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<br /> � -
<br /> • � , , - .�.�.-� �.,�
<br /> _ �.- ..— -� �\�1. •- . ?J' ' - - - -
<br /> . :�_;�. .. _ . .. .. -� -�-� . _ ._ . .. `. _..,. �-,. . . - '... . , . ._..: . . �_ `� -.i•�S, -- °� �-- - '-- ��t--�-. _-
<br /> r,/ 1. \
<br /> ._ . . __ . �f �Y . �y.., r . . . �5, ���' '_.-
<br /> iT— . . .. . , � . �•
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<br /> `Lc.:�:.....�.:.;._._=.� _ `- \<� .���� .:.c.._...° . t , .. .. ._- ?
<br /> � . ....�_..�'..�-............-..__...�..Jl...�..�-._. . . .._- �-_-_"..n.��-_�____
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<br /> -r�� �-� �1Ci�i'��61i�{�D��P'lENT�� ����aF Tii�!€�T ��,� 1 U���.�t� - __ _-
<br />-���.. . �=y
<br /> ��� 1'RU9TOi�READ�ft11�3 QEFORE 81qNiNt�: �'�
<br /> ��' i -- --
<br /> - '��� TruAtor underotsndethat Ihedoaun�nnl thal Truotor Is About to ox�auto le n Ooad nl Yrue!nnd Rol n mort�e�po nncl thnl tho pawar � � ____
<br /> =.� -�., ai eale pravlded for In th6 Oeed at Ytuet provldee eubatnntlnlly d{(tc�roitl r�phte and obtipatlonoto Yrufltor Ihan A nw�tpAp�In tha ev�nt _.-, _ _
<br /> - -.� ol A def���it ar braaah ol obtipntfon under Ihe Reed ol T�ual,In�ludin�,but nat Umttad to,thc��nnd�r'a rlpha to hevo th�f�rdpsrry aolc! � __ --
<br /> hy iha TFUataa�rtthout any ludiclel proeaodln{�,Tru9tpr rpprnaants nnd�varranta thpt thip aaknn�viectge nt wuo oxaoutod by E . - '_
<br /> .� '� ._� Tr�Ato�e9tore Iho exeoutlon at tha paad ut Truni. � ���. ---- _
<br /> �� � ��� �_
<br /> � i,:� �t� ":' _ *u;�,.
<br /> Duu 1de D. Ax�axd,Tr or Hu�b�Ad) _ :
<br /> _� --
<br /> � • . ��/
<br /> ��-!5���� . _ ��=
<br /> ,
<br /> _ ., (Sha�lA K� Axfor�. Truetor Wifo) , _ `` �`
<br /> •� �_.��
<br /> -- - __ __—;,',-u;.,��«�°_
<br />.:�:�:_ . ' � .
<br />- -'_-,.�;.r nF�n ��TR!!�T {IV�TM �u4taf�c A[�V�1N�E4 �� -- --
<br /> _1�tF�... ', _
<br /> 'fH15 DEED OF TRUST,Is mndo as ot lho....y.�.Ch-d�Y o1-w----�+�- ,1991..�by nnd emong j� ��,��'
<br /> �'�� ' � n nxf�x �nd �h�.l.lii...K....�EfLCIl.....kiut�kt�t�d_�J��4. � '"�`'`�
<br /> thu T�ut�tor,.—IIo1�(j.L�9. �.�_:
<br /> � ,�r 0 Box 1605, Gr.an�d IelAnd, NL G_8_aQ?.�1�'0(h�raln"Trustor,"whothor ono or moro), ,; ��•4, ��_
<br /> __ �vhae9 mRiling address is .� � �• ' .as�5.,:=._:.
<br /> �s.' _�,�`_,_
<br /> � '. thol'rustao, �'ive Poita$�3l�ii..�3.�1����.�'S��ll��i.��..G.�.t.�.L�oxtltiotx r. , ,�_=�--
<br /> ..'�
<br /> "'` � ' �,_NP 688Q2�.1�QZ (h�rvin"Truaioe"?,end � '
<br /> : ,,��n7 rHn�d,,�sl� '
<br /> � �ti��`� whoso mnllinp address Is �..p-.._(l.,—Atv -�- � -
<br /> ?,`�.�:.�. ' -�
<br /> .`' '` FZVB �OL S � �lh �
<br /> ��r• � `�s��;' tha 8oneticlary, " • -
<br /> '�,;,
<br /> �a � • ��r ' whoso mallinfl addresa le ....'�'._� $�.t 507. Q�t�d.[,n 1 N�.�t��n��=�SQ7 (hvro�n"Londor"), �C:��,•. ' , ' , .
