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<br /> • -a 1q�r.Si - —' - '- - - --- —� � _.._ .�.`...r_ ._.._. ' . . ...,i,y-....-.T�i�c.�ii.� -- _
<br /> � valW�. �� . __��?..`___...'__'_�J.....�. 6• _ . �— — __ —_� �
<br /> ._ _ . . . .. ��--°._-- ____ __—__—
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<br /> — �.._�l`_,� • - ._.— �.
<br /> � _�� ��.� �U���.��� �� _ �� -_—_
<br /> =x;�..;�� �.i_.��: _ ---
<br /> � 5 ��.
<br /> ..� �'" -'__��,�:. —
<br /> - 1�. Mf�ow�lan�nuc I�raL:elona -, - -= _
<br /> � _� (p)acrrpw��Nol flN�s��t1•�Mtonelon af tho tlmo ior payment or rnutillir.aUao ul nmpnlaatton a1 lha aume eaaurod by thle _ v
<br /> �grci�1T�isf praniecl by t,endgr W awV eucceasor fn intorc�al ct BorrowQr Bhnll not oAi�rt�ta la roteaae,In any mnnn�r,tho Ilsbllly �,• ��__ _
<br /> -_ � c; - -
<br /> � ot th�ari�,{n�l E�orro�er anr#Ror�awer'e nuaceaanra fn Int�r��t.Londot ehitll na�k+a re����ltod to Gomrrtena�procead�n0�eg�lna! �
<br /> - auoh auccesDnr or r�tuse to oxiond iimu�u�Nuyu�d��t ui at7orwtca madity arRaril�Aiian c�a�a g�'��ar.eured by Ud�Q�uc�M YrNbt � �- �
<br /> � f by reaoan of�ny demsnde mede by tha driqfnai Hu��awar and�ttot�or'e aunct+2nnrn In Intorosl. _ -
<br /> - t�:� (b)L�ndRt'�Pawsn,Wilhout atteotlnp tha Ilabtllty ot any othor pareon Ilablp fa�thq pnympm ot eny obllpatlan horoln �� _ .
<br /> �`-�*��. montlonad,and wlthaut niteotlnp lhe tlun or ohnrge uf thls Dand of Trust up�n pny(��t►tlan p111��Proporty not tnan ar thc�retotore
<br /> - -_::�� . rotoasod as ooaurlty fa�lho lull pmouM oi all unpnld obilpatlono,Londor n�t►y.lram timn to tlmo�nd withoul natict►p)�fltaflsfl any �
<br />_--'T'�-���_ y .
<br /> __ -``�=T= or reconvay,aar�oaueo to be�e enepd orr eico voyodtnt any tlmo rat I.And�Ae aptl�ao nn�yl parc�l,porllon�orl nll of h�1 Proporty, ' f
<br /> �_.'J_._� � ,
<br /> y, � (v)tQko or rotent�a eny olh�r ar additlonnl oaCUriry for any obUpptlan horaln montlpnad, ar(vl)meka �ampnalt►ann or oth�r ,,. -
<br /> • -� prrpnpomonta�vlth dobtore In rolpUon tharoto.
<br /> _• x�. .
<br /> (c)�'orb.�::r,_s�y L�oabio luw,s+atl�nat be a�walvornopo yP►aG�d�+�h�nx raiA�otytmyha►ahr�ifll t or rom��ThA �_�--_ _ r
<br /> :;�- - othA�wlsa nilordoA oy spp
<br /> t '� proouroment of Insurunoe ar�hc+poymont a1 taaos or otha►tlono or ahc�rgpn by l..andc�r t�hpi!not bo a wnlvOr pf l.andpr'e rtflhf t0 _i �i, `
<br /> _:, , i ,�, :
<br /> accsterate tho meturlty o1 tho Indebtedness eoourod by thls Ge�d ot Trunt �;.•
<br /> ;;i;�: . (ct) 9uooaian an�Aalpn��ound;JolM end 8eve�al Llebtlity; Cap11�n�•The aavonnnte and ppreemflnte horaln oon• ,
<br /> .� teln�d ehall bind,and tho ripht�horaundar ohr�ll Inuro to,thA roap�ativc�auac:Aa9or9 and ao�lpns o1 I.ond�t nnd Truetor.All � �• _;��,�:,_;,�
<br /> cove�ants And t�preomonte ol 7runtor shall bo►ulnt end eavernl,Tho aAptle�na�nd hoc�di�pfl a11h�paraflr�phn ot thla Qoe�d ot r,�o,.�,�
<br /> _ ' .n�r5;;•:..
