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<br /> - AC�k1SY:i�ui��!' �ttau'lc3 �il�u !� c'�a� t�� c.�'E!!'E£�,, 9!1�i1 r h��E��d2�iTi �91':��3ESI� r�7' a �_��_' i .--s --
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<br /> MQC(�WAN artd LLF.E�f?R J. �utg3i�:�'+.Ei, F��.� �=�Fe, �+�' [Tatst�E��'� G�b4��'�t�o• �_ -.� ,
<br /> _ .. , ^� ; h�i�inAl��ax "M�x�o�un��� and TtiMdI7�'R, INaC. , A N�kr,�.c�Isa Co��ortatian .,r: "�`,
<br /> ` . wi.�h prinaipat oYP�coe i� Grandl Ts�1�.nr�, �t�1.]� Ccat�:i�y, Nabrt�akta, °�.=E� .,��,�.
<br /> . , , haraina��Rr� ��Tommy����1 . . „ . ,. ,Y
<br /> �='�-�•� --� -• WH�R]��R a Y��c��tAn ie th� A��nc�s o� Lat T�.r.ac� (��. .i�n �lual� Ona �,. : . ,,:. �,,;,. .,�' .'�
<br /> n •
<br /> . . . Hunc3red Twc�n�:y�-��v�n (127)� x�N���,�nlras�an�a �1c?.<4,��: s�a to t1�� �9��7� _�:�
<br /> ' of Grand ie.l�nc�, ti.e3.11 Ctaliii`a.y� �.t..�. ..
<br /> ' . WH�Iir1�8� `�aiv.m�r'a i� �h� ocln�x cr3: � 1�1� ac�]r�ining fi.3is��re��o on �� . , , . :
<br /> - - -- tric� waa�c��ly' s��� �lza�e�� d�o�r3�i�c� At3a�+nC �'our 4�1) . �.n 1�A.Q�c� Ona .
<br /> .. Hundred Taa�r►�y-Se�vean (�?'7) � I�Q�R��4x f/ W.6@.F�Qt�� Addi.�ion Co �ha Gi1�� . , :� ,
<br /> o� c�rand a�1�dt, �in11 Ccaun�y, t��r��'aak�a .
<br /> � ANU ��3FREA8, a gal:ag� vh-n�+d uy Tommy�8 and Touwly°� _,:, ..`'sr
<br /> � prac�ecec�ecr�� in ��.�7.0 WAH btiSit is� such a way as ta ano�oaoh on til�� ':.
<br /> ' ,� . � land ownaaZ by f�aG�«an a�c�x��ertaid�, c�� �hrr�vn can the plot plan a�taai�ad � ,;
<br /> . . , �
<br /> ;�,:!,:;,,�� hereto atidl mad� ei� pA�� h�3�:'t�pL' }�,� a.^eP�senoa� � '� • _�.v-_
<br /> . �,` ;_;:., �
<br /> . � �1IJD L�E�14�3�+gor�3�1 upon whi hA3 aicl garaga ie �3r���d as� _
<br /> oY Lo� 7Ch� ( ) � ..
<br /> . .. ;�;,:;'. �. AND WHERE�S� Ma�owans mak�a no claim to ownor�hi.�a oP �a�idl
<br /> garag� o� any part thereof, but t.?am par�iea herato w�.eh �.o �
<br /> estab��aln their rc�speativa r3gh�e and p�ivileges �n refexencs �o � .
<br /> the ].ocs�t3on oP sa�.d g�r�c�o: � ._.
<br /> -- � - -
<br /> � � -
<br /> ------._:__. n:�T�Ec pFUFmn AS FoLIAiJB. �.._...__.:...._. .-----
<br /> _ - -- _
<br /> r.
<br /> . 1. T��uny�� �dmita �hat tho garac7a �ref erred �o a3�mva standa i � �
<br /> upon land owned by the afarasaid �dcGowan�. r
<br /> �
<br /> - 2. McGow�n agx'eea �hat Tommy•s may withou� furthar liaens� i
<br /> u�ae and en�oy all that por�ion og thc said land o� MaGowan upc�n ;
<br /> whioh 9aid garagQ ia aituatod unti3 this Agreement �hall be �
<br /> d�term3nad� and �.n tho meantim� an�y m�im�ain said c�arage whers it
<br /> i
<br /> � �� ���� � now is. Yt is ac�r�ed, howevor. ��aat in th� evo�at any part of tEae � .
<br /> � • garage whioh ia si�uat�ac� �n McGo�Jan•e land is alt�recl or ahangec� �r : �
<br /> remavec� tha� it aannot �a reaanstruatd on McGowan•s ��dl withou� ;
<br /> McGowaia�s pxior written aoneent. i
<br /> 3. In aonaideration oP t9te Yoregoing Tommy�s w�ll in ov�xy
<br /> I•
<br /> � year during tho aontinuanco ag �.�his Agreement pay ta DSoGowans ��ne .
<br /> sum of Ane Dollar ($1.00) , if �lomanded, ae �n aaknow].edgm�nt ����
<br /> th� enjoyment oP the vaid laand is under �hia Agreement, and raa�
<br /> otherwise. '
<br /> 4. This Agreemen� may cs�ly be terminat�d ox amended by
<br /> expresa wri�ton agreem�n� aetw�en the par�ies horeto or by �o
<br /> removal of said garage b1r Toanm�r°e fro� the land referr.e� �v he��in
<br /> � � owned by McGawans.
<br /> � 5. The burden and benePi� ot this Agreemon� ie i;��ended, �� �
<br /> far as may bs, to attach and run with tho said premiaea of McGowans
<br /> and Tou�my's, respeotively.
<br /> IN WITNESS WH�REOF� the partiea hereto have executed this
<br /> Agreement at� oP the day and year Pirst above written.
<br /> . �
<br /> !� .f / ��, ''�4r ��z[.�tlii �- --
<br /> . MoGOP7AN, and
<br /> �
<br /> i
<br />' �I - _ _
<br />