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<br /> �uv.Cncl'e_.,-�es.: ... ...... . .........._ .... . . . � � • _ `
<br /> �.:
<br /> ��'.'-"--
<br /> e :
<br /> - ., 1 EI'�t1t3R WIT.l1 ulllhe im mv.mc+nte na�v ur hnrcutlr.r orcc�esi nn thn�ra�r�ty, and nll n1�.npn�tit,p��i+Tt►;�ihte�Aix1 �Y� - .- _
<br /> - I�RII��9 I10W �tT Ilc'.ffARCC u ��n �Tf tha pretper�y, ,All r�plac..ni::nln i�nd a�IdlUoi�n .rhadl idr,s► 6o a>v��t�r:d hy titl�; Sa:urlly E", "'�'�" „�.�;:__
<br /> . .. Inrtrlueto�l. Alt oP�hc fi�rcF��iug(s r�[crn�l t��In �Id�+S�:curity In4ti�mnnt�►�.�I�o "Nn�per�y," ,.: :�.� =-
<br /> --- 13n�;ltCI�VRR C�VHIdAN'�3�hnt ik�m►�vcr i4luwtl�lly n�la�l af thp csUttu hcrc:by��:►m�uy�vl ttnd hav IPit�r►�hl tu�,r�tul wi+l
<br /> .� ta�< -s. -
<br /> -- - - r�r•cy thu ['+�1y a�s1 tluu thQ Pcap��ty i�. uncnti�t�mE�ar�.vl, exce�t fi�r u�ic�u�i�h��an+ks a�f nxvr�:, I���rrutvcr�vutntnt�;cunl �vlll _ q � �-
<br /> -- :•--� �f.Rd a�ttet�sllY(he!ltlN lo(hfl FI'njtCttV a�au�sl ali ctuun�un�i�iun�mi�iy,h4�t�JG�:11«unp �n�:uioi��un4:s ui n;�uru, � ; _ --,�, .
<br /> __ __ �•��tc�RCURITY INS'1'RUM[:NT cumrincs unifurm cuv�nu��te tiir nutlonnl ut�and nun•unifi�mi�v,���nnnte with Ilm�tecl �.'_� T �
<br /> -.��. - . vurintl��n9 by Jarisdictivn t�r cunstitutu n anitimn sccurlly In�tnament r�vo�i����kal p�apciry, -� --�-=�.�+4°T.
<br /> - UNIFORM GOVE:NANTS.tiurro���cr�intl I..e��idi:�ccn�cuu�it m�d n�n:�►►v G�llotv�; � _
<br /> - �, 1, Puymcnt a8�hincipnl mid lnscrest,I�`C}41yU1Cill 11R1) F.�I�t3 Chnrge9, l��irn�wcr tiha�l) �►rumpdy pav wt�qn du� thc �
<br /> psln�i�al oP nnd intcrest an Ihr.dcbl avidGnccd hy Il�o Nnta und nny prc:paymant nnd I��tc�chiu�as duo undcr thc Nuta ; .
<br /> =' 2. Fl��alq tar 7'axcv und 1i�.9uran�c, SahJuct to i+ppll�ahlu lu�v or ta a w�luc�n �vai�►ur b�� I.unctor, lituro��ar shull puy to .'
<br /> -.---::.-.- •
<br /> I.�cndcr on thc dny monthly p:+ymcnts arc dua umiar ih��Nulu,uiitll�ho Nata in paid in fl�ll,c�sum ("Funilt�'7 fiu: (iil yciirly Isxc: .- .-- .---- - �—
<br /> �- - nnd u:se::°rn�nts u�hich mss� �+ttui»p��nrily av��r tbia S�cur�ty In�:trornont �is a Il�n un th�Propoitv; (b)pcurly Ica�chal�i pnymcros �, ,
<br /> ;:�,�_� or gr��und rents on tho Property,if nny;(cl ycurly hi�r.nrd��r prop��ray intuirnncu pr�miurns; (�lf yeurly ticxxi insurancc prcndumr.. . -
<br /> if iiny; (o)yc+irly man�a�c insu�unco promiume, iP uny; and(��nny hums ��yublu hy t3arru�vcr ta I.�endur, In accorci�inca with . . � ,
<br /> Ih�pr��vi9ions of paa�;raph R, in licu af th� Qnyment of nmrti�nuo iasur,�nca pix:mium�. Thcsc ftcros am callal"I?sc�aw Itcntr." ,,
<br /> 4cndcr mny, nt�ny dmc, coltect und hnld Funcis In +►n �mminl nrn ta uxsccd th� nu�xi�tuim umount n lcndcr far �� Fc�lcrully
<br /> related mort�agc lat►m m�y rcqufm fur 13iirro�vor'y uscrow accwmt undar thn fi.�iurul Ittinl Bsi+�tc Scttlemcnt Pmccduroy Art��f. .
