� •
<br /> 9�-10`59s�
<br /> Scairity Ins�rumem and the obligations secured hereby shall remain fiilly effective as if no acceleration had
<br /> nccu�rcd. Ilowever, this ribht to reinstate shall not anply in the case of acceler�tion under par�graph 17.
<br /> I l. S;ilc of Notc; Ch�nge oF Lonn Servicer. '1'I�c Note or a parti�il'interest in the Nrne(loge�l�er with this
<br /> Sccuri�y Ins�rument) may he sold one or more times witl�out prior notice to 13orrower. A sale m�y result in a
<br /> chan b�c in �be entity (known as lhe "Loan Servicer") Ihat collects monthly payments due under the Note and
<br /> this Sccurity Instrument. 'I'here also may be one or more changes of the I_oan Servicer unrelated to a s�le of
<br /> �hc Ni�te. II' there is a change of the Loan Servicer, f3orrower will be �iven wriuen notice of the change in
<br /> ;icc�,rcl.ince with ��aragra�h 14 ;ihove and �p��licable law. The notice will state the n�me ancl address of lhe
<br /> ncw Loan Scrviccr and ll,c ad�lress to which payments should be made. '1'he notice will �Iso contain any other
<br /> infunna�icm rc��uired by applicable law.
<br /> 2U. Iluzurdous Substances. 13orrower shall not cause or permit the presence, use, dispos�l, storage, or
<br /> rcicasc ol';iny I l;izard�us Substances on or in the Pro�erly. f3orrower shall no[ do, nor allow anyone clsc lo
<br /> �lu, any�hinb •il'Icc�ing thc Properly �hat is in violaiion of �ny I:nvironmcnlal t.<�w. Thc prcccding Iwo
<br /> scntc�iccs sh�ill n��t a��ply lo Ihc prescncc, usc, or slc>r.�gc on thc Pro�crty ol' small cjnanlilics �f Il;izard�us
<br /> Sul�s�anccs that arc generally rccognized to he appropriate to nonnal residential uses and to maintenance oF the
<br /> Properry. ,
<br /> 13urrowcr sl��ill promptly give I.cncler writtcn notice of any invcstiga�ion, claim, demancl, lawsuil or other
<br /> ac�i�m by any govcrnmental or regulalory agency or privale party involving the Pro��erty and any Flazardous
<br /> Subsl�ince �r 1?nvimnm�nlal I_aw ol'wl�ich l3orrower lias actual knowlcdge. IF 13orrower Iearns, or is notified
<br /> by ;iny gc�vernmcntal or regulatory autl�orily, tha[ any removal or olher remediation of �nY Ilazardous
<br /> Subs��ince ,iflccting �he Properly is necessary, 13orrower shall promplly take all necessary remedial actions in
<br /> ;ica�rcl�uicc wi�h �nvironmcntal Law.
<br /> As uscd in U�is �aragra��li 20, "Ila2ardous Subst;mces" .�re those substances defined as toxic or hazarda�s
<br /> suhst�inccs by I:nvironnuntal L�w ancl the following substances: g�soline, kerosene, otl�er 1lammable or toxic
<br /> ��ctrulcum ��roduc�s, �oxic �esticides an�l herbicidcs, volatile solvents, materi.ils cont.�ining asbestos or
<br /> torm�il�lchydc, und radi�aclive materials. As used in this paragraph 20, "Gnvironmental Law" means federal
<br /> laws ,in�l laws of �he jurisdiction where Ihe Property is located that relatc to health, safety or environmental
<br /> ��rntcclicin.