<br /> -- Trusi ur�tor canvonlonco oniy and ��re not to ba usad to IMerprel ar dail�q th�prnvlslone�hareof. ; . ;,r.,��„,_.
<br /> (o)Rtqut�t(o►Notlasv.7ho portlos heroby roquost that c�oapY of any natice�ot dolc�utl horaundar flnd c�copy o1 flny nottca i , � �
<br /> --= ot oale heraundor be malled ta�ACh party ro thlo L�eed o11 rust at thA sdd�eas sot tanh nbavo In th� m«nnar prasarlbod by i �:��_;;;,,�
<br /> _ epplicable la�v.Except tor any ather notico�equlrod undor Appllc�uta law ta ha g�vFn in onoth�r mflnnc�r,�ny natloc+provlde� �,���,���
<br />��-±` � tor in th►s Dood o1 Trust ehnll bo piven by malling euoh natloe by cortlfled mall a�ddreased ta tho oth�r pArtla�,et th�addross eut �
<br />��; �''�'��=-�
<br />-= torih ab�v�.Any notico provldod 1or In thls Qeed o1 Trust ehall b�effoctiv�+upan mailln� In the mAnn�r do:�lgnetpd horeln.It
<br /> �'r ' Tru9tor is mora than ano poreon,notice ao�t to tho addreas set Qarlh ab�vo ahAll pe notlaa ta all fluah poraona. � :.�� �'�
<br /> •'ej . that�londor sha�l glvo Teustorynotca prior to any au h�l ApeMpon a'p cityin� �o�on bla c�ut►tfl th��etar�relflted�Lpnda�r'n I �` 1'�_-_
<br />..:��•. j ' ` ';'�"
<br />".V:
<br /> Intorpst in tho Properhr• �' �--
<br /> -- � (q) Reaonveyaoae,Upon payment o1 all sums s�curet!by thia Da�d�1 Trust.lendt�r ahAll rHquaot Truetot�to rpconvpy t p � �,,��
<br />���°`1 - - Prpoerty end ahall 9unonder this Deed a1 Trust antl all nate&ovldE�nalnp Indt+ptAtinf�fl9 seoured by thlA Detxl a1T�uot ta Truatau. �
<br /> ��•- wfthout warranty t���d wlthout ahp�g�10 1hA pareon or persana le(�ally ontitlpd thoroto. �
<br /> 1'rusteo shall reconvoy tha Property � „
<br /> �ar. Trustor sh�ll pay all cosla ot recordatlon,ll Any. I ��''�1,
<br /> ...•�:—�-
<br />•\z" (h) P�n T 9 o n a l P ro p e r l y;800uri ty A flreemont. F�s addltlanal avoudty tor thf�paym�M o1 th� Nolf�.Truator haroby 4rnntfl ..;.;.
<br /> �,r I.ender undar the Ne��2ska UnNorm Commorcial Coda a seourlty InterQel in all Hxturas,equ lpm e n t,e n d a t h p r p o r s a n A l p r o p a rt y � � _
<br /> ----_° �:
<br />�°' usad In connootion�vim ina�vai esiats ar lmpro+:e�ne.^.ta lecatet!therenn.and nat atht�rwiso dealared or doomad to bv a part ol , �Y
<br /> th�real eatete eaourod hereby.Thi9 Inatrument eh�ll be canptrued H�a S�GUriry Agre�mant undar aaid Godo,and ihe Lencio► -� - - • . �;.
