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Cl\ ; '�:'. <br /> . .. . .. .�e�e_.. <br />. �• <br /> _.�:. <br /> t <br /> ' � .. ,bc o p n incl�+di attachcd (laor cu��:d�s,all wtndow ccsczru, '. V'�;�. <br /> . . tc+�etlier wlth all Iho tonemenb, hcrcditernenla nnd appurtcnancos the�cunl� I a,,i p, ng . <br /> window shsdos�hlintl�,atotm windnwa.owning�,headng.alr wnditloninF,and plumbing uad�vatorequlpme�taad accesso�ie�therato,pumpa,ataw�, - �' <br /> • °''� , �oftigo�ators,end uther fixWfca und equfpment now u�horcaftor attachcd ta ur ugcd i�i connectian with said roal cstato. `"�_ <br /> , :- -�---- i.nd wfia�c�,;ii�o�,i���o�t�agaf:�as agrc3 and du.:o hc:«Sy�gsee lhst !!se mosig,�az shal!end wlil Qay all taYes nnd assessmenta loWad ar ,,r _ s._ <br /> � assessod upun said pmmises and upon tM�mortga�o and tho bonJ secured thareby bolare Ihe same ahAll 6ecomo delinguent;to ftuNah enproved - — <br /> � insurunco upon tho bulidings an sald premises situnted In�ho eum c�P S7�1 Q 0.00 payahlo ta s�id ASS(�IATION and tn doliwr to sald <br /> •' � ASSACIATION Iho poUcic9 far aald in9u�anco;and not tu cammll or pormit ony waete an�r abaut aaid prcmiscs; � ` `. <br /> • ,... . ,, <br /> � '" -1 In wso af do�aull in the po�toim�nco oi nny oi ihc urms end cun3iiiuns ui ihi�m.•.iF+,���� it�o�arw a.:u::.3 ts:rs�;,lt�:m�st��shsl. '•== •• � � ' " <br /> an domand, Ao an1111ed to immodiato possession ol'thc murtgagecl promlxcs nnd thc mvn6ngi�r horeby AY91tji19, hansl'ots and sats oti�or to tha � ' ����� <br /> mortgagco all Iho�cnu,revonue�and ina�mo ta be dedvcd from Qw mort�.agcd promiscx durii�;eueh Ume us tho murtF�+go indebtcdnes�sh9A ror►�in �; • _ ;� <br /> , unpaid;and Iha m��rlgagec sh:dl havo Ihe p�wcr to nppoint nny agonl i�i agenls it may dcslie far the pu�posa uf wpaidng a�id premisea and ronting ; � <br /> � iho samo and colloctiny tho�unle,revenuee and income,and ii mny�y out uP said incame nll ex�on9os uf rapalring r,nid promisw nnd ntoousry �, <br /> a�mmissians and axponscs incutrcd in renUng ond manaf;inA tho a�mo anJ of cullecltng runt�is tliarofrom; tho balanca romlining,if any�ta bo ,. � <br /> appUod toward tho discha�ge c�t said mortgago Indo6tedness;lhase�I�1�uf�he mungagcc may bc oxe►ciscd at uny Umo durinA tho oxistontp aPeuch i <br /> dafault,Itres{wctivc of nny tompurary walvc�af tho samo. <br /> ' Thaso Presants,hawovet,nrc upan tha Candition,Thnt if�ho said M�mgagor eh�U�cpay suid loan an ui bofo�a tho matudty af said aharos by � <br /> ' ' paymont;pay munihfy ta a�+d AS5(H'IATIpN uf�ho cu�n spociflod ln tha 8ond scrurc�t hcreby a� intorost and principal on snid loun,on ur baforo , , <br /> " tho 7\ventloth day uf cacl�and ovo�y munth,until s�id loan le fully paid;pay all taxcs and axvossmon�s tovlcd agalnst eald promisce and on IhiA Mortgsgo I <br /> and tha pand socurcd Iho�eby,bofara dclinyuonuy;furmsh approvod insurs+nce upun Ihc buildinga ihcroun in tho sum of S 7, 10 0�0 Q payablo ; <br /> tu said ASS,(l('IATIQN;rup�y to sald ASSt�lAT1nN u{�c�ndomaud all muncy by It ptid fur such tnxos,nssossmenta and insura�ce with interost at I <br /> tho