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. . <br /> ..� , �;ct • . . ,,:. <br /> ...... <br /> };x� . . : x� _.._._ <br /> 7'OdB7'N8R V/P191 all the improvemenu no�v or herenRer erccteA on�ha property�end e11 egasOemenu�ep�uncnanm, , •" <br /> and ifxiurca now on c�reafter 6 pad ot tfio prope�tq. Ati rtplec�menti and addition:sdell dto IK coverW by t H 3xudry � T-- <br /> InstNmcnt. All of IAe forogoing ie refertW ro in tN`Secudry Insmimrnt w the"Prope[ry.' - - <br /> 88RROWBR COV6NANfS it�at BortaK�er Is IewNtiy uised o!tlx atnte hereby conxeyed and h�s the right to grent <br /> �� end canvey�la Pro�erty and ma��ho➢roperry f�unencumbered,except[or enwmbranai of reeoN. Bortower wammte end <br /> - .�._A <br /> wtll defend gcnerelty Ne title ro�he Prope�ty tgalnst all cleim+and demand�,aubJect to any enwmbrance�of rccoN. <br /> -- -� -- -° THIS SECY1RPfY lNS7ItUMENT combince unifortn covenanta for neqonal ux end non•unlfo�m covew�u � <br /> .,- _ .__r_- - <br /> IlmlteQ varlstions by Jurisdiotlon to comtitme s unifortn cewrlty insaument covering real propeny. <br /> �- t_: UNIFOAM COV6NAM'8. Bortower end Lender mvenant end egra aa tollowr. _ <br /> -�.�� 1. Pa7ment of Pr�ncipal and Iatutatt Prepnrment end Late Charges. Bortower�hall promptly pay when dua�ha <br /> - ' pdnclpel ot�ad intercat on Iho debt ovidenad by the No�o end any pre�payment and lero chergw due under�he Nota <br /> i �,. E. NYtndt for'Imzea and Insurence. Subject to epplicebie law or ro a written wairer by Lcndcr,Bortowar shill pny io .:_ <br /> c � -,� Lendtt on�he dny momhiy paymcros ere due under the Nota,unlll the Noto 1�paid in full,a sum("Pundi)for.(e)yeuly W�-= - <br /> . ,:_�h���� texea and auessmenn whlch mey attaln pdodry over thia Securiry Tnsuument u a Iten on the Pcopeny;(b)Yearly Ieasoiwld - __ <br /> � > �,f�, paymenu or ground renta on �he Property. it any; (c) yeerlY haaerd or property inaurance prcmlums; (d) yeuly flood — <br /> f $ insurenco prsmiuma,it any: (e) yavly mortgego insuranca prcmium+.if any; and (�any sums payable by Bortower to _ . . <br /> aY��'- :�- Lender,in axordenco whh�ho provlalons of paragroph 8,in lieu of�hepayment of mottgage Insurena pruniuma. Theu .�" <br /> ,T� `r y _ t�em�ere called'Escro�v Iam+.' Lender may,et eny tlme,rnllect md hold Punds in en emount not to exaed the maximum �� :,., <br /> r,>'t'�'4��' amount a lender for a Rderolly«leced mongego lan mey rcquire tor eorrowery escrow�ceounc under me kdewl Real n� �, <br /> -,F`!��° &tete Settlement Procedurea Act of 1974 a+emendW trom�Ime to time.l2 U.S.C.�Tb01 e�aeq.("RESPA'�.unles�anotAer '�r .:_- <br />_'�l�c'�'� �"` law thet appllea ro ihe fi�nd�seu a lesser emount. If so,Lender may,at eny tim0.collat and hold EA�nda In an amount not to �F;�,';k-- <br /> z"''-�'�ki'f,�'� exceed the lesser amount. Lender may a�imete the emount of F4nds due on the 6asia of curtent data end rcasonable ""y�}„pi �__ <br /> �1-�' ,���y� esttmetea of expenditures of future Euro�v Ikm�or oihe[wi=e in eccardarke with applicabte Iaw. ; ; <br /> , �a�}��fg� The Wnde ahall be held in an Ins�iw�ion whose deposiu arc insurcd by a federel egency,Inauumentality,or entity _ <br /> ��.-�'-5 �� (Including Lender,if Lender ia auch an insii�utioN or in eny Fedcral Home Loan Bank. Lender shall apply the Fundx ro pry '4'���,=5--- <br /> a `��*�z�1_t the Escrow Gema. Lender may not eherge Horto�ver tor holding end epplying�he Pundf,annuelly enalyzing �he ucrow �u'��}� _ <br /> t - �� eaaunt, or ved[ying�he Escrow Items, unless [.ender pays Borto�ver intereat on �he Mnds and npplicable lew permi�s f3 r tsNrt' <br /> ' '�1`��`�tt Lender to make such a charga However.Lender may requirc Horrower to pay a one•time charge Por an indeprndent rui T,, z,F '-- <br /> ti��' i`i�.�! astate tez rcporting service used by Lender in rnnnection wuh this loan,unleu appliceble Iaw provides otherwise. Unless en �`4�1�'�g"' "`- <br /> "�'°i'"�i a rcemrnt u mede or a licablc lew uircs interest w bc aid,l.ender ahall not 6e r vimA to Borro�rer any intcreat or �S� � i� ' <br /> �S j_ 8 PP rc9 P �9 PeY ; � y�2,� , <br /> eatninge on�he Punde. Botmwer end Lender may tgree in writing,howerer,�het Interest shdl be paid on the Funds. l.ender °.;p{, �Y <br /> .•�x,*,a.FpS�.;, shall give ro Hortower,wiihout charge,en ennuel eccounting of the Punds,showing crediu end debfls to the Funds and�he `� S r�;r._ <br /> p , �- «- puryose for which eacA debi[to the I'unds wu made. The W nds erc pledge4 es additianal securiry tor all sums securcd by ; , °_ <br /> ,� --ti�;- IhL-°.�.,-ur{ry3r�iram;.rc ,`,� '�`� <br /> r � f��''`�+ Borrower tor�che excess fii d�nceccord nce w ihtAe rcqui�emen[s o pplinble la\v'�Ifbhe'emou t�of the FLnds held b :fe�.�yf s�;n� <br />