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+,��.fs,'1� = � -�:. � - �Y . s X.: r� � � �- �h <li .: . f [ �� � x. i rfiy JSY <br /> �. ' � � � : .. . ,' _. ;.� q { ', `.;��, r,i� L p A i�lA�� - y� <br /> �� _ . . . . - `�Sa .W'dy v . <br /> �i.SYC�IOC!l�Aalldo4�HIL�4EI�A14�1�SYtti1 J�q'L9���49I�dtiYE�t?��62�LmeauA�t11� , r+ , __ <br /> 5o�f�'�y tri"stnimane thdl�inA eit�CsneTff.��suvo,rstofl a�'d 41sf8n?:ofLe+id?�t.wNl A,ormaci�;d�6Jy�"'tc iha yioYlefon}o�:s a = � <br /> y� pazegmph 96.IIgrrowu'e oovcrt�nt�end,egrxment4 bflaMl �e Nint tu1A�-aovcrbir Ahy BaqdSVer w�o 4asf !d�la$ea►�ty, ., r:, <br /> ' .t�s�wne�l6u�,doea iwt exccuto A�o Naoi (e)Is aaslgnl6g thfe Sqcur�ty,I�y1N�1 qNy 10 mortgaga, B�endibnYAY�S %' : <br /> �i $ortower{Interat in ihe Prop.e�'ty, P t Q�i q SequNy i�+8t�vit�np(ti)Is±wk.percottRlly o4JlgNed to�ay tfie wau, iJ i ' <br /> + seared 4y thla Saiud�instniJ�t1,,qpd,( � Aer widqny o�her&orrower may.pgrco�o ditend,madlfyt tor6qr or � `. <br /> — �naice eny eaommada�oro�jt1ih(6$�iy��,��pf� b 8ccudty 1�mmCnt or the Aiote wlqhou{Ihat Borroiyu,e oonspnt+ ��, - <br /> `.' Ib.Notlaa.Aryr no�lee to Horsowu Qrovided for ip�hie Scpirlry�Instn�ment ehatl Iw giVCn b�y dellveriUgit ocby�yolling".:- -- <br /> it Ay firse efess mall unles�epp8cabledaw reyuirea uae otmo[het QiC�4od:Thb wded ahall be df[eaed tA tb6 Pto�dX Adqrea! -� '� <br /> or eny other address Bortower deelgmnea by notica to Lendar. Any noNce to I.ender eAa1i bo glval by flt�t clw nYall;o � . ':" <br /> Lender't edqrep etqtcd A�retri or any addrese 1.tndor de,sJgn�td by notiee�o Horrower.Any notlee piovided(or Ip O�IS SecylrljY '".�� <br /> tnstNment�hat1 be damed to heva 6een gtven to Bortowu or Lender when given a+provtded in cNe"paragmph. <br /> ,..,, _. <br /> 1C. (ioverntdg Gawt �'a'ebilily. 1L1� Saurity Imuument shell ba govemed 6y fadernl lew and the law,pt:@0. ' -,. - - - - <br /> - judsdiaion in which tAe Propeny le lasted.In tM avent tdat any provlsion or cleuse oP[hIa Saudty insttument or Ihe Notr <br /> -° --= confliets wlth appltcable law,ach anflia ahall na[affec[other provisions of thln Savriry Insnumene or the Note whlch cnn be <br /> givrn effea wlthout�he anfllcNng provl+ion.To tNc end�ho provlsfons of thie&adry Irotrumen[end the Nota ere decCazCO' � <br /> ro bo scvembie. • - <br /> t3.Borrower'�Coyy.Borrower ehali be given ono mnformed copy otthla 8auriry[nstrument. <br /> — t6. Auignnfent ot Renu� Oorm�ver uncondi�lonelly auigm and tmnskn �o Lendc+ull tha rcnta and revenua ot tha <br /> �:�'� Propcey. [tormwer omhoriue Lender or Lender'e egenn ro collay the rcma ond rovtnuce ond hercby dlrccu each�enen�of�he — <br /> =-�-^� Propcny to pay�ho rcnu�a Lcnder or Lendcr'�agenu.Howovor,pdor to I.enderY no�ico ro Borrower ot BormwcrY brcach of <br /> ,,i� ;, ony covenunt or agramem In�ho 3ecuHty fnstrvnunt,Oorrower�holl callcct ond raciva uil rcnte end revenua ot�ho Propeny <br /> e� tmx�co for tho bcncll�nf Lendcr und Borrowcr. Thie ouignnxnt of rcnti constitutes m obsolme asaignmcnt end not m <br /> ' �f�'�'' mslgnment for eddltlonnl ucudiy only. <br />... fnl.Z i�+ <br /> a�. �qf�� If Lender gives notice of brcach �o Borto�ver.(e)all rcm�rcceived by Borcowrr�hnll be held by Bortower a�tnutee for � <br /> �,;�, .:'s� beneOt of Lender only,to bo epplicd ro�he emm securcd by the 3ecurity Insuumem; @)Lender�hall Iw entl�Ied to collect and — <br /> ::y.j+;���� rcalvo nll of�he rcnu nf tho Propeny;and(c) eeeh tenant of�he Propeny chall pey all rcntn due and unpaid ta Lender or _ _ <br /> o� Ftr- LendeYe agent on[.ender'i wrinen dcnvnd a�hc tenem. � -- ---- -- -� <br /> '.iiti,�r:., — <br />:'"t'.7i�%�'.k' Borrower has not exauted eny pdor assigmnent of thc rcma and hu not end will not pedorm any act�hat would prevent -_— — <br /> . . .F. �a�r.