<br /> 19TQ ns nmendul fmm tima tu dma. 12 L�.S.C,Sccti��n 260f. er scy, ("RECPA"), utduss tm��th��r luw thut upplicy ta thu FunJy • ; •• �
<br /> �������`�<.�. . scts o Icsscr aniaunt, if sa, Lcndor mn�f, at uny dmo, cuU�:ct and hold Funds in un umount ni�t w cxccc�l tha lcsscr nmuunt. �:,..�.,L_�
<br /> ' � l.cndcr may estimntc�tho umount of Funds duo on tha bnsi�vf cucnut ��;v�.and rc.isonnblu csihnt�tc:s of��xpcndihucs��i futurc � • :
<br /> , ..�� QS�i'111'�tCT•1S Oi OQQIC:'!�'1c•: !Sl_°L`LY�IC�(1!ll`t�vitt�:��Z�t�il•1111��� �NW. • . . �
<br /> , '��"`��' ,�'�'• Thc Funds sfiall bc hc1J in ;:.a ic�s:it��tiv� w hi�sc �1cw�:��s .:ic. insur��1 b a f c c icr•i l a:c�u)', i n�u u m c n W l i�y, ��r c n t i t y <:; .'� ,"�{f�."'
<br /> � ;� t Y ' 1 y . 14'�
<br /> ' `` ++`� ''��'• (iiicludi��Lendcr, if L.cnctcr is su��'��n�nstit��tivn?ur in�ti��t'a��.ral l�lamc l.nun pank. l..cndcr shnll ugply tAc Ftcixas a�pay thc � � ,�. �'�,'_;;
<br /> .4�Z�`•'.'�`�� � ' 6scrni�items. Lcnd�r nmy nat ctim.L�,c I�,r^U�zcr f'ur huidi�at2���apqlying thc Runds,annuuUy unulyring thc cxcro�v acY,uunt.ur ?::,.' - .l.
<br /> ',',.:•;:.':i::��.:
<br /> � �crifj�ing tho Escmw itum�,untc,��ri�4�r�:�ys C��r�u��cr interes��n ihc FUnds i�nd upplicuMc I;i�v Exnuits Lc�idrr tu nutko such , '�:�.,
<br /> � ,`�'��,�' tt chAr e. Howevor, 4cncicr may ��;�:ir� iiur���er to paw a rnr�time�S�art�fur an indcpendcnt r�ul estute tax���rting scrvice ''� -
<br /> .;: �.:.' � . .
<br /> '�• • usec� h►• 1.�;��dar in conncction ��i�'► tAir luan, untc:�� sp�rfir�;h[c IHw pra��icics uthcnv���. Unic�s un agrecn�rnt is mudc ar ��
<br /> � .,`�``':� �. applicablo luw rcyulres intcres!tU b�:ptiid, la;ndar shtdl nc�t l�e re�;�irc�i to pay fiorrowcr a»y intcrcwt ur u�rnin�s uii tht Fund�.
<br /> Bonowor and l.ondar mny ug�o in �vritin�, hmv�vor, tht�t intc�rose +hc+ll hc p�id un thc Funds, l..cnd�r shull givc w Rorrawc�. ��,
<br /> withnut chn�ga, �n unnunl AccountinA c�f thu Fundf�, shuwin� croditfi :mtt dcbit5 to thc Fund�und thu purposc tor �vhich ciich
<br /> cichlt to thc Funds �vtts mttdt+. Tha Fund�,ilf�nI(3iiuot������aaiuom,l �ccuritu fnr nll sums sccurcd hy thi.r•Sccurity In+trument. ',;:.
<br /> -__ _ , "
<br /> lf tho Fun�iF hald hy landcr cxccc�tha �m�nint�permittcd tu hc hcld by.�pplicnblc luw,I.�:ndc�shnii acc��unt tn i3orrowcr -
<br /> �; _
<br /> far tho oxccss runds�in nccorduncc with tho rcquircuicntx af upplicahlc Inw. lf�hu umuunt uf ihc Fund�hcld hy l�:ndcr u1 uny .
