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� __. � . <br /> xl .... . . ; --- <br /> � <br /> - . _ .. - - _ , ,:: <br /> 83N �0�.4 ..� <br /> 7Y10B1yI8R WP17i UI the Improvemenu now or Eercatter crected on�ho propeny,and a1t easementu ayputtenanoq, <br /> anA flxturw now on c�reaRer a part ol tM propeny. All rcplaamcnta end additlona shnll alao ba covered by�hl�Becudry <br /> - Inaaumcnr. Alt oPthe torcgoing b rcterted to In W�8ecud�y instrument as�ho"Propeny." <br /> BOAROWHR(JOV8NAN18�hat Uoerowcr le tewtu�ly sotaed ot the ataro heroby conveyed end hae�he�ight ro grent <br />--- end convCy the Royeny aM Uv�d+e Propeny la unencumbercd,except for encumbrencea ot raard. Uorrower wamntn end -__ ... <br /> u�lll detend gcnerel(y tho titla to ihe Propeny agalnct a11 clalma end demand�,�ubjat w any rncumbrenas otraord. <br /> THI9 BHCUltTfY INS79111M8M'combina+ unifo�m covenenu tor nallonal uw and non•uniform covenmu wi�h <br /> Ilmlted variaHona by JudsdlMion w conatimto a unifortn�uudry Instrument covedng rcal propeny. <br /> . , UNIPORM COVBNAN7'9. Bo[mwer end I.ender covenent md agreo ea foliowr. `_ ..-".. . <br /> 1, Payment ot Prindpal end inhreet{Prepeyment end Lata Chargee. Bortower shell promp�ly piy when due�he <br /> princiyal of and Interost on Ihe drbt evidenxd by�he Note and eny prepayment end leto ehargw duo under the Nota -- <br /> 2. FUnda tor 1�a and Ins¢rance. SubJxt�o eppIlcable law or to e wrhten waiver by Lender,Horrower sheil pay to <br /> Lender on the day momhly paymenu arc due under�ha Note,uneii the Nota Is paid In PoII,a num('Pundfl tor:(e)yeerly <br /> texw end asuumente which may ettein pdodry aver�hla Secudry Inswment es e Ilen on tha Propetty;(b)yexdy leasehold =-._____ <br />_- paymenn or ground renn on ihe Pmpeny, it eny; (c) yeazly hazerd or property inwrance promiums; (� yearly flood �,-:--- <br /> Insurence premfum�, If�ny; (e)yeafly mongega insurenea premium�. (f ony; ond (�eny �um�payable by Bortowor�o <br /> -a Lender,In aaordance wi�h the provtatom of paragreph 6,In Aeu of�he payment of mongege insurance prcmiums. These E,,, <br /> � items ero caI1W"8scro�v Icems.' Lender may,et ony Uma collect ond hold Amdn in en amount not to exceed�he maximum �� - <br /> -� amount a lender for a fedemUy ttlared mongago loan may requtrc for BortowerS escrow accrount under�he federal Real e 4 -"". <br />_�� &taro Senlement Rrocedura Att of l974 u emendW from time m tim¢,12 U.S.C.;Y601 et uq.("RPSPA7,unla�anotAcr �.` -'� <br /> :x�1,,,,-;. <br /> law that eppliea ro the Aunds seu n lesser emount. If so.Lender mey,at eny�ime,wllect end hold Punds in en amount not to r�s� <br /> ','�� ezceed the lesser emoum. I.cnder may es8met¢ Ihe amount of Punda due on Ihe basls of cumnt dau end rcazonabk ��n7 -_: <br /> -;; estima�es of expenditurcs of fumrc Exrow Rems or othenvise In aecoMance wi�h epplicable lsw. �Y �- <br /> j lfie Punds ahall be held in an instimtton whose deposils e�c insurcd by a (edercl agency,imuumentaliry.or entity y�7 *"-:' <br /> ��If (induding Lender,if Lender ia cuch an im6tution)or in any Fedenl Home Loan Bank. Lender ahall epply the Funds ro p�y r$('^� <br /> ; �he Escrow ilema. I.ender may not eharge Hortower for holding end epplying thc Wnda, ennualiy analycing thc eurow ����c,��:.-.: <br /> eocount, or vedfying the&cro�v Items,unieu Lender payn Bortower intercst on the Punds and epplicable Iaw permits , <br /> FF� Lender to meke anch a chuge. However,Lender may rcquirc Borrower w pay a one-�ime charge tor an independent rcal �r J.i "_ <br /> ectete tex reponing servia used by Lender in connection with this loan,uniw epplicable law providu othernise. Unless an �tr�4� s �- <br /> agreement(�made or applicable la�v requires interes[to he paid,Lender ahell not be requireA to pay Dortower any interest or , �;�f, -- <br /> eeming:on the FLnds. Bortower end Lender mey egree In wriqng,however,tha[intercat shall be paid on the FLnds. Lcnder -t�'15,���`,��. <br /> `� shell give to Bortower,wiihom chuge,en annuel acwunting of�he FLnds,showing crcdits and de6iu to Ihe Funds end the ,�' <br /> " pulpase for which eac6 debit to the Funds was mede. 7Le Punds are pledged es eddi�fonal securiry for ail suma sewred by �f'�F - <br /> -;.