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' � f KSY� . t �-teJ�__.._U f- 1� .. : 1 eu'i,E r - I -- F � -` J <br /> i� �1"� - .,�_1_-Yi�..r� i 7 ..,..�ws .�� 1Y[-:'.�L_3.��� _ Fs :� ..i 3' . .. <br /> �t�rvt- ��4 � .n 4;r $ �_," 8� � ! 1 •�� . _ 75 Y . .��f►� ��Lr: �, }�kt �t ,����.—.. . .. ._. <br /> -- L+ � r� � r -r G ,�t��ire r Y) . � .t - <br /> - .'+ t •.ys � �- '< <� ' i...i .��GNN..o.[i1Td���1 t - . �� s t �s. : ° i-. <br /> . }Tf�lei1881G�{ME�I Q�REf� AHID6A1�rh�M�n��it�ou(aOIPo+ ' t.—�.�?-r-�ayd�,�.,.=. V� .�> > ���;�t.., i�+y � <br /> � rjlFary�ita0ln�b���n�ltW�N(I1WtOfJn�iWw�dNDDI�m�ntlhl��SdAyp(�b�litsOdNttual;�1� ere�n��Afi6lDkr�tli0 �iy�,h-`: <br /> _ • ...���� � � Zi�a ral9ru({X h� 11� <br /> : :• ;'d10Yf7iY�ir�i�ly�ifii�i aranr.:�ier7r�iiy �r�a ar aw N wy�v�w�.+�v�w��� ��-�G o�, . a�1�}i 0)tCwu ..CrS.'_ .— <br /> � aw►rs�nu�kt�pnesa,fiifaid�tsi�rarsrgd�tb�etn.�h�ole'��toNOM@�dERALBAVItQ�ANDf,p�A2dI188ffD,i�7�b�(QR ; <br /> �i��ra. .�� �..�.� .� ..�....�en�.��,,�.ai.�ar�e����te daoraBnpthOPIQA�thdeearlge¢lR4A�16��r14V <br /> ,�.-�����n...,.�,�� �. ... <br /> � matruinene;�ndtobatadai:. •� " ' ' � 4 <br /> r:• ':� 51'L E �ISfANNK+ GfIRND �LRF� �,i9ApSKA 68861' ' — -.�;,--�-+ <br /> � . , <br /> -. •- . . � . 4PIODa1�YAaarq g _. ? ,�. .,- .. . .. <br /> ' VIIIYNES88THf , •� _ _ <br /> •�� _ . ' <br /> � . < WH��EAB,Bo�rowec�nd lende�have epraetl t�et any ronte end D�oflte-aftrlDutabla to t�e DroDeAy ahould Con�tIt4S0. ,.�n <br /> -- 4ddftlondt eeoddty tb Me tender for tho p�YmeM oi the Note: ? <br /> — NO�,THEREFORE,Itleepraedth�tthe8aourltylnatrumentsheilDeemenAedhereDyandCeamedlolnoWdsthePolfowtep <br /> provle ones <br /> t, e•nianmentotRentaendLenee�ReMel(3olleotlenRlonte.6o/rowerharebyabaoluteryandunoontlitlonallyeaaipn691f - �. . <br />`—— - ronte, leduae and proflte of the proporty to BaneOolary.Lander ehall have the dgM, power and authodty tluAnp tfie <br /> ---- 6ontinuanab of tha Beourliy Inatrument to aolleot the rente,lesuea and praf ifa of the D�operty and ot eny OBreonal DropeRy - <br />��-- looatetl 1h6reon with or wit�out teking poeeaselon of ihe propedy alfeoted hare6y.Lender, however,�ereby oonaants to <br /> -- �orrqwOr�oolleodon and retentlon ol euoh rente,lewee an0 proBte ee t�ey accrua and Decome payable,so lonq ao Barower - <br /> „r-;� Is nOT,ot suaA ttme,In default with raepaot to payment of eny Inde�tednees eeoured hareby,or In the partormanoe ot any _._--. <br /> � �preement hereundar. <br /> n�: <br /> �. Annolntmeni o1 Recelver. If any avant of delault In respeot to t�e Seourity Inetrument nhail have 000wred end be , <br /> �L` continulnp, LanOer,es a mattar of rlght enU wlthout notice to Borrowar or anyone olaiminp under Borrower,and xlthout �4 _ <br /> '�� t0pitdtOthBYL1U90tthOt�uetBetflt90�th01nter6ltofthoBOnowO�thgrBln,ahallhavetherlg�ttoepplyto8rryoouAhevinp <br /> 1A�i;, Jurledlollon to aDDOlnt a�aoelver o}the proDarty. ° u - <br />:;.._�:`;� 9. Alaht t Po�g,seaeslon.In oale Of tlatault In thB peymBnt of the eeld D��n01Del NOtO o�IntBr68t,o�lny pert th8�901,Bs It ,r`._u, . <br /> � �ddd e�tllmature,orinl�BOBaeoffalluretokeepmperPormanyoft�eoovenanteoregraemeMecontalnedlnlhe8aouritylnetru• _ <br /> r� ,,,III ment,t�en t�e Lender, Ite euace8eore or eselOne,ehall