<br /> NON-UNI�ORM COVI;NANT'S. 13orrower and Lendcr further covenant and agree as follows:
<br /> 21. Accrleralion; 12emedies. Lender sh:ill bive notice to liorro�ver prior to neceler�tion Following
<br /> liorrower's breach of any cnven�nt or .�greement in tl�is Security Instruinent (bnt not prior to
<br /> .�cccicralinn un�lcr p:�ragraph 17 unless :ipplic:iblc I.�w �►rovidcs oU�crwisc). 'I'I�c noticc shall spccil'y: (�i)
<br /> Ihc �Iel:iult; (I►) lhc.iclion rcquired lo c�n•c Ihc dcfaull; (c) t� dutc, nnl Icss Il�an 30 duys from Ihc datc lhc
<br /> nolicc is givcn to Isorrowcr, by �vhich thc dcf.�ult must bc curcd; �nd (cl) lhut failurc tc► curc thc dcfaull
<br /> un or hefure Ihe date specified in t��e nolice m:iy result in �cceler�fion of tl�e soms secured by this
<br /> Securily lnslrument and sale of lhc 1 roperty. The notice shall fiirlhcr inform Borrower of thc right to
<br /> reinsl:ite :�fler �cceler�tion nnd the right to bring � court ncti�n to nssert the non-existence of n deFault
<br /> r►r any eriher defense oF Bc�rrower to accelerntion and sale. If the default is not cured on or before the
<br /> dutc specificd in the notice, I,ender nt its option may require immeclinte nay,�,���c in full of ull sums
<br /> securcd by Ihis Security Instrument without furlLer demand ancl m:►y involce the power oF sale und nny
<br /> other renzedics permitted I�y Applicnble law. 1,ender sh�ll be entitled to coUect all expenses incurred in
<br /> pursuing Ihc remedics provided in this parn�r:►ph 21, inclnding, but not limited to, reasonAblc nttorneys'
<br /> I'ces and cosls of IiUc evidence.
<br /> If Ilic power of sule is involced, Trustec shnll record n notice of def�ult in e�ch county in which nny
<br /> parl of' �he Property is loc�tcd and sh�ll mail copics of such noticc in the mnnner prescribed by
<br /> �ppliculilc law to 13orrower �nd to the othcr persons prescribed by applicnble law. AFter the time
<br /> rcquired by applicablc I:►�v, 'I'rustce sh�ll give puhlic notice of sale to thc persons nnd in lhc mnnner
<br /> prescrilicd by upplicablc luw. 'I'rustcc, wilhout dcmnnd on I;orrowcr, shall scll lhc Property nt public
<br /> auclinn lo lhc hibhcsl biddcr:�t thc timc nnd place�ncl under the terms designatcd in the noticc oF sule in
<br /> one or more pareels iuul in uny ordcr Trustec dctermines. 'Cri�stee mAy postpone snle oP All or nny pnrccl
<br /> of'lhe Property by public announcement At Ihe timc and pince of nny previously schcduled s�le. Lcndcr
<br /> �►r ils�tcsigncc m�y purchasc thc 1'roperty i�t any sale.
<br /> Upon rcccipt of payment oF the price bid, 'l'rustee shnll deliver to the p�u•cbnser Trustee's deed
<br /> convcying lhe I roperly. The recitnls in the 7'rustec's deed shall be primn Pncie evidence of the trulh of
<br /> Ihc st:�tements mude thcrcin. Trustcc sl�all npply the procceds oF tl�e sAle in !hc following order: (n) to
<br /> nll costs nnd expcnses of excrcising the power nf snle, und the snlc, including the pnyment oP thc
<br /> 7'rustec s fees uctunlly incurred, not to exceed —3— % of the principal nmount of the note nt
<br /> thc limc of thc dccluration of defuult, and reasonnblc nttorncys' fecs ns permitted by lAw; (b) to All sums
<br /> secured by this Security instrument; and (c) nny excess to the[�erson or persons Iegnlly entitled to it.
<br /> 22. Reconveyance. Upon payment of all sums secured by tl�is Security Instrument, Lender shall request
<br /> Trustee to reconvey the Property and shall surrender this Security Instrument and ali notes evidencing debt
<br /> secured by this Security Instn�ment to Tn�stee. Tn�stee shall reconvey the Property without warranty and
<br /> NEBRASKA -Sinple Family-Fannio Mae/Fraddio Mac Uniform Instrumesnt
<br /> Form 3028 9/90
<br /> l�ter Forms Inc.IB00�448•3555
<br /> LIF7/fPIMA3028 3/98 Pape 6 of 7 Inlllals:
<br />