6ortowerh eaount cumnt ineluding,ro the extent they ere obligatiom of Borrower wder�hu -- <br /> x ��' Secwity Inawment,foreclosuro cosu and reasonable end cusromary utome7n'fee+md expensea properly sssociated wfth <br /> }�.%7 tha foreclosutt procecding. Upon reinstatement by Bortower,thla Secudry Instrument ena tlw obiigarione fiae a ceeurw "-- :-_-.-� <br /> :,.�,.',r �hall ranein in effat as if Lender had notrcq uircd Immediete peyment in full. However,Lender ie not rtqmred rope�mit _ <br />:-b•3��-; relnsmement if: (i) Lender hes eccepted rcinatetemrnt eiter�he rnmmenament of forcclosuro proceedinge wlt�in two -- _ <br /> {� } yean ImmeAi�tely prceeding Ihe eommenamrnt of e curtent Porccbsurc proceeding, (II) refnsutement will pRClude � <br /> fi; foreclosurc on dithrent ground+in�he futurc,or(iip refns�eument will ndverul y dfat the pdodry of the Ilen crea�ed by n�syc _ <br /> s.dt�'_t. �hlsSewdry In�trument. Y+ - <br /> � . � Il. Qorrower Not Releesedi Forbearance by Lender Not a Wairer. Ex�enaion of the time of pa�unt or :,,� <br /> '$?.'> modl8cation of emortita�ian of thc suma ucurcd 6 y th�s Securit y Instmmem grnnted by Lender ro my aucaasor n Intercat r ��"-- �", <br /> .����;� of Bortower shdl not open�e to relcasc the liebili�y of�hc origmal Bortower or BortowerY successor in inrerut. Lender ��+ Jj.•�L�r�ir._ <br /> - ��j; shall not be rcyuired m cammencc procadings agalnst any suaesor in interext or rcfuse ro extend time tor payment or � h� __;p�= <br />-;���:r:��: othe�wise modify emanize�ion of the xums ucured by this Security Instrummt by rcason of nny demand mede by the ;����tkifn'�;�-�'. <br /> ` -,+�, odginal Bortower or Borro�ver�sucttssorx in imercst. Any forbcarentt by Lendcr in ezercising eny r :or rcmedy shall i�5 7 ,,f -� <br /> �ur " not 6ea waiverof or preclude the exercise otany right or rcmedy. t�fy _n�� ,._ <br /> S s-!s 12. Successon and Assigns Oound;Joint and Severa:Llability;CoSlgnera. 7Te covcnmta end egrcem enta ot ,,i'rp<t f ` - <br /> �3 t - �his Security Inswment shall 6ind nnd 6enefit the successors nnd n+signx of l.ender a�Bortower,subJen w the provisiona t�� t �- t�t' a �, <br /> --t5.�5"�. of Paregreph 9.6. Uorto�rer� cnvennnts nnd ng�cemenn shall he joint und sevenl. Any Bortouer�vho co-sigm this .�'+ '� .- .�r r �-_ <br /> +---� Security Insuument but das not execme�he Noir. (o)is co•signing�his Security Inswment only to mongxge,grmt and T-j�n� ' � - <br /> ' �"? eonvey that Borrowerk intercst in ihe Property under�he�ermc of ihis Security Imtrvnxnt:(b)is no�personaily oblige�ed to rf � 4�^a{C" �r <br /> � ,; �he sums xcured b �his Securi� Inurumenr,unJ(c�u rce.ihat Lender and m other 6ortoxtr ma a ree ro extend, i - �' <br /> PflY Y Y F Y Y 8 �{� L �SntJ: •' <br /> modify,torbcar ar moke any nccummnJmions wi�h agard�o�he icmrs u(�hi.Security Irowment or the Note without that � _� t.- ��u,.,_._ <br /> -��`.� 6ortowertconsem. r '' -�y; ,� <br /> r 13. No�ices. Any mtice�o Barro�ver pmvid�d tar in this Security Irom�mem+hull 6e given by delivering i�or by ?