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<br /> �--�-;�_ 'IYuxt I)�ed c�nJ��ll nrtcs c�i�cocln�Ind:h�:d,.qsy E,-�4crd hy�Me 11�,st Iked�n�ho Itustor aid itu•.tr,V�Lr.!i rcC���1��y Ih�ptap:ny�:ithnat�.arr�iuy tt�tl�c �--- - -
<br /> �°° _- - p;irnn or per�uns t��:�ity cntd;id lhcr�.t�+ U��t It�dcl;s�tt hc ni�do in t4p p;�mcni��f►�dJ autc ot nny pa.q tL•��rca(ur nuy uf�lic iatr�ctit Ihtir��u wl�cn duu =_ --
<br /> �.:�'�- -
<br /> •F�=.- „� or In Iho fnUhlld��ctlatutnnca uf ony�ee clttl`r nt r.tld ngrcCmrnta nr nfurcealJ�IIICII IIIIY OCCA RI11I)Rllllalll III I��ire unti tl�r�tip,dd ul sidd nnio�hal1 b�anno = _`V
<br />'_;��,''�.$";,� �-,� tluo u��J ba patd,at Ihc Il;nclk far?':+upuv'a.ps t..rc�n�kr��mNdcJ.'CiiC T�uelc.sh:iU h:��v Iho r1ph1,upim dcntanil.b�pny�v ull��f�hc li�ll��wing:lu Inko Imntc�llatc "-„��„..
<br /> iji3c�.�•_._ �N�FitSl�U�I l�l II1C Ph���tly.k�1l•nt th? t.����C at in`'�r fCnluly a9)pn nwy dCC�u pny�Ct.In�alltct Ihu tt:uly,br Nulc�u�y nCecv,tty Rp:d�n ur r:pldccu�cnte to ��_____�v
<br /> �'-�'� thc ptukhrty.�uu►,ailcr�ayl��,�s�hc can ul�rniul�+�r�t P�vpcilt,��Jlc�iluZ�tho<<�}[s nnd Ihc mak�n�t vi nny tepa�r+n•U��pruprr«•,to nppl�•tha baliu�cc u+►Itta � " -..._- _ .--
<br /> .�--.-4+-p. _ � ���„9 i��rcrr G�«<rca:mtd it ihero in nv�ru(�l�ir,ul f�ei rci�hd W��nty �ec:iti�d to�:�y iNr r���ct af�rp�tilr�,�1icn�auy I+:daaee x1mU be xcuird hercby n!tntg wlllt _ -. -
<br /> �''' et�e sx�te a+k1 lRar thc�:u�tc tatc����tCns1.�t��t In.ad�qiPn tNr'lrueleC«r lda att.trneY��h�}p�tn•CCd t��r�:ll lhe pn�pCr1Y h�I�w cnU�cty ur In parccls at t�o � ,��w _
<br /> - _ _,� uptlen i�t tlta llus�co hcrch�t�slim dc�+t:��t+�J c�t pqp11�aneltnc�to thc ht�hc,!bludrr,G�r���+h.I1+�N•.:�r.r,ii�t p��wcr.,f�tn c�rrtn�tin�frrt�vl u{�xf ehe T�t�stce M'�' � --=-� _ --
<br /> �-,��. _ shnli m�f Gc�,�iCl;cd untft t l:th; Irct�tr.��tr111�rr�i�ln f.,r rccunl.in Uie ofQ�a of th'v rc�i�tcr uf decdF oP rad��r�!nty wheret�i the unYt pn�G�erti>et eamo � F�'=
<br /> -- -- -- P,ir;:p»ic.!Ihtf?4I l�5lIL�_�trd,y�n�:�•�f uf�!qfU':tt.I�IC�111I�'IIW IIIC (IUlICQ hy 6lAUtl�{hP tlU�11CH l�l l{If TtP�G4 d�4�1 i1itID::t�:^fCln Kr��p�vl+�u tha buuk nnd t -. _ .
<br /> --�,�',��r ' pagu evhen thC same le mm�lyd.,�de:ccriptlpn af llir Inrot prup.rl,v.an�l eutU��inu�t n�Inle�ucnl th;u e bre�tch of un�r1�H��it�ti:�f�tit•al�i:h thP ku�!p:uF:tty �-� � - -
<br /> ' .-` wae cumc��cd��r sccudtY h;u uccurred..�nd isltiit�����Ih Ihc u�11i11C U��Ill'II IIII'�Il'II 11015 II) III1 l`ICl'IIUO 1���CI)11f L'�Illltl 10 I1C SU��I SUCIt pn�{reny lo y.�dsfy tAo , ,:�_,�W� .