<br />-'�;«�' . .�:;� , :°_
<br />, ��';;', ,
<br />,'{. . FOFl VALUABLE CONSIDFRATION,Inaluding Lend�r's extonsfon at orodil Idantiiled hereln to..�11$l.�El-.�.-.A.ii�Si�..-��ld � � ;:;.`,`t, •�..
<br /> "�_ ��'` • Shoila K. Axford. _ -
<br /> �� � � � ��g.,A .,nd Wife -- iherpb�"E3prro�vor",whethvr ono ar moro)Artd!he trust horein Crt��to1, �'`,�`�� . -
<br /> ,•^=.�. tho roCafpt at which la hereby aaknowlodged,Truator horapy Irrovocably grants, tran�(erA,conveys and asafgns 4a T�ustoe,!N _ .
<br /> �-�f' � � TRUST,WITH PpWER QF SALE,tor tho boneHt and socurity al 1.andE+r,undE�r and 9ubJact to tho terms And oondltlqns hPrpint�Ror set _
<br /> ,�'. ' torth,tho roal property,desCribod as follows: • :u'
<br /> ��- � __', __, �,nr �onty Four (2A) in Hi.dd�n Lakee Subdiviaiori Numbee Two (2) BoinII Paxe of the S��C ; '`: ,�, •, �•_
<br /> T� NE}� and k'art of the N�N��ST��: �f Soction 13, To��msh�tp iI i3oxth, Ra��e �3i.za t�� �a°� =f �,::1 ,`, �
<br /> ;;�'rr the 6th P.M., Ha11 County, NobrApka �.;.� � �,'�'�'�
<br /> ,,�+. ��,,,�;t�,.,
<br /> + � - .. a n nvo c»camnntA �I MA. HVII� 09&f1d BDGUrtA• ���:�`� '��
<br /> -� TOA61n8f W1111 011 CUHOIng9,impruvnfiioi�io,�iwQuia'o.o�:u^G:S.::::�i�.�98�sg..:e_,_. ____.... .._. 9 .P � -
<br /> " � . nances looated thereon ar In anywlae pertalmnp iharoto,And ihe rrinl5,��auFS and proflts,raver&lona and remsindars thereol,and �•�' � � .
<br /> �, auch porspllHl property that Is attaChsd to tho Improvemants so�s 2o Cn�sUtuto a lixturo,InCludinp,but not Umlted to,hsatln�F�nd ,'�;`'i��' � �
<br /> 000ling oqulpmo�L and togother with tho homostAad or m�rNnl fnt��eats,il anv,which Int�froats are hereby rol�psed�nd waived;211 �� ,
<br /> a1 whlCh,InolutUnfl roplacemonte t+nd addltiona thoroto.Is herpby docl�rpd ta ba a part ot tha rQAI e9tato nocured by lho Ilen at thle .
<br /> , • peetl pt Trust and nll 01 the toregaing 6eing�alorr�d ta harpfn As tho"PropWrty". �
<br /> _ ' This Oeod ot Trust shall secure(�)the paymant al thFl prinolpnl qum And Interpt�t evldoncod by a promlesory note or creciit i;
<br /> '' � ,Tune 12 1991 ,havin�a mtiUnity date o1 �.�nE 12� 19.�._ , I ,,
<br /> ..�. ,,�,; a�reement dated � �,
<br /> ,�.',,.::�'
<br /> ��` •,',,;;;:';? n _,and An �nd All maditicatlona,oKtAnsians and renewpls '
<br /> ;1;;;;<<��: in tho original princlpAl amaunt ot$�g��-Ao--- Y
<br /> ;s..�l'4' ��-;;:�?..;, 1� ,�`1
<br />;,,,«,� ,_ thereat or thereto nnd any�+id all luture advonco��nd roAdvanoos to Bo�rc�wor (o� any ol thom II more th�n onv)hereunder �� ,
<br /> ' `•`���� purpuant to ono or mare promissory notoa ar cradit eqreomonts(hproin called"Noto");(b)tho paymant ot other st+ms advanced by ���,
<br /> ,.:,,, "�.