maxim��m Iegal�ata thorcon from dato af payment all uf whlch Morlgagot hoteby ogrcos ta pay;pormlt ao waete on said ptemises;kcop and camply <br /> with all Iho agrcemonta nnd c�+ndltians i�f'Iho Hond far S 7 100.O Qhl9 day given by tho said Mortgogar to s�id ASSQGIATION,and comply f <br /> �vith all Ihc requircmonis of tho Cannlltudan and Hy4nws of anid A550CIATIQN;thcn theso pretonte shnll bocamo nu11 tu�d void,athanvlse thoy i <br /> shall �cmain In full Porco and may bo Purcclosod�t Iho upNun af'tho uid qSSOC1ATiON aPtot fulluro W� throa manths ta mako any aP sald � <br /> paymonta��r bo �hree munlhs in arroars in makinp said manthly payments,ar tu kcep and cumply with tho a�reon�onte nnd conditlons of said Sond; � <br /> , and Morlgagor agrees ta haw n�cceiror appuin�cd Porthwith In such fi�recluvu�a pr��coodinga. <br /> If Ihore is nny change in nwnorship of tha roal esmto mortppgcd horcin,hy�lo ur uthenvisa, thon Iho amiro romaininF indobtadnosa horoby <br /> ' securod ahnll,at thc aplion i>t Tf�o f?quitablo HulldinR nnd Luan Assoclatian of l��and I�Iand,Nc6raska,bowmo immcdiately due ond payablc wlthout i <br /> funhor notice,und thc mm�Unt rcmoininp dua undor said bund,and uny uthor bond for any additional advanco�madc thotcunder,ahall,iram the ; <br /> dato of Cxatcise of said optioii,boar intaroat at tho maximum lagal rete.:ind thiv murtgngo may thsn bo f'oreclosod to satisPy the nmount duo an eaid ` <br /> . bond,and any oihor bond fur addiNunal udvanccs,togothcr with ali suma paid by said The liquitablo 8uilding und I�oan Aecoclation of Crand IeL1nd, <br /> Nobraska Pot insuianco,taxes nnd aacessmonit,and absirnctlnB extension charFes, �vith lnterest thoreon, from date of paymont at tha maximum <br /> logal ratC, <br /> As providuJ in Ihc Il�md cecured harehy,whilu this murtgagc rcm:dns in cfPect Ihe mortgagco may horeufter udvanco addltlonal sums to the <br />� mnkors nf sald Sond,ihuir assipna i+r xucccss��rs in imerese,which sums shall bu within the security of this morigago tha same aa the funds origlnally <br />• securod Ihoroby,tho totalp(�n nt nf pNncipal dchl nut tc�oxcccd at:my timo thu oNginal amaunt of tlus mortgugo. <br /> ; � ° .-� � -- ated ia i t � � day nf �1uns A.D.,19�a- <br /> g � ;.- <br /> pl,A AC•,C � !Z? � . <br /> �!C`�'PfYt e e c h � fl e t c�ft <br /> STATE OF NEiBRASKA, � p�����5 17 th day u( June 19�� ,bofnre me, <br /> COUNTY OF I IALL� <br /> tha undorsigned,a Notery Nubllc in und i'or snid County,porsonally cama <br /> Gai1 W . Leetch, and unmarriod porson, and Kenneth d . Leetch ond Mary J. Loetch <br /> each in his a�d her own right, and as spouse of each oth�jO are porsonc►Ilyknownto <br /> mo to bc the identic��l pessan 9 wtiosc name a a re ufflxcd to thc ab�ivc ins�rumont as mortgagor S and t h e y severally <br /> acknowlodged the sai�i inxtrumant to bo t h e].T vuluntary uct and deod. <br /> WITNQ'SS my hund aad Notorial Soal tho Jutc afuresaiJ. � ] <br />. My Commissiun cxpirea / �•1 � `a � • � �.•�� � ,( + - <br /> ���T�i,���y� � Notary PubUc <br /> �a�saM ni pAy�p F DOHMEN <br />- My Oe�.E�.Iwb�.199� � <br /> � _ i <br />