<br /> - - - ubllg�ltlum and t?1 ullcr Ihe I;�r+���r„�,�i���v m,���,��c,����nth.Iho'i'nislro nh�dl N1�4�f��NrC u(+ulr;w prawdeJ�y Nchn�skn Le•�,nn«„�,�i.e�,i•a�rnua nna f"� ��;��,a� 'ew":.�..�,-� - --
<br /> '' Ispso of not Icnr Ih�n an�mantl�,lh0 TIx111f.0�hJll�i�G 1Vfillfll IH�IICC��f IIIC�II11C Intd pL�rc uP nnl�papltulurly dcvctihl�4u Uic pruperty tu hc s��W hy publlcnUon --
<br /> �.�.,
<br /> u(such nuUcc.nt Ic�ist Il�a dmcy,��ncr. a anck G,r li��tvmcruti�v��eckr.thc I;irt pu!�Uwuon to hc ut Irnnt Ill duyn hw n�+t mun Ihun 1U dayh p��lur lo Itto � �� ��',;�
<br /> - . ;�- 6ule,m san�e nc��,p�per liavh�g n Itcncn�l t:lrc•u�st{P�t In(:ach cuwuy in�vhlrh Iha pruImn>• tu he xuld,pr s��me��ar1 thi•rC��l',IV�ilttlJlC�l.UpPO FLLCh E:ile,Ilin -- .;"�, =_ -
<br /> 't":''' ..� 7tustco nhnll rxce«tc nnd QcU�ct a�dcr.J uf cm��•cti:mcc 1�t the pn�perlY���ld b�Ihc pun:huticr�u�+utch.«c��thrrcol an�l��uy+uttemcnl o�nrlwl ul'fact In such � - .
<br /> ,".. deed in nlnNun a�tlir ererc�+u ul'the pra�r .,���„<<e�u,�t,:�i��,r me nn,neny acs�nn«i�nr�c+�,.Im9udit�a ncilnlr cnncernuyt nuy nuuliqy. penunal deth•ery (�i+ -
<br />_�-� :---�- .�, und puhUrn�i�m��f ine noucr,u1�1clault,ai�y malliuy uu�,{If�a��uhl�.at�on aacl p:�:tln�;ui n���lrr�,f•ot� nnd�hc cunduct u(calc:nnd enct�rcci►nl ehuU cmntl�uto � - -
<br /> -=-- ... �-� pdms fa:l:^_v!+Ir^�r nf vunc�an�plianee ami eenclual���t evi�l:uee Iher�ot'In I'a��ur oi hnnu fiQC putehutiCt91r 1i1dlnu�hthu��lc hneros��niul cl;�lu Wif tl etTruytot r . -
<br /> � '^�:�'r•� `. TIIC TN5lCq H lIOC(I 4IIUII UQCNl0I0 CPllYf.y 10 IIIY pUq'I�:iSQI'.N�ilhOlit�qlhl U(Il'tlCtn�d{.Nf,1�1."�TfU.•lC:�ti lI1�C r �" r ' -
<br />_.� �; ' �, and hir tiueccsson:In Intcresl nnd uf uU pers�.�ns cl�dA��qS.by a�thmu y�h ur undcr Ihcm.In�nd tu thc pruperty sold.In�ludinM ull eucb rl�ht.IiAc.Inlcrest nnQ `" �+xy�}��e• ;
<br />==_ cloim In mid tn auch proprrly uc�u�rcd by ah�Tnititat ar his succcssore In intcrc5t sub,cqucnt t��Ihc cxcruunn uf thG Tru�tcc.l'I�c'1'ruslec nMull o�plY�hc pn�eccds ...�,t.,_
<br /> -r;:��;, of tha Trustca'e hatc,llro�,lu tht ca.1 pntl czpt+�xp���f�xcnlsinyt thc p����cr uf�nlc.o�id��f thc snlc.Inducliny:thc puyincnt uf th�'1'ru�tec'r feo�ncluuUy Incurred
<br /> � ' not tu exceed ihe�mwunt which nwy be Pmr•idc�A I��r In �he�n�st dced,eccund,lu p.p'ment uf 11ie ahll�.nhmy ucurcd hy the Irnet dee�1.anil the halanee,if ,
<br /> -� ' uny,tu the perum or pc�uav Icit:rlq entitltd thi�xtq. .fi'4�� �►�t�•.
<br /> �u, And thc Trustco c���ennnts fiilthCullf����C:rl�tm Ihr tru�i licR{n crc:UCd. ��v.
<br /> ="�� +' llliNEfIC1ARY nuv fmm limc ta tim:Ruhwtlmtc u succcssor�.�r huccesyu�s iu unY Trus�cc namcd hcmin or nctinR hcnundcr tu cxccutc ihis Trua� t)ccd. , ��"
<br /> ��.�a��
<br /> '��� ' ' Upan auch appolntmcnt nnd withatN crm.�(ti.aora to thc succes+ur Trustce.Uic I;nter�hnll hc�cstcd wi�h idl li�le.�w��ars,nnd duUcs��ntcrrcd upon uny"fructec . :=-=_ .