�e s <br />-�_�:�7j�x;)s; Lender from excrcising ita dghu under�hix paregwph 16. er���"--."�-_ <br /> , <br /> 's°�'� � Lender ahall not 6c rcquircd eo cn�er upon,wkc control of or maintein thc Propeny before or alter giving notitt of brwch f"` �� - ��� <br /> ' -` ro liovowec However. Lender or u judicinlly eppointed rccefver nwy do so ut uny[ime therc is a brpch. Any applice�lon of �1��-_����=-9 <br /> sYr i?�, rcn�a chall not cure or weive eny defoul� or invelidatc nny other right or rcmcdy of Lendtr.This assignment ot rcnis of�he �`tf=���?_ <br /> '�q�4�1� Propeny shall eemiinaie when�he deb[aecured by�he Securiry Instmncent is paid in full. ,ty S,� �f - �-� <br /> ;S-+s�is NON-UNIFORM COVC•NANTS. Borrrnver und Lendcr funher cm•cnant and egrce as follows: �3x ,,:�i�f `_� <br /> � �"= 17.Foreclosure Prottdurc.It Lender requlrcv Immediate payment in NII under parngraph 9,I.ender mey Invokelhe �4�'�j ~fi �--- <br /> _,�.�' wer o(sele ond en other mmedies miltted b a Iicable la�r. Lendrr aholl be rntitled to rnllecl all ex nses = `4-€�A�'�""'��„� <br /> : Jr �4�` Pa Y Pe Y PP Pe fi�to'`2/ �<< -' <br /> - Incurred In purav(ng the remidlcr w�der IhU purngrep6 17, includh�g,bul not Iimited to,reasonable ettornep'kp and �i_� :.���„a. � ;:.- <br /> �� � tosts at Ntic c�idenn. E'¢�5 ,"��5; i� :_ <br /> � i If the pontr of aale Ix Invuked.Trurtce shull recnrd e notlm of defaul[ In eech rnm�ty In n�hlch eny porl at the �+j tY.�+ r c ..-- <br /> -� ���� Propert��Ls Iceated and shall mull capiex nf such nntice fn lhe menner prccerlbttt 6y appllceble le�r tn Oorro�rer ond ro � +�t'161X y A`j. <br /> - i� �is ihe ofher persans pracribed by appilrnAle lax�.Afler the Nme reyufred by npplicuble lun.Trusttt shall Rive publlc notice �1 ii';5��y�}� �h'�44���, <br /> uf sele to the rson+and In the mnnnrr rescdAed b��a Ifcahle lui��.Trustce,vithaut demand an ISorm�rer,s6nit sell � - <br /> _JG,�.i�i` Pe _ P PP �hl;�' t}CAiY_� `S'. <br /> -. �, lhe Properly nt publle auetlan m tl�e hlFhe.a bidder et t6e�hne xnd plxce and under the lerms dcdgnated 6i the notlee ot <br /> 5� �-: sale In one or nmre parcelti and fn mp�nrder Tru�tm dcternilncz.7'rustec mxr qntponr sele of all m env purcel of lhe �">�,'-a�f` ` - {� - <br /> 1� �;?-. Propert�� by puhlic nnnauncement at the tlme end plutt nf xm preHnuxly scheduled snle. I.ender or its dcsl�nee may '%%,1 T s,`e �- i�y;•i <br />.:�j:,:s:r'„' purchasetheRoperl?�nlanvmle. �,� �--:���_:;;.�:-?'_. <br /> 1.'� �-0RINEI .�.se�s L.-�,`.w ..; <br /> __ __.r� e <br /> x5..�:::�a��ar...z i.:::' <br /> ' _'__ ,"�'_'_' _ -_ _ <br /> .y ,' ' T <br /> , - .l; ��f.'-:i` - <br /> .'!I'.' , . . :r�_- <br /> �... <br /> __ _ ' . ..:'r_- . <br /> ..__ ...;, .. __. . ._ , . _'_ _"'.._ - ' ' _z_ � . .. _ <br /> i�'m�°_� ✓ . . . .. . _. _� . , . , y . . _.. . . . :.t:; ' . ' <br /> �.Y,!ii_''' _ _ ' _ _ . . . . <br /> :��: __ _ . . . . . <br /> . .. .. .:.:. .. . <br /> n:?.ri.�.-.�,-�_: . . . <br /> -.. _ ...." _ ".,r-. _ <br /> _ ; ' ' _ .. . _ " _ '. . . . - . "_ .__ r . _ <br /> llJ.:'.t. . � . - <br /> �:�f.4..�')' . . <br /> J � :;! � <br /> I. <br /> �1 <br /> 1 c y <br /> 4 ,�{�Y �^,• . <br /> � S. ' _ . . . . . ' <br /> i r 4� <br /> [lx �4�+ W � ' ' "' <br /> i, _- �F , � � _ _ . <br /> }'� i}" `�r4 �^r - .. ' - _ . . <br /> :�i' _ ;' - _ . .. ._ . _ t[ <br /> 5 � �i` ��� <br /> . <br /> � ' <br /> � ' � . <br /> a <br /> ' rI Y . . ` - . . •}: - . p . _ . . . .. . _ . <br /> . . _ _�-. _ •. .. _ ... . . . .. . . . _ . _n ! ... _. . .t .._.. ... .. <br />