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<br /> `F( �� . ._.... __..._.._.. . _ . .__' . �11 �_—> — _, , __.'_—"_'_ _ --
<br /> . ��� a�-v�d .. ..� ._..��.....�....xMSn-_-�Tw+��.-��v..-..__—_ ��.�_..—��_.. ____—__.
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<br /> ..., „ 'rar.y ' "'.:..�_�.._............. ....... . . '
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<br /> ----•?�,,,� lf�an ps}�mcni��P�N II�I'61!lii6�CIIi�iI hy{IIIA TiUS�I�:ti:�,Ih�*(�+t11�RCIAty ili.t�I fCf�U=ii 1h0�PR4ttCtl�U fil'Ufltcy ln�/`re��:.tty and sl�.lt cutr�r.�R•�Ih��
<br />- -��_��� 7h!st Ikcd aa;l alt notC�evidcncinyl inJ,:At���tnc�s cccuri by lhl�'11u`1 lkcdne uhoP�eaiJ n�tc ar uny�p:nt��lhcu�F�it cu�Y i P t1�N,l�(Cf�51 I'I;naau1��h,•n d o ---- _- - _-
<br /> �� �": �;.�aun or�xn�ma Ic�t;Qiy cmhfr.d thcrctie tlut i1'dci;�ult Ua mad�.In lin t'�Y
<br />�+�� or In 1ho faf�hNl�hriv�maaca uf nny ne cith��r ur caid nnramcmq�n:�fiirsald,Uicn Il�le�ICaI�hall ran:�li�In fui�o:inJ tko��hula nf na10 nuta sh:+il bccumo --
<br /> ��� � at+�e!+�1 D�pal�t.nt tile Iknciicl�ry't��p11mL u�honin;tQr.r P�v�'ls:�1.'Ttin'lluutca sh��ll lei�e tho t�yht.opm�dCtn�mJ,to eny ur��II uf 1Iw I�+IIo�vInN;ti�tnkn h�tuiCillate --
<br />_�=�,.� '
<br /> --� (� �;�cc"�rn��F i�n pirckuy�tu rm 1hu Famr.nt eucU�-�,stals uv�an�niaY dr.cm f�supce,tu rnllcct Iho rents.:u utaAa u��y nccCasary rcp:dn i�t re{�Ln•r�enH o -- - -_-..=.,v= -
<br /> - '�� � iha ptu(x�iv,an�L nRcr p:+yhiH thu ca:�t of rcntin(�thn pmper►y�CO�I4:i�i1H IIiP tCIUA W1tI(IIO Ii1J�ilpj�Ue Qlly f•�.dn t��Ihe proE�Grty,tu i�pp!y Ul�b�l:u�ec on th^ - _`---��_A
<br /> -� -� �.Y,, euras t��seA}.Gecar�c�t nncl if thc�is nat�u(1�:Icm nel teat:tl cn��»ey ezcets�;il tn��ay�hc cust of rp;nn�th�n ony Dalyn�a nball Itio eccurd tierlry alan„�vith r --
<br /> •--,�--�� � G�u iii�t�,5�ti�t i�:w ihc -s':t;�rs;^�,'f+��^+",�•����il in+�ddiHori tt�r`itu�.'.c�c�r hfS�ttpttrcY fltay(tn+�tCJ W+:�u Uw�L�}�efU'in it�entit�ly�+t in par.els at ttta �
<br /> LL _, t-�± o;.�n rn�tt�Trt�iM«��,t�,l�aa a:`:�.ri�cd at pubito�a�;tl�xt,tu 11h't lil.lit`:S t�lt�4€�,�p�C85IL I�lIl4GYFl,ll�a pawct Of�sate hot�l�confcrr�J u�xmr h=�Tru�7tmc� _ -- -
<br /> _- - r. � �„u nne tb:exnnlSC� WIIII�I��IIO�I1��4I�C FN.1lII OISIt IIIQ�UI ILCnRI,tn t�ia ottico nf rno rcB��ter�,i dccd,�,�c.tcD:aunt�risc�sin thc�sr=�t��� ._ -
<br /> �� n,r�or i+arcd thcnoT i�siwatca,u n��iico of�t�ruii,i�i�irf�m��tfic:3'r�t:c t�}:�ta'•►�tts.;naa'='u[tf::'TN�qpr imd tutnca Uw�eln uud 61vin�tha t�auk nnd _ _
<br /> - -- � --- .
