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I� _ f � S 23 � -. . -.i _✓ � � y � r � �" .L�y-5 ` �� — <br /> h <br /> i r �.-�t� 1. ��---r Ir i _ �•j S�l._i_ - ���, S-.a_ :� ��4 1.('rr- lt-s - '_ _.' _ <br /> j ,f . l . .,l f � � � <br /> t . �� . 'f h • _ �roi � - h' S� ` <br /> } �/ . i - �( v t - _f� -�_{Itl� j�� <br /> o t �1.; <br /> S `p � �< � f � ' ' �� �� , .��-'. . a;� �y f�� t�3, <br /> , � - BXHIBZT ���AM I��`,''rS�.OA{��� r''n � -- - <br /> _ �� <br /> PdY091 ij - . ` � <br /> :y�. <br /> '.1_ _ . . . ' �_:.. -..� �. <br /> ' .. . .. . . , .:ti .��_ <br /> . .. ' _ ' . . � . ... . . <br /> _ .. � _ . _ . . _ .._'i'�__ . . <br /> ' � . ...• . . :: . . . " . � ._.. .__.d'-_ ..� . . {".. <br /> . il�e Nartfi Twv-Nundted Elovun (211) feeb aY the Weat One-Third�(Wl/3) nPrlrit ° `� <br /> On� (1). wi�aoiur��e Subdiulaion of e part oP tt�o Weat Half oP the NorEhRast 'Quarter ° <br /> (W'}/'l NE 1{A) nnd e par� aF tho East Hall' af the NucLlroeat quarber (E 1/2 NW 1/A) of <br /> - 8ectian Fourtoen (lA), in Toumahip Eleven (11) North, Ranqe NSne (8) Weat of the Bth <br /> p.�l,� H311 County, Nebreslca. . <br /> Paroel 2 t --` . <br /> 6 Y�n,� :_ <br /> Part uf Lho Northoast querfer of the Northeast quartar (NE 1/4 NE 1/4) of — <br /> 5oction 7wenty One (21), in Tuumship (1]) Nurlh, Benge Nlne (9) Weat of the 51xth P.A1., �i ? �, <br /> ��;.- <br /> mute particulnrly Joar_rlbod as followat to-Wit: Coirvmncing at a paint on the southerly .eF;,r.�. <br /> bounJaty llna uf Olclnharo llvenue, in the CSLy oF Grand Islend, Nebreske, which point, 3'�ua '. <br /> ie 60 feoL suutluuoaLetly of tF�e intersectlon of tfie aosteily boundaty line af Clark, <br /> 3��n::� <br /> Sttaet� !n sald ciLy� w1Lh the aoutherly bwndary line of seid Oklahane llvenue, thence .� <br /> continuing in o Soulhweaterly diraction alang and upon the aoukherly boundary line of �-l��,: <br /> �::lsh�:a 1!va:::��, far a slLste.^.ce oF �� feet� lhe�ice *�!!vel�g i.n e Southeasterly dlrection� �^si�-,-:"'�� <br /> parallnl w1Lh tlfo WACGerly line oF Clatl< Slreet, for o dletance of 130.6 feet, more N� ,_ <br /> or lass ln tha NurLh9rly boundary linu of lhe C, D. d Q. fl. R. Oolt llne right of way, �{i,� ,.-�_ <br /> runniny tl�ance Ln a nnrLhnasterly dlracLlan along und uGon said R. R. right of way, ;cj"i,i�Y�4;,,�.____ <br /> and perallel mtlh Lha southerly llne ol' Olduhuma Avenue, fcr a dtatence of 68 feet� •7�3','!�st«;;�: <br /> runniny tlir�rn:a ln a nurttnuesterly direcllon, f�arallel mith the Weat line of Clark SEraet, ^"�•�`"�"��'=`-`�� <br /> for e dlslance of 130.G feat� more or lnss, to lhe plece of beglnning. ?'"f`.r'a�=;.;' <br /> .;1��";:�:�,�.. <br /> ;�,rr9;`S!M_.���s- <br /> ',E't1�..y: <br /> ai���f� Y. <br /> , -.: ni,_.,.- <br /> :'�fv,'jl•'��t���' <br /> ,(�G'�:�k';:1�; c <br /> •»�.<61:'..i.�_;.', <br /> �S'q�::-' <br /> i'Y.r.v`,ra� "' <br /> ;.';c �,�1.�• '�•t`: <br /> .>_.�y'i:i_�W:?�' <br /> �'�i����A'2 <br /> .�1��4��1�.(�i�yF`:. <br /> :�<flr;±�;::.:_ � <br /> :y;T <br /> . :�Y�;�'s.�,;;- - <br /> ;4,�.,Si-�.;, <br /> �, ,:��,-"•. <br /> ::3;Vt?',;`'�;'k�: <br /> �h:.>',:.�;Y,i"__.. <br /> rt::r'F:'_i'iij.': <br /> :�;...,�.:=���. <br /> t;f,.��:";`;:�r:. <br /> :;l��` '.l'= <br /> {)�'`�� <br /> t�. <br /> � .-� -+` -.t�l� SST' 'T --���—tiT"ri� .e+"'""t 'Y`1"j..^'l'Tz',^^"""� _ � 'j� J - T t5. � .. <br /> S1: <br /> y -i.l .-�� .( Y 3X�ry � ' , � � ...� . � - r - - s''� � ` ' -:i: - - <br /> { ,a . { Y s � - ' -� . t - ' a " <br /> __{C_�°,:.: .�:�_..�._.f x _� 1-.� . ` .(.. - l. <br /> _.�._ ,+..�.. �.r�y + <br /> `� ' y! � .� _- + -. p ! � - �:_- <br /> .ttt L i6 l - � � - � i�.' P _ �. � r � -�".t� ' <br /> � r y_- � j - _ • _ . <br /> ❑ t t-"� iP ( F fr -. l � < � U . � � rTSt-1 {r�7- l - t t <br /> u Z_eSi -.. r t { > i c �.� t � - . _!a r ! � t � r 1• <br /> L, �� ' tL . 'YL � ' � � f ' , }; �t� f•SS 4 £ <br /> ;i 1 . i4 0� �` �i ? .. t. J -�` , t � 5i S - r . a _ - ; ` <br /> � - - � i t - } .�- c� _� Y � � 1 - � ,,, ' s.:F r ` <br /> � �. �{. � � � 1 � - _ ' � - - � t � . <br /> )� i f� - � � r:�� { � i R � � ' . <br /> 1 l �f � � - y. i}2 : � � FF,Y�r -. .Jt ` . � i a - y��F �Y �( ! 1 .� S � - .. <br /> � � 7 _ \ y �- � 1 `J� t+ � `JSt,� t *�tti y�s t ti /e ff"J. �!{ _ i � > � �t t f 4 � . ..� <br /> t 1 <br /> 7A5{ � � � �5�� iHA� .t i� �i4�j ��;� �i �. ,ly�, 5t: ��� � ♦ . 1 ) .i _ 'y t . � <br /> t �- <br /> tf 3. :rh�; ""p ZaP,;- ., tS [.}..�,.L , i. _ . � ��.s.... ! . � � --, t � ._, ,. . . . ��a. .d �-� �} � 1��j� . ..-�� ._ .. <br />