<br /> =�� ,� � hcrcln nnm:d or ncting hcnundcr.Huch:tusA..jC�lntmcm and suhslitutlmi sh:dl Nc madc by writtGn inslrwticnt and C!t�cutcd by lknclicl,�ry,conwlning rcfcrenco ���;,�i,
<br /> �x�" to Udr 7rust I)cad un�1 iis pt�cc of tcci��,roltich.w'hcn recutdcd In ll�c u0iec of Ihc Rc�iti�et uf 1)CCd�uf thi�cuunty ar countic;In which sald pn�pcny ic - 4�'�-`--
<br /> � sltu;►tc4,atwll bC Conclusl��n pmof wf;�m�;r a�ptafnlmcnt oP thc succc,wr Trustcc.Thc for.gai��a pu���cr uf subsiiunl�,n nnd thc proceduro thcrefi�n ehall nn1 . . ��`'`:--
<br /> ' be exclusivc oi the pox�or nnd pmce:d►�m S�nrvrdMl ti+r by law for�ho yuh�tUutl�m uf a Trustce or Trusteey in Ihe pluce uf�he Trustea or Trusteea nnmed heretn. __
<br /> • 5hrndd lhe Ttustor ut its hucr.crsnt in inlcrost�v11h��ut thc conscnt in a'ritiuf;of thc RonGldary scll.Innafcr,ur can�c)�,ur permu 1�+dc sold,uans(¢rrcd -_
<br /> or cvmcSCd,l+Y uBrcemcm fur�.i1c or in�rp•manner.iie iate�est In the nhore descri6ed real cstnta l�v nnY part thcrcof�,then licnellcl;�ry ntny declnro ull sums __
<br /> sccurcd herchy Immcdiarcl}•du;nncl{�i}•ablc,sublcG to uppllcablc law. • . ---
<br /> ,,il� � Thc waiwr hy Truelc�:or F]eueft{Y�ry��I;my dcf;�uU nf Trustar undcr thls'frust Uccd shnll uut he un c�dcemeJ�a lu u waiccr rf nny ulhcr i�r sluillor . .
<br /> , , dcfuuly uul�sr.yucntly�ucc.urrinY. .
<br /> ' �� - This 7rus�f.h:cd eUall lnata ta and hlnd the hcin�,la�:uecs,devl;rcti,��dminigtnuors,C%CC�IUfS.6Ul'CC55Uf5 IlI1lI 7titiIt�11�OP IIIC(1Jr11Cti I1CR•lP. .
<br /> � " Thc TruSt lT:eJ shall la ccnstrucd ncc��rding tn�hc laws uf thc Suac i�f Ncb��yka. . �. . �
<br /> ,�: The'1'tustnt renur,t,tc Ih71.iti c��py��f nny nodcc uf dcfuult nnJ vt'uny nnticc uf�:alc hcrcundc�bc i»oilcd ta him by ccrtificJ mail�i the addresy hcrc�nt�forc . � . :
<br />' � � set Paith and cvidr.nco��1'suctr m,�I11nF shall cumtilutc cvidcm�c rf�,ccipi uf surh nuiicc. i. `
<br /> .. Trustor rcpnycnci;uul�rarr.mu Ihai Ihe ahprc dc�crihcd m;d c�tate is not uscd fia un�wnculcua�l activity. � ��-
<br /> ` '��� WhCro�'e(1ht�4ntttl su rcqu�rcs.singuinr�.�n1s shi�ii bc c,�u;s�ue3 ia.yc��:;.z::s�tc!rice tesu.attd thc!�•L�ct��!n�ucndcr Shal!t�c cunslrued In Include � ; ��
<br /> - -- �
<br /> � . � � . . thi t'cminine nnd►�;:�:,coa. •
<br /> �
<br /> )�_ .�'.,i IN\Yl'iP�Et�1�+`1FREOF,ihc Trustor has hercuntn sot hls hand the day nnd!rar lint��ho�•c writtcn. ; ' ;�...
<br /> c-�` J _ '�r�`
<br /> . -- �--
<br /> ,.r�l'il���.��. .- ._-_.-.__'.l I--i-� �-�-���- �_.'-.--cE
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<br /> ' , t,ia D ne S i ' � .. ,' .
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<br /> • • ;:t Linda K. Sch�.ak ,
<br /> ���.• • STA�"fE oF NpbraekA • +'� �.
<br /> , , "•t,1'y COUNTY OF H87.1 r �U' ,,.•i;:
<br /> ...::;�.� • ,.. 4�� . ..
<br />''.t'.��, T4ard DQaraamF Schi�k ^ :,,,�r -
<br /> . , Hcfurc roc.u Natary PuDlia qu:�lificJ hy said county,pcn��n;�Ity�camc f ,
<br /> Linda K. Sahiak knuwn t��mc tn�e Ihe iJcntical pcnun(sl who signcd Ihe foreguing I
<br /> Uecd af 7'ruxi Acknotivledgement+�nd�hrn slgnvd the Trust I)eed and�icknrnvledged the executloa Ihcre��f �o bc hi3,her uc �hcir voUmtury nctr and deed5. �
<br /> � " 1�'itncs.v my hand cmcl Natarial Se:d un •��• �
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