be anE Is �areby authorizad anC empoweretl to take Immadlate ��' � — -- <br /> ,� poeeeeaionottheealdpremleeat�erelndeaarlbedendt000naotlherenUfheretrom,anUtoeDP�Ylhoproceetlethareolrothe , �s� . _ <br /> �'f�c. DaYment of the Nota � •� �° � - <br /> '-�_ �. Aonlloatloo9f Rents.leaues end Protite.All rente oolleoted by Lentlar orthe recelrer shall be applled flrot to peyment 4�'�'Y-0 ;;� �_ — <br /> �. f� <br /> n of t�e coate of inenegement of the properly an0 aolleotlon of renle,lnoluding,but not Ilmited to,recelver's feea,pramluma on ��+�T,r �-�> <br /> - �� recelvOr'e bande and receonable ettomeys teae,enC than to the eume eeaured by the Secvtlty Inatrumant. Lender end tha l�J y4+.{� : <br /> �>l� reoaNe�ehell be Ilable to ecwunt only for those rante aotually�aaelved. � ��;%}� - <br /> 6. atnwllonofProvlalona.EaohoftheprovislonecontalnedlnlhleAeeignmentotRenteRlderantlt�e8acwitylnetru• ��-�r}r�ir�,�fi _ <br /> ,,,i�_ ment sh�all,unlees othanvlae spaolNOally requiretl,be oonatruatl in eeeordanca wlth Nebraeke law,flnd in the event any ��i(;`„F�,`t�+{�,Y --� <br /> �i r;� ptrnlelon hereln o�therain aontelned ehall be datermined bya court of compatont JuBShcotlon to Da unenfacea6le,theeame 5S i� �r'5;,�,�(f_, <br /> ehell be conaWad ea thouph such unenforceabla D���e�on were not e pert hereof or thereof. u qF� ?,`,�o,�� � - <br /> r'• 8. E(feotofRlder.EzceD�eeepaolfloallymoAltiedbyorinconelstenlwlththlaASaignmentofReMeRiderorbyarryoihar 3°��._?�F,�� '�3]� <br /> y��f epD��oabte rider,all of ihe terms entl provisione contalned in t�a 8ecwity Inetrument ahall continue in(ull forca antl elfeot a��+'�>•�� ,���' <br /> :r .. M;� �'x;ti.�tr <br /> r'�. IN WITNE88 WHEREOF,Borrower�ae azecute ttr R Ign ent o a ts Hider on the tlate ttrat noted above. °y+�S� x i s�� '1;,_`;- <br /> �f_ � �55 s+p � � :. <br /> -iti.,i � ..r< ��j�i j���.�,'•;. <br /> ;, �Jower � j� � �,,,:: <br /> .� . 1 1 i�i. .rjrE9X>e "+ -: <br /> �c:. (f L L� . �/ �h/�_ ,r)si)�r���,°��t�;: <br /> -'' � ITH A. 70RGE��°1 a� it�.�i4nriylt�.5.�c.'-�. <br /> . _ ._a� .-,. <br />..:��'• STATEOF NEBRASKA) `_:_dtr':�_��.��-., <br /> ,.� (es: cy f <br /> -v � - � --'�r�il y j ' <br /> _ ��; COUNiY OFHALL ) � \ i;,8�r i , <br /> n� � <br /> On Nle_21$L day of MRY ,7g�_,Eefore me,the unAeraigned,a Notary PuDnc Cuiy commisalonetl and � --; t �•' <br /> ' 7FFC 0. TfIRCFNSFN Nfl 71pITH il. 70Rf.FNSEN HI14pAN0 11M1 ��+;�.�„'J��;J1����:= <br /> �' quelifled for 6eid county,peraonally came <br />;:_,s::.' _ .. <br /> -• WIFE .to 6ethe Itlentical peraon(6)whose name(9)18fare au0urlbetl <br /> f�;� t0 t�e Ior9g01nB Inatrument,entl�elshelthey aeknowleCBe the exeeutlon Ihereot to be hielheUthelr votuntery eet anOEeeA. F �� <br /> f <br /> -.; Witness mynenE enA Notetlal3eal et GRRND ISL0.ND NEBRRSKR � f - � <br />°.-�:7;,. -- <br />.�_�-.r ine iAeoun . ate oresei i , � <br /> C <br /> .;i=<' � YF�' � _ . <br />::��i3:�.: N �ry PobliC t <br /> t : �///r<_ <br />-'�z.`.; My Commlaelon exptrea: — - <br /> � <br />�-'�:`,"• wemort»n .. <br /> - E(IFRIl P7flRV�Sti11 N C�Oruu . <br /> N7LLVJA L MttEl1N� <br /> `.�`�,. ltl0.aa E79�IWL 1L 1996 � <br /> ,'(£:` <br /> }� <br /> 5 <br /> 4 Y� � <br /> �t <br /> :r'Y'� <br /> l <br /> ''� .__ _ _ _——_ _�.,�: .... .... .. ... <br />