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� <br /> � . : __ . . <br /> � •. • ` t . - -• - �,86tONMENTOi88NT8AIO8q �V' �� -�?'•�, —_ <br /> TH1811881QNMENTCPRBNTBRI�ERIamiQeendezeouta1thle ZAT� dqot �Y ,18 BT,�ndN :�, <br /> ___ Ipcorpar�tedlntotnd6h�IlbedeemOdto�menAintleupplementtheMOrt9�4eorDeetlotTruat,herelrmiterro(ertetlt9�ethe � <br /> -- "8�04flty�Iri�tNir180t",bf tiro e�nv d6te prven Ly Me und;rotpead,herolnnite�reterret!to pa tha"BOrrOwBf',t6 i80Uti .,_ "- <br />_-- 8orrticrePa InG�Dtednae,�erelnafter reterrad to ee the"NOtd',to HOMB FEDERAL BAVINaB AND LOAN ABBOOIATION OP --- <br /> QFL!ND18!!lNO;Mrehr.itsrro�er�edRoe�Ihe��Lendap�,oltnesame9ptsgnAC'!radnQthepropertydsurlCCdlnl�sBaaurity � -- <br />'?�1� InatrumeN end looatetl ah P`-s>,,,�.�.- <br />_ � 818 PLEA9RNTUIfW DR GflAND IBLRIW NEBRASKIi 68801 � <br /> t� t < <br /> .� (P�Op9rtyAtlQt0ea) Q, - . <br /> --- Y�iTNE88HTH: °-- - <br /> - v,,._.:.-_:_ <br /> �:� <br /> � WHEAEAB, BortowBr and Lender have egre9d that any reMe anU proflte altdDUtable to the propeAy ehoul0 constltute 'J~„;r <br /> ,� ndditton�l aaourlty to the Lentler tor the paymeM o1 the Note; ; , }�r� <br /> NOW,THEREFORE,Itlse reedNatthe8eourl InatrumeMShellbeamandedhereb anAOeemeAtolnoludethetollowin �� � � �� <br /> 9 b Y 9 �,_,:,:a,.r..>..,_l <br /> �:� Drovlelons: � L� '�+x� r = <br /> I � - <br /> -'�=�, 1. 0g$�anmeMOlNentaentlLenderNentalC011autlonHlehte.BO�rowerherebyab8olutelyendunoOndltlon811ye881gn8all '�K ��l r �-..' <br /> ,_h, ronte, lesuee end Droflte of iha praparty to Beneilolery. Landai e�ell have the rlgM, power antl euthority during the ,,1�* , <br /> -3'; aontlnuanoe of the BeaurBy InBtrument to oollaot the rente,Iseues anA Drofits ol the ro erty and ol an raonal D�operl '�°'-��c"°"""�- <br /> _ P P YPe Y �;,:i.,_�.'',,:c:. <br /> s��j� laated theraon with or without teklnp poeseaslon of tha property atteoted hereby. Lentler,however,hereby aonsente to s �< T,ra a=-. <br /> BoROwaPe oolleotlon end retenHOn of euoh raNe,leauee and profite ae they aarue and bewme payable,eo long ae Botrower ��r-�,� � _-- - <br /> t�� le not,at euoh tlme,In defaWt with reapect to payment ol e�ry Intlabtednesa seoured hereby,or In the performance of any - '� "� :':� <br /> .,i-� eyreement hereander, art�.)�i,*`.:;;` <br /> _3'� 8. A000lntmeM of Beoelver. I}any event oi Gafault In reepeot to ihe Becurity Inatrument ehell heve aCOUrreA enU be ��y�5�,t <br />._yT�, oontinuing, LendeR ee a mattar of rlpht end without notica to Borrowar or anyone clalminp under Borrowar,en0 wlthout r}��� <br /> .-, rapard to t�e velua of tTe truet eatete or the Intereat of tha Bonower tharein,ahall heve the dBht to flppty to any court having ,,�„��° '��- <br /> _-�� JutlaAlellon to Bpp0lnt e�84ehrei of tha property. }S Sr 4�3�-�. <br /> i,;;°� 9. Blaht to Posaeaelon.In oaea ot def8ult In the peyment of the ea1G prinolDal Note or Inteteat,ot eny Oert thereot ae it f � <br /> ahallmeture,orinthaoeeeolfalluretokeaporpaMOrmanyofthecovenentsoragreementewntalneGlntho8ecudrylnetrw ,,��x,�.,;,_- <br /> ment,than tha Lender,Ita suxeesore or eaeigne, shell be and le haraDy authorizad and ompowered to teke Immadlate � ;.