�?� �n�� If he Pands he18 by L.ender exceed �he amoums pertnitted ro Y+e held by applicable law, Lender shall account ro �,�5�,�,_`,��. <br /> � llortower tor tne exeeu Funda in accordmce with fie requiremems of apptiwbie iaw. if thc amuw�t oP�hc FunJs hciu by -S - <br /> ;� Lender at any time is not cufflcient to pry[he Exrow Items when due.Lender may so notify Bortower in wri�ing,and,in `�:" . <br /> such cese Borrower shall pay Io Lender�he amount necessary io make up the deficienry. Bortower shall meke up �he ;���`��{ � <br /> '• deficieney in no morc then twelre monthly payments,at Lender`s sote discretion. ,�t,'1 ' <br /> Upon payment in PoII of ell:uma seeurcd by�his Securiry Inswment.Lender ahall promptly rcfund io Bortower any a j�t �;" <br /> "� Mnda held by Lendee IL under paregreph 21.Lender shall ecquire or ull the Hopeny,Lender,prior ro�he ncquisi�ion or �F `,{ � <br /> �` eale of�he Property, shell apply eny FLnds held by Lender ut �he qme of ecquisition or sale as a credit against�he sums <br /> .� ' .S <br /> securcA by thia Security Imtrument. ;R� �r : <br /> a�,� 3. Appilcatlon of Peymen�. Unless applicable law provides o�hernise,all paymems received by [.ender under <br /> paregrepha I and 2 ahall be applied:firs4�o any prcpaymcm charges duc undcr�he No�c:scmnd,to mioums payeble under ti <br />.,._; paregreph 2;IhGd,to imercs�due;tounh,to principal due;end las6 to any la�e chnrges due under the No�e. -�_�� < � <br /> � 4. Chargeei Lkns Bofmwcr sh�ll pay all taxcs, osscssmenls, chazgcs, fines and imposilions atiribmuble ro �he �y 4 �r'.��- <br /> �-� Property whleh mey attein priority over�his Scwri�y Insuumcnt,and Icox6old payments or ground rcnts,if any. 6orrower -��'t <br /> shall pay�hese obligations in the manner pmvided in paragmph 2,or if not paid in thnt menner,Bortower shall pay them on +,,tf a '`- <br /> 'a.�d.,.-:. <br /> - i time direc�ly ro�he person owed payment. Bortower shall pmmp�Iy fumish�o Lendcr ull no�ices ot emounis�o be paid under �.;�b,-.��: <br />`::ide7 thia pangmph. If Bortower makes�hex puymema dirccily.Uortower shxll promptiy fumish�o Lender receip�s evidencing -�-'�<-��� <br /> .ii� Ihepaymenu. " � � <br /> Borrower ahall promp�Iy discharge any lien wh�ch has priori�y over this Security Insuument unless Bortower:(e)agrces ( � <br /> in writin lo Ihe menl of the obli a�ion securcd b the lien in a mnnner acce lable to Lender.(b)contests in ood taith the "'s�!'��� <br /> 8 PaY S Y P 8 r• ,�.,-;... <br /> lien by,or deknds againN entorcemem of the lien in,legal proccedings which in�he Lenderk opinian ope�ate ro prcvent the t` - <br /> --;�� enforcement ot Ihe lien;or(c)securcs fror.�the holder of the licn an agrcement aatis(actory lo Lender wbordinating Ihe lien �r' _ <br /> lo this Security InatrumeN. If Lender de�em�ines tha�any part of ihe Propeny is subjat to a lien�vhich may atmin priority ,�: <br /> �---'� over thia Securiry Inswment. Lender may give DoROwer a notice iden�ifying thc lien. Bartower shall satisfy the lien or take � <br /> one or morc of�he actions ut fonh above�vithin 10 days o(the giving of nolice. <br /> S. Ne�ard or Property Insurann. Bortower shail keep the improacmems now existing or hercafter ereered on the .'� _.:�. <br /> Propeny insurcd against loss by firc,hazards inciudcd wi�hin thc mm�"cxtendcJ covcragc"and any o�hcr harards,including <br /> floods or Oooding, for which Lendcr rcyuircs inwrancc. This insurancc shall hc mainmincA in�hc amounts and for �hc <br /> ' 4brm7012 9M0 �ryAe2 fnpuFm <br /> �"" . .4�y' , ., . . . . . .. � . . . - r . ' ..°:�9:• , . ._ . " _' '� <br /> t :� <br /> 't� - r..' _. . ' "' _ <br /> x 1..h ':.r __ __ _ .._ . <br /> r . . , <br /> � ::� s, --) .. _ <br /> _n.. <br /> ;'}r.`�. .'i�.:i: � <br /> �C- t i i . . � . <br /> r <br /> :�z,� . ._.. . <br /> y �. <br /> :r { ,. . � - - - - <br /> )f _t-: � - - . ' .. , - ., . <br /> �+'-f- f <br /> L ` . <br /> i� -� ' �t : _ __ . . _ . _ _. <br /> "i, f_ r i <br /> < i 1 t � '. � <br /> • „ <br /> eJ > . . 'J, . . �.� . ['.. ". . . - . . . .�f. .. . . : .� .� .....'� .� _.____ _���.[. , . <br />