<br /> timo Is nat suf'flclont t�pay thc Rscruw Itcmti whun duc, l�;ndcr muy�o nntify f�urruwcr in writing, und, in surh rusc Hurrawcr ,
<br /> _._.__ . .. . -:-_ . . _ . _y. __... • .... �M. -- .. � _ _-_-..—_
<br /> _= shn!! pny tn l,unde�tha umount ncreswry tu makc up mc ucncicncy. Aorrawc��n,iii uwkc up ii�o.i�i��i����r :���z m;j��••�,cn �" �` 9,
<br /> twalva manlhly puymcnte, ttt l.t:ndcr's tiole�iisr�ction. ` '
<br /> Up�m pi+ymcnt in I�p ��f+dl .um� sccurcd hy thiti S�curity lntitnuiiunt, lAndcr �hull prumptly rcfund tu Ilorrawvr uny �
<br /> Punds hold hy I.cndcr. II, undcc paragriiph?.I,l.�ndcr tih;dl ucquire.nr +all thc Pr��perly, La:ndcr, prior t��thu cirquisiNun ur�alc , `'
<br /> c�f tho Ptoperty,shi�ll upply any Funds hcld hy landcr ut�he timc uf ua�uisitiun ur.idc us u crcdit.�gninti� thu tiumti+ccurcd by i
<br /> this Security In�quiucnt.
<br /> a.AppliGUti�n oi'Paymcnty. Unlcss appllc:ablu luw prnvidcs athLrwilc,nll puymunt�rocciv�l hy l.cndcr undor puragraphs �
<br /> 1 and 2 +ht�ll t►c uppUcd: �irst. ta any propuymcnt churges duc uncicr thu Nutc; sccund, tc►umoums puyublu undcr para�yr�ph 2; �
<br /> thi�d, tu fntor�st duo; faurth, ta principul auc;und last, to:�n�• latc chargcti duu undcr lh� Nutc. �
<br /> 4. Cttur,�a; l.icns, Bc�rmwcr xhull puy all taxes,AssCStiar,lCpEs,rhiugcs, �incs and impositiuns auributublc t��thu Praporty �
<br /> which may atuiin prio�ity over this Sccurity Intitru�mcnt. ,inc4 Ica�ehuld paymcnts or grc�und rems, if any. Banowrr shull pay ,
<br /> U�c:�ablibUlions i�thc mi�nnc�prc,vided in�.1(i1't`,IFlp�l�, or if not paid in�hut miinnar, Burr��wcr shull pay them uu timc dircctly i ;.;':,:•.
<br /> cu dee person owed paymcnt. Borruwer tihull promptly furniYh to L.cnder all noticcti uf amaunta to be p,�id under this paragraph. � • � .
<br /> If Rorrnw�r mnkcs thcse piryments dircc�ly, Hnrmwcr shall promE�tly furniah tc�l.�ndor rcceipts evidoming thc puy�mcnts. � '
<br /> B�irrowcr shnll prampAy dischurgc any licn which hus p:iarity�+v�r Ihis Securiry Inslrumcnt unlcss flurra�vcr. (�l.�grccs in ; '
<br /> •, writin&ta tho puymcnt of thc obli�utinn sccurcd by thu licn iu.�munncr acccptublc to l.endor;(h)c�mtc�ts in�uiui fuith�hu liun ,
<br /> hy, or defends ugainst enfarremant uF thc lien in, Iegal proccedin�s wfinich in thu l.�:nder's upiniun operatc to prevent tho �
<br /> �:nfu�:emcnt of thc licn;or(r) sccures t'rc�m thu hi�ldor��f ihc lion ;ui agreemunt tia�isfuclury tn l.�ndcr+uhi�rdinating the lien to �
<br /> this Security Instrumcm. li I.�ndor dctcrmines thut any pan uf ihc pro}wrty is suhjcct tu a licn which mny att:tin priority ovcr I
<br /> ' , thls Sccurity Insuvmc�t, I-andor nury givc Born�wcr u n�nicc idontifying ehc liun. B�irmwcr shull�atisfy tho licn��r takc ono or
<br />- .. moro ot ihc actians 5ct forth ahovc within 1(1 duyy uf thu givin�c�f nuticr.
<br /> Form 3028 91A(1
<br /> PiUo7o�8
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