�' <br /> poaseealon of tha eeld Dremisea theraln UeacrlbeE an0 to colle¢t tha renta t�arefrom,and to apDly the Droceada thereof to the t� i� � <br /> y�; p8y�lent Of iha Not9. ' �f'js' ' <br /> r�- 4. Aaollo tlon of R�Ma I .aaa en�Propea pp rnnen rai[ac�aa ey Landar or the receiver e�a116e applleA Hret to paymant _ � <br />,f y�' ot the eoate ot manepement ot the property anO colleotlon ol�ente,Including,but not IlmlteO to,recalver'e laes,premluma on t, � r` <br /> ° racelvaYe bontle and reaeone6le attornay'e fees,and then to tha auma aeouretl by the Securily Inatmment.Lantlar end the Sf�;?r�_-`__-, <br /> - ,�i re6elver ahall be Ilabla to a000unt only for those rente eatuelly receired. }a � �t _ <br /> .�l,�) 6. �@Qgtruotlon of Provielone.Eaoh of tha provleiona contained in thia Aseipnment of Rente Hider enA the Security Inatru• �.:�y ��` <br /> '.° ment ehall, unlese ot�amlae epeolflcally raqulre0, ba conetrued In flocordence with Nebrnske law,enC in t�e event any �;r��` .,. <br />,;,Ar Drovlalon hereln orthereln oontelnetl ehall ba determined by acourt ot com0etentJurleAictlon to be unantorceable,the neme rr1 � �'; '. <br /> -� -�• ehell be oonetrued ea l�ou8h auoh unanforceable provision wero not a part hareof or thereof. ,t ��1�� ` <br /> -2' B. Effeot of Ridet.Except aa epecilicelly motllfleC by or Inconaletent wlth thle Aasignment ot Rente HIAer or by flny ot�er �� x ,,FJ'k ':`. <br />_.._a DD P `'t,`°?4,;`:;�. <br /> -=��r• e Iloable ritlar,all ot I�e terma enA rrnisions coMalned In ihe 8 1 trument shell continue in PoII force antl eftect. . <br /> .. ;,,�.,: <br />-�-;rS:' .r,�i<`;4i°[�':". <br /> IN WITNESS WHEHEOF,Borwwer hae ezecuteA thi Aeai o nt er on the date Hrat noted ebove. _;�:4,,(,_y.r;.-, <br /> 4': u . <br /> f` i p F":: <br /> -`( J. LUANOrrowar �'` r.�. <br /> • ,.1�. x:.r..-. <br />��-;`e' `tI{__;a`;-ip:_.. <br />� ,$e YL. Llo:.i'' <br /> .-7 o�tower �< � ' <br /> .?�] DRRLN m. GIILVAf� ' <br /> �j � Ac <br /> -+�,� BTATEOF NEBRA8KA) ` �� i � , <br /> � ?�' (es: i ,r <br /> ��,�{� COUNTY OF HALL � ';? ��:�•< '-_ <br /> '':+ On ihla 24TH M0.Y 93 �g ry �y .".,+,i;i'� � <br />�,-�-�� qualltletlforaelAeo nty personellyceme mERLE J.�GALUIIN�AN�DpRLN(A4�GALURNPHUSBAND RND�WIFEdend ."��,�..,:�• -:�:,_; <br /> ;:'.S ...; <br /> � �� —.to ba the ICer.:it3!pecec.^.;s;whose name(a!islaro suOSedDgd �. - , <br /> �::,,i�,' to the loreqolnp Inetrument,anA helahe/ihey acknowleCgo ihe ezeculion Ihereof lo be�i9lherll�eir voluntery ed end Oeetl. � - <br />� WlMeee my hanA entl Notedal Seal et CRAND ISLRMD, NEBRRSKA � - <br /> _ In saltl eounlY/m Aate etor �eid. � - <br /> 6BFR4L IOTA9YdtiY d[�Dns� ' � � / <br /> � ��M1WODNIOM NoleryPUblie � <br /> i �0.Od.141995 <br /> `��� My Commiselon explrea: <br /> -s <br /> xsuvaea <br /> °`9i.j <br /> `ii� <br /> � , <br /> .''4� <br /> .'IS_A __ — _ _ — — — _ { _. . . _ . <br /> 4.._ . . <br />