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<br />�ti. � Qiving and Qranting unto sald Attornayin-Fact tho tull power and authority ta do and pe►farm each and every acl. . _
<br />:•>;��� ' � deed matter and thing whatsoevor requlred and necessary ta ba done In and about tha taregoing,as tully as the , .,
<br /> undersigned might or could do if p�rsonally present and acting. ;
<br />,,'� � � � 'I The undaraigne9 4�arthar direct ihat thls Powe�01 Attorney shall take oYie�t Immadlately and ahall be Irrovucabir� �
<br /> ��'�,'� � ' unlass and untll suct�time as thera is filed of recard a duly acknawlodgod revocation af ihls inatrument in the sama ;
<br /> 'f;' �I oftice in�vhich the instrument contalning thls powar is roco�ded. '
<br /> i i
<br /> � �I Thp undersigned daes hereb�authorize said Attorney-in-Fact to relinqulsh all righ4s of dowor, homestaAd and ;
<br /> � � �'`' �� � distributive share in and to any real estate described herein in which tha underaigned has an interest. i
<br /> ;,
<br /> ' II Worda and phrau�os harein, Including acknowledgemant hereof, shaN bo conatrued as In the sngular or plural
<br /> ------ numh�r,end as mescuUne or temiNe gander, According to the co x.
<br /> `,,c� 1 �
<br /> Dated: �1 i�1�, 19��_ _ _'B Z- 2" __�� .�-----�
<br /> Charlene M. asse n .
<br /> II � — _
<br /> �I STATEOF FLORIAA. � � ` tL_ COUNTY, SS: ;
<br /> ,� On _�_�__`�---- _ 19�� , bororE m�,the undersfgneol. �Notary Publlc ;
<br /> . I� y ���� ,
<br /> �� In and for sald State,persana�:��a�peared ��Y���' �p� �-���'�`-"" —� .,
<br /> �.tq m4 known tp 6e the identical persans named In�nd�vho exocuted the foregoing
<br /> �� � � Instiutnent,and acknowled �!'that thoy ex cuted t md as their voluntary act ,
<br /> II . ., `��f�nrd p'esd. . -- . '``- _ i
<br /> �I � �, r..:� rJy��C. :;}nIE OF FLOHI --`---
<br /> , � � : .,, .:u�+�s��51ar+rr��mFS:oct.x�. �oeZ. ,Notary PubllC and for sald State �
<br /> . I '�D,or�uGU'ry�R(��bT7�T7V'i'UIISlII17R�11���T�R�— �`jl„�/� / :
<br /> �"��\I� :�
<br /> ' --.�t .. - . _ 'r .... r'' . . - - ' - . . 11i POWER OF ATTORNEV�SHORTj ' t. .
<br /> �" ,� i . Hor�e,CJJ.,'V I�ig) i .
<br /> ir s P�n!r�h�o 1938 � .__.
<br /> II . . .. .... .. . . _. ._ _ �
<br />