<br /> ' . ahall have all the righte and rvmedles o1 o socured party undc�r said Codo in�dditia�to Ih�ri�hifl and�emAdlea ore�atod under `'`
<br /> ���z � And�CGOrded the 4onder pureuant to this Deed at Truet;providad thAt l.ender'a rlghta�nd remedlea undor thla pflrnpreph aht�ll ;,� . �
<br /> •-'�_ y „__�._._., ., �.... n �ab o�nrl r m
<br /> —' ' ` pg oumutative with,anq in no wa ��������ai�vi�.'7���•••+�'����•'• ^!--... .�.. Adi�a undar any othar peaurity agreompnt alpned by !,,, �
<br /> }� � Borrower or Trustor. ' '
<br /> (I) Lleno and Enaumbroncoa.Trustor hereby warrantfl and reprefivntfl th�ti th�re Is na default undor tht�p�o�iston�o}any ,
<br /> ' mortgage,dead of trueL loaso or purchase canuact describinp all pr Any part M ih�Proparty,ar atht�r oantrpot,inatrumant ar � �
<br /> . agreement canatituting a Ilen or oncumbranca a��i�st all ar any pan ot tho Proparty(callootivoly."Lionfl"),oxistinp aa o1 tho �
<br /> dAto of thi9 Qeed o1 Trust,and that aray and all oxlati�p l.lona ramain unmadi1i1K1 excapt as disolaoed ta Lendor In Truetor's ; ,
<br /> � written dlaCtaaure ot Ileno ond encumbrances provided tor heroin. Truata�shall lim�ly perlarm all al Tru&tor's obHgatipns, �.. ,
<br /> '`:- � covonants,represonL�tlana and warraMiea under�ny and all oxisitin�and lvture l.ipnn,ehall promptly torward ta l.onder copfey I ;�;�
<br /> 01 all nOticos 01 d0lault sf�nl in conneatlon wHh any And�II Fxlstin��r futu►e Li�n9,and phntl npl wlthAUt(.endor'a prlor wrltlon �I.,. , ;
<br />''�,',,� s ';,� COn88n1 In any m2nn8r mOdlty ih0 pfQVlslOn8 01 Or AIIpW any 1u1Uf9 AdVE�nGE19 UndA!8ny Oxl9lln(j Of 1UlUf0 l.lpnfl. , '�• .
<br />`,;�,- � , :•��:.;; ;�. �) Appiloatlon o1 Paymenta.l.��Uea9 otharwisa requirad by Iaw.9umF pAid 10 l.andpr hereundE�r,Inaludlnfl withaut Ilmitallon ,� i,
<br /> • � r �� payments ot prinolpal and InleresL��9urance procea d s,c o n d a m n�t l a n procaada and ronta and prollts,shpll bo eppllad by
<br /> ,� ' Londor to the Amounts due and owing tirom Truetor and Horrowor In suah ardpr As Londpr in its solv dl�crotion deom�deoirebfo. '',{ •
<br /> (k) 8eve�ablllty. II flny provlsfon oi this Qeed o1 Trust nantlict�wilh rlppllCflblE�Is�N or is dealared invdlld or othOrwlS� „ ,
<br /> ulvon�eNeo Iwelihout the coot Icting provlslvn,andto t ia e�nd thp p ov�i5 on:��o this l�e�d a1 Trust And�iht�Not��e dealarod to bo ' ,
<br /> 9
<br /> . � seve�abte. �
<br /> p) Tetmo.Tha tarms"iruator"und"Borrower"ahall inaludt�bath 8fnflu1�lr and p�ural,and wh�n the 7rustor And Borrower
<br /> �� are thv eame person(s),those terma as used in thla Qeed ot Tr��sl i�ht111 ue inlQiChan�pablE�. ,
<br /> Trustor h�s�exeouted h s De dhul D ust as o1 the dat pwr ttpn nbQVOy t�Q IQ�V9 O}1hA StAtO 0�NObIaE1kE1.
<br /> .
<br /> �r-- �
<br /> p p. Tru ford, Hu�bond) ,
<br /> � tip��k �a�,a(. ._
<br /> �� . (Sha�la K. Truata� Axford, Wife)
<br /> i
<br /> , ,�:. "� ._� ��;,-'i.�. ., .*,.. • �
<br /> • ' I
<br /> `
<br /> i
<br /> � �
<br />