<br /> -,._';�� . ' pago whorc Iho c:►mc iv rccnNcd,n dCSCfIpll��lt of lho lNSI Pn?J1Ctly,nnd cnnlalnin;;o�tutcmc�u ihat a hrc;�ch uf an nblig;ition t��r whici�i(io I�uSi �iupcitF � -- ---
<br /> �{i-
<br /> _ MN \5'i{9 CPIIYt�Ct)tl9 BCCU�Ily I1lR UCCIIttCti,an�!ecttinn fiinh tho�uuura af yuch hn�arl,i��„�tico1ofcr;ifcins1pr�vidc Ir1 Y��►��nra k►I�w,AitttrnuUce nt Jclau�nnd k.,„;-.:��--_=- --
<br /> —�' obllgaUom nnd(?/nRc�thu t:�pso ol'nnt Icss d�nn unn m�mU�,Iha Trusuc��nll g c �-.��r==--���__
<br /> -� �. � lopeo af m�t lca thnn una mnnth,tho 7Yustco shull�ti�r w�itmn aoticc vP�hc dma mid placc of ealc p�rticul,arlY dct�nDinl)Iha propctty ti�bc�oW Ey rubli�utlon �
<br /> --'°_.. • of aocU noUGc,ut Icnst Ilvc timrx,uncc n�+cek for(i�r cuncccuticp e�ccAs.tho last publicndun la ba u�(cu��t IU J:�y'x liut nut nutto Ihan 10 Jaya pr�or to Iho ; ���s���
<br /> _�;.�; ` eata,in�;uma ncwspaper imvio�{n Ren��r.�l eIRU1;�Uun h�cach cuum;r ln�vhich U�c pmpicny to bo yaW,ur mm�c part IhcrcuC ie RiwutcJ.Upun sucb e;dc.tho f =- ��,
<br /> -- -- -' 'i}u:tts ah;a!!axscu�e cind dclivcr n dccd uf ero��cy�nce of thu pml�e�tY erlJ eo�he purc1115Ct Pf(lptl'IIdSf(q llll'RqP nnd�►ny�luteme�t�or rccitnl of fuct in euch .i d !`
<br /> � '�� .. dccd in relution ta thu cxcrcis^uf tho poacr of s�la nnd+:�lo uf'ihu pn�pCrty dcscnhcd thc�c{n.Irtluding rccilal;conccrning nny m:dling.persnrrd Jcli�•cry �- _ �-
<br /> -= 1_-� nnd pnbNcation„f�he nmlee of del'aidt,unv mniilnn�u�d�ha puhllc,nion nmt ixisdna of nutica of s�le,unJ�ho conduct uf ci+le�nnJ+uch rcclad shall coaatltute �,. �� �
<br /> - =�.,� prim��fuclo cvidcncc of such c�nzipllnnco and cnnclutivp ovidcncc th€renf in f,rror��`n���Ihc'Ih►.tcr.'s UUe�i►nJ�uII�rl�hthtiU�liucrcst nnd cini�t olimc Irusito� �;';�,.&�„�__•���__
<br /> — ,=,� .Iha'Rustco's d�cd rh,�ll uncmto to conYcY<<�tha purehnce�,wlthrnit rinht��P redcmptlo . _ �� -
<br /> and his succeswrv In inr.crcsl nnd oP ull parsc�ns claimipl bq or lhnni�tU nr undcr lham.in nnJ ta th0 proDc�ly nuld,Including ull such right,titic,inicrcst and �� r
<br /> = � � claim in nnd ta such pro�rcrty ursP�lrud by����Trutitat ur h�r nusr.essoN n Inccnst subscquent t��tho exccuUon uf tha Trustec.'('ho'frustce shnll apply tUc Procceds r����}�� =:
<br /> ��!�c�=; , oP thu Trustcc'e salo,fi�t,(0(IIQ COFI�IIIII CRpPh6C9 Of Cl[CICI5i11�lI1P(�U1YCf I�I�SOIC,nnd oP thc snlc,incluJlnB tlio paymcnt uf tl�c Tcustcc's fcce ncluaUy Incurred • �, . � ,
<br /> .`!$�+�,�• nnt tn cxcrcd ihu emount which m;�y hn providcd 1ar in tha trv�►d�:cd,secand.lo p:�Ymcnt i�P thc abll�aUone sccured by tho truyl dccQ,nnd lhc h:dnncc,if � M1 ����,-
<br /> �-,,�..<_.�, 1 � _
<br /> __;�_ , unY,tu 11�i�persnn or persvns Icr�dly co�idc;l thointa, �� � .';:��--
<br /> =^ t����' ' Aix11Aa TrustcG co�•cnante fnithtUlly to pedorm ih��uust hcreln rroatr.d. �. �.�.,.r"�--=—
<br /> =��• _'`� DF.Nl:FICIARI'm;1y fmm tima to iinm suht�titntu a:�u�:ccssor ur succcsynn t��miy'�ruslcc namcd hcrcin or actii�hcn:undcr to cxccutc thl,T�ust Dccd. ;;,��., � ;'
<br /> -- 'r�.l����, . , _
<br /> :���4.. Upnn Fuch nppolmmant and withnul eonu��hunc��+�nUnant un ISSUtni i►1i i shuil�hc nra c hy ariucn h�ur nn�cnt�nnJ excc ii icd byl�H��i Pc�3n c�uni iini 8 icfcmnca � _—
<br /> '° - hcreln nnmGd nr nctinp hcrctmdar,knch c t�Pp ' '
<br /> _"�_;��,'• ' N tAls 1'►ast Uecd and i«i pinca oP rccon�,�vhluh,whan rccoMaA in �lia��Ilic"ce�'fhe forc�ol�i9 P'��erynf iibstiullo+md the pnmednrc i�tt cif+r4 ahnll not
<br /> -f, ' sltn,�ttc�1,shnll bc eonelur��'r ProoP uP prop��r up{roiNm�nt�+(thu succcssor 7r E ___
<br /> r�;.��'I��' bu cx�l�ivx:of thu po�vef and pnn:edura providcd far b}�I�w for 16n suh►Ulntlun uf o 1Yusac or Trustccs In tha pl+�cc��f thc lYustw or llvelr.:s namcd hcrcln. �-�..�:, _
<br /> � S�uuld tha'fcu.svu or itr succe�+��r In Intnrcrt wiihnut tha conV:nl in wriNnt4 u���hc�cncPiclary scll.lr.+nsl'eG ur com�cy,or permit[o hr s�tid,lmnsfcrrcd ;:!,``•+.�
<br /> ' � or am��}�eQ,b��uproemr.nt fur aula nr iii ao��mannot,i�s�int��est in th�:nbo�'c dcS�ribed re�l estatc lar ony part Ihcrcufl,�hcn[lcncflci�ry m;�y Jnl:�a:u11 sum9 '• :, �i,,c+� . �`�V
<br />„�, sceurr:d horc�Y immc.ticuc��dua and p;vebl�+,hulUact w al;plicablc Imv. ..
