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.,�• „q. ... .. _ __._•• _ . :: . . i�. � _ �I <br /> .d ---_., - • - � r. . - -. _ ... .., .. ._� _ ,_ . � � E,�}.. . _ _� ... <br /> `'` - . . ' ��q��0�39R , :� - _ <br /> : ' , • u Cd9hC6lr. 4 <br /> �Yjpp7t{BR Wl7H eU�he Improremeni'e now.oi haeaner ererasd�oa�e Proparty.an4 a1t 7eabement6,�dp K <br /> and fl:n¢n now ar 6e�eaRer e q9h oi Oie propHry.�11_�P1wenlehlt AnA adNttot�e,6nell 91ao qtl povetcd Uy tt�ls Suudry <br /> Newmena /Ulntthoforo$oingt�roPortedtoin�NsseadlyLuwmemnsifia'FivpFizY� :. <br /> _ _ BORROWBR COV6NAN7'B that @ortowu I�IoMuliy�dsed of�ho ectete hercby conveyed and hm the dglit ro�Mt • <br /> end convoy tna Ptoyc�y end 0a�the{'royerty le unmaum0ered�exoeq for encumbroncca of ttwrd. Harovrer wartanta end — <br /> wlp defend gcnerelfy�he titio�a th6 froperty egatns�eil clalme end demend�,�uAJec�to enY encumbrencea of rc<ord. <br /> Ilm1t�atlailo�y juAWtct�io�n lo�n�tu e ebuniNiomi fuadry InsUUment wvering rcal P�m,n•unifortn covenanro wltA <br /> .� , UNIFORM COY�IAMB. Bortowor end l.endet covenent end egree e�followa: �due the <br /> t. Pqyment of➢rinclpol and Interestt Prepayment end Laro CAar4a. 8ortoww chall promptly pay <br /> pdnelpal of and Inte[es�on tha debt ovidencxd by tta Nota end my prcpaYmem and Into chargu due u�er�ho No�e. _ _ <br /> 3. �LnO�tor'l�ea and Insurance. Subject�o appIicable law or to a written walver by Lender,Bortowu shell pay to <br /> l.ender on tho day momhty paymenn aro due undu the Note,unUl the Note is peid In Potl,a sum("Punds")tor.(e)yearly <br /> �exw end esseumenu which may euein priority ovu thia Security Inswment ea a Iien on�he Pcopeny:N)yeulY�easehold <br /> psymente or ground nnro on the Property. lf eny: (e) YearlY n� or property imm�nca prcmtuma: (d) yeerly Oaod <br /> tnaurence promluma,it�ny; (e) yearly mortgage Inaurenca premtumf, it ony: nnd(� any sum� payable by 6ortower to � � <br /> --- I.ender,in axordenoe wtp�ttaprovisiona ot pangraph 8,tn Iieu ot�he payment of mortgago insurence premium�. 7beae <br />�--° <br />