<br /> - � ' �� Lendvr ta protact the security otthe Note;(c)ihe perlarmanco�f all covenanta and agroemflnta ot Trustar sot forth h�rein;and(d)all
<br /> ` • present and 9uiure Indebtadnese and obligatlon[�ol9arrower(or any af thpm I1 mare than ano)to Lendor whother dlrecL indiroct I
<br /> �baolute or contingant and wheth�r prloing by note,guaranty,ovardrafl Or othprwise.The Noto,ihis ptjed ot Trust and any and a11 I
<br /> pther docuentsthat securethe Note or othnrwisa oxoCi�it�d in Cannt�otion thorewith,inclucllnc�without Ilmltptlan guaranteas,socurity
<br /> , apraamente and assignmenta ol leases and rents.sh�111 b0 raferred lo hereln Aa iho°t.oan In�trumonte". �
<br /> ' Trustor covenanta and agreos with Landar as lollotivs•
<br /> 1. Payment o1 Indebtedneto.All Indobtednc�as socured horppy shall bo paid whan duE�. �
<br /> 2. Tltle.Trustor 181he owner ol the Frpporty,ha�ihe rigM And autharity to canvoy lho Prpperty, and warrants lhat ihe lit�n �
<br /> aroat�d hereby Is a 11ret and prior lien on 9he Proporty,excopt lar iier�s and ancumbrnnco8 �vt lorth by Trustor in writing and
<br /> delivered ta Lender bafOro oxocutlon pi thfs Devd o1 TruaL and tho execution and doi�vr�ry of this Daed�1 Trust doe3 not violato any
<br /> coniract or other oblig�4ion to�vhiCh Trustor ia sub�ect � �
<br /> 3. Taxe�,AS�e�omo�ta.To pay doforo delinquency au taxos,special as38SSmf�nts�nd all other ChargOS apilin9t ihq Prop0�1y �
<br /> � now or herenitor Ievled. �
<br /> 4. In��nraoce.To keep ihe Property Insured�flalnst dam�go by f�ro,riazards Includpd�vithln the term"extended covaraflo",a�d (
<br /> 9uCh Othpr hatArdB A9 Lender may requuo,in umounts anU w�th comp���es accaptablo to Lender,naming Londor�&an pddrtion�l
<br /> -��—-�________�-_- rlafflH(I iil5iii6il,Wlih tOS�p�1y�Gl�2o the Lender. !si c3se^f!oss t�nct�r auch pol�c�os.tho Londor is�u!honzed to adlt+St,c0112:.1 dnd � ._
<br /> COmpromiap,all claimsthereundor and shall have tno��ption o1 apply�ng all or part at th�msurAnco proceods p)ta an�indaQlRdnd99 �
<br /> sBCUfed heroby And in 9uCh order as Lendor may doteirn�no,(ii)to tha Truator to bo usod lor tho repair or restoratinn of the PrOperty ; ,
<br />- � or(III)for Any athor purposfl or obJact sai�st3ctary to Lendar w�thout 2flaCtmg tho lien at thia Doed o1 Trust for the full amount secured
<br />� ' �•,<< hereby beforv auch paymont over taQk Fiaee.Any appllcation of p�oceeds to indebtc�dneas shall not extend or postpone the due
<br /> dete o}any payments under tho Note,or cure any delault thereunder or heraunder.
<br /> 5. Eiorow.Upon writton demand by Londer,Trustor shall pay to Lender,in suah manner as Lender may designate,suHlcient
<br /> sums to eneble Lender to pay as thoy become due ono or more of the followinc�:(i)al I taxos,asseasments and other charfles ac�ain&t
<br /> ' thp Property,(li)tha premiums on tho property�nsuranco requirod h0reunder,�nd (iii)►ho prem�ums on nny mortgage�nourance
<br /> ropulrad by Londer.
<br /> B. Malntenance, Flopalre and CompllAnoo wNh Lawm, Truetor ahaU keop tha PropFlrty in good CondiUOn and repo�r, shell
<br /> promplly repalr, or replaco Any improvamont whlch mAV be damnged or destrayed; shall not commit or permU any waste or
<br /> deterlorntlon o1 the Property; ahall not temove,demo��sh or subatantlally alter any ot thp�mprovoments on the Properry,shall not
<br /> • ' commlt,suffer or permlt any act to be dona in or upon tho Proparty In viotation o1�ny law,ordmonco,or regulAtion:ond ahall pay and
<br /> � promptly dlscharfle at Truator's cost and expnnso all liens,�ncumbrnnces and chargos Ic�vied,imposod or assessad aflainel the
<br /> Property or any part thereol.
<br /> 7. �ml��nt Domaln. Lender is hereby asslgned nll componsation,awards,dam�gas ond othor payments or reual(herelnaher
<br /> "PfoCeeds"}In connoctlon wlth Condemnatlon or othor taking of tho Proporry or part thprpot,or 1ar conveyanCO In Ilou ot;;pndemnn•
<br /> tlon.Londor ahall he entitlod al its optlon to commonce,appoAr In and proseCUte m its own nam�nny ection or prpcoedings,nnd
<br /> shAll elso be entitlod to make eny Compromise or aettlomont In Connoct�on wlth such taklnc�or damaflo.In tho ovent any porlion ol
<br /> � NBC 71B71Non�prKUiwrU Qe�UI Hw�0�09
<br /> Q 1aB8 H�IronalO�N o1 Commorc0 Tiufl end Sennps Af�oG�t�on.lintoln.Nob��sMe �
<br />