<br /> '�'_!•^•' , • Tl�c a�ai�•cr�}•7�rua6:e or FTanellr,irry of no�dr.f,mlt u(Truswr undcr ihis Trust I)ccd rhall not bc��r ho dccmcd to bo:i�vul�•er of any nlhcr o�shnllct
<br /> � dc(a�dln subscqu�nlly�xcuninp• . � �=
<br /> t�'y `�'a����J • lhib Trust Uead hh,ti11 inimi u�rnd b1��d um hci�s,IeBatecs,devisecs,ndministmtory.CXCCIItOl9,SUCCCtitiUfa;md nisigns ot'the parues hcretv. ,
<br /> rl ; . . �, .7�—.
<br />`:��_-��•.'�� � TK=i7ust[)ecd�hcdl bu n�nsl.ric:t cb::ronlin0��,�hc laws of Ihc Stntu uf Nchroska. ,
<br /> --- �k_-�r.r.:, . "_��--
<br /> - ,�„�._
<br /> �=t'r=, •_ • 1T�;iFua'�r rc�;uc��-r tha�n cnpy aC a�iY naticr of dcf:nQ1 s�nd nf uny nutlw of salc hcrc�mdcr bc maUcd to him by�ccrti�}M m�l u�ttu uddrek�hcninbcforc E::�_
<br /> � sct Wdh;�n�t cYi•3CA[::ol'�,uch nte�llnp shull constltutc eviJencc uf rcccipt af such noticc. �� `
<br /> --' � .� .lsund msrcm�s ttuu tha abm'c�'cscnbcd real estatc in nM uscd 1'or an n8ricultumi nctivlly. � ��-
<br /> ..._ '-. _- T£i..'iV XP�Ss'.. . ---- �'-- �� :-
<br /> � . 11't•s•;��rr tlic rnntnxt s��ropuuuc,sin�;ul�r wvrd,sh;�I!bc consuucd in�ha plund and vlcc vcrsc�,and tna mascuiinc scndcr tihaii ih.���y����io lttckscle ':- j �
<br /> - r.••� tltc fea�ir.i:ie und vicc ve�r�.
<br /> � �,,.`7:` ;
<br /> __.c�:.� ''. Irl tYITNt�t�9�vl•IERF.Qt�,thc Truuw has hcreuatr,et hIv hand ihc 4:f)':IIIII y'Cfli IIfYI IQ)OYO W�IllCll. ����.�_��,,.
<br /> .,.�_+ `�
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<br /> "1�Y�`*�� .. < //'M��C%��IU�L �� -
<br /> i�:?�, . � � 7RUSTOR ' - .
<br /> ,;� Thamao R. HAOIC118
<br />-� . . . ✓1'l��a.�..r � — , '. . .
<br /> _-=':: . . 'I RusTOFt M�ry � Backuo _
<br /> `--_�` ' ST�YE OF�'�� S5. �','- ' ' .,.
<br />"'�,, .`; COUNTY 0}� ��b � a'',p�;� ,
<br />_�. ' ,�:���t''.
<br />=-_- � . Thoma9 K Hac}�uR —. nnd . _
<br /> -- , Ucforc mc,o Notan Public,4uulificd hy tidd rnunty.personally cnmc
<br />�, . kno�vn tu mc to hc thc idcndc,�l pcn��nls1 who si3ncQ Ihc furegoing „ ,
<br /> ,_,�,. ,., PCCd of lYust Acknov�lcdgcmcm nnd Ihcn slyncd 1hc'frust l�ccd and acknuwlcdg�d thc cxccutiun thcrcaf tu hc his,hcr nr Ihcir valuntnty ncts i�nd dcc�s ,
<br /> K' . Witncss mY liand imd Noteriul Scal on T mca t� -.I�_.4L.. ;;.
<br /> ,�: ... •�,�;
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