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�' _ <br /> „ . <br /> �m <br /> 99- s05942 <br /> EXHIBIT"A" <br /> PARCEL 1. <br /> The East Half of the Northwest Quarter(E '/2 NW'/.) of Section Fourteen (14), Township Ten (10) North, <br /> Range Eleven (11), West of the 6th P.M., in Hall County, Nebraska, except that portion thereof used for <br /> railroad and highway purposes and excepting therefrom a tract of land more particularly described in <br /> Warranty Deed recorded as Document No. 94-104204 (approximately 65.43 acres) (allocated purchase <br /> price-$110,952.00). <br /> PARCEL 2. <br /> The West Half of the Northwest Quarter(W'/z NW'/) of Section Fourteen (14), Township Ten (10) North, <br /> Range Eleven (11),West of the 6th P.M., in Hall County, Nebraska, and also the following described <br /> property, to-wit: Commencing 7.93 chains South of the Northeast corner of the East Half of the Northeast <br /> Quarter(E '/z NE'/) of Section Fifteen (15), Township Ten (10) North, of Range Eleven (11),West of the <br /> 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska, thence South 6.30 chains thence West 6.98 chains thence North 7.35 <br /> chains thence East 5.50 chains to the bed of Wood River,thence along the bed of Wood River to the <br /> place of beginning and containing five (5) acres, being the same a little more or less. Also the following <br /> described property, to-wit: Commencing at a point four chains and 16 links South of the Northeast corner <br /> of Section Fifteen (15), Township Ten (10) North, of Range Eleven (11),West of the 6th P.M., Hall County, <br /> Nebraska, running West two chains and 61 links thence in a Northwesterly direction along the North bank <br /> of Wood River, one chain and 48 links,thence South 50 links thence in a Southeasterly direction along <br /> the bed of Wood river to a point three chains and 77 links South of the starting point,thence North three <br /> chains and 77 links to the starting point and containing 3/5th of an acre, being the same a little more or <br /> less (allocated purchase price $149,339.00). <br /> PARCEL 3. <br /> A tract of land comprising a part of the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter(NW'/.NE '/,) of <br /> Section Fifteen (15), Township Ten (10) North, Range Eleven (11),West of the 6th P.M., Hall County, <br /> Nebraska, and more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point on the West line of said <br /> Northwest Quarter Northeast Quarter(NW'/.NE'/,) (assuming said West line as due North) said point <br /> being 476.6 feet South of the Northwest corner of said Northwest Quarter Northeast Quarter(NW'/. NE <br /> '/.);thence South 87° 51'40" East a distance of 324.3 feet;thence North 79° 38' 10" East a distance of <br /> 161.9 feet;thence South 86°27'40" East a distance of 497.6 feet;thence South 76° 47' East a distance <br /> of 323.4 feet to a point on the East line of said Northwest Quarter Northeast Quarter(NW'/, NE '/.); <br /> thence Southerly 6°42' 50"West along and upon the East line of said Northwest Quarter Northeast <br /> Quarter(NW'/ NE'/,) a distance of 789.47 feet to the Southeast corner of said Northwest Quarter <br /> Northeast Quarter(NW'/4 NE'/);thence Westerly North 88° 33' 30"West along and upon the South line <br /> of said Northwest Quarter Northeast Quarter upon South line of said Northwest Quarter Northeast <br /> Quarter(NW'/. NE'/,) a distance of 1,285.4 feet to the Southwest corner of said Northwest Quarter <br /> Northeast Quarter(NW'/ NE'/)thence Northerly (due North) along and upon the West line of said <br /> Northwest Quarter Northeast Quarter(NW'/. NE'/,) a distance of 844.7 feet to the point of beginning and <br /> containing 25.121 acres more or less. Excepting therefrom a tract of land more particularly described in <br /> Warranty Deed Recorded as Document No. 96-105981. <br /> PARCEL 4. <br /> The South Half of the Northeast Quarter(S'h NE '/.); lying North of the North right of way line of U.S. <br /> Highway No. 30; and all of the Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter(NE'/. NE '/.) lying South of <br /> Wood River, except the part conveyed to �teitand Rugus�a DeWore by �eeci Recorded in Book 47 of <br /> Deeds in the Office of the Register of Deeds of HaII County, Nebraska, on Page 110; the East Half of the <br /> Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter(E '/2 SE'/4 NW'/.) all in section 15, Township 10, North, <br /> Range Eleven (11),West of the 6'h P.M., in Hall County, Nebraska, except a strip of land situated in the <br /> East Half of the Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter(SE'/, NW'/,) of Section 15, Township 10 <br /> North, Range 11, West of the 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska. Excepting also a strip of land in the <br /> Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 15, Township 10 North, Range 11 West of the 6tn <br /> P.M., Hall County Nebraska, Deeded to the State of Nebraska and recorded in Book 122, Page 529. <br /> Subject to the Union Pacific Railway Right of Way of 400 Feet, Said lands containing 93 acres more or <br /> less. Excepting therefrom tracts of land more particularly described in Warranty Deed Recorded as <br /> Document No. 94-110002 and Warranty Deed Recorded as Document No. 96-105981. <br />