�t, -;� � <br /> .S.i:.,; mailing it by firsc eloss mail unlcsx apPlir�blc law myui`c,u�c of anmhcr mcthod. The noticc shall bc dircctcd ro thc J s,r„_,�;�:�: --: <br /> �� Propeny Addrcs�or any o�her addro.Iinrrnacr de•ignaee.hy noii.c�o Lcndcr. Any na�im tn Lendcr shall be given by s �-}„�L,y i{'�` <br /> '^ �,: first class mail to Lcndcr's ndJrt�.. .�atnl hcmin or any addrc.a I.cndcr dnign:nr.hy nalicc lo Dnrtnncr. Any nolitt ; <br /> Qrovided Por in Ihis Securiry Inswment.hall M Jecmed�n ha�c hecn grccn m Bom�acr or I.ender�rhen given aa provided l� `�f;jf <br /> �,2, m lhispa�a raph. - `>� :� <br /> 14. ($orernin�Ln�r:Secerahili�r. lhf,Sarnm� Imuument.hall M gn�¢mcd b��fiJer�l law anJ Ihe Imr o(lhe "?°�:;:+:P%7c.�_::;�_' <br /> ;;�iq'- jurixdiclinn in which Ihc Pmpcny i.4wcned. in Ihc c�cnt ihat:my prnr�.inn nr alamc of�hi� Snuriq•inxwmcm or 1hc }:�:;,:i. . . <br /> � Nolc canflicll with applicaM1lc lau�. .uch rnnflia.Ir.JI nm aflttl nlhcr Ihi�S�turily hulrumcnt nr Ihc Noic - - = :: <br /> '�•1•��'' which cun bc gircn effar���i�hom�hc a,n0ic�ing pra.i.irni- "li.�6i.cuJ�hc pn.a�.mn.ut�hi.ticaunly Imwmcm:md Ihc V-��::-;�����--- <br /> - �. Nocc arc dcclareA m t�c u�rr.�hlc. <br /> . .- I5. Qorro�rer's Cop�: Bnnoxcnhall hc pn'cn nnc rnnG+nnrJ aop�.N�h�.Snun���In.Irumcni. _ <br />� ;,;�.� 16. AcsiRnment ot Rmh. unamdiu�m:di�a..fEn.and IranQCn Io Li�nJcr all Ihc nm�and�hc <br /> -"�r, Property. 6artox�cr authnroe+Lcndcr or I.cndcr:agenh m c�dlccl lhr rtnh and re�enuc�md hcrch�dirttl.caah Icnam of . . . . . . . <br /> .if..i Ihe P(openy�o pay Ihe rcme lo IrnJer nr LenJ¢r::�E•rnt.. 1{m�,�cr.pnnr m Lendor: naurr �o Bnmmer nf Rartm�en . - <br /> _::.r�:_ bteach of any eovenam nr agreemem m�h.Secunl� In.trmnrm.Rurtooenh.dl rnlleci and r.rene�II rcnh and rt�enue.o( <br /> Ihc Ptopeny a�vu�icc fnr Ihc hcnefi�nl iforrm�ce 1'hn a..��nmcm nl�tm.a� ah.nlulc+..�Fnmcnl <br /> and nol an a••ignmcm far addninnal.ccumr unl�. <br /> if LenJcr Firc.nn�ice�,i hrcach io liortnxcr. �a�.dl reun rrccncd h� Nnrn,w�•r.hall Fn c�W h� R��rtnw<r�cc � <br /> for Ixncfil of Lcndcr onic m h•aPPOrA w�hr.nm.�n'nrcd h� �hc Scannn In.unmcnc�h� Lendcr.h�ll h cnlnleJ Io i <br /> �.i,i=�::, eollecl and mxire ali af Ihe rtun o(the Pm�wn�:and�a 1 radi Icnanl uf Ihe Iku�xm .hall pa� :dl rtnt.Juc:mJ unpa�d m ' <br /> �:�.- , Lendcror Ixndcr.agcnt an LcnJcr:wriucn J:nr.mJ ro th.�cn:nn. ' <br /> Bnrto�rer ha�nol c�ttu�ayl am pnnr a..igmncm .d thc mm.and ha.nn� and will nm � :nn aci �ha� woulJ '� <br /> prc�xm Lcndcr fmm i�.rigM.und.r�hi.P.rtaEr.�ph Ib. I <br /> I.endcr.hall nnl hc reyuired�a rn�cr ury,n.iaAe cumnd of nr mann.nn�hc Hn�wtt) Itinrc�rt afler Fn'inF nnlicc u! . <br />':F;'.�- btcach lo Bono�vcr. Huucrcr.LcnJcr nr a IuJt.�.dh ap�rnntrd mccncr ma� Jn m at am imu�hcrr�.a hrcach. :\m { <br />'. r%r..;��' aPplicalion o(renL�hall nol curc nr��afrc anr dcfauh or m�cJidalc am olhrr ngLl nr rcnmdc ot Lcndrr. lh�.a..�gnmcni <br /> - «°�� ofrcmwflM1cRopcny.hail�cmuna�c��hcn�IirdcM.cauredh��hcScauriqlm�rumcm �.pafdinfuli. <br /> ,��.. <br /> 1. <br /> S <br /> `.N��..�i � <br /> f..t�.:i qv.�....��tec..� <br /> �, <br /> t i "' . <br /> i � � <br /> ...-:a-.'_ _ _. _ . . E . _ . . <br />